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>go to thailand because there are million threads on /trv/ about what a lifechanging experience it is
>haha I will surely get so many friends in bangkok at the hostel
>can't find anyone, everybody is travelling in packs, when I try to join someone they look at me as a weirdo, go sightseeing alone, feel miserable
>travel to chiang mai
>haha this time I will surely find some friends at the hostel
>same shit happens
>go to phuket
>same shit
actually think about killing myself in thailand. How the fuck should I get friends while travelling?
Sorry you're having a bad time but it really shouldn't be this bad, normally people go to hostels to make friends, or at least they're open to it. Have you tried going to bars at night? Thailand is full of tourists and expats who love hanging out with their fellow anglos
you're just ugly or creepy. don't kill yourself tho. wait for your turn like the rest of the ugly creeps
>>go to thailand because there are million threads on /trv/ about what a lifechanging experience it is
>haha I will surely get so many friends in bangkok at the hostel
Same expect I did find people to hang out with, I just quickly realized I don't like other travelers, especially hostel goers. You either meet a bunch of normies who travel to their tourist traps so they get their pictures and can say they've ''done'' that place or you meet people who travel as a means of finding some meaning in their life because back home they feel empty, but they don't end up finding any ''grandiose'' experience they were hoping for. They don't admit it but you can read it in their face (because it's a mirror to my own experience).
Not saying traveling is bad or you shouldn't do it
I've never had this problem. Maybe you give creepy ass retard vibes. That's a skill issue mate.
Why would you want to make friends with other losers who flew across the world to pay to get their pecker played with by the truck stop hooker equivalent of Thailand’s women lmao
You are a pathetic faggot.
I literally only ever travel alone. Any time I agree to travel with a friend I feel my freedom evaporating and I cancel.
Your ancestors would spit on you.
The joy of traveling for me, is waking up in the morning, having a huge healthy breakfast, and over coffee asking myself:
>hmm. What do I feel like? Stay one more night or explore further up the coast...
Then I get on my dirtbike and ride as far as I feel like. I never have an itinerary and often never even do research before arriving
What I don't want is to come down to breakfast and
>hey anon, where you been? Been waiting down here an hour. Anyway, I think we should head off to this waterfall..
I don't fucking travel to have sone faggot expecting me to do things, defining what I should and shouldn't do. Maybe I want to go back to my room with a tinder slut and spend all day room service.
Traveling is about exercising your freedom not satisfying some tag along's needs. Be a man, be fearless and enjoy your own company being the master of your destiny
Sure as hell smells like incel
Go away gay faggot
>Sure as hell smells like incel
Actually seems like anything but. But I guess that's what you say when you can't think of anything witty
You again? Is this a third time you make this thread? To bitch how pathetic and retarded you are? Dumb nig
>>go to thailand because there are million threads on /trv/ about what a lifechanging experience it is
>>haha I will surely get so many friends in bangkok at the hostel
Most people go to thailand because they are losers who can't get pussy back home or looking for a dogshit poorfag 'exotic' vacation.

You basically went into the vacation equivelant of mcdonalds and wondered why the food was bad
Why would you travel to meet people, you are forced to meet people constantly in getting a job, going to school etc. I travel to be alone not to meet people. Get a nice hotel and go to a nice bar, don't go to some hostel, ENJOY yourself, don't try to "experience" some made up nitty gritty lifestyle like some trust fund hippy. Those are the only people you'll meet in those situations anyway, trust fund hippies and actual homeless people.

And in the end I have met lots of people travelling, but it's not like we became lifelong friends or anything, just some people I talked to at a bar one time, followed on instagram, at best met up a few times while I was in town, the sad truth is that you're probably not gonna travel forever, man, you will go back to your home and your real life.

If you really want to meet people, don't go to somewhere like Thailand, travel the USA, go somewhere where you aren't so foreign, where people aren't all going out of their way. And don't just stay in hostels, stay in a hotel with a bar, go to some small town where everyone knows eachother, do some significant activity like skiing or something, hell, go to jail, that's a great way to meet people, better than a hostel really...
>Traveling alone to thailand
that's not the best solo travel destination as first timer
the big cities in Vietnam or KL, Manila, Taipeh to name just a few in the region are better

even better would be to go out of the big cities,
because the people you meet at the hostels there are almost always the biggest fags

>haha I will surely get so many friends in bangkok at the hostel
and that's not the right way to do this anyway

you genuinely have to enjoy traveling alone
otherwise you will be miserable everywhere
because you WILL be alone a lot

you also forgot
>the hostel matters
there are some hostels that are more "well known" as solo travel destinations
hate to recommend it, but r*ddit is a good source for this

but then again, solo traveling with people you meet on the road usually looks like this
>be in bus
>"hey saw you in the hostel this morning"
>"you also traveling to XYZ"
>"lets grab a beer together when we arrive"
then you loosely tag along for a week
until your ways part

and now you tell everyone about the great "friendship" you made during that week for the next 20years

(almost) no one goes just in a hostel to meet friends
if you want to find travel companions, do so through the proper channels
like meet ups or online chats / forums

I can't stress this enough
you NEED an itinerary / loose plan what you want to do BEFORE you go
just talking to people in a hostel is NOT a good plan
and yes even >>2689272 counts as a plan
I'm also alone in my city so traveling alone isn't really a change for me but Thailand tourists are the worst. They are either super normies or sexpats. You usually meet better people in non-super normie travel spots. No one would bother to talk with you in Amsterdam but stay in a hotel in a Balkan country or Central asian country. Everything suddenly changes.
Why do you need other people to enjoy traveling
Travelling alone to make friends is the most stupid shit ever. I travel alone because I enjoy being alone and spending time on my own. If I wanted to be with someone I would have brought someone with me.
You're supposed to make 'friends' with Thai women, not other tourists
That's not travelling alone though. You're trying to find people to travel with.
you sound like a normie and should stick to normie travel methods
yes, both of these.
go to some random thai town or off-beat bar, pay a thai woman for LLT.
Are you asexual? When I'm lonely I open tinder
lol nice way of telling us you are ugly without telling us you arr ugly.
when i was in my 20s I travelled and fucked my way through europe, asia, and latin america. I am American and was/still am handsome in my 40s and cant trst now because i have a wife and 3 kids. my daughter is in university and her friends have flirted with me since they were preteens.
>my daughter is in university
Any feet pics?
This might be the one of the most pathetic posts I've seen on 4chan
I hope for your sake your daughter isn't a massive whore but I highly doubt it
go rogue, go lone lone, AWOL, FUBAR, ghost, sasquatch, live in the jungle in a hut for 30 years running a one man sweatshop, grow a beard then return to america with beard and raggedy clothes and stare back at people gawking at you because you are now enlightened
I didn't even try to socialize in Nana and I met 2 cool normie guys who invited me to parties they were throwing in their condos. I am a ltn manlet in the west. Anyone who is staying in hostels in bkk is a turbonormie desu
I always tell people not to be poor. They never listen
Posting on /trv/ about how you can't make friends is pretty sad, but posting on /trv/ about how hot and sexy you are is even worse
What do you want to get out travel?

I don't find traveling alone as enjoyable as traveling with a friend, but sometimes you can't wait for other people. I would say, traveling alone in Japan is very doable because things are set up for solo people, especially in restaurants, where you usually sit up at the counter and they will even sometimes have dividers between you and other customers. Just make sure you temper your expectations for making friends.

The only place I had issue with being solo in Japan was booking a ryokan, where they will usually require two people or would make you pay the same price as two people.
>it doesn't matter where you are is matters who you're with
bro discovered the secret to life
>>go to phuket
>fuck it, I'm going home
how's Dale Philip doing it then? He's always alone.
Yeah sorry about that man. I get the same shit everywhere. Try it in Europe and you come into a dark dorm with the curtains drawn in the middle of the day, people who look like they're permanently living there glued to their phones.

Funnily enough the one time I met people and had fun was in Belgium. Of all the countries I went to, Belgium was the worst. It's a dump. But seems travellers are cool. Weird.
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>can't go into most restraunts not fast food because you look like a creep, many places specifically Japan will not let you in unless you have 2+ people I've found
>bars don't like you and anyone in them thinks you look like a loser loner beta which you kinda are at that point
>no one in a hostal will bother talking to you anyways unless you know someone aka traveling with someone. People don't want to hang with potential jack the ripper
>people laugh at you, every time I walked the streets in Japan and heard kids or girls laugh I knew it was at me
>going to events or clubs is near impossible expect to be turned away
>when you are bored there is 0 hope for you on finding shit to do good luck as you can breeze through things solo in about 2-3 days even tokyo got boring by day 5 I just mainly walked up and down Akihabara looking for stuff
>you're forced to stand on a train as no one wants to sit next to that single one guy compared to a couple of lads or lovers (yes I had this happen personally don't tell me it doesn't)
>Airports go through your luggage more than with people I got stopped and searched asked questions about holiday and if I planned to go back home what I was doing and if I had cash
>it's super expensive since you have to pay for the room entirely on you

Dunno why /trv/ larps as such giga chads when you're all in the same boat solo. It's annoying and I wish this meme would die. Holidays solo are just a waste and a huge amerimutt meme
None of this is the case if you're a handsome white man
this but with the realization that your journeys only have value to yourself and you will be just as invisible to others as you were at the start, and that's totally fine
you unironically have depression and persecution complex. you are a narcissist. you think everything is about you. you're obsessed with yourself. you need to have a goal and try to improve the world. it's the only escape.
>can't go into most restraunts not fast food because you look like a creep, many places specifically Japan will not let you in unless you have 2+ people I've found
>can't find anyone to eat with

>bars don't like you and anyone in them thinks you look like a loser loner beta which you kinda are at that point
I'm an average soiboy build autist and I still managed to get my pecker played with a handful of times. But yeah most of the time hitting bars/clubs completely solo is actually a sobering experiene.

>no one in a hostal will bother talking to you anyways unless you know someone aka traveling with someone. People don't want to hang with potential jack the ripper
Depends on how you present/interact with others. Some people are just naturally attuned to socializing.

>people laugh at you, every time I walked the streets in Japan and heard kids or girls laugh I knew it was at me
The best interactions you will have will be with people who are incredulous that you are there to begin with.

>going to events or clubs is near impossible expect to be turned away
If you're 30+ yeah, otherwise no

>when you are bored there is 0 hope for you on finding shit to do good luck as you can breeze through things solo in about 2-3 days even tokyo got boring by day 5 I just mainly walked up and down Akihabara looking for stuff
Traveling isn't about crossing off a list of tourists traps then spending all day inside a hotel shitposting about stuff. Take the time to wander around a random neighborhood, strike up a conversation with one of the little old workers at the corner market, have a picnic in a local park, go to a show or movie, fuck you can find something to do with google maps/a little ambition.

the rest are too gay and nonproblematic for me to read. just touch grass dog.
You are probably ugly.
the lack of empathy anons are giving you really sucks.
You're supposed to meet people BEFORE you hit up bars / clubs / do stuff
and Japan is honestly one of the worst countries to that kind of solo travel - it's either too remote or too expensive

also you're depressed, like seriously, >>2689876 is right, you sound depressed anon

and traveling alone is not for anyone either
you need to have a base level of extroversion / sociability or you WILL feel miserable and stay alone for the whole trip
what did you expect!?
a lot here are seasoned solo travelers
so this is not the average experience

and half of the stuff only happens because OP is probably not very social / extroverted
which is pretty suboptimal traveling alone unless you really enjoy being alone
>make friends its easy
>ew you are creepy
all i say is hello
making friends is far from easy
but the typical reaction is definitely not
you'd have to look / make something grandiosly wrong, even more so in Japan

look traveling alone for the first time and then picking Japan is really playing on hard mode
but you somehow behaved so out of order that people rejected you immediately, you should find out what this was, and not complain about a seemingly bad trip
I think this place does larp as Chad sometimes by acting like solo travel is never awkward and lonely, but for me at least it's not nearly as bad as you describe. Location matters, places that are more developed and conservative like Japan and Northern Europe have less tolerance for people wondering around solo, and you pick up on that vibe. Thailand is much better for it despite OP's experience. Not trying to be an asshole but I think you and OP might just have low charisma. I've never been in a hostel where most people didn't want to chat, the only ones who don't are the occasional European couple who just keep to themselves and mutter at everyone else
i have acne that i cant fucking control because its cystic. i have a weird walk and i'm a lanklet who is skinnyfat. the hostel either whispers behind my back because they stop talking once i enter the room and make weidd faces
You clearly have a persecution complex.
You are tall and white.
Get lazer treatment on your acne
Stop walking like a fucking gimp
Enjoy life. The fucking remedy for this is retardedly simple. Stop wallowing in self-pity and fix yourself
I'm guessing you've been mindfucked by /fit/ and other sociopaths. "skinnyfat" just means that you're either skinny, average, or chubby, nothing that anyone will notice and they're certainly not going to gossip about how "skinnyfat" you are. The only thing you mention that might be any sort of obstacle to you socializing is the acne if it's truly terrible on your face. Odds are:
a) This shit's all in your head and people aren't actually bothered by your presence, or:
b) You have an awkward social presence that you should try to work on. Easier said than done, but still.
yeah this is the reality but 99% of posters on /trv/ lack self-awareness.
White people shouldn't have to improve, just by existing everyone should want to be friends with them and women will fuck them
Self improvements and becoming better is only for disgusting pajeets and chink scum
It might be due to the fact I travel solo from work but traveling with friends drives me up a fucking wall.
>ask what they wanna do for lunch/dinner they dunno but regardless what you pick they have a problem with it
>gotta complain about it being to hot/cold/windy/cloudy or some combination of that
>no self awareness to go venture on their own
>sleeps in to 10 or 11 complains everything is too crowded to do by then
>It's another case of "friend can't fucking decide what pace to walk at episode"
>go to a bar they get drunk way too fast rerun
>ask them what the want to do "idk lol whatever is fine"

The best way to travel is let your friends do whatever and agree to meetup for specific events.
>Fragile white
No one believes this, not even white people.
He competes in the marketplace of white people wherein people like me mog him.
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>get a 1 hour session with a hooker in a soapie
>in the shower asks me if I want 1 or 2 shots
>don't really get the question, I'll cum once yeah of course
>10 minutes shower/prep
>20 minutes oral on my dick, balls and ass
>20 minutes fuck
>then she starts massaging me and I ask how customers can manage to squeeze another nut, they must be sex gods or something
>"no no, they cum after 30 seconds blowjob, then massage, then cum after 5 pumps sex"
>goes "HUH HUH HUH AAAAAAH" to imitate them
You sound like a narcissist if you really think that many people care what you're doing.
>that's not the best solo travel destination as first timer
>the big cities in Vietnam or KL, Manila, Taipeh to name just a few in the region are better
Just curious what about KL you think is better than Thailand (assuming Bangkok more specifically)? I have an onward ticket to there as I considered checking it out when I have to do a visa run anyway. Been in Bangkok for a week and not really been enjoying it a lot, stayed in hotels as hostels seems to attract a younger, more party minded crowd.
it's about the people you find in the average hostel there

>stayed in hotels as hostels seems to attract a younger, more party minded crowd.
yeah you already grasped the problem

people go to Bangkok specifically for vacation
and you'll find a lot of these "closed" travel groups in hostels there

KL has more of the continuously traveling crowd
which are typically far more easy to befriend or just go out with for a day or two

it's all about what kind of traveler these cities attract
but don't get me wrong, you can find both types in both cities (read up about the hostels before)
and again, smaller cities are better and way less impersonal

for me that worked the best
especially on the way to more popular destinations, small towns with just one or two hostels are the easiest to find travel companions
FWIW I'm 30 and was thinking I'm too old for hostels. Do you think this is the case or you think in KL there'll be plenty 25-35 year olds not there to just party but rather do some sightseeing/maybe do some remote work? I was thinking meetups and guided tours would be a better way to connect with non-party people at this age. Only time I stayed in a hostel was 7 years ago and it was with a group just to sleep before we continued our travels.
>FWIW I'm 30 and was thinking I'm too old for hostels
You are. You are supposed to have had a career by now/made some money. Bitcoin is like 15 years old. A Bitcoin was $3000 4 years ago. A man of 30 should not be sleeping in an 8-bed dorm snoring with smelly feet. Level tf up.
>30 and on 4chan
how fucked up are you? when i turn 21 im leaving this website and im already 19
I didn't make any normie friends in Thailand. I had fun all by myself, wandering around seeing shit during the day and cooming at night.
I'm 43 and I've been here since '07. If you're still so new you didn't realize how many oldfags are here, then you should leave now while you're still able. Don't wait two more years or it'll be too late and you'll be here forever just like me.
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Here's a (You).
I'm literally stating it was 7 years ago since I was in a hostel. My career is software development, just taking a small break from it. Planning on finding a new job again later this year. Funny you mention Bitcoin as I just received Mt Gox distribution two days ago. Shouldn't be bothered to share this but whatever.
Why not instead share what I should be doing as a 30 year old boomer that wants to do some city sightseeing with others in a similar transient place in their life?

I'm pretty inactive here, spending an hour or two a week. Only on /trv/ to maybe find some info you won't find on travel blogs. Anyway, 30 is still within age demographics. Hopefully for me I'll visit the site for the last time next year.
i'm almost 30 too
there are definitely a lot of traveling people that age in almost every big city

>remote work
that's exactly what I do nowadays
in big cities I stay in hostels popular with DN (also because I have to work some days too)

>but rather do some sightseeing
you can try, but i never found anyone 30+ to do sightseeing with
so I do it alone, which I like better anyway

like I wrote in my original post
most socializing I do is going out in the evening (not to party but just hit a few bars / restaurants for a few hours)

meetups are typically for people that stay longer in one city
never tried guided tours

what works surprisingly well is Tinder
not for necessarily hookups (works too, although not that point) but to just join a group for a few days

>8-bed dorm
most hostels have rooms with just one bed

I literally never slept in a multi bed dorm
and been traveling for 10years+ and almost always stay in hostels
You go there for the community rooms, for the people and also because it's still usually half the price of a hotel room

4chan is a very old website!
so a lot of oldfags
>when i turn 21 im leaving
we've all been there

just stay on (slow) blue boards and 4chan is actually not that bad
Basically this. Travel can be soulless tourism to say "i did this", but did they did anything?
Travel can also be a journey. A pursuit. What do you like? The word "worth it" ought to be banned from this site.
Do you enjoy food? Take a food journey? Soup?? Try every soup in every backwater village you can find. Do you enjoy cycling? Cycle across a continent, that beingyour overarching goal, but talk to every cyclist along the way, chat with cycle store employees (you'll find practically none ever did what you are doing). Do you enjoy fortresses and imagining what the defenders felt like huddled behind the parapets? Go do that and Larp, just chill all day on the wall with some tea and envision the men who were ready to die for the town.
What are you interested in? Because I don't know many people who sit at home in their boring life and say "hey, I really want to hang out with broke dirty impulsive shallow broken branches in a stinkpit, maybe i'll strike gold!". Nah mate, ain't happenenin. And they'll mask up and lie, anyhow. You dodged a bullet, go find your people
>my daughter is in university and her friends have flirted with me since they were preteens.
whew lad, i wouldve indulged at uhhh "some point"
i kind of empathize with this but i tend to just put on "fucking loser blinders" these days and just tune out some of that more injurious shit like kids laughing at you for ambling aimlessly through their city streets when youre just a little too old to be doing what they know youre trying to do
If you're not sigma as fuck, don't solo travel I guess. I'm sigma as fuck so it works.
>whew lad, i wouldve indulged at uhhh "some point"
Ha. I did do a bit of play wrestling with them when they had sleepovers. And I'd kinda rest my hand on their thogh on the odd occasion when they'd watch movies together. There was real electricity at times.
Tbh, I've probably thought about my daughter too much. Not so much now but when she was about 15 or so. We were always very liberal showering and such, never locked the door, she'd wear just panties looking for a bra in the living room and such. Never did anything ofc, I'm not a degenerate but the fantasies lasted years. Even now when I think about her, she's 14 or 15 in my head.
Few people if any travel these days to experience anything new. They tell themselves they're looking for that, but they're not. What they want is to be in a happy little bubble with no upsets or challenges just like their life back gone, but with some temporary new exotic feel. So when they meet someone new like you they are closed to any real experience. Fuck em.
>>her friends have flirted with me since they were preteens.

Nice, you get any?

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