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What is it with Priority Boarding? They always call groups 1-2 first like they should but then everyone in the other groups randomly lines up behind them in disorganized clusters without knowing if the person in front of them is the last person for either of the first two groups, which means they don’t know if they’re actually getting called next or if there’s more members of group 1-2 that still need to board. Either let it be a free for all (which I prefer) or have strictly maintained order, pick ONE you fucking faggots. Stop making me feel retarded for following the directions and remaining seated until the later groups are called, meanwhile your Group 4 bitch ass just lines up in the back of the Group 2 line and casually strolls onto the plane when they don’t do shit about you clearly having a Group 4 pass.
People wouldn't swarm if overhead was assured, which it isn't. That behavior is also good for you if you're not a retarded faggot because as soon as general boarding (grp 3 or 4) is called, you can just scan in. I typically get group 7 but I board with group 4 and secure overhead for myself because I just scan the qr on my phone and never show the wagies my ticket. It will scan because the PC only cares about whether you're on the flight or not, and since the wagies aren't trying to hold up the line they will let you through if they don't see your boarding pass and boarding group number. It basically is a free for all, but the boarding groups just keep retards in line.
They're called gate lice. Board with your group priority, as determined by your airline/ticketed class/status

I don't know, but the plane should be loaded back to front starting with window seats. No first class, no third class. I don't know how many times I've been a window seat, and everybody was already piled in and slowed down the loading process. >>2688376 As far as your overhead space complaint, if it's not the one bag that's supposed to go up there, it can sit on your lap. The attendants need to be like drill sergeants, not push overs to the first customer, and then pricks to the last. There should never be a lull in movement of more than 5 seconds. Move it along people. If it takes more than that, you or somebody else is shoving more than one carry on bag up there. And it should have been stopped before you even scanned your ticket. And making people pay to have the right isn't solving any of the problems. I had an airline say my bag could be free and go under the seat in front of me and I wasted 50 dollars. Then next time, they tried to force me to pay the 50 saying it had to go overhead. Well, I hope your ready to earn that 50 because you're talking to someone that has all the time in the world to waste arguing with you. I've argued with a Thai border officer for 30 minutes over spending an unnecessary 2 dollars, imagine what I'll do for 50. Your move.
It is my one bag going up there, but almost every flight in recent memory starts with "We will not have enough space, please someone check your carry on at the gate for free." I bring a carry on and a backpack as a personal item, the backpack going under the seat in front. I take carry ons to avoid baggage claim, so I will just skip the queue and ensure I get an overhead spot. Boarding will never be more efficient because priority boarding is a service people want. If I paid thousands for first I want to be the first in so I can settle and relax, even if there's a crowd of people coming in the plane. Curb your autism and learn to play the game, just focus on getting to your seat quick and securing an overhead then let everyone else figure it out. There will always be some retard with a bag too large ensuring people that he can for sure make it fit and delaying the entire process, it's not going to ever be resolved.
What's wrong with the seat at the boarding gate. It's not like you're getting to the destination faster. You're just having more people crawl over you. If you can eliminate 30 minutes of loading and exiting time sitting in a cramped airplane, that would be preferable for all. Your selfishness plays against you.
if you travel often it's relatively easy to optimize to get a status for one of the alliances and always get priority boarding

and it doesn't even take that much flights if you always fly the same airline
got to Lufthansa Senator and thus Star Alliance Gold with like 10 transatlantic round trips

yeah that works
even better, have big over ear headphones on the whole time
they won't even try to talk to you, just smile, nod, scan and go through

>only travel with carry on to be out of the airport in a few minutes after arrival
>sorry anon no space for carry on
>arrive and wait fucking 30min for your carry on to finally summon on the luggage belt
yeah no
I rather get as early on the plane as possible

doesn't matter currently as I have status
but I would 100% do it again if that ever expires
I said it before, I have all the time in the world to argue about shit. If they tried to make me check my carryon, I'd tell them to do their jobs and go through the compartments and find luggage that doesn't belong in the overhead, and inconvience that person for shoving extra shit up there.
i mean that certainly could work
but the problem here is
the flight attendants have the "last word", like literally

worst case
you argue with them too long
and they will find some stupid reason why you are a troublemaker and won't let you fly at all

after all
they are allowed to check your carry on at the gate, so arguing might be futile
>I'd tell them to do their jobs and go through the compartments and find luggage that doesn't belong in the overhead
Why don't you actually do that once and let us know how it went.
So, let me get this right, you think it's right they are using aircraft that has more seats than space overhead. The space above an aisle should fit three bags, or however many seats there is. End of story. If they run out of space for you, someone else is being unruly, not you.
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why does everyone turn into complete retards when flying in the first place?
>taking off your shoes
>not listening to personnel
>getting black out drunk at 11 am
>as soon as the gate opens rush the entrance just so you can stand there for 30 minutes
>buy overpriced shit you now have to lug around and you could've bought online for cheaper
>know full well your luggage is too big/heavy/contains illegal items and try to bullshit your way through anyway making everyone late
>act like you are on the plane by yourself by making a mess, being loud, invading other people's space etc.
>applauding as the plane lands
>getting up as soon as the wheels touch the ground
>be the first to stand up but take 20 minutes to pull down 1 bag and 1 coat from the overhead blocking everyone else
>let your kids use the plane as a playground
you can book a second carry on...

and wide body aircraft (3-4-3 configuration) sometimes do have too little overhead space for everyone to bring a maximum sized carry on
so why not make the number of carry-ons people request part of the booking process and just give a warning that all spaces are taken?
It's so bad whenever I have to fly to/from Canada. Massive groups of Indians are lining up before they even start calling groups. One time the gate attendant kept repeating over the speaker if you are not in group X please sit back down but they just stood there like robots completely oblivious
They should just get rid of overhead bins. Everyone must check their bag. Problem solved. No one needs to bring on a carry on bag. Airlines charge economy for checked bags because the airlines then do not need to pay taxes on those fees. It makes the ticket less expensive.
>just let baggae handlers destroy your electronics and steal your valuables

Shut up retard lmao
The real problem is retards travelling with massive luggage they cannot fit under the seat. If it's too big to fit under the seat it should not come on the plane, simple as
Like anyone travels with valuables. Leave that crap at home. If you find my underwear valuable then steal it.
Well, what if the currencies hyperinflate and I don't have my gold oz with me?
I'm not travelling without insurance.
And I'm definitely not getting stranded somewhere because of monetary policy failing
nigga I usually travel with just 1 bag. I don't want to leave everything I have out of my sight. Also it has my chargers, food and drinks, books etc. in it that I need during the flight.

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