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I want to take my partially blind gf on a trip to Japan with me. She's never traveled for fun since losing most of her central vision. Thoughts?
obviously look for things to do that engage the senses more than just looking at stuff
look up "wonders of the world i can't see", travel series made by a blind comedian
God bless you anon
It's a good excuse to walk around a lot while holding hands. Look up those restaurants where you eat in the dark. Might be interesting
how blind?

Japan might be a nice
the food, hot springs
though in general I wouldn't say they are super accessible

>other destinations
Does she like beer / wine / spirits?
Because these tours are always really cool
Like in Germany (which has a lot of quite accessible spots in general), France, Scotland or Italy
Food tours in Southern Spain or Tuscany are very nice too

Spa / Hot Spring travel might be cool to if she enjoys them
through Germany, Budapest, western Czech and of course Japan

like >>2688555 suggested, search up blind influencers or pre planned blind tours as inspiration
>It's a good excuse to walk around a lot while holding hands
anon you don't need an excuse to hold hands with your gf
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Goddamn it anon this is too precious.
Best of luck, OP. I'm accompanying my blind mother at the moment.
As with any other destination (especially Asian), Japan and the attractions and activities in Japan are more geared towards fully sighted people.
That said the basic outside accessibility infrastructure in Japan is pretty advanced for an Asian country, in Tokyo/Osaka/Kyoto at least (IIRC).
Obviously the food is great, the sweets are delicious if not a bit over sweet, snacks are amazing.
Maybe a small and cozy live house for music?
Nara park for the pettable deer, though they can bite, kick and headbutt. A cat or dog cafe might be better for petting animals.
In either case Godspeed and God bless you anon. I'm sure you'll find something doable

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