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Worth going to Albania?
really makes you think
I was interrogated by the police in Lushnje and made to sign a confession. It was all under Durres.

>Giro Coaster
>Bajhi Ram Curry
Also, yes, it is.
>Komani ferry
>Theth valbona hike(!!!!)
>Albanian riviera
>Lake Ohrid (Macedonia)
>Bunker hunting
>Urbex the submarine base (if you still can?)
>Gjirokaster castle and old town
>General feeling of traveling around and feeling like a traveler in a weird land
>Various Roman ruins (i.e. Orikum) you can just do what you like in
>Cheap boats to go to hidden beaches and fuck around on
>ezpz drugs
>Paragliding at LLogara pass (where Caesar crossed with his troops).
>I was interrogated by the police in Lushnje and made to sign a confession. It was all under Durres.
I Shkoder to think about it, it sounds like Kruje and unusual punishment
The best time was the coof when it was wide open and sort of a crossroads for backpacker types looking for somewhere to scratch the travel itch. Now it’s pretty mainstream, somewhat overrun and about three times as expensive as it was only three years ago. Still, worth it.
Was hilarious that Albania's only restriction was not being able to play music in bars after 10pm.

Still able to buy coke from barmen though, and they didn't mind if you played music on your bluetooth speaker, which attracted customers.

Remember a policeman walking past, a little puzzled, then just walked on.

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