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going to prague for a week and then munich for a week during octoberfest, what's good to do in prague / munich?
Honestly the best way to experience Prague is just to walk through all the random side streets getting drunk off cheap alcohol
As onions as this channel is, it could give you some decent tips. https://www.youtube.com/@HONESTGUIDE
munich kinda sucks, t. lived here my entire life
there's nothing worth seeing at oktoberfest, you can go there but drinking isn't worth (16€/liter of beer)

If you're in Germany for a week, I recommend getting the Deutschlandticket (and cancelling it immediately, and make sure you do this before the 9th of a month to be able to cancel without it automatically extending for a month, blah blah blah), also it's valid on half the journey from Prague to Munich so you only pay 14-22€ for the train
prague and munich and oktoberfest all suck, just visit Kraków and Wrocław
>und der ist noching zu see hier fur die touristen!
what about dachau and your crimes Hans?
>ooof das ist schlecht!
Are you staying there for a week or do you have to be there for a week? I'm, 3 days for each city is more than enough.

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