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32 years old, I made poor life choices and now get paid 4k a month to just exist but it's in my best interests to leave the country.

My goal is to finally play and beat all the games in my massive steam library. Which country is my best choice to become a permanent shut-in till the day I die?
I hope you die you piece of shit. How the fuck do you get paid 4k a year? Fuck you, you worthless piece of shit FUCK YOU,

I had to work 60 fucking hours a week to net 4k a month. God I fucking hate you. Die
I got mangled in a war from an XO making a bad call. It was a major incident where there were only a few survivors and it was easier to pay us hush money than killing the rest of us and making a bigger scandal.
I hope I died too bro, are you making the money you dream now? Working 60hr requires serious fortitude, are you still working that hard?
Wow damn, sorry man I didn’t even think you might be getting 100% VA disability. Nah you deserve that shit, you’re not even scamming it. enjoy your life, fuck what I said lol
what disability do u have
Carson City, Nevada. I can confirm that it is minimal, miserly, and somehow still alive. Average age is above 50, the only occupation is IT and the only social activity is drinking. Gambling in the liquor stores.
India is extremely cheap. I saw some posts of people living there on ~$250 per month. However, you need a visa to live there a long time like join a NGO for employment visa. Easiest one is travel visa for 180 days.
You could live quite well in Vietnam.
>Best location for minimal miserly living
if you like it warm -> southern Europe

Pick a nice small(ish) / midsize town in Spain / Italy / France / Greece / Croatia
preferably with long distance train connection (slow travel with trains is really really enjoyable)
Get an apartment or small house within walking distance of everything

and enjoy life

residency should be relatively easy as US citizen
for Spain you only need about 30k€ saved (only as proof) and health insurance; that's it

rent should be around 500€-1000€
food and everything else <500€ if you don't eat out too often

4k/month will go a looong way
but that's true for almost any place in the world (except USA, Switzerland, some big European cities, some big Asian cities)
My combat exposure was flagged as the inciting incident. That followed with my suicide attempt and drug use flagged me as permanent and total. The TBI and nerve damage is there but with the exposure everything shifted to them not finding out what else there is but more worried about me lashing out or talking about the incident.

Due to the suicide part of this involves living in a combat vet facility and heavy medication if I'm in the States. I can pick which one I want to live at but it's just an upgraded mental ward without freedom.
*sigh* I’m never joining the military dude
I'd probably be bumming around south east asia/india man
you ever do any physical stuff like long distance running or strength training or anything?
it's like irl video game and leaves you fulfilled and too tired to give a fuck
Don't let my experience ditact your choices. It was my fault for selecting a combat role. The real move would to be a DOD contractor instead of getting cucked.

Yeah, I've done a good amount but not anymore. I didn't start until I joined my unit. Every time I grasp the knurling I get a Jimmy Neutron brain blast of feels so I choose a different outlet. I'm into gymnastics now, it started as a joke but trying to perform a Maltese on rings is no joke.
Come live in Australia. We'll pretend to be fans to get you a Partner VISA. Boom. Steam bros for life.

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