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I don’t frequent /trv/ so sorry if I’m breaking any rules, but I just wanted opinions on how people like the detroit metro nowadays. Obviously it’s bad but nowhere near as bad as it’s been in the past, price of living is bottom of the barrel so I’m entertaining it as a place to move in the long term.
>Inb4 you’ll get murdered by niggers etc
I’m black and I’ve lived in inner cities before, I know how to navigate them more or less. Also don’t eat pork so I’m assuming I’d find some good eats in neighboring Dearborn?
For context on the price of living, something like picrel would be close to a million dollars to buy in New Jersey where I’m from. Also just a fan of detroit/Chicago style homes in general
Detroit has made a serious comeback. I was there a year ago and loved it. My family comes from the region. I remember 20 or 25 years ago it was a lot worse...
>I'm black
Oh...ummm... Detroit sucks my homie. My real hood be in Atlanta. Shit be off da chain in ATL. Trust me for shizzle, Detroit is bad news for Brothers. Yup, Atlanta, Georgia be the best place for based Black gentlemen such as ourselves. Shawtys be abundant in Georgia haha stay away from Michigan seriously
The population is already like 80% black dude, plus ATL is too faggy

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