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I'm looking for a Walden's pond type retreat to focus on writing my magnum opus. I don't care for the social scene - just need a place where I can live alone with clean, simple food available nearby for low prices. Should of course be comfortable enough that I am not inconvenienced by the weather or the traffic. Pollution should be minimal as well.

maine? anywhere north of stowe vt?
absolute fag tier video
OP isn't looking to escape society entirely retard, he wants somewhere cheap and easy to live while he works
it's not the same thing
>looking for a Walden's pond type retreat to focus on writing my magnum opus
Lake Como
Lake Lugano

are literally the most beautiful lake destination you could dream of
(alternative one of the other lakes in the region like Lake Iseo or Orta)

>low prices
ah never mind
forget what I said, I have no idea

just search for AirBnbs near lakes and filter by price

Maine isn't as pretty as the hype outside of a few areas, and it's long drives with nothing but white trash in between.

NH is pretty and a great outdoor adventure state, but it's extremely crowded with tourists. The food's also pretty bad. It's just not as relaxed.

Vermont is serene, and the tourism crowds feel non-existent compared to NH. It's pretty in virtually every corner of the state. It's very lush green and something about the place makes all of your worries disappear. The people are also infinitely nicer than NH or Maine.

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