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Should travelling be better regulated? One could say lack of regulation caused the spread of covid.
That's what passports, visas and yellow passports are for. They have regulated travel for decades.

Covid spread due to governments responding too late and was further exasperated when political figures made a health crisis into a sociopolitical one that spread misinformation and doubt which ultimately lead to the needless death of over a million Americans.
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Presidents Trump tried to close the border in the earliest days of the Scamdemic. Then Nancy Pelosi and senate democrats did a photo op in San Fransicko Chinatown calling him a racist.
Point is you can’t do anything nationalist or patriotic with a bunch of treasonous limousine marxists
>let’s become the soviet union!
Okay great idea rabbi! Thanks!
Funny thing is that unvaccinated whites had a higher survival rate than the vaxxers. Of course blacks suffered horribly vaxxed or not because they are the least health hominids on this planet.
Covid doesn't exist, it's 2024, if you didn't figure it out already, you are baindead.
>Funny thing is that unvaccinated whites had a higher survival rate than the vaxxers.
Funny how it's 2024 and the antivax cultists still are desperately attempting to spread disinformation. Their entire cult is based on lies but they're too weak to admit the truth, even though they know it well by now. They still can't get over the fact they wasted years shitting their pants in the basement in hysterical fear while everyone else was out traveling and living normally.
Get a life already, you histrionic irony addicted hipster.
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>lack of regulation caused the spread of covid
no, that was china
every single 1st world and developing nation is griping about foreigners rn. 3rdies hate them but need the money.

I expect the animosity to increase this decade. the col crisis is happening everywhere because this is the end game of all fiat currencies. since most goyim cannot comprehend simple math they scapegoat anyone who has more money than them and that is how they explain housing a food price increases.
Why not just increase the price of flights, and make people really consider if they're going to fly halfway across the world.
Bot post
The 1st world or the "west", because they are two different things these days. Even countries like Egypt, was watching some footage of their new capital and it's shocking how much they built. "Third world" countries these days seem to be building skyscrapers, bullet trains, modernizing, cities out of nowhere... Meanwhile the west is becoming the world's trashbin, boomers are shafting their children and their children are either becoming incels or transmaxxing.
I don't blame the immigrants, although 90% of the ones in the west I firmly believe are the worst of their homelands and strictly here as parasites. I can't even blame the WEF owned governments anymore. Most whites would sell their own children and kill their friends to make a brown person smile. Anyone who is against this they decry as "racist" and try to get them banned from society.
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>unironic chud posting
Go ahead and move to India or Bangladesh, anon. Nobody is stopping you. When you are shitting in a bucket between random brown-outs and having your water shut off and you are surrounded by thirdies, I hope you remember how based and trad you are for going against le globohomo
India is a booming country that is building high speed rail everywhere.
Why should I have attachment to the West? The country I was born in tells me I should be wiped out for existing and tells me that my history is oppressing blacks while also telling me that my country was always black.
The west is a mentally ill schizophrenic mess, all the weapons they have been using on foreign populations are now being used domestically. It is cannibalizing itself. There is no doubt that India will likely completely eclipse Europe at the minimum economically and as a cultural power by the end of the century. China and India were historically 1/2 of the world's economy, whites only ruled for a couple centuries due to the Industrial revolution and the fact that disease BTFO'd the natives, before using the technological advantage to pillage and loot the planet.
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?
>they wasted years shitting their pants in the basement in hysterical fear while everyone else was out traveling and living normally

That doesn't even make sense. Why would antivaxxers of all people be afraid of a glorified cold? They're not the ones who wore masks for 2 years straight (some people still do) or willingly injected themselves with experimental medicine.
Obvious glownigger. Never happened to me in all my years of traveling the third world. Kys
What kind of regulations are you suggesting.
Ban Americans from traveling
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>Ban Americans from traveling
Enforce the already existing rules on nba superstars for a start.
That ended with the 14th Amendment.
Prices have increased a lot since Covid. Still hasn’t stopped people. They would need to increase much more and i don’t know if airlines are willing to do that


No UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, or Taiwan. Balkans left out too. Georgia as well.

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