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I’m doing a personal favor for an old friend, and he’s paying me to stay two weeks. Can anyone suggest sites for someone who enjoys fishing (both fresh/salt), natural history, regular history, and photography?

Thanks, and god bless!
Obviously Cape Canaveral is great. Sebastian Inlet is a nice spot. My wife is from Melbourne and I always say I really love it, but when people ask why I can’t really say. It’s pretty drab, but it is very pleasant. Downtown has some hot spots I guess.
Cape Canaveral Is a great idea! Do you suppose they still hold launches there? Any idea if there’s a launcher calendar? I’d love to get some pics

If you think of anything else, please update this post!
More like SMELLbourne, it stinks!
Just kidding I've never been there...
It stinks!
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Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge is an option for photo + nature. Turkey Creek in Palm Bay is comfy too.
The Indian River is a good fishing spot, definitely go hit Sebastian Inlet.
All of Brevard super sleepy but comfy. Once you get too far inland into Viera/Cocoa/Palm Bay it gets kinda soulless.

t. lived in Palm Bay
Not OP but I'm actually thinking of moving to Melbourne, anyone spent time there?
I lived down south in Pompano for 6 years before moving, but I'm starting to miss Florida.

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