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File: turkey fault line.jpg (95 KB, 1000x730)
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Is there anything good in Europe that can be done suddenly? All my 25 holidays are still unused this year, and my boss is nagging me to take them already. I have nothing planned yet.
I'm in Switzerland, and have already seen the nearby stuff plus the major cities.
Are there good places in Europe where you can just hop into a train or plane and go there, and it's a good holiday? Or should I wait till Autumn and plan a proper trip?
Take the train to Salzburg for the Salzburg festival
dude the whole of europe is criss crossed by budget airlines and nowhere is more than about three hours from anywhere else
just throw a dart at a map and go there
also it's summer, peak festival season. whatever you're into there's a festival for it somewhere in europe. pick one and go
Thanks, festivals are a good idea. Usually I just made photos of cities and climbed mountains, might be a good idea to see a cultural event.
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This is a 10/10 event
>Or should I wait till Autumn and plan a proper trip?
if you can, stall until late August or September
it's peak vacation and high season everywhere

unless you want a beach / sport vacation
September (with April) is the best month to travel in northern hemisphere

you could get an interrail ticket for a 22 days or a month
that's a really cool experience if you never done it

What do you want to do / see anyway?
there are literally 1000s options in Europe
even the countries around you (Germany, France, Italy, Austria) are all densely packed with things to do
There's a thousand places, it depends what you enjoy.

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