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File: Maha-Ghosananda-1.jpg (278 KB, 1020x1413)
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TTT/Insecurity Guard anon here. I've decide to cancel my "Glorious Return" to Thailand (ate $2k in flights) and become a Buddhist monk. You guys are right, hedonism is a dead end. I'm now ready to become spiritually awakened. I will no longer be posting here. Farewell.
Yeah, earlier today, I blasted my quads in the gym. I did 15 sets of 15 reps to failure squatting, and when I walked down the street with all of the maid cafe workers advertising their shops, my benis was awakened.
see you a week anon!

you literally picked the shittiest type monk life
and that in poor country, making it even worse
redpill me on the farang monk life
>theyre making fake threads about me
Absolutely buck broken
I used to want to be a monk, and did something like this. wasted lost of time and money and dropped out in the end, demoralized. Then I eventually discovered psychedelics and realized I fell for a meme and I literally couldve become more spiritually enlightened through psychedelic experiences and freelance spirituality than by any of the garbage i practiced. Now, I just look at all monks and laugh.
also, if you didnt grow up in the buddhist faith, youll never be able to truly get it. you can incorporate it into your beleifs, but you will never truly understand their culture, customs, or the true meanings and symbolisms in their stories youd have to be a part of the culture to understand. SO, in the end, you will never be anything more than a poser by going this path.

The dalai lama actually discourages outsiders from becoming buddhist lmao.
So much for that, we are all one bullshit.
This is completely wrong.
I'm going to use Ajahn Brahm as a counter example to your argument. He's originally English, used to go to Cambridge, became a monk under Ajahn Chah in the jungle of NE Thailand, and now is a famous monk founder and heading the Buddhist Society Western Australia. Very wise monk, I've learned so much from his talks.

Ajahm brahm is a piece of shit. He told a story about how he got chauffer driven to a talk, gets to watch the sunset and was offered delicious chocolate cake. Um, which part of renouncing possessions and attachment is that? Sounds like he lives a pretty cushy life.

He also caved and officiate a lesbian marriage which I know the Buddha would've laughed at.
This is how you know you destroyed and mind broke the cuckshed

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