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Which is the best state and possibly city to live in and find a job?
not /trv/ related

this is such a generic question and impossible to answer
>what are your hobbies?
>what is your job?
>do you want a good career or are you happy where you are?
>Do you want to live rural or in a city?
>would you mind moving out of the US?

if you are completely flexible
Global Liveability Ranking (or similar rankings) are a good starting point

if you'd consider moving out of the US
start researching cultures, like US is very chatty / overly friendly compared to Germany or the Nordics where people are more direct and "moody"
same with directness, whereas East Asia is super indirect

US will have the best Job opportunities but has trade offs, like less stability or work life balance

there are 100s of things to consider, you have to give at least some indication
Everyone I know is moving to either Nashville, TN, Charleston, SC, or Salt Lake City, UT. These are the places hiring right now. The problem with that is that housing costs are skyrocketing. But at the same time the growth is mind boggling. Salaries are very competitive as well.
Nashville seems to be the go to location for a lot of companies. But because of that its getting very expensive, and remember its in the south, so dont be non-white or a woman.
Anon im moving to Seattle from Denver in the not too distant future and my advice is to do the following
>search your desired job on indeed and note the frequency and pay
>go on Craigslist and do a 5 mile radial search + your desires rent and see how many apartments you find within your budget
>research the public transportation map (if you’re not a car fag) and try to make your work/home/commute triangulate as well as proximity to grocery stores etc.

I’ve come to learn that “high cost of living” is a total meme and only applies to Normie faggots, who drive a car, that need to live in a “safe” area where other sheltered white people feel “safe”

Unless you’re moving to Baltimore, DC, Chicago, or fucking Baton Rouge, the “bad” areas are usually just occassional crackheads and homeless huddling in the shadows,

I’m right, you’re wrong, shut up
>not /trv/ related
where would it go?
It really depends on the job and your personal preference.
>and remember it's in the South, so don't be non-white or a woman.
Leftards...stay out! We don't support your beloved baby killing and no we don't need anymore non-Whites here.
You're retarded.
I'm Asian and I liked Nashville.
Maybe you're just a bitch lmao.
The answer is always Seattle. The more non faggots move here the better. Pay is high, no state income tax, cost of living is nowhere near as bad as it's made out to be.
I'm a big fan of southern Arizona. If you can work remote in particular, it's spectacular.
>southern Arizona
don't you like... literally die if you go outside to long or your AC fails?

never understood why people move into such hostile living environments
>AC dies
>don't be a mouth breather and call someone
>go walk around a mall or sit in a bar for a bit till it's fixed
I know that you can fix it and will be fine
wasn't meant as an insult

I just genuinely wonder why people don't move to more temperate areas
even if you like the warmth, aren't there more "human" options
(I'm not from the US so I don't know all the states)
Seattle has a odd vibe kind of ominous Portland is comfier
It's only real bad 3 months out of the year and southern AZ isn't as hot as Phoenix (due to altitude) but yes people (mostly old) do die every year because their a/c breaks and they don't have a way to go somewhere else. I like AZ but only being able to be an a/c environments all summer including at night kind of sucks.
Don't come here if you're Brown, especially if you're a Pajeet. We don't want to end up being another Canada.

If you're not Brown, I would suggest South Carolina, Tennessee, or DMV area.

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