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I'm going to Amsterdam for 5 days in August with family. So I'm not looking to do anything mad. I'm interested in seeing some of the parks and van gogh museum, but not intense sightseeing. Decent pub/bar or food recommendations? Or anywhere worth visiting when it's only going to be a few days? Actually any advice in general would be appreciated.
Try the flying Dutchman bar in Amsterdam. It's a cool cocktail bar, good staff.

For weed I went to De Overkant. Good guy worked there, good recommendations.

Just put the names into goole maps.

Also a tour of the canals is alright. I didn't go to the Anne Frank museum cos it was sold out.
Immediately leave the downtown area and go to the quieter parts or Amsterdam, also go to Haarlem it's really close by but calmer
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>van gogh museum
i only got a ticket in the afternoon but every piece had 50 people crowded around it, it was impossible to get a good look at anything or read anything. you would think how they make you buy tickets in advance they control the numbers to make it a worthwhile experience but it seems not. fucking miserable place, gave up and left after about 20 minutes. try book a ticket for the first slot after entry so you have 30 minutes or so that is not so bad i guess

definitely +1 to go on the canals somehow

my favourite museum there is the maritime museum but doesn't really sound like you'd be into it

rick steves has some free audio guide walking tours for amsterdam you can download on your phone if you want some cheesy american boomer sightseeing guides. they're actually decent
when it comes to parks nothing can beat Vondelpark when you are in the city center. If you have time to travel a bit you could try taking the ferry to Amsterdam North. The ferry is free so that's a fun little boat ride as a bonus. North district used to be run down and filled with low income housing but has been transformed into a more alternative, graffiti and dance schools kinda area. Fun area to walk around in. There's also a really nice oldskool arcade there (Blast Galaxy), just a 10 minute walk from where the ferry stops.

For more nature in North you can also visit 't Twiske. A large recreational (free) park with lots of activities for kids, landmarks, bike paths you name it. Been there loads as a kid since my mom was poor and this was our way of getting out on the weekends.
as long you arent an amerimutt i dont care
There should be an American ban. No tourist is worse than an American.
I know what you mean, no I'm from Edinburgh.
Okay that's better.

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