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i need to move out of my moms house. Ive realized this undeniably. I have bad renting history though from when i was younger, and no friends really. I do have an income, its not from a job though.

So I need to find month to month housing. No BS, pay up front at the beginning of the month, type of thing. Ive heard from others that this exists but i have no idea how to find it. Any actual landlords I've tried to talk to about it won't touch me with a thousand foot pole. so I need no commitment, month to month.

please /trv/, hear my plea.
What country do you live in?
united states
If you are in the US then the types of places you are talking about will either be be old motels in the ghetto that are run by poojeets, or old trailer parks run by rednecks. Both will be catering to an element of society that doesn’t quite live on the streets, but also doesn’t want their current address documented. Also check Craigslist for people looking for roommates
craigslist is empty and extended stays ive seen are like 1500 a month. Theyre basically making life impossible for the non-wealthy im realizing. even studio apartments in my small town are like 1000.
Sorry but that’s that price you pay for being a deadbeat
Pretend to be a tourist
>even studio apartments in my small town are like 1000.
Then maybe move?
What you are looking for are "furnished apartments" which often have month to month or pre-determined lease pricing like pay for 12 months and stay.

In the midwest I can find 1br for 650 with ease,sounds like you have no credit. Maybe try to get some credit card and make some purchases paying them off immediately.
>,sounds like you have no credit.
>What you are looking for are "furnished apartments" which often have month to month or pre-determined lease pricing like pay for 12 months and stay.
i already have my own furniture, and would prefer to use my own rather than someone elses. Whats so crazy to me is that the furnished places are cheaper than the non furnished ones.
>Whats so crazy to me is that the furnished places are cheaper than the non furnished ones.
Often these are aimed at lower/fixed income or people who just moved into the area, they aren't meant for families either. They are often lower because they are trying to keep things occupied as people constantly do monthly leases.

They aren't bad just visit first

>i already have my own furniture, and would prefer to use my own rather than someone elses
So... Bring it? just because it's furnished doesn't mean you can't have your own desk or chair or whatever the fuck it is you like. You just have to put all the furniture the way it was when you moved in whenever you move out
>has no job but an income
Go live in Chiang Mai or something retard. Wtf.
Blimey what a third world nation

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