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Every time I took a taxi in a foreign country, I got scammed.
>not using a (in app paid) taxi app

honestly since Uber / Bold / Didi / Careem / Ola / ... etc. exits
I always research the most popular taxi app and use it

i don't even know how I would take a "normal" Taxi
never did in my life
just reading about all the scams verifies me in this
Every time you paint a wall, the room gets a little bit smaller.
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>use bitaksi in Turkey
>the drivers only use it to get to you in their car, then cancel it on the app and take cash only
>can't use the promo discount
>get scammed with a different price to his meter
>asks for tip
>pretends to not understand when I tell him the price is too high
I took taxis in Tokyo and Kyoto and I feel like they charged me a fair price. Even at night it was only like $30 to go from like Shibuya to Akabane because of inflation, in New York a trip that long would probably cost like $50-70
leave the car as soon as they cancel the ride!?

not sure how bitaksi works, but usually they show you past canceled rides
otherwise always screenshot

>and take cash only
"sorry I don't have any cash"

though this is bad advice for any country with corrupt police
Turkey should be fine
but in countries like Egypt the police will literally conspire against you

If you really must take a taxi, make the hotel concierge order one for you (if you stay in a hotel)
taxi drivers are scum the world over and always have been
>I took taxis in Tokyo and Kyoto
...with the possible exception of japan. also probably the nicest cleanest taxis i have ever used. do drivers there still wear uniforms?
This is so fucking weird
I hadn't taken a taxi in 10 years, I couldn't get an Uber one weekend night in Vienna. We took a 10 minute ride from a bar to our hotel in a taxi. The driver tells us that he only takes cash and then tried to charge us $20 more dollars to drive one block to an ATM. I handed him the original fare and just closed the door in his face while he screamed and bitched. I forgot how fucking scammy things used to be before Uber.
Yes they still wear uniforms. At least in those black taxi vehicles.

OP, download any relevant ride share app before visiting a country.
I had to wait 40 minutes for the only taxi I took on my recent trip to Asia. Walking is for peasants, but being able to cover a bit of distance on foot with my bags helps me feel a little more empowered. Having a bit of an ordeal in the midday heat every few days is good when you live in lazy leisure. Shower and change clothes after check-in.
>I don't have any cash
that's called theft of service. your begpacker ass gonna spend a night in jail
remember taking a taxi with family 15 years ago in Barcelona. the driver turned off the meter partway through, said it wasn't reading right and he'd have to restart and add it back. ended up charging triple what it should have been. on my current trip to Europe I just walk or take bus/train everywhere because of the anxiety of dealing with that type of shit again.
>Every time I took a taxi in a foreign country, I got scammed.
For a female, it can be sort of dangerous to get in an random uber or wave at a taxi that picks you out of a crowd. Exception might be NYC.
So, If possible, have the hotel send for you from the airport like you're a VIP, or use the booths some airports have to regulate their taxis. I always use the 1-2 drivers that work for a hotel as "well, they're already vetted"
It's only happened to me once, and I think it was an anti-American in Athens bitching about how the US govt wouldn't bail them out. I forgot to check the price before getting in.

When in Eastern Europe, I might prepay through a travel agency type of booking company, including transfers and get that stuff on a single credit card payment to save fees and avoid spending my pocket cash later. These kind of agencies can get you into 4stars for a better deal. I might do the same thing somewhere like Costa Rica, where you may take several buses between the three zones to go to Torteguera, the cloud forest, the city, the spas, and the rain forest. You won't be driving yourself in a rental car except for a portion of the trip.
Kek the only time Ive ever been scammed by a taxi was also in athens. Got picked up at the port and driven way out into the boonies before he was like
>alright give me 300 bucks or I’ll drop you off here in the middle of methville and all my goons armed with knives here kill you
One of the goons there even brandished a glock at me. I have no idea why people visit gayreece. It’s more dangerous than mexico
This is why I tell dudes to lift and do martial arts. Most scammer cabbies are very old or very fat or both. You have a very good chance at beating the dude and making a run for it and getting away with it. Usually when the cops are corrupt, they are also too dumb and lazy to track down runaway goys.
Just research ahead of time and negotiate. Trust me there is a lot of competition when it comes to Taxis so you should have no problem getting a good deal. All it takes is a tiny bit of effort.
>He doesnt know that taxis are a literal mafia
They are a Mafia but having A fare is better than no fare. You just have to grow some balls and speak with your chest. Not aggressive but be firm and be prepared to simply call another taxi company and that's always enough to get a fair price.

Maybe it's different in Europe/Asia but I'm speaking mostly about the Caribbean or South America
see me fucked up been fucked out of my own mind my thoughts will never be shallow
Coming into a third world shithole and stepping into the chaotic environment right outside the international terminal at the airport is basically a guaranteed scalping. I’m cheap so I’m always getting in at like 11:30PM and all I want to do is get to the my accommodation. Forking over double price to a taxi driver is just a cost of doing business.

After a week or so I’m in the groove and more comfortable haggling and things are way better. I try not to use them very much but sometimes it is the only option.
I’m American and this used to happen in the USA too. Taxis were crooked as fuck until Uber/Lyft took over. Now taxis are usually cheaper than Uber, but they’re always driven by angry foreigners
When they tell me a ridiculous price I just snort and start to exit the taxi. 90% of the time they’ll counter with half of the original price, which is still overpaying most the time. I had a driver in Pattaya ask for 300 baht to go less than 5km to my hotel. I snorted and reached for the door handle and he laughed and countered with 100, which was still overpaying but I’m a rich white man in his eyes so who cares. It’s $3

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