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Why did the old one get jannied?
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It’s always because of that shithead Cuckshed.
guessing it was because people kept talking about Dustin and Vy's recent scandal. i know she's trying to get stuff taken down on facebook as well.
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well, there is one asian tard that is obsessed with White men fucking asian women.
So he shits up all vietnam threads
Ignore him, he is a walking asian redditor stereotype
t. pic related
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> I shit up every thread because I am an asian loser that is in his room 24/7
> My parents are ashamed of me, but I post random photos of White guys I found in the internet, therefore I am based.
T. pic related
> Be White Chad
> See business opportunity in Asia
> Realize I can exploit asian and profit from them
Therefore go to said continent to size the opportunity
Ahem, what is the situation with bringing "guests" back to your hotel room in Vietnam? I hear there is something like a 10pm curfew - supposedly an actual country-wide law (?) - and you can't bring "guests" to your hotel after that time. Is that correct? Expats, tourists and knowledgeable coomers welcome to reply
> poor ricel, no matter how much you cry I will keep exploiting asian and profiting from them
I dont work in IT, I have my own business and sale Western goods by bulk to your moronic race.
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> me manly White Boi
>me can fight
> me totally not a loser
> keep raging asian loser
> keep making assumptions
> you will always be a yellow loser
Your average asian loser getting crushed by a White BVLL
> First you said I was cuckshed, then that I was White dork and now that I am brown.
> You are completely mind broken.
The videos are funny as hell and the the channel is run by an asian loser like you.
>Chads work in finance and sales.
It's not Chad to be a slimy Jew, anon.
> funny from someone that can only say dork.
> No need to use sophisticated vocabulary with a mind broken ricel.
> Stay mad mongoloid loser
> dork dork dork. I am obsessed with White Dorks
> I need to imagine that Whites are doing menial task, so I can evade my sad reality of being a worthless yellow loser.
Your life will never get better ricel loser
> Imagine being a miserable loser like you that rages non stop everyday because other people have a brighter future that you
> keep doing the reddit spacing /aznmasculinity faggot
It feels good to call you an incel because you are a bitter onde indeed. While I have a loving girlfriend
> poor ricel keeps projecting his insecurity to other people.
Keep thinking what you want mongoloid abomination, I do have a gf.
While you cry to sleep every night because you are a permavirgin
Completely mind broken asian ricel
I thought that according to you I was cuckshed, then a White dork, then a brown dude and now this random dude.
Keep crying faggot.
Feels fantastic to destroy your mind
you have no chance in this world, you will die alone asian abomination
> Its true ricel, you will die alone. Its over for you
> I have a successful business and a loving gf.
While you only have bitterness and sadness in your life.
> You are so retarded that its funny, you cannot make up your mind if I am White or Brown.
> noooo you cant profit from stupid Asian ricels.
> noooo you cant take their money
Keep crying, I will keep on doing it faggot
You cant stop me.
Make up your mind, asian subhuman am I White or Brown? you keep changing your mind ever 2 minutes.
No wonder you are so retarded
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I will keep on profiting from your weak race
Stay mad ricel subhuman
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Why don’t I ever see the white guys in Asia with an attractive girl? It usually some girl near 30 who needed to marry out and not the ones that is like 20-23.
Sure buddy sure
Clearly you never done business before, that's why you don't know how to spot an interesting market.
But you are an asian loser, asians have a flock mentality. Zero originality, so its not a surprise that you just mentiontrendyplaces
Why the only race of "men" that cares about this shit is asian?
Literally, rest of men dont give a single fuck about which type of girl is some other dude dating
Thanks for confirming you are a brainlet.
You really know nothing about business
Poor ricel loser, you really are obsessed with White guys aren't you? you must be a fag after all
If it matters, my gf is Taiwanese.
Your only date is your right hand
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resorting to muh bbc now ricel?
Its ok, you will still be a virgin
You will die as a virgin too
If I am not telling the truth why do you get so angry?
Maybe because my accomplishments make you feel insecure, therefore you feel angry. Makes sense since you are a massive failure
>asian micro dick
> virgin
> neet
It cant get worse than that
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I thought I was brown? so which one is it rice boi, White or Brown? Still cant make up your mind?
Relax agent ricel, you cant order me to do shit.
Keep raging you will always be a yellow abomination, a complete loser and a massive disappointment to your family.
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> I am gonna copy the joke he made some minutes ago, me so smart.
zero creativity, no wonder you are a yellow subhuman
It’s crazy how uncreative and recognizable buttcuck’s posts are.

Once he started being ignored by /phg/ he found the (you’s) he craves here. You should ignore him too.
context for this?
>tfw i'm bigger than the average black penis
lol, lmao even
This thread is absolutely fucking worthless to learn anything about Vietnam.
What do you want to know, bro. I'll help if I can.
If you've been here and you know things, post about them. Be the change you want to see, and all that shit.
that's called shitting up the thread
>What do you want to know
what's your opinion on the golf of tonkin incident and the you know who referring to it as an incident
Welcome to the cesspool of mental illness known on /trv/ as cuckshed
A foreign guy who is on some shows posted some nudes of his co-host
Where are the pics?
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Uhhh i thought you guys said white dorks can’t get attractive and HQ viets?

Also at the same time Vy may have possibly ruined her life lmao.
If the rest of you retards can shut up for a moment, an anon in the previous thread was telling me of a good motorbike trip to take from Da Nang (down along the south coast maybe?) What was the name of the pass or town that one would head for? I didn't think the other thread would get shoah'd .
>I didn't think the other thread would get shoah'd
You had no reason to think it would. The janny is an arbitrary faggot.
I know I just mean I expected to be able t at least refer to it again after it hit max replies
To add context in case anyone else can guess what the anon may have said, I was looking for a day/overnight trip from Da Nang, wanting to see some nice countryside and interesting terrain.
sad, the girl works for the national tv network so they're nuking everything related to it, fucking commie
Can’t delete it from the internet lel. Her family probably pissed at her. Never trust a white dork.
vietnamese porn sites don't even have the leaks and I see no one on facebook mentioning it so maybe it can
Are you talking about Hải Vân pass between Huế and Đà Nẵng?
Im seeing some stuff on google, is that not it? Turn off safe search.
I believe that is it, thanks! I was guessing a drive south along the coast but this one makes more sense.
Yeah this is dope, and short enough that it's easy.
Yeah, what I'm looking for is to set off in the morning and return to Da Nang for bedtime, not have to fuck around with a hostel on the road or something.
On a related note, is it common to run itno issues driving a motorbike in VN? How strict can they be about licenses etc? I have a Canadian drivers license if that matters at all for bikes. It was enough for Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia for me.
You just need to make sure you have enough bribe money to pay the white boy tax.
I have an expired international license that indicates only cars and not bikes. If you wear a helmet and follow the other rules, I think you're okay. Keep some cash on hand for a bribe just in case, but not too much. You don't want them to get greedy. I've been told by several Vietnamese that the police are discouraged from picking on foreigners because the government wants to preserve its good reputation but you can make of that what you will. I don't know. Take this whole response with a grain of salt and get more opinions but I haven't heard any fucked up stories that didn't begin with the driver being a retard, like my friend who tried to run from the cops on the Hà Giang loop. He was taken to the station but still drove away free after parting with a little coffee money.
For reference what's a good bribe? 200k?

Yeah I mean I don't intend on driving around drunk and recklessly, I don't mind the risk of a bribe if that's about the worst I can expect while otherwise following the rules.
What would "the other rules" entail? It doesn't seem like people give a shit about lights and signs in VN from what I've seen.
200k has been recommended to me by a Vietnamese, yeah.
They sure don't, but that doesn't mean they never get in trouble for not giving a shit about them. I avoid running red lights and speeding.
Why does every hotel in VN ask me what my expected arrival time is? My dates are still a month away but I've noticed this from almost all of them, and the booking process asks this exact info which I answer. What gives? Are they trying to get some legal workaround if I'm late to fuck me over and cancel my booking?
it is because the VN government will be surveilling you.
for sure, its been a dumpster fire.
anyway, ill be in vietnam for 2-3 weeks in December. im really looking forward to it. my only concern is my family is trying to do too much traveling (imo) in that time period. the plan is saigon, hanoi, hoi an, and then a few places around those cities. so basically a few days in each place before going to the next one.
Are picking dates in advance?

I thought about doing it, but decided to just book when I see the actual hotel on the spot

There's so many fucking hotels that if 1 is full, I'll just go across the street and it'll still be the same price
Am I dumb? should I book in advance?
My wife and I are both going to be working remotely for ~5wks so I wanted to schedule my mon-fri to be stable and in a place with a good workspace. It really just depends what type of trip you want. VN is cheap enough that I don't mind if I decide to dip one night elsewhere or if I end up being late to a place, I'm only losing like $30 per night in most spots.

It's not a bad idea to get your first location booked ahead, especially if it's going to be somewhere hectic like Hanoi or HCMC it's nice to avoid the headache after a long flight and know you've got a decent spot booked to unwind.
I should add, many of the places I'm booking are cancellable up to a day or so beforehand, so really I'm not risking much at any given time. Booking.com gives decent perks and discounts, I have a few free private airport pickups included and shit.
It isn't the 90s anymore bro.
Wow what a great thread.
Monkeypox says you won't. LMAO
>hoi an
What a meme.
If I have time to go to either Hoi an OR Hue, which would you recommend? I'm more interested in good food and a nice motorbike ride (from Da Nang) than tourist shit
Huế hands down.
Any particular local dishes or highlights aside from the old imperial thingy you'd suggest?
Hue on motorbike through Hai Van pass and then sticking to the coast is a great ride. You can stop in little villages on the way there and the road itself is largely traffic free. There's a bunch of abandoned resorts by the beach that you can explore if you are feeling epic. I believe in the last thread I wrote about Da Nang and what to do around it in more detail, but I will repeat myself. 1 night in Hue, 1 night in Hoi An, 1 day trip to My Son. However if you really have to pick one, based on your criteria of good food and bike ride, I would lean towards Hue as it's an overall more fun experience. That being said, while the bike ride to Hoi An is not as cool, the food is better in my opinion. Plus you can get a suit tailored if that is your thing. If anything just getting a coat tailored is well worth it.
Da Nang is a great base of operations if you want to explore central Vietnam.
i really hope not.
maybe but ive never been.
>maybe but ive never been.
If you really want to go then go, of course, but unless you just like cute touristy shit then you'll probably be disappointed. I'd had enough of Hội An from the moment I parked my bike. To be fair, I was alone, and that's the kind of thing that might have been more enjoyable with a girl, but as it was, it was just dense crowds of foreigners and people hawking overpriced crap. Do with this what you will.
any anons know what can i expect to pay for a cheap hotel/hostel for ~2 months in binh thanh?? im seeing like $15-$20 a night online but i imagine there is a discount for booking in person and for a long stay. just need a room to put my shit and sleep
Tell me it isn't so. I thought of staying 3 months there from October, where else is nice?
>staying 3 months in a meme town
How would a couple of backpackers boat up the Mekong from Ho Chi Minh to Phnom Penh without spending a bunch of money booking a commercial cruise? Internet searches only seem to cater to people seeking a luxury experience. We really just want to see the river and get from A to B while stopping off at a few places along the way, comfort optional.
I dunno but this is one of the cooler questions posted here. I hope someone can help.
i saw something like this in apocalypse now, maybe try that
I want to drag along my friends with me to all of the big war touristy sites when we visit later this year
what are some of the more interesting ones
gulf of tonkin
you should probably just hire a boat to take you to a town and then hire another one to the next. I know tours for the dolphins do cross between Laos and Cambodia and back to the 10 000 Islands which are well worth it. Other than that there are plenty of buses and mini vans to help link up along the way.
wikitravel lists Chau Doc in Vietnam as having boat options to get there. Not sure what those are like.
reckon they're like boats
This is what I was thinking, but how easy is it to just hire a boat on the spot on the morning you want to go? And how much would that cost? The entire Vietnam/Cambodia trip is only going to be 14 days so we can't really hang around.
Speedboat from Chau Doc is the fallback plan.
For me? Easy. For you? impossible.
This is the answer to most of the questions on this board. You either have it or you don't.
Non-retarded answers only, please.
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Ok I just got here
Took the night soviet train from Saigon to Nha Trang

First impressions are
How the fuck do people drive or do anything here. I don't understand the flow of traffic at all. People just go the wrong way down a one way street and everyone is honking and cutting each other off.
Also I have a hard time adjusting to the monetary system
500,000 is a lot apparently but everything costs about 100,000 so why is it so hard to break a 500,000?
Also there's a lot more people than I expected, I'm from new york where density is a thing, but this is to another level. Feels like India or something idk
But the people are also kinda cold. I tried my best to chat up my train mate even with my bad Vietnamese and he kinda just gave me the cold shoulder, feels bad.
Really good street food though, I'm enjoying all the food stuff. I'm not really a big culinary guy so I'll probably stick to pork buns for the next 3 months that I'm here

What's something fun to do that isn't touristy in Nha Trang, I'm mostly going to work and go to the beach but I want to do at least something a bit memorable with my time here

Also I saw a white hippy with dreadlocks and his fat wife with dreadlocks and I instantly got annoyed
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Why Vietnam? Thailand is much better.
>500,000 is a lot apparently but everything costs about 100,000 so why is it so hard to break a 500,000?

500K (22 USD) the biggest bill ... coffee cost 20K (80 USD) ... it is annoying to break up the bill or they dont have exact change for u ....

>But the people are also kinda cold I tried my best to chat up my train mate even with my bad Vietnamese and he kinda just gave me the cold shoulder, feels bad.

vietnamese r friendly in tourist area ... they want your money ... imagine u see vietnamese tourist in america .... speak broken english ... white man yell and say racial slurs to vietnamese man....

how long u staying in vietnam? :)))
>How the fuck do people drive or do anything here. I don't understand the flow of traffic at all. People just go the wrong way down a one way street and everyone is honking and cutting each other off.

vietnam best drivers in world ... total chaos ... can drive no accident ... vietnam no sidewalks ... tourists dont like .... pls go thailand .... vietnam has low tourists ... tourists dont return to vietnam .... vietnam cheap food cause cancer.
>'m not really a big culinary guy so I'll probably stick to pork buns for the next 3 months that I'm here

3 months! why u stay 3 months ...... nothing to see vietnam... go thailand much things to see ... vietnam cheap ... maybe you cheap like russian u live in nha trang you eat $2 food.
I just want to go to the beach and work on my projects inside. Don't really want to go around and see tourist stuff or take photos. I'm not into that.

I do want to do at least 1 single fun thing though since it's my birthday on the 22cnd and I never traveled overseas before.
better if you like getting scammed lol
Curious about why you chose Nha Trang. Of the central coastal cities it is the worst one imo. Also why the train? Sleeper buses are much more comfortable.
Anyways. There are a bunch of temples you can visit if Cham architecture is something that interests you. Otherwise you can take the cable car across the bay and check out Vinpearl Resort/islands.
Nha Trang is very tourist oriented so there isn't much that isn't touristy in town.
Rent a motorbike and explore the countryside. There's waterfalls and a salt field. It should cost you something like 100k per day for the bike.
Oh and monkey island.
>Curious about why you chose Nha Trang
Some russian guy recommended it to me. Why is it the worst?
>Also why the train?
I like the old soviet trains, feels comfy

I might check out the temples. Thanks. I don't feel safe riding a bike here, I don't understand how the traffic here works at all. I would crash in 0.002 seconds
>russian recommended Nha Trang
Ah, this makes sense. Nha Trang is where most Russian tourists go to live in Vietnam for the winter. Not sure what started the trend, but it's huge among the normie russian crowd that vacations in Vietnam. Maybe because it has the most resorts?
Don't let me demoralize you by saying it's the worst. It's fine on its own, but gets mogged by Da Nang and Quy Nhon on price, area, and design. You'd probably be comfortable riding a motorbike in those cities. I also found them to be much cleaner. I am nitpicking of course, so enjoy your trip!
The tourist area of Đà Nẵng sucks and has zero soul. I haven't been to Nha Trang though.
>but gets mogged by Da Nang and Quy Nhon on price, area, and design
what? Danang is more expensive than NhaTrang and has a worse beach where you can't swim freely
QuyNhon is more quiet and smaller, wherever it's better or not depends what are you looking for
otherwise they are the same: all of them have beach, hills and some temples, NhaTrang isn't overrun by tourist any more than Danang
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Did you see many single white males meandering in Da Nang?
I know Numbeo can be outdated or just full of shit, so I want to ask here. How much do you reckon the cost of living would be in a studio apartment in a cheaper part of Saigon? I just want to NEET until I run out of money. I only eat once a day and my only other expenses would be utilities, internet, phone plan, a gym, and Grab if I can't just walk somewhere in under 30 minutes. I also might do a visa run into Cambodia if I stay longer than 3 months. Would $500 a month be reasonable?
>a gym
Go stay in a nhà nghỉ in some poor rural town and you'll be able to NEET out a lot longer than you'll be able to in Saigon. You'll also have way more SOVL.
it just means that you are a gay
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>Everybody walking around with their girlfriends
I should not have tried vietnam solo
do you want monthly or yearly contract? fully furnished or not?
Just get a local girlfriend, anon. It's not hard in Vietnam.
He's ugly and insane.
How do I go about doing that? I went to the sailing club and drank by myself for 200,000 vnd per drink for 2 hours then walked back to my hotel.

How many times do I repeat this until I get a gf?
>200,000 vnd per drink
What the fuck? Lmao
I met my gf online. Maybe try that
This obviously. What year is it?
I am doing Thailand and Vietnam, we're splitting our time. We've been to Thailand before so we want to go to a new country, having also been to Malaysia and Indonesia
Bumble worked well and resulted in plenty of kino for me in Saigon.
You're not "doing" them you stupid fat fuck. Stop saying this.
Hue all the way. I would spend a couple of days here to get in the market especially if you want good Bun Bo. There is a half decent group of bars in the center of town as well. The old palace ruins are a nice afternoon walk especially if you are into taking pictures of tumbled down shit.
Let's face it, anybody who doesn't enjoy old ruins is an NPC who lacks the divine spark. I like to coom as much as the next guy but I've got room for both.
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I didn't try that. But today I went to the beach and a homeless young man asked me for some money.
I gave it to him in exchange for him going to eat with me and than gave him 400,000 VND to go buy some club clothes so he can introduce me to some girls.

Maybe I got scammed but w/e. It's worth a try. I'm pretty fucking drunk so my rational is not the best atm. I'm going to continue drinking everyday for the next 3 months while I'm here and continue to make wrong decisions.
I'm honestly just surprised he didn't outright rob me after I gave him money.
Holy shit. You are a fucking retard.
I say it just to summon you, faggot. Ill say what I please
Why come?
You can't suck a dick ironically, anon.
You hired a homeless guy to be your wingman?
I'm doing your mom you boy-molesting fruit.
Like every SEA country has that law. It really only exists so if you make too much noise they can kick you out
I think so... Is that bad?
Usually I would never interact with the homeless in the states. But in Vietnam it seems different. His english is pretty good.
>Accidentally click on this thread
>Decide to scroll down anyway
>Shit ton of deleted posts

Damn some generals here seem fucked
Doing my mom makes sense though, and it doesn't sound retarded.
Nobody mentions the giant spiders of Vietnam. I went there and said "those are giant spiders". Vietnam
You can in Thailand
If I go to Udon Thani, will I be able to fuck every brown Isaanigger goblin in sight? Do they flock to the white cock FOR FREE like a bunch of jannies?
kek you're 20 years too late
and 10 years too late for Lao cuties
There still aren't many white people in isn't Isaan though right?
That isn't vietnam. You will get fucked by a spider in Udon Thani.
>Damn some generals here seem fucked

The good posts are censored. Just keep that in mind.
Yeah I have this and Thailand general both open and posted in the wrong one. I'll go kms now.
Yeah really missing out on white dork baiting and monger larping, if anything more posts should be purged from this shit thread
Why the fuck is sliced bread not sold in any fucking store here?
Sliced ham in thin little pouches is like 150,000 VND
I don't understand why this shit is so rare when Banh Mi is sold on every street
Why do you want goyslop bread when you're surrounded by the superior baguette?
I don't want to fucking eat at a restaurant or restaurant tier shit. I just want some sliced bread and deli meats and eat it in my hotel.
Sick of going out
Nigga just order a Banh Mi through grab
I guess I can respect it if that's what would be comfy for you right now but yeah I've lived here for a year and never even tried to buy that stuff so I don't know. I'm too lazy to make my own food and go shopping and all that bullshit.
It's not the same
Banh mi is like cooked stuff with sauces and vegie and whatever the fuck thrown in. That's like a meal.

I just want some plain bread, some sliced ham, a little bit of mustard, and choke it down in 0.02 seconds like a bird
Most of Asia has always been bad about that sort of thing, once a Subway opens up in-country its better but til then you're proper fucked mate
Jesus Christ man, get some taste.
Hey, when you haven't had a sandwich in months it hits so fucking good. I lived in Indonesia for 12 months back in 2009 and when I popped over to Singapore it was my first stop, no regrets.
>eat in my hotel
You fucking roach-attracting pig.
I'm taking a hard stance on restaurant culture and their predatory practice
Some fucking backwater in the middle of the alley next to a bunch of motorbike Italian restaurant was selling Ravioli and Spaghetti for 250,000 VND.
Fuck outta here dude.
I will not be raped by this amount of price gouging simply because dumb fuck tourists don't understand the money system here and think it's reasonable to pay 10 bucks for a plate of spaghetti
Forget about getting anything creamy or cheesy in SEA. It's gonna be overpriced and bullshit. They don't know how to do milk products right.
Personally I'm reconsidering my original intention of starting this winter's travel by city-hopping Hanoi to HCMS over six weeks. I don't have the resilient exuberant personality needed to deal with the continual hustling, the ordeal of being on foot amidst the insane motorbike traffic. So many adventurous foreigners get their patience and tolerance worn down to a nub by dealing with Viets and their insatiable greed. Laos looks much more amenable.
Can't you go to a bank and break your big bills? I always did that in the Philippines, got a big stack of 100 peso bills for use on the street.
I've heard from someone I know that it's difficult to find ATMs in many parts of VN, and that locals mostly use digital forms of payment. Is this true? Is it a concern at all? What's the best practice to get local cash? Exchange USD or ATM?
>locals mostly use digital forms of payment.
I'm in Nha Trang and it's a toss up if they take cards or not. Many don't and want Cash.
And if they have to take card they usually have to boot up their small little visa taking machine with a sigh of annoyance

There's a lot of ATM's here though
So I'd have no problem in Hanoi/Da Nang/Hue with a few hundred USD and hitting up ATMs?
Yes. There are tons of ATM. Just make sure they work with your card.
Agribank and TPbank are my fav. Both had very low to non-existent fees with decent conversion rates. Also good withdrawal limits.
You'd be fine in Hanoi but Da Nang is mostly rice paddies good luck finding an ATM there
>Forget about getting anything creamy or cheesy in SEA
Any supermarket is going to have gourmet cheeses imported directly from Europe. The standard stuff is A-OK too.

You're likely just salty that they prefer to add sugar to the cheese at restaurants but that doesn't mean they don't have good stuff.
Bot posts?

How is there an entire conversation on this? You can buy sliced bread at any store, like literally anywhere.
What sort of double digit IQ post is this? Da Nang is full of ATMs since it's a tourist city.
nah dude have you even been to Vietnam? Hue is the big tourist city

stop LARPing
10/10 made me reply.
Carry on le epique trolle
just bring cash and exchange them at the gold shops, rate will be better than at ATMs and no hidden fees

>Any supermarket is going to have gourmet cheeses imported directly from Europe
only large ones will have them and at the double the price
European food sucks in SEA with few exceptions, go to Europe if you really need it
>only large ones will have them and at the double the price
The price is cheaper than other 3rd world countries, like America for instance.

However, if you're complaining that imported French cheese is more expensive than in the French countryside, you might be retarded
>European food sucks in SEA
The best Western food I've had was in SEA. Nice LARP dreamer, you've never traveled.
I've lived in Vietnam for over a year now and I don't think the western food here is good. Luckily I love Vietnamese food and can eat it daily without getting tired of it.
I found the good Western spots in a week.

Skill issue
Are they way too expensive for Vietnam? Because that could be why I haven't fucked with them.
>Skill issue
Everybody look at me, I know how to use tripadvisor and google to find """European""" restaurants!!!
>way too expensive for Vietnam?
Yeah dude

The burgers are $2.50. How can I afford this? I will eat my $1.50 mi quang instead

>makes the most /realtraveler/ fraud post possible
i too live in a rusty shack adjacent to the river. It's so authentic
They're not good for the price. Again 10 dollars for a plate of spaghetti isn't exactly PEAK
I don't understand why vietnemese noodles are so cheap but suddenly if they put
>Authentic Italian
In front of it, It suddenly shoots up 10x the price

I'm going to eat McDonalds out of protest
Fuck your pho
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>They're not good for the price

>I'm going to eat McDonalds out of protest
nobody cares
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>bragging about that
Yours looks worse than mine dude, and I'm kinda enjoying mine despite overpaying
>bowl of puke.jpg

no more (You)s retard. Go outside
it's natural to complain about 2x the price, it's not because of shipping costs

it's also a valid thing to ask why they can't make decent cheese themselves?

Steak and french loaf are exceptions in Vietnam because of French influence, but almost everything else is bad
I haven't been able to find a yogurt in Vietnam without added gelatin, wtf??
Cheese making is a unique racial skill of white people, anon.
>wah my third world paradise with $30 5 star hotels and $2 dinners has a slight markup on European cheeses!

The word that fits you:
why you are so retarted?
anons are just pointing out that European food in SEA have bad value

exactly, no point of going to SEA and pay western prices for western food
>I've lived in Vietnam for over a year now

ur a english teacher? :\
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white dorks are suffering.

places like vus are pretty shit and just for those starting out with a basic celta. nice try though, wagie.
It went all down hill as soon as the Russians arrived. Running away from war they took any salary to stay alive. They fit the looks but they definitely don't fit the requirements to be English teachers.. It is now all between the Russians and the Philipinos and the school cartels. If you are here to live on work and make a living good luck. It was always an exploitative market.

White dorks are fleeing Vietnam.
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english teachers are gross. poor. autistic. what causes a white man to abandon his family, friends, gf .... and move to a backwater country?
that was during covid lockdowns lol. nice try though, wagie
>that was during covid lockdowns lol. nice try though, wagie

what causes a white man to abandon his family, friends, gf .... and move to a backwater country?
I never get how he was so poor with no savings at 53. What sort of dysfunctional live had he led up to that point? Gambling? Decades in prison?
white english teachers spend all their monies on beer, hookers, drugs. they could stay in america n make $80K, $100K a year with government pension. but they chose to live in backwater vietnam n make $2.5K a month ... xDD
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here is white american dork.... he makes $2 - $5 every day live streaming .... he spends all his money on food n beer .... vietnam knows about white dorks... white english teachers, white ppl r seen as begpackers n poor .... vietnamese ppl try to go america .... makes no sense for americans live in vietnam ....
>they could stay in america n make $80K, $100K a year with government pension.
Is there a tutorial somewhere for this?
be a high school english teacher, gain seniority. by year 10, 15 you will make $80K, $100K+ ..... retire on government pension. ....
live free or die, faggot :)
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there's no freedom in america? you choose to live in a communist country... you dumb white dork .... xDDD
I know wages are high in the US but that is crazy.
behind, third worldie:

I'm not good enough at teaching to teach in the US, or to keep a job for that long. Also it's the US, and having to live there isn't worth any amount of money.
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>I'm not good enough at teaching to teach in the US,

asia gets brain dead white dorks... asia tired of white dorks, white sexpats, white begpackers.
third world retards drooling about US salaries don't understand taxes or cost of living
I rather earn 30k in SEA than 100k in high cost area of US (English teacher in some flyover state in the middle of nowhere won't get anything close to 100k gross)
being English teacher in English speaking country will also be much more difficult than in a country where less than 5% speak fluent English
.... and thats how u become homeless in ur 50s. ur peers have multiple houses, stock portfolio.... they build equity with real estate.... ur making $30K a year congrats ur still poor. stupid white people i swear.
Is it worth to go to Vietnam for HCM only if I visited Sapa, Hanoi, Dan Ang, Hue and Hoi An before?
no. hanoi is simialr to HCM....
english teachers living in an average city in US have multiple houses? kek, they are lucky to have one house paid off at the end of their careers
>haha if ur not a materialistic consoomer ur dumb
they don't even get 50k in the uk in london which is more expensive than anywhere is the us apart from new york.
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redd*tors think white people are garbag.e. picrel

white australians = visajeets
white australians ... they destroeyd and ruined bali... they iwll do the same for vietnam..... whites n nigerians .... bad people
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vietnamese immigrants... they oopen nail salons.... they work hard .... they pay tax.
white english teachers .... do drugs ... do hookers ... cause trouble. very bad people
This. It’s so difficult to actually save money in the US, whereas in Vietnam I can easily invest $2,000 or more a month. Not to mention students here are much better than those in the states.
What would burgers even do without nail salons? The whole system would collapse.
What's so wrong about fucking hookers?
I just fuck chicks from the apps, personally. Potentially the answer to your question is that not all women in prostitution are doing it willingly and you could be contributing to that as a customer but, barring that, nothing.
Has anyone here taken the sleeper train from Saigon up to Hanoi?

I'm not a complete autist so am thinking of stopping off at Hue and Hoi An or something on the way to break it up but curious as to any anon's experiences.

I've seen people say there's rats and the toilets are really shitty, any other issues?
Based and redpilled
>Hoi An
Cringe and bluepilled
yeah it's just not possible with how expensive everything is in the states. at least teaching in vietnam i can invest most of my salary and still have a good quality of life.
the whole board ot nuked, you retards
How the fuck can a train toilet be shitty? It's literally a hole that opens onto the tracks. Who gives a fuck if there's a few smears on the side of the chute.
>$30K a year is poor
Bitch I average $15K annual income in America and still have more stupid dollars than I know what to do with. It's called having self-control and minimal desires. Anyway, what's so horrible about living with minimal shelter. It's healthy, natural and invigorating in the right climate.
Pursuit of freedom, economic as well as personal freedom. America is no longer free. We are no more at liberty to criticize our (((rulers))) than the Thais can mock their king.
You've got a point. It's appalling how much money white men in SEA waste on their addictions and vices. Easily 70% or more of their spending.
>burgers are $2.50
that's double what a good proper beef burger costs in Malaysia
>Bitch I average $15K annual income in America and still have more stupid dollars than I know what to do with.

shut up loser, you live in your mom's basement. Rent is already $800 - $1500 month in the city. not everyone wants to be a loser poor fag like you. some people have aspiration to make $100K, $200K a year.
Not him but money is for kikes.
Richfags spend more time & energy working to pay taxes to their kike overlords than I do working to save money for my life of comfy leisure overseas. Being smarter than the Jew, I can outwit him at every turn and effortlessly remain free of his grasp. Call me a loser all you want; it doesn't change the fact that I have my freedom and a pile of cash to spend as I please, while you have neither. See you in Vietnam when I get there...March? maybe May? I will still have my freedom and a pile of cash that magically refuses to shrink.
>magically refuses to shrink
Please share your secret senpai. My cash pile shrinks.
Can I interrupt the autistic arguments to ask about motorbikes? I'm living here and want to buy one. I'm 184cm so I need something comfy for my height and I also want something I can take on a road trip, not just use around the city. I think a 125cc manual is more or less what I'm looking for here but does anybody know motorbikes well enough to give a helpful QRD?
Get 50cc, no motorbike license needed. you no license, you pay traffic cops dongs. 184cm not that too, honda wave is fine.
What the fuck?
50cc fine for city travel, you go up to 50 km/h you jackass. you don't drive more than 50km/h in the city you fuckwit.
>I also want something I can take on a road trip
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>I think a 125cc manual is more or less what I'm looking

honda wave.
That's not made in 125 in Vietnam but the Future is, and it's probably more comfy. Just a little expensive is all.
I've been filling out evisa form and it asks me to fill in Intended temporary residential adress in Vietnam. The fuk should I fill in here?
Anything. Just look up a hotel. It doesn't matter if you actually use it.
IDK if Vietnam is like other countries where you have motorcycles of vastly varying speed capabilities all trying to share the highway with cars, buses, trucks, etc. It can get messy
Is Vietnam really as noisy as some people say? Hotels seem to be located on the busier roads nearly all the time, which sucks. Might end up doing more homestays, as they are often tucked away on quieter streets. I don't mind human & animal noises as much as traffic noise.
My hotel is pretty quiet in Nha Trang, and I got the cheapest one too
Walking outside though is a fucking nightmare of noise and sensations
It's more motorbikes than anything else but yeah the trucks feel a bit menacing as a motorbike newfag, I can't deny it.
How anal is VN immigration? My friend will be using his Russian passport since they have no visa requirement, but will be coming from Canada (where he lives, and also holds a passport for, which does require a visa). Will this be sus at all?
He can use whichever passport he wants. I entered Vietnam through Thailand and I'm an American. The country you're coming from doesn't matter.
I'm curious too. Planning on coming in on a German passport, it says no visa required for 45 days but I've also seen sources say that Germans should still get an e-visa. Why?
That's not my concern really, I trust that it truly is visa-free for Germany/Russia, but rather will they suspect he is a dual citizen/Canadian as well since his Russian passport has no sort of Canadian legitimacy atm.
Quick straw poll:
thailand or vietnam for a wife hunt?
Already been living in SEA for 2 years. Slammed through a lot of filipinas but don't think breeding one would be the most responsible idea. I'm only 31 so I figured I'd leverage my youth on more in demand gals
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none; go back to your country, get same-race wife. stop creating disgusting mutt children.
>How the fuck do people drive or do anything here.
order and organization were invented by anglos. you think they are universal values because you grew up in an anglicized culture. they are not universal values, in fact, they are utterly rare.

most of the time if people give you the cold shoulder it's because they can't understand you, they're not being mean. Viet is just a hard language to pronounce.
the tl;dr is get a haircut, be clean and smell good, have someone take pictures of you so it looks like you have friends, then go to dating apps and swipe until you get a foreigner chaser. when you meet up in person just act like you are chad. performance eventually becomes reality.
vietnam knows about whyte dorks .... n begpacker problem ....
vietnam has weirdo white males problem.
Welp.... That's it you guys. These two teachers are ugly so the rest of us need to kill ourselves.
I plan on visiting Vietnam in 2 weeks, person I know there tells me I should reconsider as there is a typhoon warning and the weather is general shitshow, atleast in HCM. Should I listen to the advice and fuckoff somewhere else?
Typical monsoon season shit. I'm going to Thailand next week and it looks like it will be rainy. I don't care though since I'm just going to do a cycle of roids and test and work out while living in luxury.
I'm in Vietnam right now and every day they say it's gonna rain than it's like 2 fucking drops and it's over but I already planned like it was going to storm all fucking day

This weather reporting is dogshit
it doesn't matter where he lives I don't think, the rules apply to the nationality of the passport, simple as mate
Should I take the offer Boom Boom offer of any of the bike riders

I feel like it might be a fun adventure
But I also feel like I'll 100% get robbed and killed
Are you at Hoàn Kiếm lake in Hanoi?
I'm in Nha Trang
dumb bastards
I am in his exact situation. I've been to Vietnam with both passports and I prefer the Russian passport experience.
I usually stay in central and northern Vietnam so I don't even bother telling them that I live in Canada. Just tell them that I am Russian and they like me better. Especially the older generations.
As for the specifics - just roll up to immigration with the passport you wish to enter with and make sure you use the same one when you leave. That's pretty much.
The most hassle you'll experience is a CBSA agent at the airport when you return to Canada. They might ask why you don't have Vietnam stamps in your (Canadian) passport to which you say you used another passport to enter for visa reasons. This is usually enough for themnto wave you through.
Most of the time they don't even stop me and just wave me through after some preliminary questions. The trick is to get in the line of a tired looking agent and look tired yourself.
fwiw we're going from Canada to Bangkok, then transit via a different ticket to Hanoi, so they might only be sus as to why no Thai stamp on Russian passport?
Nah. They don't care.
The country you are entering only cares about stamping you in and out. As long as you are using the same passport and it aligns with your tickets then you're golden.
Would you suggest using the Rus passport to fly to Thailand from the start from Canada?
I'm just not sure how to interpret VN visa policy, one one hand "All citizens of Canada need a visa", but also holders of Russian passports don't. Which takes priority should it somehow come out that my friend is both? My instinct is to assume they'll latch onto any bullshit to squeeze you for some fee since >SEA
I don't know what the Russian visa situation is like in Thailand. I suspect it's quite lax considering so many Russians travel there for holidays.
At some point it's a question of hassle and convenience. If you don't mind filling in the e-visa thing then do that and save yourself the worry.

The passport that you decide to give them is the one that takes priority. Which one you hand them is up to you. Except when you are a citizen of the country you are entering, then it is expected for you to hand the passport of said country.
Basically if you enter VN with a Canadian passport then you are, in this context, a citizen of Canada because you entered the country as a Canadian citizen. If you enter with a Russian passport then the opposite applies.
To avoid bullshit only show them one passport so as not to confuse their insect brains. Don't even mention his Canadian citizenship. There's such a thing as running your big mouth and saying too much. There's nothing illegal about it, it's just a bit unusual which can lead a rookie or retard to turn something simple into a huge hassle.
No one will squeeze you for anything.
There is another element to all this I forgot to mention. When in doubt, or when faced with the prospect of what I call a "nigger plan", I opt for the safe tried and true path.
The only reason to fly into VN with a Russian passport as opposed to a Canadian one is to save $30 or so. Is your friend that much of a niggajew that he's gonna try to finesse some passport juggling that he doesn't feel confident in?
He won't save any time by skipping the visa process because he still has to wait for your ass to get a approved.
Ultimately both ways are simple and are also easy to turn into a fuck fuck circus by being retarded.
The thing is we enter Hanoi on sept 10 and I already have my e-visa
Really the only way it could be an issue imo is if VN immigration asks about the lack of a Thai stamp to which we only have one answer
You'll be fine. Enjoy Hanoi
except the vn visa website is a fuckin shitshow and I don't like spending time uploading photos and jumping through hoops just for a visa I can get by arriving by using my second passport
not sure why his friend wouldn't do it
I'm the canadian with the second passport (german) and that's my plan when I arrive
why would they where I'm living. Nationality is nationality.
When is your trip? I can pop back into the /vng/ on the 11/12th and let you know how it worked for my buddy. Too late for a visa anyway.
who knows, but I've entered lots of countries on a german passport and swapped back and forth between the two
it doesn't matter
you can show them both as well if they're looking for a stamp, there's nothing illegal or wrong about entering a country on either/or of your passports
Pretty much this. I just prefer not to show two passports because it confuses third worlders sometimes and then I waste 30 minutes while they have a council on how to proceed until someone who isn't retarded is called.
Best city for getting a vina sky looking gf in vietnam?
It's a country of 100 million people. Start your search wherever you want you fucking retard.
>they'll latch onto any bullshit to squeeze you for some fee since >SEA
you got wrong this one, it's the anglo countries who are totalitarian shitholes and will they grill you about:
>The most hassle you'll experience is a CBSA agent at the airport when you return to Canada. They might ask why you don't have Vietnam stamps in your (Canadian) passport
SEA countries are much nicer, if you have valid non-thirld world passport you won't have any issues
yeah just gotta remember what passport you enter on, I remember thinking I entered tanzania on my german but it was actually my canadian and they held on to both of them for like 20 mins until they found the stamp in my canadian (which was very old and almost completely full of stamps)
Tell me underrated places in Vietnam that would be nice to live. I want to go be a white dork somewhere off the beaten path.
i can respect an honest, self-admitted white dork. someone help this dork find his solace
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Lào Cai is a city in the Northwest region of Vietnam. It is the capital of Lào Cai Province. The city borders Bảo Thắng District, Bát Xát District, Sa Pa and the city of Hekou Yao Autonomous County, in Yunnan province of southwest China

Good luck white dork.
Phenotypes aren't evenly distributed
I don't even know who that dumb bitch you named is. And I'm not asking, so don't tell me. I can tell by the name that I don't care.
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dont forget ur white dork pic
Lao Cai got train service from Hanoi. As far north as you can get and still be in Southeast Asia. Sure gets gray and gloomy up there from December to March - what the hell, at least you'll be pale enough for the gals.
clearly you're jealous that these "weird" white men are taller, richer, smarter and more well-endowed than you are
>white men are taller, richer, smarter and more well-endowed than you are

anon ... those whyte men r in america .... working in finance, medicine, sales .... making big $$$$$ ... weird white males ..... they r living in poor asian countries making $2K a month xDDDD. whytes in SEA r low value degenerates....
anon r u a blind fucking faggot? who in their rite mind .... would trade to be a bald white male like >>2706870 ?????
Just gonna interject in the daily trolling session as a usually lurking observer.
I love the overabundance of ellipses. I bet this makes anons seethe. SEA threads often make me wonder who's trolling who at this point, it's awesome.
Keep up the entertainment.
Guessing he’s a Filipino with Asperger’s, or just very upset white people make more than him
Is it true Vietnam mostly gets poor expats and tourists?

The rich expats and tourists go to Dubai, Singapore, London, Paris, Barcelona .... and the poor expats / tourists visit countries like Laos, Vietnam, Philppines?
Absolutely, this is just human nature. They’ll bang on with endless cope about the „lifestyle“ or „culture“. Raise the prices in Vietnam to London levels, see how many „expats“ show up. LMFAO!

About as ridiculous as flying 16 hours in economy on a long haul flight, and claiming you’re not interested in a lie flat bed in first class. Right. I’m sure they sleep upright in uncomfortable chairs back home too.

It’s always a lack of sex/money that motivates these people. The elaborate mental gymnastics must be exhausting. Always trying to convince the planet they’re not living in a backward, underdeveloped, third-world country where everything is subjectively/objectively worse than high-income nations. Or the thinly veiled prostitutes they’re dating/marrying are „different“, and genuinely give a shite about them.

Average people take one look at that nonsense and say „no thanks“. Those with wealth (and who value their time) wouldn’t consider that for all the tea in China. Facts.
ok white dork.

Vietnam has poverty tourist, communist sympathiser, those looking for something different, etc. Expat? LMFAO. Quality of life is an absolute laugh. Nobody wakes up and choses to live there full-time, they simply don’t have other options (conscious or not). It’s the same story in the Philippines. Most of these guys „fall in love“ with some girl, and when they wake up (or she moves on to someone richer/younger/hotter), they almost universally leave the country.
Vietnam isn't even that much more inexpensive than many other nations
I'm spending 200,000+ on every meal

That's like pre-covid America tier pricing

I got to a bar and spend 6 bucks per glass of rum, that's the same kind of price you could find in some midwest town in America

You have some weird ideas about the west
>Vietnam isn't even that much more inexpensive than many other nations
>I'm spending 200,000+ on every meal

Yes it fucking is. Mcdonalds is $20 for a meal, sushi is $60-100 for dine-in restaurant. Vietnam is cheaper... which attracts poor expats.
Both of these things are newer phenomenon
Western prices have just hyperinflated so much that it makes other shit look poor
Most people in the states live off of welfare anyways buying shit with food stamps
You thing negros could afford to live in Vietnam for years?

A poor person in America would not be able to survive paying Vietnamese prices
Nigga you can eat for a dollar or two in most of Vietnam. Probably less if you cook but I don't cook.
>I'm spending 200,000+ on every meal

nigga what. banh mi is 20K. pho is 40K.

how are you spending 200K a meal?
Anyone itt get got by the typhoon? I land in Hanoi on tuesday how fucked is it
I live here. It was gay and I lost power all night but things are mostly normal now afaik.
I got Tonkatsu yesterday
Steak the day before
Pho is like 70,000 but I'm tired of eating soup
lol poor little Filipino
Wealthy people do travel to developing countries, but their luxury experience is very different from that of the common backpacker. For instance, the latest survey shows 77% of tourists who visit Thailand enjoying street food...wealthy people are the other 23%.
Sounds like you are doing your own coping. "I have no freedom to spend half the year overseas because of the life choices I have made, therefore Southeast Asia sucks and is horrible, and only trashy people consider spending their winters there."
>raise the prices to London levels
There is a big selection of First World-priced hotels and villas for rent in Da Nang, dumbass. American vacationers and Russian oligarch families have more money than they know what to do with.
>not interested in a lie flat bed
No, I'm not interested in dropping three months' travel expenses just so I can lay awake for 16 hours on a stupid first class bed. Are you such a spoiled, privileged faggot that a partial day of enforced wakefulness in a padded seat is tantamount to torture in your mind?
>subjectively/objectively worse than high-income nations
Bullshit. You are merely ignoring the upsides and focusing on the downsides. Funny enough, it doesn't cost me any more to live and travel in America than it does to live and travel in Southeast Asia.
>lack of sex
I choose celibacy in Asia just like I do in America. More projection on your part.
>I choose celibacy
Not him (and I didn't even read any of the context for your argument) but nobody believes the volcel myth.
You're a pathetic white male.
he's just jealous that english teachers are living the dream while he's stuck in an office job lol
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Why are foreigners who are Japanese, Taiwanese, and Korean business owners in Vietnam? They generate a tonne of jobs.

However, white foreigners living in Vietnam are either irresponsible English teachers or digital nomads who neither pay taxes nor create work.

Why are white people like this?
white dorks are shitbag english teachers. their only skill in life is speaking a langauge they grew up with.

i have yet to meet a whyte business owner.
>nigga what. banh mi is 20K. pho is 40K.
in some remote side alley or a small town
pho in central location with AC will be 80-120k, there are also lot of places selling banh mi for 50k
food isn't cheap in Vietnam unless you enjoy sitting on tiny plastic chairs on a dirty sidewalk
ur in no position to speak, white shitbag english teacher. go get a real job
I somehow find that hard to believe. Just looking at Jobstreet, there's plenty of western companies that have branches in Vietnam, mostly in Saigon. This alone signifies there' plenty of white workers in Vietnam. And at the same time this means there's plenty of opportunities for people with science or tech jobs in Vietnam. Surely, most of those would more likely go to places like Singapore, Hong Kong, Seoul, Shanghai, or even KL, but the "everyone is an English teacher" meme does not seem legit if you do the most basic research.
>And at the same time this means there's plenty of opportunities for people with science or tech jobs in Vietnam

whytes don't do tech or science in vietnam. y? tech sector in vietnam filled with many young grads, who r working for cheap. science or medicine, pay is low. no foreign nurse, very foreign docs in vietnam.

r u even in vietnam? 99% whyte expats r shitbag eNglish tEachers... 1% dIgital nOmads
o I'm truly curious about this. What is wrong with white people in Vietnam? They could be British, German, French, American, South African or Australian. About 90% of white people you meet basically talk about weed, how sexy Vietnamese women are and how much they love Vietnam even though they couldn't name 3 Vietnamese poets or artist. That's not even getting into the disgusting behavior from white whether at work, on the street or the behavior restaurants. Do they really have no shame? Especially when it comes to common disrespectful and racist behavior that's accepted.
Did you have a stroke or something? No need to get so nervous the moment someone questions your worldview.
I just had a Bahn mi for 30k in Hanoi old quarter. Pho before for 40k. You must be retarded or just a liar
did the pho place had AC?
yes you can go to some side alley and have it at that price but if you want some quality prepare to pay much more
here is one place in HCMC, outside D1 so it's not for tourists: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ph%E1%BB%9F+Vi%E1%BB%87t+Nam/@10.7881475,106.6883246,18z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x31752f22105e19b3:0x80627d765acbf473!8m2!3d10.7881865!4d106.6885695!16s%2Fg%2F11l9870tz8
pho costs 60-100k there
please let me know where to have pho in a nice place for 40k in central HCMC
Pho24 has shops everywhere like pasteur street for example and prices are 40k, 50k and 60k depending on size. Indoors and air con
Probably still upset about this. He deleted all his posts on Reddit too lol

>that was a redditfag all along
Now that makes a lot of sense.
shut up white dork, you have a 12 year old redd*t account

i didnt deleted my posts, i bullied /r/hanoian basedboy n got banned
Lol I don’t have a Reddit account. Just saw your drama in bloodsuckers
some whites are a lost cause, yes
I’m just here after the Filipino dude lost his shit on Reddit lol

I'm trying to figure out if it's a scam like most people would say or if I just might have found a bar girl who is interested in me, feel free to call me delusional, happy for a wake up call. But, I will plead my case.

Matched a girl on Tinder, -16 years younger, pretty and has kinda sexy photos but nothing revealing. Eventually we talk about work and she says "okay honestly, I work for kyabakura as a hostess, we have drinks with customers and talk but nothing else". I say okay then I kinda question her on the job. I ask her if she would want to go out that time, and she says she can see if she can get the time off of work to see me (green flag). I also told her bc she drinks with her clients, we should just do something else, and she agrees.

Later on we are talking about more specifically and I mention I could see her the friday night that I arrive, which I understand is going to be a busy day for work. I said I could meet her after work - which is 2am, so she was kind of surprised (is it safe for a foreigner to go out then?), then mentioned she would be fined if she takes it off, so we kind of just said that we will see.

We had a bit of conversation about drinking and she said she wants to see how much I can drink, which is def a red flag but also not a super weird thing to say. We didn't say we are going to any particular place. Other misc things is she would double text me if I dont respond, got into a talk about sexual preferences but didn't turn into anything dirty and had some talk about mental health and suicide.

But anyway, been talking nearly 2 weeks pretty much daily. I'm just wondering if she would really go through this much effort to scam someone.

So whats the verdict? Am I getting scammed?
To add:
I'm a tourist coming to meet my friend, but decided to look on Tinder. I've met a few young girls (20-22) and some of them work in Japan town, which I've heard has a bit of a shady reputation. One of them in a bookkeeper, so I'm not concerned about that, she also works during the daytime. Another says she works at a Korean spa and does nails, hair and other services.. she also mentioned that she wears an ao dai for her work, which is kinda like "huh". The last one says she is a hostess that drinks/entertains customers. They seem to get off of work around 1am.

Regarding the latter two, I'm wondering if I should be concerned that they are also sex workers? As far as them approaching me to pay them for services, so far it certainly doesn't seem that way, and I plan on meeting them doing something like coffee or just walking. Plan on avoiding any potential scam regarding going out to a specific restaurant/bar.

So assuming those go well, and since I'd be looking for someone to really potentially connect with, I'm curious as to if it seems likely that they also do some sort of services on the side? Is it okay to ask?
did she ask for money? then how she can scam you??
just don't make a most basic mistake and fall in love with a bar girl

>I've heard has a bit of a shady reputation
it's an upscale red light district
nothing "bit of shady" there
It's the same pinoy who posts on Philippines general
You can easily get a nice banh mi in AC for 35k at most.
Imo too many indians in VN
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it will only get worse
T bread in hanoi old quarter
For some reason Da nang seems lighter on them than Hanoi was by far. This is excellent.
Do they poo on the streets? i see them walking in 3s and 4s.
See >>2711474
In ha long bay bamboo boats they were massed in packs and were chanting and singing. Literally 5 boats each with 30-40 jeets chanting INDIA in a small cave area (the boat goes into a cave). Also feeding the monkeys intentionally.
>For some reason Da nang seems lighter on them than Hanoi was by far. This is excellent.
is da nang the most comfy home for the expat white man in asia rn?
It seemed too touristy for me when I visited but if that's your thing then you'd love it. It's not my thing but tbf I probably didn't know what areas to go to that would have been more up my alley.

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