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What countries will you never visit again?
i wish i could say india but i might give it another shot
British Hong Kong.

the feels
Wow British so great. That's why the modern UK is a revolting shithole?
I might as well even say I’ll never really visit the UK of the 90’s/00’s again too.
Hong Kong was cool under British rule.
Commies have ruined and destroyed Hong Kong
UK was trash. Dublin was trash. Hated half Europe and never understood why Chinese and japanese people keep flying in uninvited. Probably same thing as crackers showing up in Asia despite having no relatives there. I think Jews killed Japan, its turning into weird streamer-tuner-weeb goyslop tranny state with declining population, while all the tsunami and earthquake alerts remain. Tourism is overrated.
> Sarajevo and Muslim Bosnia (unless the Christians reconquer the region)
> Romania (gypsy-ridden shithole)
I don’t have a cynical “never again” shitlist. But I have visited some countries I don’t expect to get back to, including but not limited to Russia, Ukraine, and Pakistan. I have had good experiences in all of them. But I’m not getting younger and there are still lots of easier places to go that I haven’t seen yet.
>never understood why Chinese and japanese people keep flying in uninvited
People want their money you absolute retard
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For different reasons, probably Haiti. I have had a wonderful time with friend in a very small town way up in the mountains -- most of the people teens or under had never been all the way down the mountain to the main road about 10 mile away, one guy had managed to get a car up the rutted goat-track of a road and was the most impressive man in town. One guy had a chicken he carried around everywhere. The preacher at the church very solemnly told me not to go down thus-and-such a pathway because there was a Voudun oungan down there who would put a spell on me. Everybody was poor as fuck, and nice as fuck, and generous with what they had. But the country around them has gone to shit -- I mean, Haiti was always pretty shitty overall, but nothing like it is now. My friend cannot get out of the "town" the risk of getting kidnapped or killed is too great, and there is no way I can get in. Maybe things will get better, but I am not optimistic about it.
Chinese and Japanese know very little about the outside world, so they mistakenly believe all that Europe isn't some third world shithole of assholes. Upon landing though, their illusion is quickly dispelled and they get Paris Syndrome.
Easily Istanbul, but might go to the other parts of Turkey for geographic reasons. I really wanted the idea of a cosmopolitan center of culture to be what Istanbul was. Turns out it's a bunch of Turks making money off of dumb tourists, that's it. Never again.
Istanbul sucks. Go once for a couple days to cross it off the list, but you are 100% correct. Turkboos are disgusting
Hey friend. That's a cool shirt. Where are you from? Do you like Turkey? Oh by the way I run this rug shop and. . .
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Yup, unless it's a transfer. Kuala Lumpur is just so much better and it's right next door
Filtered extremely hard. Bet you just bounced from tourist site to restaurants with picture menuss,kek.

The current state of Haiti makes me sad too. It could be if not a tropical paradise, at least a livable place and a decent tourist destination, but it's like that place is cursed. The criminal gangs, the fires, the earthquakes, the pandemics, a fucking civil war about to start. Living there is like playing a dark soul game on the highest difficulty with a Chinese bootleg controller.

> a city standing on the border of two continents with more than 2000 years of history and wich was the capital of two of the biggest empires of their time is a tourist trap because... Because it is, ok?? Also a guy tried to sell me some magnets and I got scared

dumbest post itt. I advise you to leave this thread and go back to the /theme park/ general, that might be your cup of tea
Istanbul is an extremely dirty, hot, crowded, and loud shithole filled with turks trying to scam you everywhere you go
India. It's an absolute fucking shithole. Even the easy cooming wasn't worth it.
It literally happens to westoids like me too. I absolutely fucking hated Paris.
>capital is loud and crowded
>theres Turks in Turkey
>Turkey can get hot
>tourist sites might try and make money from you

You sound like an utter noob. Istanbul has so much to see and do its insane. Bet you didnt even take a ferry, cycle the Prines Islands, have a day out in Kadikoy or chill to live music around Istiklal, lol.
ROK. Pretty sure i'd get smoked or worse if I stepped foot on that peninsula again. Hell of a time though.
I feel you anon
what's there to hate about Paris if you stay out of the shitty parts? yeah it's touristy but what did you expect? I mean you go there to walk the fucking Louvre, take a picture at the effiel tower, and then get the fuck out to literally any other part of France (if that's your thing). great skiing and biking, the beaches, food and wine, etc. Paris can be ghetto but at least it has nice areas and culture, unlike Dublin, which is a disgusting refugee camp with garbage food and nothing to do but drink shit beer
pretty much everywhere I have travelled has made me more open minded and of the opinion that many 'third world' countries are actually great.
Not India. My driver spat on the floor without shame, stopped the car to piss at the side of the road in full view, the toilets were literally overflowing with human shit and swarming with flies.
The men all had a weird bug eyed expression and stared constantly at me and my gf, but unlike in other countries I didn't feel at all on edge, just a mixture of pity and disgust.
The food was decent in places and awful in others, but overall I did not like it. I stayed in a city where everyone constantly said it was 'The Cleanest City in India' which was promoted with signs and posters. A local told me later that this was completely made up and that every city did it.
Many houses were half-built or falling apart and I regularly saw people showering and shitting in the open.
Because there were no proper crossroads or traffic management systems, they had a system of beeping their horn at every single corner, so the city was filled with constant beeping, 24/7.
The chinese are writing the British part out of their history. We are watching a history re-write and if they're doing it, did our leaders also? I wonder what one event that we have is made illegal to even question?
Montenegro. Holy shit that was bad.
I would say Vietnam, but after leaving I realize I'm super fucked up and kinda like the chaos.

What I like about India is every so often you come across one of those guys who is like "bro I know"

He's usually the potbellied, somewhat tuned out, go with the flow kinda guy who smokes cigs like a chimney. He turns up whenever you're in a situation, cracks a few jokes and puts you at ease.
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Burger here...probably Mexico. Increasingly expensive, cartel psychopaths, thuggish police, blatantly neglected infrastructure, shitty budget hotels, rude people (deeply distrustful of outsider males), and unpleasant cold snaps in winter if you aren't on the Pacific Coast or Yucatan Peninsula. The only plus is being able to take a car down there; driving in mainland Mexico is undeniably far more adventurous than wandering around Southeast Asia. Picrel is Linares, Mexico.
Elaborate on what makes Montenegro shit. It looks pretty comfy, lodging seems to start around $30/night which is too high for me. I've heard the Balkan states are really hard to get around without a car.
Retard detected
Montenegro? Did you go to the interior or something stupid like that? The Bay of Kotor is one of the most beautiful places on earth and the towns are like fairy tales.
Probably Slovakia. I liked Bratislava. But the only reason to stop there is because it's along the high speed train route from Vienna to Budapest. You can see everything in the city worth seeing in a day. It's a cool little city with a nice old town and great beer, but there's no reason to ever go back. We had a car and I literally couldn't find anything else worth stopping for.
>every app is blocked
>can't pay for shit for not having wechat pay connected to my bank account
>can't even buy a SIM card as a tourist for internet and navigation
>can't book shit online because I don't have a Chinese ID
>streets and dirty and smell like piss
>people don't wash hands before eating and some restaurants don't even have toilets
>squat toilets
>sky wasn't blue one single day

yeah I don't think it's for me
Germany. Absolutely shite for travel:
>ugly cities
>"""unsafe vibe""" in streets
>no wifi
>muh terminal doesn't work magically after covid
>cuisine = muh doner, muh currywurst
>autist arrogant pricks everywhere
>filled with turks trying to scam you everywhere you go
it's not nearly so bad if you get outside the designated tourist milking zone around the main sites, but everything in that part of the city is a scam other than the actual sites
I'll bet money you've only been in Berlin and maybe Frankfurt/Hamburg. I'm not even german, but your post is so fucking stupid.

Please explain.

He has a point. I love Turkey and have been on three long roadtrips and going on a forth this fall. I would agree that Istanbul is the worst part by far.
Probably Albania
You didn't like Theth-Valbona? Or Gjirokaster? Korce? Gjipe?
Cuba might be one. Was 6 months there, seen it all and there's nothing that special about i
I loved Albania, but I loved it because it had SOVL now that its a normie meme destination I might as well just go to Croatia.
America (when I finally get to leave it)
probably thailand
Obnoxious people, a lot of blacks, ugly buildings, bad food, dirty cities with lots of homeless, can't drink tap water.
All in all there is just nothing worthwhile seeing there except for the nature, but that is better in Canada anyways and I don't have to go to another continent for nice nature.
I seriously don't understand why so many Europeans visit the US.
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>can't drink tap water
lol what?
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china and it's not even up for debate
>Hated half Europe and never understood why Chinese and japanese people keep flying in uninvited.

assuming you're a white american, who invited you?
won't say NEVER, but I didn't really enjoy south tyrol.
that's a pretty nice chicken.
egypt without fail every fucking time.
The nigger problem is the South's fault.

typical scamming and backwards slav adjacent cunts. Fuck em
cope, Georgia is based
Sweden - soulless euro disneyland
Panama - shitty Miami without the beaches
North Macedonia - fake country, fake architecture
Croatia, I can't believe they're such scamming faggot, it's like I'm on the other side of the Mediterranean
kyrgyzstan. i almost fought two hobos in bishkek after telling them to fuck off cus they were asking for cigs and money, and then it started pouring rain.
that chart is out of date.
Most US cities don't have safe water systems anymore.
Which cities? I will admit that the chart isn't perfect. I found the tap water in Medellin and Bogotá to be drinkable.
>inb4 muh Flint!!!!
*potable, sorry don't know why that word slipped my mind for a second
Great country. Terrible people, unfortunately.
You sound insane.
The IMMENSE shit hole that is India is horrifying. Not even sure if its worth colonising anymore.
japan just fucked that up and it'll never get better
Same...South last time...but up North, around Nepal 'n Chia-nah 'n such, or even Pakistan.

Maybe. MAYBE.
I have visit for work in the future and Im literally worried about China.

I fear I will have to fast for weeks because Im not going to touch the food...now I have all of your shit rolling around in my head...fug.....
needed that. what about bulgaria?
It's tolerable for a short trip (week or two max) in tier 1 cities. For food, stick to nice restaurants (avoid hole-in-the-wall restaurants in China!!!). Night markets might look tempting, but remember, there is a 50% chance you WILL get diarrhea from Chinese street food. Also, the air is not going to smell or look very nice. Keep the trip short and you should survive.
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Literally every single country on the planet has been trashed ITT

You guys are so mean
The fuck did you do there?
The north owned niggers too just not as farm equipment

It wasn’t horrible (outside the designated nu-Swede ghettos), just bland and I never ate anything tasting above average there.
The Netherlands. Went there, smoked weed, fucked hookers, saw the canals, went to several small cities outside of Amsterdam. I wasn't very impressed and there's nothing left there I want to see, but the biggest factor is that the Dutch are some of the most rude and unwelcoming people I've ever met. I actually loved the place and wanted to move there before I went there and met the Dutch lol.

Also Nairobi. You asked for countries, and the rest of Kenya was decent, but Nairobi was a real hell. Most polluted place I've ever seen, all of the city is unsafe as fuck, locals make the Dutch seem warm and friendly, traffic is so congested that being stuck in non-moving traffic for an hour was normal, also the city was founded in 1899 and has no historical sights whatsoever.
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I really don't like the Dutch. Germans can be a little cold and autistic at times, but the Dutch are on an entirely different level of it. I understand they have to babysit retard tourists and noggers 24/7, which can be tiring, but there is no need to act that way to EVERYONE that isn't Dutch.
The Netherlands would be a perfect country to test neutron bombs on. It's a beautiful place, and it would be nice to keep the infrastructure. Just remove the people and it's a pretty kino (but flat) country
Yeah, that's my thoughts too. I get the tourist fatigue, but I've been to most tourist overloaded hellholes in Europe, Barcelona, Venice, Dubrovnik, and nowhere did I get even a hint of the same attitude. They really do have a problem.
>The Netherlands would be a perfect country to test neutron bombs on
Wholeheartedly agree.
Wouldn't you like to know, u fuck ass fed
You have to be literally retarded to get scammed in Georgia outside of the airport taxis, which should be obvious to anyone with above 100 IQ.

Georgians are honest as fuck and will usually do everything they can to make sure you have a good time. Most of the time I was out drinking, locals would constantly be buying drinks for me and wishing me a good time in their country.

You're probably gullible, retarded and cringe though, so you might have had a different experience than me.
Bulgaria. Sofia looks like shit, I got food poisoning from a high-end restaurant and there's more gypsies than people walking around, and they're constantly begging you for money.
Belgians are the version of the Netherlands with a soul

But it comes at the cost of their administrative abilities. The Netherlands are way better ran
> Georgians are honest as fuck


Their diaspora creates mafias wherever they go. They’re the main organized criminals in Poland
>what about bulgaria?
same thing as romania but worse in every way
India and possibly the USA.
-California and maybe the USA as a whole, unless there's major changes that would make the country safer and less tourist/consumer hostile (paying premium for every single shit, paying tips over fees over tips), i feel like i'm getting screwed by every hotel, restaurant and so on, and except natural parks it's not worth it.
San Francisco, LA, Seattle are total shitholes that would take 10 years to gentrify again.
-I'm on the fence about Japan now because it's been americanized and there's too many "westerners". Been thinking about going back there for years, but i can't seem to find the right angle to justify me going back. I've been cured of my weabooism, idk.
-Belgium, no explanation needed
Why would you respond to the most obvious Larp post of 2024
When I went I accidentally got inducted into a cult. Never going back there
Azerbaijan is the worst country in the world populated by the worst people. India is a paradise on earth compared to Azerbaijan. I’d rather live surrounded by Indians and mainlanders than have to suffer Azeris ever again. Azerbaijani people are actual subhuman scum spiritually and mentally.
2/2 id also like to say that there should be a final solution to Azeris, but that’s too kind. I think letting Azerbaijan exist and force them to live amongst themselves is worse than supporting their genocide. I am 100% serious when I say I’d rather spend the rest of my life in North Korea than Azerbaijan.
What happens in ROK stays in ROK.
>Sweden - soulless euro disneyland
how is it "euro disnelyland"? that implies it got a little mix of everything in europe and it's fake. sweden is just kind of boring
That's diaspora though, that's always the case. The shittiest people leave. Same thing happened in Poland in 2004, streets had gotten massively safer overnight as all the bydło packed up and left to steal in the UK instead, landing firmly in the top parts of their criminals per nation per capita charts.

Boy do i have some bad news for you

>As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, multiple European countries have recorded a huge increase in the number of tourists and some locations have started to introduce certain measures to deal with the negative effects, Croatia is now among them.

I misread your posts, thought you were saying Croatia isn't a normie meme tourist destination.
>japanese people keep flying in uninvited
Japanese people don't travel internationally you retard they don't get any time off work.
the one time I went to Amsterdam with three friends we were just leaving the train station and a young woman passed on a bike and yelled at us "fuck you, we don't want you here!" while showing us the middle finger (and no, we weren't standing in the way or being loud or anything). Such an odd experience, but I must say that most of the people we interacted with in the following days were pretty nice
Don't worry. They're all coming back. There is nothing worse than peasants with money. That's Poland. Over the past month I had to call the police 3 times. All situations were caused by Proud Hussars. It was a grand total of 0 for over 10 years.
There are 5900 McDonald in China + all the other chains. You won't starve.
Ask whoever you are meeting for work for suggestion for restaurant.
100% this

Never again now that I have kids, I went with my wife and 2 male cousins and even then I borderline feared for her safety due to the looks she was getting. She was wearing full length (loose fitting) pants and long sleeved shirt too lol
Do it it's well worth it
Netherlands is objectively the best country. Sorry Tyrone-Ishmael that you weren't treated as a person because you aren't.
>Netherlands is objectively the best country
too flat
Japs love travelling to Hawaii doe

>t. hawaiinigga
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>Anon says the Netherlands is a good country but the Dutch are rude
>a Dutchman appears saying the Netherlands is best while being extremely rude
You sure showed him there buddy
We're not impressed by your late 17th century buildings, cheesemuncher
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Probably Kosovo desu, it kinda cheap but it just felt like there was fuck all to do also felt a tiny bit dangerous at night.

>picrel, only cool thing
USA. Went to a couple cities on their west coast and holy heck what a letdown. Those theme parks were fun though.
+1 for never going back to sweden. Country is a socialist nightmare I cant fathom how a people so imbued with social ideology and leftism can be so anti-social and weird. And ya the food is absolute slop.
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The people might as well have dollar signs in their eyes when they look at you but unlike Thailand where they'll be racists and try to scam you for an extra 5 bucks Jordanians see no issue with going 100x what the normal price would be. If you dont accept their scam offer they'll threaten you and even lay their disgusting poo wiping hands on you. In two weeks I dodged 3 taxi scams, one fake police officer scam, and 4 hotel price scams 3 of which almost ended in fist fights. I hope Isreal doesn't stop at Palestine and continues to wipe these cockroaches off the face of the Earth.
Egypt. I'm used to traveling in third world countries where you get constantly harassed by locals, but Egypt is on a different level. Never again.
Do tell us how you, as a burger who gets all his news of the outside world from the internet, how visiting Sweden made you think that it's a "socialist nightmare"? What did you see or experience there? Or did it all come to you in a dream?
He's never been there, he just wanted to complain about muh socialism, as if free healthcare and high taxes are something you experience as a tourist.
uruguay. what an EXPENSIVE shithole with garbage food and ugly, ugly architecture. very very dirty and hostile bums too. fucking psychotic drivers too for the "most developed country" in sa. do not waste your time even if your in buenos aires or something just ignore it. interior of the country is meh not horrible but not worth it. maybe do a day trip to colonia

also the place i stayed at had a large crowd of at least 100 people with drums and shit march up and down the blocks around 9 or 10 every other day. its something to do with former slaves or something but i saw maybe a dozen blacks in the whole country in my 10 days there. but until 1am loud ass drums bang da da da bang da da da completely ridiculous
>tfw no racist dutch tomboy GF
what are the top 5 best cities in South America for gringo nomads?
Thanks for reminding me what a hive of narcissists it is. After living in your commie swamp for a year (doing literally no work and getting paid by your tax payers, thanks btw). "If only everyone was like us the world would be perfect" was such a funny swedish mentality. And your government mandated education has surely done its job when you jump to its denfense so vehemently. Never forget to honour your feminist overlords.
dont have a top 5 because ive only been to 4 big cities in sa but buenos aires was awesome in a lot of ways. no clue about nightlife but if your a solo walk around type traveler like me you'll love it there & it was pretty cheap in general. poor english skills though so brush up on your spanish if you go there
>with garbage food
I loved the choripan and thought the steak was fine, but the same as Argentina for 3x the price, agree on everything else
>what are the top 5 best cities in South America for gringo nomads?
Buenos Aires, Florianopolis, Rio, Sao Paulo, Cordoba. This is just my personal list, I've been to most of the popular places and didn't like some of them as much for safety, noise, cost or other reasons. I don't care about distance to the US or English level.
Had one, would not recommend. Dutch people are autistic but not in a fun way
I'm not Swedish you drooling retard. I just like to poke fun at Americans who decide which countries they like based on whether or not it's "socialist" or not. It's fairly obvious you've never been there, like how your story changed from visiting to living for a year (if it was so horrible, why did you stay?), or how it was "socialist" in your last post and "communist" now. Americans can't just live on neetbux in any European country btw, might want to revise that part of your story next time you barge in on a discussion about Sweden.
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Imagine being filitered by Belgium.
You know that tips are optional right? lmao
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BsAs has no nightlife. Argentina in general is the most overrated country on the planet despite it's notoriously easy visa policies. The retard they elected will probably do his best to fuck you over on that for his handlers before his time is up - naturally or otherwise.

Argentinians are fucking assholes too and BsAs/Cordoba contain the worst examples of living shit on Earth. Eastern Europeans are arguably more tolerable than Argentinians once you get past the Slavic 'ice wall' cold personalities. All Argentinians have is that typical 'LatAm Extroversion' that's a thinly veiled cover for the most envious fucking losers on the continent. Even Venezuelans have more humility than an Argentine.

And the women are terrible in bed. Sure, they're white, but those are the porteno sluts in BsAs that are too fucking stupid to manage their own OnlyFans accounts. B1+ conversation Spanish is required here.

You're better off in Mexico or Colombia than Argentina. And no, Argentina isn't "Safer" than Colombia and certainly no safer than Mexico where the cartel tortures anyone that touches a gringo. Stay out of Medellin and take a cab around at night anywhere else and even Colombia is "SAFE" compared to Argentina (now 62% living below poverty rate). Plenty of cities in both Colombia and Mexico where people aren't just worthless jealous pieces of shit masquerading as "white and worthy".

The irony to Argentina being the browns are the only 'decent assholes' in the country. May as well just go to Paraguay or Brazil and learn their shitty language.
The US west coast is wonderful. It has a perfect climate for people to live in and jaw-dropping natural beauty all around. The problem is that it's inhabited by the worst people in the US: conservatives that honest-to-god believe they're progressives.
NTA but did you go to the south at all? I've been interested in going to Argentina for a while but I want to go to Tierra del Fuego and southern Patagonia; I have zero interest in the north.

I'll happily be the Devil's Advocate to the InstaLARP regarding southern Argentina.

I'm American, I've done a dozen+ road trips to the Western US Nat'l Parks. Arches, Zion (GOAT), Rocky Mountain/Pike's Peak/Boulder Co. Area, Yellowstone, and Grand Teton (Also gorgeous).

If you've been to Rocky Mountain, Yellowstone, and Teton, then you've been to Patagonia. The parks are not only nicer, but you don't have to deal with Argentina and it's economic bullshit or the people there. You can make a nice road trip, even if you don't have a car you can sleeper RV for a few weeks. Just go to Boulder, hit the big state parks there, Rocky Mtn, then straight north to Teton and Yellowstone in a night. Bam, saved a ton of money, time, and hastle and see everything Patagonia has to offer except for the InstaLarp at El Chaltan and the glacier.

Bariloche is an entire town (not city, town) that is a massive tourist trap. That far south people either have money right now (probably not that much unless they're owners) or they're piss poor. You'll literally see the poor browns standing in the grocery stores there just staring at the milk and shit that's gone up 500% and there is no meat in the stores either. On weekends it gets crowded and as I'm sure you can imagine none of the locals are happy to deal with you on a personal level since you're one of hundreds of white assholes there to take their pictures and leave. You'll be treated accordingly. Most of the tourists are French or Spaniard. You'll not get along with the French, they're pieces of shit like always, and the Spaniards (the women) generally pair up fast since they know the language.

I can't speak highly of Patagonia, and like Mexico the whole "rent a care" meme is asking for trouble. No one has money, your shit will be stolen or the car will get a "flat" and need a pricey tow, etc.

Peru or Ecuador have better options for trekking and a stable economy that doesn't require a million trips to Western Union.

Worth noting as well that home invasions/robberies, non-violent at least for now, are on the rise in Bariloche targeting AirBNBs and temporary stays. Even long term expats there are being targeted.

Check Facebook groups if you want to keep tabs on crime in Argentina. It's not safe.
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You guys don't know you're talking about. Argentina is beautiful. See picrel. Such architecture, many wow.
The Netherlands are extremely well-run, good looking, but somehow idk it’s the most soulless feeling place on earth and I’m not that tempted to see the rest of it

Anyone else got this feel?
it's a great country but dutch people suck
then dont go if you want to drink and sleep around. completely safe for me and i went all over except for the obvious slums (thought there really is no such thing as a dangerous country outside of warzones like haiti). it sounds like you just had a bad experience and are taking it out on the country.
>The Netherlands are extremely well-run, good looking, but somehow idk it’s the most soulless feeling place on earth and I’m not that tempted to see the rest of it
They are overfeeded with tourism., Dutch can be very nice, know how to party and the landscape and little towns are partly exceptional beautiful. But they know how to be polite but distant to tourists. Dutch i know usually describes Amsterdamers as arrogant and rude btw.
>t, German worked there often
I was going to say he sounds buttblasted at a personal level, I can only wonder what he isn't telling us.

Korea - ROK (Seoul)

Just boring and soulless place. Looks like a computer motherboard. People are NPC. Never been to a major city that quiet. Understand now why koreans are killing themselves en masse and antinatalist but no desire to go back

fuck those faggots
They speak Portuguese in Brazil. Your argument is invalid.
>also the place i stayed at had a large crowd of at least 100 people with drums and shit march up and down the blocks around 9 or 10 every other day.

Lmao this is the only entertaining thing I saw In Montevideo. Complete shit hole, boring, food is awful.
>Azer the worst
Please explain, I'm intrigued

Agreed. NPC factory that fetishizes consumerism well beyond their means. There’s also a distinct sadness (about the younger generation’s behavior) on the old people’s faces that just cuts you to your core. I had more fun hiking around Anyang with a small group of ajummas than I did partying in Gangnam/Itaewon. Those ladies can hike for days
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Canada. Smelly poojeets everywhere.
Well are the taxes ridiculously high, like over 50 percent income? Are fines based on income? Is healthcare and public transport "free" or heavily subsidized? Do most people live in subsidized or rent controlled tiny apartments?

Post Soviet Union used to be like that. I think you can call that socialism.
>Well are the taxes ridiculously high, like over 50 percent income?
In the time period that US righties fetishize, the highest marginal tax brackets in the US were 90%
>In the time period that US righties fetishize, the highest marginal tax brackets in the US were 90%
Do you have data on how many people were actually paying that rate? Pretty sure it was close to nobody and tax evasion was much easier and less enforced at the time
I dont have a problem with tax and redistribute, I'd actually prefer that in a condensed society of 5M people who speak the same language and look the same and share a common history (like Finland or Japan (w/ less people)). But taxing people so that half of africa can come and punt out babies, live on welfare, and build mosques is insane. If thats going to be policy then its every man for himself imo.
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It was close to nobody because the 90% marginal bracket only kicked in on earned income above $200k for singles and $400k for couples, IE you only paid 90% tax on any income in excess of those amounts. That's the equivalent of around $2 million to $4 million in annual income today, which is a small fraction of the top 1% of earners. High top marginal income brackets alone aren't a silver bullet, but that combined with more aggressive estate taxes prior to the 1980s meant far less wealth inequality in the US than today, and the top 1% and top 10%'s wealth only took off after those changes.

You also have to factor in that the lower tax brackets were also far more aggressive. For example, in the '50s a median household income was around $4300. So in the 1952 fiscal year, a family at the median would be taxed at 22.2% on the first $4k, then 24.6% on the last $300. Marginal tax rates hit 42% at $20k of annual income, equivalent to $237k today, and 62% at a $40k household income. So yes, rich people paid a lot in taxes then, even if very few people were so insanely wealthy as to actually reach the 90% to bracket.

I can't speak for Sweden, but at least in the US a vast majority of immigrants (both legal and not) come here to work and make their lives better, even if they are refugees from some cartel infested shithole. They are the reason the economy keeps going and the reason the boomers' and GenX retirements aren't going to crash and burn. Picrel goes into detail, I'm not getting this concept across inside the character limit.
Nobody paid the nominal rate. You need to look up what the effective tax rate was based on income levels.
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>your photo

>my photo
Yeah. Argentina is a shithole. Don't come.
>Mexico is undeniably far more adventurous than wandering around Southeast Asia
>picrel is boring ass town with some rusted zinc roofs
I mean, I know that Nuevo Leon isn't exactly the safest place but come on.
Unless you’re some coomer that finds a girl he likes, the Netherlands are a one and done country to visit. The people are shit, the cities are drab and gray, and there’s no appeal to do any drugs anymore since weed and mushrooms are way more tolerated than they used to be. AMS is a great layover airport when things aren’t melting down, but there’s nothing else to see or do in the Netherlands once you’ve gone
>Post Soviet Union used to be like that. I think you can call that socialism.
Smartest American
Eh, I don't remember it that badly. But then again I do avoid taxis like the plague, those are always the worst. Had to argue heatedly the price a few times when hitching a ride and I most certainly overpaid a bit once when sharing with a local but otherwise nothing extraordinary happened.
Except for Wadi Musa. You could nuke that place and not a single honest soul would lose their life that day. Vile fucking dump. Exorbitant double pricing everywhere and every scam known to men plus a shitton of aggression when you call it out.
Jordan is one of the few Middle Eastern countries where taxis actually use a meter. If you managed to get constantly scammed there, maybe your "I hope your people get genocided" attitude had something to do with it? (assuming this is real and not JIDF bait)
>poopjeets everywhere
>arrogant creeps/weirdos and freaks everywhere
>expensive as shit
>horrible public transportation
>woman are fat and ugly
>trash police
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>arrogant white creeps/weirdos and freaks everywhere

fixed it 4 u ....
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Idk if it applies to the rest of the world, but like over half of our drinking water sources are contaminated with a significant amount of pfas. A bunch of micro plastics are making us gayer and dumber than we already are.
You think only America's water has microplastics?
Not kidding, cars are the reason for this. Most of the microplastics in our waterways and groundwater are tire particles. The more we drive, the more our tires wear and dump these particles into our water supply. We're almost literally shitting where we drink. The arms race of heavier and heavier vehicles with more and more horsepower/performance only makes the wear problem worse and dumps these particles into the environment more quickly. The solution is Tokyo/London/Paris style subways and regional rail in all our major cities, but that's unlikely to happen soon with how much power local-level governments have over what gets built and how resistant those same leaders are to anything that might change their driving habits.
How different is HKG today? I lived there from 1990 to 2006 but have never been back since. Very curious to know if the feel of the city has changed from the POV of an expat or tourist.
Stay inside and never come out again.

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