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I have off of work for the next two weeks, I live in a upstate NY city. Any good ideas for solo travel or day trips I could do? Was thinking about New England or maybe somewhere out west. Anyone have experience solo camping, hiking, etc?
Go to Scotland. You'll have a wonderful time, go hiking, visit a volcano and eat the intestines of a sheep.
On such short notice?
Montreal, Quebec city
What's there to do up there? I don't speak French
Learn French
Eat poutine
Have gay sex
Doesn't sound like my cup of tea
What's there to do there during the summer? Haven't been in years
What do you guys think of Acadia national park? Or if I go west Glacier National Park?

You have two weeks. You go just about anywhere. Or you could just stay home and get fat off Stewart's ice cream.
Montreal is a great city to explore on foot or by riding the metro. Good food and museums if that is your thing. Climb Mt. Royal. Hot college girls around because of McGill

Glacier is nice, but that is an extremely long drive from where you are. Acadia is a better bet, or Lake Champlain etc.
If I was going to go out west to Glacier I would probably fly and rent a car. I've been to Lake Champlain when I was young, never done NE or the Rocky's which is why I'm leaning towards them.
Pls help, I've decided on doing New England, any advice for planning this trip? Only have a few days left to before I gotta leave. I'll have to save Glacier for my next vacation and plan it out more

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