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is Split, Croatia really that good for a week trip? Heard some great things about it
Regarding historic sites and the old city, you can see everything there is to see in two days, maybe three if you're on the beach until evenings. It's rather neat and you can also climb to the top of the bell tower. The lauded Riva looks nice, but literally smells of rotten eggs.

As for the beaches, I assume Bačvice is always crowded since it's a small beach close to the center, but I've never bothered going there. Žnjan beach is nice, there should be free spots since it's rather large.

The prices are also high compared to what the city can offer, especially when it comes to accommodation. For food you can take a short walk away from the center to find saner prices.

t. Croatian, was there for a summer holiday in 2022. My general impression was that it's overpriced for what it offers. I don't plan on going back again and would rather visit another country for the same price. If you would like to see the Croatian coast and not Split in particular, I'd recommend Zadar.
what do you want to do?

if just for the city, a weeks seems a bit long
you could do daytrips to e.g. Trogir or Makarska
but Split itself has sights for maybe 2 full days

>overpriced for what it offers
depends on what you compare it too

I did a 3 week roadtrip down the Croatian coast until Dubrovnik and back last year (so with €)
mainly historic stuff, coastal towns and everything UNESCO

if you compare it to similar cities in Italy, France or Turkey (now), Split was quite affordable
not cheap by any means, but also haven't had the feeling that things were unreasonably expensive (except Dubrovnik)
overpriced hellhole crawling with drunk Brits passing out and puking everywhere
avoid Split, Zadar and Dubrovnik when you're in Croatia
and Plitvice as well
unless you're going outside the tourists season
>depends on what you compare it to
I went to Zadar a year before, Heraklion a year later. I've found both to be more enjoyable and affordable, especially Heraklion, since it also offered some great day trips all over Crete. The traffic is sketchy as hell though and I also got fucked by Air Serbia on my way back.

I'm going to Antalya in a week and I feel like gas + tolls + apartment in Split comes out about the same as airplane tickets + hotel with breakfast in Antalya and I expect prices to be lower there as well. Same thing with Heraklion.
how long are you going to turkey for?
>going to Antalya in a week
>I expect prices to be lower there as well
turkey is the midst of a total currency fuck up
especially the big cities and tourist towns have ridiculous pricing now
13 nights

I've been to Istanbul twice in the past year and things were generally not expensive. Looking at hotel prices in Antalya, I expect the same, even though it's summer season.

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