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Where is the best place to stay in Bangkok? I booked a place around midtown, nearish to Hua Chiew Hospital, but I can still switch it. The location looks nice because it's sort of halfway between Khaosan Road/Central Bangkok, Siam/Thonglor, Si Lom Road and Chinatown, sort of a central location 30-50 minute walk from all of these locations. The problem is there doesn't seem to be as many train stations around as I thought there would be and the Khaosan area doesn't seem to have any trains nearby at all? Should I get a place nearer to Khaosan or nearer to something else so I can easily go out every night, or is it worth being in a central location so I can easily go to more inland neighborhoods? Are there cool neighborhoods that I'm missing, I really don't know the city at all. Also how expensive are taxis? Google maps is strange, I feel like I can see traintracks on the map but the subway directions and mapping seem weird
I hate to be so small minded, but you shouldn’t be staying anywhere that isn’t between nana plaza and soi cowboy, as close to Sukhumvit road as possible.

It’s a nice little containment zone just for you and the Thais will appreciate you sticking to it
If you're not willing to learn Thai and some of their culture, that's probably the most respectful way to go. But then again, there are Jap, Korean, and Chinesetowns all over the place.
Taxis are cheap for western standards but you should still avoid them in bangkok as the city is stuck in a permanent state of traffic jam and you'll be taking an hour and a half to complete what should be a 20min ride
So unless you're fine with chilling in the car for a long time you should prioritize the BTS / subway
Also as a clueless first time foreigner you should use Grab (Uber equivalent) instead of regular taxis as the latter will do everything in their power to rip you off, even if the amount seems small to you
Do the cab drivers let you smoke cigarettes inside the car tho?
There’s no pleasure in smoking a cig inside a car. Find a nice park bench and light up you fuckin fast faggot
Literally anywhere that's close to a BTS/MRT station. Forget about Khaosan, your only option there is the bus (or walking 2-3km to the nearest station) and Bangkok is stuck in an eternal traffic jam.
you're probably right. The place that I got is like 1 km from a train station but I might reduce my stay there and get a place for like a week near soi cowboy or something
I like staying by the National Stadium. Last stop on the Silom line as close to Old Bangkok as you can get. Near the Sukhumvit line, so you can go to Nana/Soi Cowboy quickly without staying there. Yes I fucked hookers, but Bangkok is comfy aside from that.
You should mention your budget. Can you afford the luxurious 5stars?
nahhh, the place I did get was cheap like $450 a month, looks nice and modern though, I think the drawback is the location. I'm thinking about reducing my stay in this place from 4 weeks to 2 weeks, because it does look like a good central location to walk all over and explore the east riverside area, the west inland area and the southern area from, but I might get a more expensive hotel for a week in a trendy area as well, and I was thinking about flying out to chiang mai so that could be the other week. But I'm not sure what the best area to get a nicer hotel in would be, should I just go for the nana to soi cowboy area like the other guy was saying? I'm getting mixed reviews on that area based on web searches, on the one hand it does seem like the most touristy and trendy area, but on the other hand some people say it's trashy
switch west and east but yeah
Nana hotel
What next? are you going to tell me that chocolate ice cream is better than my mint chip which is my personal favorite? Lmao I hope you can realize how silly you sound when you are unable to understand individual preferences

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