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Is it actually worth visiting this country or is it just being shilled on Instagram?
I heard they have good Chinese food.
I’m from the United States if that is going to be a big deal traveling there. I could probably lie and say I’m Canadian if they really hate Americans.
Yes. Who is shilling it on IG? Feel like no one goes there

Absolutely nobody cares that you're American. If anything they like meeting Americans more than literallywho countries
>good Chinese food
When that includes pain killed dogs and anything with 0 or more legs, I'll pass on any chinese food
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china travel thread?
nah, a complete waste of time.
Besides you will meet the worst kind of human beings, the chinese "people".
Finally, you must be fluent in mandarin, otherwise its gonna be a pain in the ass to move around
It was great going there pre-Xi. People acted differently back then, not everyone was an asshole (just most of them), it was still a wild west of capitalism as people were starting to accumulate wealth, smartphones and ubiquitous surveillance weren't a thing, etc. I spoke to people there that spoke their mind and openly admitted that everyone knew what really happened at Tiananmen; zero fucking chance of that happening today.
It's absolutely soulless now, everyone's an asshole, they're either afraid of you or have an unwarranted sense of superiority over you, your phone will be backdoored by security services, everything is a theme park to pacify the locals and keep them in line. Chongqing, for example, all the "cool futuristic cyberpunk city!!!" shit you see online is just one little slice of a much bigger city, the rest of which is just boring and drab commieblocks.
it's still good if you enjoy seeing a country/society that's largely untouched by tourist money and conveniences. Passport bros and sexpats get real butthurt now because it's harder now to partake their travelling fantasies, but that's just what happens when they can't exploit the desperate and gullible.

The fact it's so inconvenient to get banking and telecomm to work inside China helps to filter out low IQ retards and subhumans (mostly), so the travelling experience is far more raw and authentic than if you go to S. Korea or Japan; not to say there's anything wrong with an easier travelling experience, but I prefer to be a "fly on the wall" and watch people do their thing without having some sort of catered travelling experience. It's much more fulfilling in a way having to survive the bullshit and come out the other side; bittersweet is a good goal to aim for when traveling to China.

t. regular China business traveller
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I fucking love the Chinese National Anthem

>it's harder now to partake their travelling fantasies
how so?
>so the travelling experience is far more raw and authentic

You being severely disadvantaged and handicapped compared to an average chinese citizen?
Really easy women and good food, also cheap. Air is shit, regulations make everything a bit more annoying than most places to travel, and english is pretty sparse especially outside main cities
I’ve been to China a few times, spread out over a few years, for work, and I think it’s worth visiting. It’s extremely large and fairly diverse, with both natural/geographical and cultural features of interest.

As for the above comments about surveillance getting worse, etc., I assume there’s some truth there, but I doubt most casual visitors would suffer as a result, if they even noticed. I have found people largely unchanged, displaying an enduring mixture of arrogance (an arrogance that is weirdly familiar to me as an American, and which a Chinese colleague readily acknowledged as the “superpower attitude,”) and brief flashes of friendliness/curiosity. Of course, one only ever interacts with a tiny sliver of the population—the average man/woman in the street, even in the big cities, doesn’t speak English at all. The few who do usually like talking to foreigners.

Biggest changes I have personally noticed over the course of about fifteen years have been that the cities have gotten a lot bigger and mostly at least a little cleaner—it’s all electric cars now. Some of the countryside is less shabby and grim than it used to be. Quality of construction (buildings, infrastructure), MIGHT be improving a bit, but I might be imagining that. Still a lot of shiny new façades on sloppy junk to be found.
Making banking and telecom difficult for foreigners is not a sign of being advanced but being backwards. Just like crushing all freedom of speech is not a sign of strength but weakness.
hello lads, this seems to be the latest China thread so i'll just ask here

any suggestions for a particular time of year to visit? i did hong kong this past spring and while i loved it, weatherwise it was a nonstop nightmare of rain and humidity. i'm expecting the northern mainland to be different but figured i'd still ask. mainly interested in shanghai, xi'an, and chongqing, and maybe hangzhou as long as i'm in the area.

china is just too fucking big to do the entire country in one trip so i'll go north first and then south. chongqing has been one of my grail destinations for a long time so that's the priority
Spring and fall ONLY unless specifically visiting Dongbei (NE) for winter wonderland type stuff

Who said that made it advanced? Anon clearly just said he likes that it keeps the riff raff away
Also the telecom and banking stuff isnt actually remotely difficult, you can get a sim at the airport and connect your foreign cards to alipay. Cant get a bank account unless resident (just like every other country). If you're too low IQ to handle that its not your fault and you'd have just as much difficulty in any other cunt
>repeating serpentZA talking points to the letter
>muh wealth of capitalism and free country until the fire nation arrived
Next thing you're gonna tell me us is that China's economy will collapse in 148.3 days. Chinese people are like any people living in densely populated areas, they're indifferent of you. No hatred, no love, just indifferent. The most "hateful" i've seen in 5 years spent between China and Taiwan is people being annoyed by some foreigners not understanding their instructions the same way you're annoyed at pajeet the DoorDasher for not bringing you plastic forks. And guess what the two have in common (and the rest of East Asia for that matter), despite one being a full-on democracy ? They don't talk about politics

Every fucking app out there is either a US or a chink backdoor anyways and no one cares.

>just a slice of a much bigger city
Yes, that is literally how every fucking city in the world works and is advertised you fucking flyover, youtuber cum-gurgling retard. Or did you think Kyoto was only made out of Gion and New York was just this giant Times Square ? also,
get out
Protectionnism is good, even for tourists, provided you're savvy.
Too much of a mainstream appeal and boomer families with 10x your purchasing power and 100x the locals' will flood the fucking market and turn everything into shit.
stfu wumao, your country won't exist in 10 years after we nuke you back into the stone age for poisoning us with toxic plastic trinkets
pesky white man, it is too late for your tainted gene pool to ever recover anyway
maybe so but we are taking you with us to hell
China is winding down restrictions on tourism anyway with visa free initiatives for a load of countries, also foreign tourists are a drop in the ocean compared to Chinese domestic tourists
>Banking not convenient
This isn't deliberately "against foreigners", it's just because China never really used credit cards, also you can set up alipay in half an hour with any foreign card and no extra fees
>Telecom inconvenient
Mostly because they want to restrict and track their own citizens not foreigners
China's just desperate for money right now

Unless you've never criticized China at all and just really want to visit the tourist areas then it should be fine.
At the same time do be aware that despite China trying to encourage foreigners to visit, they actively promote hate against Americans, they just want our money, if we end up being attacked by a deranged Chinese guy they don't care at all and will just bury the story internally
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Just came back from China. I’ve been in China every often since the 90s.

While they “officially” open up the country, it’s still restricted in the more interesting less touristy areas. Lots of hotels STILL do not accept foreigners, especially in smaller towns and in the countryside.
People would snitch on us and call the police saying we were foreign spies.
There are CCTV cameras everywhere and we got caught by cops and deported out from a county. The cops were polite and gentle but they still deported our asses out of a poor region.

The cities have become absolutely boring and soulless. Tier 1 cities are still ok, especially Shanghai that is great (but not as great as before), but Beijing is a shithole. A different kind of shithole, it’s ugly AND DEAD AS FUCK. Shops and restaurants shutting down one by one. The economy is in the shitter right now.

Tier 2 cities are all copy/pasted. Fun for a day or two. Go outside of these cities.
Also hiking is near impossible nowadays. They fenced off almost EVERY trails. They want people to stick to nicely paved roads with shops everywhere. Hiking is still possible in the Western side of the country but you’ll need a permit and you have to climb over the barbed wires.

China’s prime is already past. Still interesting, it’s always good to know what’s going on there, the food is good, but it’s utterly soulless now.
Chinas great. Ignore the haters.
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Taiwan is real china. Go there instead
Actually "Taiwan" isn't. They believe the "one China policy". Do you even know what that is retard?
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>Actually "Taiwan" isn't. They believe the "one China policy". Do you even know what that is retard?
Exactly. you're a retarded mutt
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Tank Man is china's greatest folk hero
how did you find the ghost cities? always been a dream of mine to camp in the road of metropolis.
Well, you'll be shocked to know police there actually exist and won't let you just sleep on the road.
would i be equally shocked to learn graft thrives far from beijing and local cops would enthusiastically take my money all while laughing at the dumb foreigner? well how much do you think setting up on the sidewalk for a week would set me back?
Nothing. they will just take you to a hotel. They aren't monsters.
>They aren't monsters.
well i should hope not and i never implied there were. however, i would hope they've enough of a sense of humor to indulge eccentricities of silly foreigners. so, how much? ok, if i cant camp on the sidewalk, then how much for an abandoned condo or house?
Probably for free but as I said if you get picked up they'll just assume you couldn't find a hotel. I've camped on the great wall that no one goes to and had no problems.
>then how much for an abandoned condo or house?
Zero chance they would let you if discovered but also far from certain theyd catch you if just 1-2 days. And like anon said theyd just make you stop wouldnt be a big deal
yes and yes. it is an easy but not routine destination for westerners and there is some novelty to being a content producer in china for instagram, even if all content is the same.
it is worth visiting. you need chinese to do anything cool though.
>I spoke to people there that spoke their mind and openly admitted that everyone knew what really happened at Tiananmen; zero fucking chance of that happening today.
t. boomer opinions of chinese boomers
China is a large and very diverse country. It is physically larger than the USA by land area, including Alaska. It is larger than the European continent as well. China has every biome you can think of (Rainforests, deserts, steppes, tundra, etc) Unlike the USA though, China is far older and has a lot more history to show for it. The far west of China (Xinjiang) is practically the middle east. It changes a lot.
>Lots of hotels STILL do not accept foreigners, especially in smaller towns and in the countryside.
That's because local laws in certain areas require hotels to have a license to accomodate foreigners and they haven't met the requirements to get one (i.e., greased the right palms). Otherwise, I don't think these places would give a damn if the guests are foreigners so long as their money's red.
>foreigner loicense
this is just an old myth. the real reason is theyre just too dumb or lazy to figure out how to use the foreigner registration menu option on the same exact kiosk they use to register locals. in rare cases they may have been told by local police not to accept foreigners but the type of hotel where that would be the case, youre not finding anyway
Nah, we genuinely got refused in many, many hotels. Even in large cities you cannot freely book smaller shitty hotels.

There are CCTV cameras absolutely everywhere even in the middle of nowhere and as soon as they see a foreigner doing something silly (ie in a shithole region or doing something unconventional for a tourist) they will either call the cops or the cops come to you by themselves. They cannot understand why you’d do that because tourists should act a certain way (being in the best comfy hotel, spending money in nice shops, visiting newly built/renovated monuments etc).
Got a friend who lives in Beijing for 30 years and got snitched by a dude in his neighborhood for being a “western spy”. Police immediately came and interrogated him. He didn’t have any issue as he wasn’t a spy obviously, but it was still a pain in the ass.

I got the cops on me three times for just visiting unconventional areas. Got deported once (had to leave the village and the police escorted us to the province’s capital), and the two other times just got a soft warning (ok but don’t stay too long, you have to go back to the city before night and don’t come back-type of warning).
Again, no written rules. There are national parks that are outright forbidden to foreigners. No official written rule but you get the pictures. They won’t even say why. It’s a “just because” type of situation.

We tried to give money, not as a bribe but more like “it’s not for free? we can pay!” but it didn’t work.
>We tried to give money, not as a bribe but more like “it’s not for free? we can pay!” but it didn’t work.
yeah i'd prefer paying to avoid any trouble or misunderstandings. looks as though my dream of occupying a semi-desolate urban neighborhood will remain so.
I want to go there for sex. Worth it?
>this is just an old myth.
Sorry, but it's not dumbass. Just a five second Google search to confirm whether or not you know what you're talking about next time, please. Spending a week somewhere once doesn't make you a subject matter expert.
China does not need protectionism from tourism, just it being a shithole no one wants to go to is enough.
10 RMB and 60 social credit points have been added to your account.
No idea wtf you are talking about as I was here pre and post Xi. Only big difference was the foreigner scare during COVID but I left during that time lol. I'm currently back and shit feels the same as before. Just that the cities keep improving.
>Every fucking app out there is either a US or a chink backdoor anyways and no one cares.
Not true. Some also have Israeli backdoors.
>three gorge collapse takes up 1/5 of China's landmass
Absolute retarded as fuck video
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>what is a floodplain
chink eduction, everyone
I dont need a google search to confirm 10 years of experience living and traveling in China. The 'foreigner loicense" is nonexistent, or at least has been for many many years by this point
good question.
male china expats, QRD?
I can't answer that question because Ive been warned about discussing sex on trv already. But hypothetically if I were going to indulge this kind of inappropriate question, which I would never do, I'd say my many years of living in China has convinced me that it is the best country is Asia for "that" (with normal women, not prozzies)
Can you compare the dating there with other Asian countries in more detail?
It's basically north Korea, now, to me that's quite interesting so I'd love to go see it knowing it's probably not going to be "pleasant" from what I see the shill foreigners are kept in nice areas or very limited guided tours, and if you go to see anything outside of that you'll be treated with a lot of suspicion from the Chinese boomers who will snitch on you and have the local spy police come and make things inconvenient for you. Especially if you have a camera
Tldr yes it is really cyberpunk and dystopian they're literally living in 2050 so cool
Can I use 144-hour visa-free entry to spend 5 days in Beijing, fly out to Taiwan, then fly in again to do 5 days in Chongqing?
It's great. Particularly the national parks.
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The food is out of this world
Free protein, ingenious.
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After many years of passively browsing /r/CCJ2 before it was banned and various other china things I thought I'd give it a shot.

>Planned to visit Chengdu and Chongqing.
>Arrive in Chengdu
>"The best Tier 2 city! vibrant nightlife, edgy, creative, friendly"
>My Esim doesn't work with anything because DiDi and all the other chink apps require SMS verification.
>Travel to China Unicom outlet to get a sim that gives me a real chinese number
>Nobody speaks a fucking word of English, translate apps are the only way I can navigate this alien planet.
>Rejected because only the "major" unicom outlets give sims with numbers to foreigners.
>Go to "major" unicom outlet
>45 mins of paperwork for a sim
>finally verify all apps
>Images on booking site showed bar, pool table, tours, 40-50 travelers in every hostel having fun
>Arrive at single room hostel I booked.
>Check in and chill in lobby to see how things go
>Bar closed
>Pool table doesn't exist
>Only other people I saw in my hostel were other chinese people
>fuck it visit other hostels
>Every single one a ghost town, met one 40 year old Thai man and had a beer outside, that's it
>fuck it go to expat bars / party districts
>pizza corner / leg and whistle / Tim's / Irish Bar / entire streets
>ghost town, zero expats, i'm having beers in entire bars alone or other Chinese people
>fuck it head to Lan Kwai Fong club district
>enter club
>nobody is dancing, it's just a collection of tables and every bodies on their phone seemingly bored
>rinse and repeat that experience for the next FIVE days
>ended up going on 3 bumble dates and fucking each one

I cancelled my hotel in Chongqing and left to Bangkok after 6 days for the rest of my trip because holy shit is China fucking dead now.

I would appreciate any feedback from seasoned China veterans where I went wrong here but in comparison to Bangkok where literally the day after I landed I was chatting and partying with people straight away.
>ended up going on 3 bumble dates and fucking each one
Were they any good?
No. The levels of facetuning / filters / makeup and other insane sorcery going on now is off the charts. One of them owned her own dance class studio or something and was in good shape but her face might as well have been another person.
Is it true that Chinese condoms are too small?
many such cases. it's one thing if you had to jump through a bunch of hoops but got an amazing experience in the end. with china, you've got to deal with tons of shit, and none of it seems worth it. You could go to Taiwan for a better experience without any of the hassle. Why would you go to China when Thailand and Japan, objectively better countries by ever measure, are right next door?
May have missed it in the last thread, but what can I expect working as an international teacher in China? Aside from crazy work life, how far would 50k-60k USD a year go in China in a place like Beijing?
the State Dept has a travel advisory saying to reconsider travel to China
I'd already been to Japan, Taiwan and Thailand prior to this and thought fuck it China next.

Although I didn't have much luck, I do think if you're not that bad at mandarin and spend a bit more time putting the effort in then it could be really cool. But I think covid has absolutely nuked the tourism industry along with a lot of the expat community.
>But I think covid has absolutely nuked the tourism industry along with a lot of the expat community.
The women must be truly hungry in that case. How did you fare with the ladies in the other countries, anon?
>Goes to China
>Complains that it is filled with Chinese
Are you actually retarded?
Dog is only a regional dish, retard.
I'd rather eat dog than GMO corn syrup shit.
Japan was pretty damn easy in person, Taiwan I found more difficult mainly due to the language barrier but dating apps worked out nicely although I got with less hotter women, I was only there for 5 days though.

Thailand speaks for itself, easiest out of all of them.

Seethe fatty
when i was a teen i signed an anti-china petition are they gonna kill me if i go there
Its good for Asthma, Anon.
My mom when she was little had a neighbour whom would come over to her home to catch Roaches at night.
She would then Roast them and grind them down to powder and feed to her Grandson who had Asthma.
Works like a charm.
Thinking of taking air china from Australia to London via Beijing. Was going to extend my stay an extra night to see some of the sites. Anything in particular I should see? Was thinking forbidden city and Tiananmen Square and then dinner out.
Even staying at an 100aud hotel the trip would be cheaper than flying with Etihad or Qatar
You guys think it’s worth it or just stick with the 8 hour layover
>Is it actually worth visiting this country
>or is it just being shilled on Instagram?
avoid the typical shilled places

China has a lot of really empty, gorgeous nature
and also the most insanely packed tourist sides you'll ever experience

Yunnan and Sichuan are the best parts of China if you don't want to focus on a smaller area

and don't get fooled by big numbers of people
most T2 (even some T1) and lower cities are boring

>seeing a country/society that's largely untouched by tourist money
you're a retard who probably never been to China
China has insane amounts of domestic tourism
almost every AAAAA site will be PACKED, especially during chinese holidays

everything not on any group tour is empty though

>The fact it's so inconvenient to get banking and telecomm to work inside China
it's literally just 2 apps, WeChat (Pay) and AliPay
and most foreign Sim cards work out of the box without VPN
worth it, but will be hard to get short notice tickets
they typical start selling 7 days prior and are sold out within hours
so get a tour guide to organize it for you

just keep in mind Beijing is huge
keep yourself to just one part of the city or you spend too much time inside Taxis

>50k-60k USD a year go in China in a place like Beijing?
that would be a high(ish) salary for a teacher
and it's ok, you'll live well
no "feeling rich" money though, like it'd be in most of SEA - you'll only be ~50% above the avg salary in Beijing

if you can, choose a different city (with the same salary), most other cities that aren't Shenzhen, Shanghai or HK will leave you with much more spending / saving money

honestly, what did you expect?
outside of very few international tourist hotspots, China isn't really known for hostel culture

most western travelers there are Boomers on their "15 days all wonders of China" group tour

>nobody is dancing, it's just a collection of tables
these are
you've been to a "lounge club"

you gotta go to the performance focused clubs
Playhouse is Chengdu would have been really cool
my favourite part is how the flooding starts downstream and travels upstream towards the dam
this. you will get shoulder checked, spit on, coughed at and earfucked and then you will come back on here and lie about it like all these paid travel shills do because otherwise you'd feel embarrassed for wasting your money.
>most western travelers there are Boomers on their "15 days all wonders of China" group tour

lmao, on my last day I did actually see like an American couple who must have been in their 60's checking in to my hostel and I was honestly shocked / impressed.

>you've been to a "lounge club"

Yeah I was dipping in and out of loads around LKF area. Jellyfish was the first I think but yeah really not a great experience.

Playhouse looks decent.

I was adding for effect on that post but I'll China the benefit of the doubt and put it down to poor planning and lack of time I guess on my part.

I've gotta say though I did find the Chinese pretty standoffish and rude, maybe I've got resting bitch face I have no idea but on China live streams etc so many more people are friendly.
I like posts like this because it reminds how many demoralisation blackpill fucktards there are on this website. You've never been there and it's so fucking obvious mate.
Spent 3 weeks in China travelling all over the east coast and never had an issue like this, locals were fun, as in moreso than many parts of Europe. Groups in Chinese bars would invite me to drink and sing shitty western karaoke songs with them.
I don't speak a single word of Mandarin either
Where the fuck were you, this didn't happen to me once, you must be 19 or something
its not you, its them. mainland chinese are the gutter oil of asians, right up there with flips.
Not in tier-1 cities, Shanghai and Beijing were completely impersonal to a T, the few expats I met in bars were complete retards too.
This was smaller cities up the coast, honestly good fun.
>I did find the Chinese pretty standoffish and rude
because they kind of are

>Jellyfish was the first
when I was there is was decent kek
but that was before corona, maybe it changed

>American couple who must have been in their 60's checking in to my hostel
yeah you occasionally meet a random westerner person

>I'll China the benefit of the doubt and put it down to poor planning and lack of time I guess on my part
honestly it's quite hard to find classic, good "backpacking" spots in China
Yunnan, Guilin and Yangshuo are probably the only ones that really qualify

if you don't have Chinese friends, China tends to be quite sociable inaccessible
and you'll get lonely easily without mandarin, due to the lack of foreigners outside of just a handful of T1 cities

Compare that to Thailand or Vietnam, where you can go basically anywhere in any hostel and have a good time
so yeah disappointment is basically pre programmed

that was probably before 2020
or even 2016 (somewhere around that public opinion about foreigners tipped in China)
and if it was after, you've been very lucky
It was 2014
Avoid the tea house scams. If any pretty Chinese girls want to invite you to a traditional tea place to drink tea with you give them a wide berth.
The mulatto nigger Alex Brown (admin on geomax.me) has been exploring China for months. Challengemaxxing = rewardmaxxing. Obviously, you need to enjoy being around Chinese people to enjoy China. My impression has been that Chinese people view poorfag foreigners with contempt. Average chink salary is $1115 USD per month. You've gotta shell out more than the average salary to have any sort of exalted status as a foreigner. Arguably, this applies to any country.
they know foreigners are anti-china. the only way that you'll get in trouble is if you go viral for saying something anti-government or if you're a VIP like a bank executive or tech CEO or something and they want to play geopolitical games with your life. if you're some random nobody who said the chairman looks like Winnie the Pooh on Facebook once nobody cares. Chinese people post anti-government stuff all the time. you only get in trouble if you cause a public disturbance.
Its aorund 60-65k post tax I think if I land a good international school. I think it also has a housing allotment but those also are usually on/nearby the campus that you have to use for a year before they let you use the housing allotment to get something on your own. Now the hard part is actually getting in touch with the right schools with the right positions.
>Average chink salary is $1115 USD per month
Most Chinese earn far less than that. $1,115 USD is a typical professional salary outside of tier I. Ordinary Chinese will assume any western foreigner that isn't brown has money, if you fit this profile you'll get the treatment even if you're a poorfag.
>I could probably lie and say I’m Canadian if they really hate Americans.
There's a small but significant minority of Chinese who hate ALL foreigners. They won't care whether you're American or Canadian. I travel to China regularly and have lived there in the past, locals often ask where I'm from, I say America and nobody has ever given me shit. The only nationality the Chinese really hate are the Japanese and that seems to mostly be a thing with older generations.
I legitimately had an old guy tell me he liked Canadians because of Norman Bethune and approved of me being in a relationship with a Chinese girl but would fight me if I were Japanese. The memes are true.
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>jap hate is mostly older generations
Wrong. I tutor middle and high school changs and they absolutely hate japs. Lots of anime weebs, but you can tell even they are very reluctant to say anything positive about Japan. I have to tip-toe around anything Japanese related because of the butthurt and shitstorm that may ensue.
that being said, total chink death, 天安门1989, 什么的。
>Wrong. I tutor middle and high school changs
That's nice. I worked for a Chinese University.
>actually working in china
How do I move to China?
Where are you from?
don't remember any shilling on instagram
Shame they kinda destroyed half the history under mao, china otherwise would have had the richest intact cultural history of the world
If you are european looking there will be a enormous number of young chinese women who are enthusiastic to come back to your apartment/hotel to have tea and discuss philosophy. Both short term discussions and long term friendships are abundant there
>wearing condoms in asia
But yeah, not as bad as sea but still gotta size up
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I always find it remarkable how appealing the food in Chinese streets can be despite the surrounding grimey building materials, dirty laundry worn by the cooks, and smoggy air.
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For example, this is a nearby view.
That doesn't look too dirty. Smog and hideous buildings are just part of Asian urbanity. Would be different if there were swarms of flies buzzing around piles of festering garbage and also sampling the food being served.
I'm going to visit Beijing for a week for business. I'm Chinese in genes only and can't speak a lick of mandarin, what should I expect?
A hard time. It's tough getting around China without Mandarin and rare to find cab drivers that speak English. Fortunately, translation apps have gotten really good. I like Microsoft Translator myself, and Pleco for a dictionary.
>the State Dept
Can't tell if you're trolling
You call that appealing ?
Are chinese girls hot
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I am yellow fever, so yes, it's very appealing.
Any jobs in chinkland care about having an MBA? I dont want to be an english teacher desu.
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sell your organs
>Any jobs in chinkland care about having an MBA?
Yes, any Masters from a western university is a big plus for Chinese employers.

>I dont want to be an english teacher desu.
Everyone who wants to live/work in China thinks the same until they move there and begin to understand what the job market is like for foreigners. Teaching English in China is second only to a full expat package with a multinational in terms of desirability. By full expat package I mean you are already working for a multinational and they decide to post you to China with a western salary in which case you would likely have no say in where or how long you'd be there. If you don't have the expat package but instead are hired to a professional role in China your pay will be in RMB and you will end up working roughly twice as many hours as an English teacher for substantially less pay and without the perks those jobs usually offer (e.g., ample vacation time to tour the country, roundtrip ticket reimbursement, free apartment). Most of the money in teaching isn't in the salary, it comes from side gigs, so while postings for 'real jobs' may offer a salary comparable to a teaching job in reality the opportunity to earn is much less. There is also much stiffer competition for 'real jobs' since you will have little in the way of skills to offer that a local couldn't provide, plus most employers are reluctant to go through the hassle of sponsoring a Z visa. Whereas the demand for English teachers with even the most basic qualifications so far outstrips the supply you will have people practically begging you to work for them.
Literally a recommendation then
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>Here's that futuristic Chinese utopia I promised you, bro

Based honest mothafuckas

Yeah sounds fun lets put the experimental tracking device inside the gwailo
Why is China the only country that calls their cities Tier One its weird.

Be Asian American use any knowledge of us to bribe them to let you in.

This area is so weirdly ghetto.
>Japan was pretty damn easy in person
Never been to any of the countries you been, but let me guess, your tall, white with blue eyes?
I have been there 2wice
1st in 2005 - was excellent - cheap - and clear expat pop in shanghai.

Good times - things happened.

Seond sime in 2011 the chages were immence - high speed rail, - old expat places were over run with locals - as they could afford it now - charm gone. I would go though - I have certian dreams about certain things there.
good reply in good thread. it seem you need a large appetite for red tape (no pun intended kek) if you want to enjoy china these days. it's too bad because 20 years ago china had the reputation for being a kind of lawless place where you could get away with anything as long as you didn't make a big scene. serpentza talks about this. he has a good video of him showing up in Shenzhen with like $40 bucks and being homeless for a few weeks until he found a job.
dante's inferno looks better than this
main things to do in Hong Kong? I got 1.5 days there, just thought I'd wander the markets and eat some cool food
I heard WeChat requires an invite and you cannot use many things without it in China. Do you know any places that may help with that?
Some people pretend an inability to judge the fundamentals of good food. The truth is, they have weak tastebuds and little pussy stomachs which are incapable of enjoying the full range of intense Asian flavorings. So they find fault with the decor, the furnishings, the floor material, the sweltering fumes, or some other irrelevant issue. These bloated, squeamish cowards are the reason every city in the world has to have a fucking McDonalds.
The food is the only downside as a tourist, as all the genuine economic woes and invidiual rights issues don't fucking matter to a dude visiting. It smells awesome and looks fine, but the oil(and a bunch of other problems like old meat, but oil is a HUGE thing in China and used for virtually everything) is 9/10 times at least somewhat tainted. And when it's downright gutter oil, that's when you get food poisoned. I'd say there's a likewise 90% chance to feel at least woozy at some point on a two week trip, and depending on where you explore a 50/50 on whether you end up swallowing gutter oil and get super sick because you're not used to it.
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>serpentza talks about this

Serpentza is a south africa shitbag scammer. disregard his opinion. he would sell his own mother to indian rape gang.
Nah he's cool, and he knows a lot about China. He provides video evidence daily about the goings-on in China. You kinda can't fake video evidence. Go ahead, say it's AI lol.
I would still fuck her instead
You can watch in the corner playing on your phone if you want
I did china.
would have done other Asian countries first, china is huge so you can spend a long time there and I found there are are a lot of attractions but any are repetitive and framed for local tourists. Like Thailand and the waterfall .
I'd be worried of losing access to contact with my family.
Mostly shilled. I had a great time, people were friendly, food was delicious, everything was cheap. But it's not something I'd say you need to see. Cities look pretty at night when they're lit up with the moving led images. But in the day time everything is covered with a corrosive dust that makes even brand new signs look like they're decades old. The air is quite literally poisonous and I'm not sure the food and lights are worth the cancer risk.
Ok thanks for the 2012 trip report
I want to go to China, there are only two things stopping me:

1) it's so fucking big that I'd need multiple trips to see everything I want to see and do everything I want to do. One of my friends who's a much more seasoned traveler than me said he spent 4 days in Xi'An alone.
2) my family's completely drunk the Kool-Aid and they'd lose their minds if I don't contact them every day to let them know I'm not currently a political prisoner and/or getting my organs harvested.
Yes you need multiple trips but so what? Take multiple trips. Just try to nail down 1-3 top choice cities to start with. As for your family, simply ignore them and/or contact them every day while there. Nothing stopping you

1. It's big, but most of the populated areas are along the coast lines and parts of inner china

2. no, your family is right. A newly high school graduate from Taiwan said he was going to Hefei, Jiangsu to tour and went missing. Phone is turned off and the CCP refuses to investigate, saying they are looking into the matter.... even after 2 weeks
Nope. I was there back in May of this year. Went to Tianjin just outside of Beijing. Air was too polluted to see into the distance most days. No ozone layer meant the sun felt way more intense even on a moderately hot day. Brand New buildings look faded and old because of the corrosive pollution in the air. Wealth inequality to insane levels where our 5 star beautiful hotel was right across the street from ghettos held together by duct tape and diy welding jobs to keep them from crumbling.
It was cool to see at night but not something I absolutely needed to see.
Ah, well Tianjin does suck in particular. Hope you've at least been elsewhere before
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For me, it's Yangshou.
The issue for me is that I need a VISA to go from the UK. Why cant I just rock up for 90 days like I can for Japan or Korea?
>give visa free travel to basically most of the developed world
>omits UK from the list
uhhh based?
Look at it this way, by being somewhat of a pain to get into, they keep all trash out that you see in Thailand/Korea/Japan. I think its a blessing
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china numba on-*ACK*!!!!!!!!!!
Who are most friendly the chinese the japanese or koreans?
the taiwanese
In order of friendliness:

In order of rudeness:

It's either friendly and rude, or polite and cold in Asia.
Actual news out of China: we can't even keep ships afloat and our armed forced literally fend off jeets with fucking sticks [sad-small-doge.jpg]
Which one is it?
Chinese, followed by Koreans and then Japanese.
This is also my experience.
Also true, although Taiwanese seem to be both polite and friendly.
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nice noodle cars lmao
china is a paper dragon
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>when he sniffs the drowned roaches
>The spokeperson for anti-China is a balding middle aged loser who had to flee his home country in fear of niggers.
Lol, lmao even.
difficult for retards only
pretty sure the West killed itself with capitalism and incels are using liberalism as a scapegoat
What's the chinese equivalent to Google Maps also supporting english auto translate? I wanna see reviews/photos for places.
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Another day, another Chinese victory.
Japanese Chinese food is tastier and more hygienic
What skills do I knew without knowing how to speak the language to start a life there?
I'm pretty retarded desu so I actually fell for the China instagram meme multiple times. Went to Beijing - worse than Central Asian shitholes. Went to Shanghai - boring, stale, old city. Same story with Guangzhou. I 100% recommend visiting China though if only to get a visceral understanding of how deeply fake the entire country is. Good lesson. Made me love America.
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>china is a shithole outside of 3 or 4 instagram areas/cities
I'm shocked
>blah blah blah I went to X and Y and Z
>no stories to tell, only some vague dismissive criticisms
You didn't go anywhere, larper.
Has anyone worked in China? Kinda wondering what I would expect to spent in USD per month. I'm looking at atleast a 30-35k RMB/m salary.
you can use amap and then use google lens to translate screen shots of it. (at least that is all i have found so far, I am going in a couple of days)
Just make sure that you insult winnie the poo, so you can get a free trip into the reeducation camp
>Has anyone worked in China?
worked as expat for ~3,5y in 2 different cities (Shenzhen and a T3 city)
big German company, expat contract with pre-defined / agreed-on return policy

>Kinda wondering what I would expect to spent in USD per month
are you working for a Chinese company directly or on an expat contract?
latter usually has a housing budget / allowance (among other, extra allowances)

I had a 20kRMB/month housing budget which was plenty
T1 cities are really expensive if you don't speak Mandarin, (excluding HK / Shanghai) you can usually find something decent for 5-10k though
again highly depends on the city, location and if you know Mandarin - rents in some T1 cities can go as low as ~1k for small, shitty apartments

>what I would expect to spent in USD per month
excluding rent, savings and vacation, you could live quite well on $1000 (like eating out a lot, didi everywhere etc.)
with maybe $2000 spending money / month you can (almost) stop looking at price tags

but then again, life in Xi'an will be quite a lot cheaper than in Shanghai
so these numbers vary a lot

>looking at atleast a 30-35k RMB/m salary
just to give you a bit of perspective
this will put you in the
>top ~45% in Shanghai
>top ~33% in Beijing
>top ~15% in Chengdu
so this is a good but not outstandingly good salary
Bumping with my own question.
I was planning a trip including Zhangjiajie, but it looks like it's going to rain those few days I was to be at the national park there, so I'm looking for an alternative, a plan B of sorts. I would have been going there from Xi'An, and that's probably where I'll make the decision whether to go or not (depending on the weather). So if I decide not to, is there anything you'd recommend seeing in the area of Xi'An? I'd have like 3-4 days for it. And I say area, but it doesn't have to be THAT close, I'm eyeing Luoyang for example (300km away).
Who opens a bank account for travel? Are you rerarded?
Muslim street
City Walls
Night clubs downtown
Hostel bars to meet normies
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I’m heading to Guangzhou for a week on business and I need your expert advice. I’ve got some downtime, and I want to make the most of it.

I'm a 30 yo, 8/10 face and fit White male (think discount bin prime Matt LeBlanc). How feasible is it to find casual hookups with non-pros during my short stay? Any advice or tips on where to meet people or dating apps?
Any must-see sights, hidden gems, or cool spots to hang out?
What’s the local cuisine that I absolutely can’t miss?
What are some cool chinkshit I can pick up?
Is taking the 2-hour train to Hong Kong worth it, even if for a day?
>caspian report
Friendly reminder he's a disgusting cockroach cocksucker and can't be trusted in giving unbiased geopolitical assessments whenever they involve either turkey or azn.
Worth a visit!
Does anyone know if the Jiankou section of the Great Wall is open? I keep finding conflicting information, either that it’s blocked off and under renovation, or that people still hike there. I wanted to check out a less touristy part of the wall.
Recommend me a vpn / other stuff essential to getting around digitally in china

Going there soonapm2g2
Well I haven’t been yet, just preparing to go, so it’s all theoretical for me still, but from what I gather you need
1. Alipay - for pretty much all payments. It also has other useful stuff built it, like a Chinese version of Uber, a translator, digital tickets for various things and even some basic guides for tourists.
2. eSIM card to actually use the internet there without paying billions. I’m getting Nomad, but I’m just going off based of the prices of a few apps I’ve seen, maybe there are better options
3. A VPN. I’m going Let’sVPN, but a similar situation here as well - haven’t actually tested yet and there may be better options, but it seems alright.
That’s basically all you need, since with internet and VPN you’ll be able to use your normal software for whatever else you want. Apparently google maps don’t really work well, but Apple Maps do. If you don’t have them, get a map app, I’d recommend the Czech seznam maps, very good, detailed maps with a lot of hiking routes marked, and you can download regions to access them offline. The app itself could be better though, some features require an account which requires your phone number, so I passed on that. But the maps work regardless and like I said they are very detailed.
An offline google translate app should work, but it wouldn’t hurt to get some alternative, just in case.
I think that’s about it. Again, haven’t been yet so not actually tested, but from what I’ve heard and read these ought to work well.
hello /trv/ - China

I've recently been laid off from work, and think its time to finally visit Mainland China. I am looking for a wingman to visit with me, as I think it would enhance the trip substantially.

I plan on going there for 2 months early next year, and improving my Mandarin substantially in that time period. Would anyone be interested?
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>Here's that strongman leader that will end the century of humiliation I was telling you about...
>I heard WeChat requires an invite
That was many years ago
Already landing interviews with heads of schools for teaching jobs at prestigious high paying schools. How would I go about building a social circle in China?

Going to Hong Kong in January, because the tickets and accommodation were cheaper than Taiwan. What am I in for? I haven't planned an itinerary yet, but I'd like to see the museums and historical sites, as I'm a Chinese history enthusiast. And is it true that tourism was almost completely killed off by the riots a couple of years ago and COVID?
I dont know how much it has/hasn't recovered but yes tourism started dying with riots (I visited during, 5star hotel was dirt cheap and ended up comping some of stay due to riots) and was completely killed by covid because the border was outright shut. I'd imagine the comeback is limited since its not that great of a tourist destination to begin with IMO, Taipei far better, some mainland cities would be better too if not for visa tedium
How early next year? Ill likely be there from March onwards
the 45 minute driving around chongquing video i saw looks like it is a utopia
You only need 10 seconds of walking in Chongqing to see dirty third world shithole stuff. All those videos you see are carefully selected clips. As soon as you turn from one of those main streets, you will see unfinished buildings, wires on the ground, collapsed roads, and basically everything you'd expect from a third world shithole.

That's disappointing. I'll try Taiwan for my next holiday then, despite it being an absolute pain to get to from my part of Australia. Still, I figure Hong Kong will be a good first China trip due to the prevalence of English, and it's so cheap that I'm not really losing much (the hotel and airfares were less than I've paid to see the better parts of SEA).
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How many days of L visa should anon expect when visiting mainland for the very first time? Citizen of EU country

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