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goin w a fren tmrw from boston
staying right by mcgill
any suggestions?
staying till friday
also I am aware that some people that may read this thread also potentially post on another board on this site called /pol/. Just a heads up, zany I know but thought you'd all like to know. Thanks.
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ok fuck u guys
went to a strip club
hit laval nuru massage
got great food
hit the orange julep
hit redpath
hit the archaeology museum
hit a parc safari
Ok mate I lived there for a summer I’ll give you my two favorite things to do but you gotta promise to post pics and update me on how it went

Get some food at Boustan on Crescent, the mixed plate is the best

And then go out to the M montreal hostel and go to the bar at night. Always full of hot single girls.

Also Mile End is my favorite neighborhood and if you haven’t already today go check out Mont Royal lookout over the city. Also if Silo 5 is still there is some dope urban exploration if you get through the fences.

Also the casino is fun and it’s a great view of downtown from Parc Jean Drapeau.

Oh yeah and tomorrow morning go to Mamie Clafoutis, best bakery in the city imo.
Can’t believe I forgot Reuben’s

It’s kinda a tourist trap but still pretty tasty and iconic
I hope you had a great time, redpath is awesome and seems like you went all over. I live here, I'll tell you what I would do:
>Hike the mountain and take the hard way, ask around if you can't find the climbable area, you'll get a great view of the plateau and east side. Come down through downtown or Outremont/the Oratory
>Go to the bars on St Laurent, the further up the hill the better. Bifteck, Barfly, Frappé, Siboire, Melrose, all are good places
>Go to Old Montreal and walk along the river, check out the clock tower but don't waste too much time out there
>Walk down Laurier from west to east and go to Parc Laurier (this is my hood, it's wonderful but very French so be advised)
>Eat smoked meat at Le Roi du Smoked Meat
>Check out Fattal lofts at night lmao
>See if you can go to Place Ville Marie and get a view of the city from downtown, plus you'll get to see the financial center if you're into that
>Go to Atwater market and walk around the canal, walk into Pointe St Charles, it's a cute neighbourhood but the area near Atwater market can be a bit grimy especially near Lionel Groulx
>Check out Yokato Yokabai for the best ramen in the city, St Denis is near and also has nice bars. Take it south to Duluth.
All of these should be done with beers/wine in your bag and in hand when appropriate for that real Montreal feel. Also, >>2689785
has some good advice too. Mamie Clafoutie is good (especially the tarts), it's a chain so there's a few around. If you want other bakery options (best bread in NA here in this city) check out Guillaume, Au Petit Paris, Rhubarb or Kouign Amman. Always try to stay aware of opening hours, places often close at weird times or randomly during the week.

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