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>shit app
>shit website
Got any good alternatives?
Someone still uses Interpals in 2024?
op is literally asking what you would use instead.
i recommend you look at SERVAS
> year of our Lord 2020+4
> Interpals

I honestly thought the website didn't exist anymore. Been a while since I saw someone talk about it here on 4chan, I discovered it thanks to /int/ generals back in the days and used it a lot to find friends/fuck buddies during my solo travels.

The process was the following

> you decide to travel to X country
> you contact someone from X country with the excuse of "hey there :D my name is anon and I'll soon travel to X in this dates, wanna give me some advice about the place?"
> you start a conversation, do some pleasant small talk
> "oh, you live in city Y? You know, that's exactly where I'm staying too /// I was thinking about spending some days there! What If we meet and offer you a coffee//beer so I can thank you for all the help you gave me?"

90% of the time people will say yes, and there you go.
Made some cool memories and met many interesting people, including a crazy turk guy and a brazilian grill that 10 years later still send me nudes when she gets drunk. Thinking about it It's incredible how easy it was to meet girls with these kind of websites (interpals, couchsurfing, etc) before the advent of tinder and other dating apps made especially to fugg. People where just more curious and less picky I guess.
>The process was the following
That doesn’t work anymore?

It worked when the website had a lot of traffic. I have no idea if that's the same in the current year.
You can try your luck with similar apps though, like Slowly although you have to wait for the letters to be delivered.
I got banned from interpals for sending messages to girls. The Jannies there are worse than here
I met someone irl from interpals when I travelled for Osaka. hoenstly, she taught me a lot of useful stuff and manners and thanks to her I didn't look like a dick in public

I met a girl using interpals when I traveled to Bulgaria. When we met realized she was a bit autistic or something, I had no idea and thought that her letters were a bit weird because of her lacking English skills lmao. Nonetheless we had a fun time together, she showed me around the city, talked a lot, went to a pastry shop together. At the end of the day she insisted for going to a minimarket together and bought me a shitton of chocolate bars as a gift for the nice day she spent with me, then she hugged me and said goodbye. That was probably the sweetest (literally, it was a lot of chocolate) thing that ever happened to me while solo tripping. I really hope she's ok and life is treating her kindly.
what exactly was autistibc about her
>girls who are too proud to use hookup apps
my nigger what? a girl is too proud to use tinder but will happily slop foreign cock?
Hello talk is a good alternative, I got hundreds of messages daily from early 20s Japanese girls begging to be my tourguide (and fuckbuddy). The good old times of 2019.
common BG W
>got banned for posting edgy memes to annoy pajeets though

Like, deliberately sending edgy memes to Indian accounts by message? Kinda dickish behavior desu


He probably meant prude, calm down chuddie

The usual stuff, I'm no psychologist so provably autistic isn't the right term but she was a bit weird. Things like not looking at me in the eyes when talking, alternated by staring at me creepily, not catching sarcasm or figures of speech, interrupting me all of a sudden to talk to me about something completely different, being a bit awkward in general. Apart from that she was fine.
I logged into IP after reading this thread and browsed some of the females I normally browsed before age wise and yeah tons of them now have their age limits and restrictions set much stricter. before I could talk to 22-27yr olds like I did before and now most were all if you're over 35 no messages. well damn I dont want some crusty dusty old and musty female to talk to I want a young femine pleasant female to talk with.
Click some profile photos at random, look at the comments. What happenned is quite obvious.
Used this in like 2015 and made friends with girls in every country I visited. Ended up marrying one she's amazing and we have kids. Interpals is special because you can meet very unique girls. Have lasting friendships with others. If you aren't a filthy coomer it's worth it.
>Ended up marrying one she's amazing and we have kids.

That's really nice anon. What are your nationalities? I understand if you don't want to answer
God damn. I miss this shit. Shit was the bomb in 2015.

There are other apps that are about 40% the magic of prime interpals, but that's it. And I'm gatekeeping them because they'll get ruined. Godspeed.

Generally, people are less open/curious in the tiktok era where nothing is a mystery and the world is globalized. It was legitimately cool to have a buddy across the world back then. Im' sure 2015 was end of the heyday too.
Australian and Indonesian
Women that visit your profile are way more likely to reply so it's just a little more efficient, imo
>>visit their profiles en-masse, i.e. open in a new tab and go through 10, 20, 30 pages

good morning sirs
pls do the bloody needful
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pls share sar. I won't tell anyone else
American and Korean
She's conservative and family orientated, her parents are awesome as well.

Started as a language exchange attempted 0 coomer shit we met irl ( I was visiting friends in korea) after a while we decided to date and over the course of like 3 years I went out there for about 5 months total and she visited my family then we decided to get married.

Don't go to horny jail senpai it's worth it with realt wholesome people on interpals
Interpals girls are something else. Love'em with all of my heart.
Autistic internet sirens the lot of them. Heard it's not as good as it used to though. Thanks Pajeet and co. for ruining it for the rest of us.
Wish sites like this and couchsurfing didn't decline so dang hard since the mid 2010s

it was so dang straightforward to meet some cool people. what happened?
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I am meeting a woman from interpals next month and I recently found out she's single
People who shouldn't be allowed on the internet were granted access to the internet. By this I mean that normoid scum, brainlets, and thirdworlders found their way there and ruined everything.
Everything also became politicized and radicalized. The internet became srs bzns and no fun is now allowed which means every company is out to cover their own ass because a misstep can lead to absolute shitstorm tier consequences. Which leads to policies and design decisions that ruin the user experience.
That being said, there are a few websites/apps that still have that oldschool feel to them. Some also vet and gatekeep hard which leads to nice environments.
Why would you want to talk to someone 12 years your junior? Are you a pedo in denial?
>That being said, there are a few websites/apps that still have that oldschool feel to them. Some also vet and gatekeep hard which leads to nice environments.
Care to let us know about some of them?
Why would I give out my prized fishing spot? Anyone who isn't retarded can find the hidden hunting grounds scattered around cyberspace. One must just have the audacity to seize the day
>Why would I give out my prized fishing spot? Anyone who isn't retarded can find the hidden hunting grounds scattered around cyberspace. One must just have the audacity to seize the day
there's hardly any of us here. you'd be tossing anons a favor and the spot will still be OK
No it won't, shut the fuck up. That was how interpals started as well.

We can't have nice things anymore, sorry. Thank pajeet.
>it's just a few of us
>it won't matter
Loose lips sink ships, nigga
he cant anon. a ton of subhuman poopjeeets will see the post and go to those sites and ruin it with their sub 90IQ pajeet stupidity. we honestly need to ban 100% of poopjeet males from the internet.
why didnt you guys fuck them? they clearly wanted it
i realised yesterday that if you banned indians from twitter, 100% of the slop would be gone overnight
I never met anyone from Interpals, I had short or long convos that gave me insight into their countrys but ended there. I think this is because I dont use any off site chat apps or social media.
I've had more luck on dating apps with same day meetings in all countrys I've been to.
Slowly is full of faggots and boring women.
>spent years talking to women on interpals
>only met one IRL
>she was a Chinese mainlander who used the shower towel to wipe her period blood and spent most of the trip obsessively tweeting about a Chinese actress she loved
Nostalgic about those naive days.
I wasn't in Japan to coom. I just wanted to have a good time
I respect that. But I'm sure she wanted it anon
lmao so true, the most interesting girls i have met were on interpals rather than the usual opportunities to met women (uni/work/etc)
So wait, if Interpals isn’t the top app to meet singles in other countries, what is?
no such thing post 2015
Tandem or HelloTalk, probably.
it can't
Before that place I would've never imagined that it's possible for a woman to be autistic and pretty at the same time
Just for being a cunt and not helping a fellow brother I'm going to spend both sites on Reddit, and Instagram.

You're welcome
Literally just got a reply from some dumb bitch telling me to look on trip advisor when I asked her opinion about her city. The internet is kill
It's over
If I see her when I'm there I'm going to knock her out
It would be completely justified
You're not going to see her, if she liked you, was attracted to you, or wanted to fuck you, she'd have bent over backwards to answer your question. If there's one thing I've learned about women it's that if they want to have sex with you, there's nothing they won't do. Nothing.

Obviously she's not going to meet up with me you buffoon. Not what I said
Yeah but you don't know the sites, redditard
I do, talk shit again and I'll post them right here right now. Want to try me?
After talking shit about the site I've actually managed to arrange a meet up :)
Based Italian siren sending me voice messages
I got got by you know who when I signed up to interpals.
What did she say? Does her mouth sound wet?
Do it faggot. I am willing to risk it. You do not know shit.
Shut up
her accent got me hard that's for sure
Sorry, in its heyday the best countries were Turkey, India, Southeast Asia, and East Asia. Now it's hard to find anyone. Use HelloTalk or Tandem.
Thanks. I'm still going to try Interpals though. I can tell you're trying to gatekeep it to keep all the beauties to yourself.
If you need a QRD on how a primitive social media/dating site masquerading as an "international penpal website" works then it's not just over for you...it never even began.
i unironically have PTSD from falling for a girl on interpals, going to meet her, and she had a psychotic break and tried to kill herself and me to a lesser extent. and no i will not elaborate
Tell us the story anon. What countries are you from? Were there any signs of craziness before you met her irl? Where did you meet? Did you have sex? Did you get to do anything fun or did she just try and take you out immediately?
Similar but she was BPD (which I did not recognize), so she fell for me hard and I reciprocated. But then she devalued and discarded me, which left my heart - and me - in a hundred pieces. I still love her, months later, even though she either hates me or doesn't think of me anymore.
Tough stuff. But it was my fault for not familiarizing myself with personality disorders. Now that I know, I can sniff a BPD/NPD from a mile away.
I don't believe anyone who says they have bipolar. In my experience they're always just childish, selfish, narcisssistic girls who don't care about anyone but themselves. Of course that's common in this day and age thanks to social media.
No, BPD is Borderline Personality Disorder. Bipolar disorder is a much better thing for a woman to have because it can be successfully treated with lithium medication.
>primitive social media/dating site masquerading as an "international penpal website"
Well it's only dating when you actually are in the same city. Before that it's normal correspondence
Its golden age was unironically 13 years ago. Now the qts have got tired of coomers and left
I don't care about qts, I just want a warm female body to accompany me around Japan and to share some smiles and laughter with. I just want to know if it's platonic themed and not like tinder where everyone is on it for sex (even if some are prudish and act like they aren't).
Well it's supposed to be platonic. Friendly is the better word.
I fucked 3 Korean girls from this site and married 1, been married for 3 years now
Koreeaaan wow, this is the new edition when you've edgily outgrown Japanophilia
Didn't happen
Tandem is full of Chads and you barely get replies, hello talk is better
Pretend to be Chad too.
>tfw she mentioned she's on tandem
It's over
Don't you have to pay for that dumb shit?
The thing I hate about dating apps or apps like these is that you never know what other guys they're talking to. You could be competing with 20 chads and not know it. It's why I want to use interpals and not tinder, because I feel like there would be less chads just trying to get pussy on here. I'm not worried about masses of Indians.
I miss going on interpals with /int/. I came close to meeting a qt I was speaking to in LA, but it didn't happen in the end.

I visited the site recently and it was quite nostalgic. I hate seeing some of the messages I sent back in 2013/14 however.
what kind of site is it? do you see peoples bios and match with them? Do you have to use your real full name or a username? Is it customary to have a photo of yourself visible?
I had the same experience, it feels awful. How did you learn to spot them now?
Normal women don't usually use websites like interpals to find men. Normal girls naturally find men, even foreigners, in real life or using standard dating apps. Places like interpals always end up as snake pits full of bpd, femcel, autistic, gold-diggers, women who fetishize foreigners, etc.
This is similarly true for men who use these websites.
Typical incel can't fathom genuine international communication
But they'll find out that I'm incel if they see me in person.
Oh a lot of it is genuine. Communication between two broken people is still genuine.
no need to project so hard
Only if you're a man
How do you learn to spot them without tarring everybody with the same brush though? Some of them I can spot instantly but she seemed to hide it so well
It is just a social media site dude.
It's not always easy. I talked with one for years who seemed 'a little weird' but overall lovely. Met in person to discover she was autistic (not in the cute quirky way people on /r9k/ romanticize) and was able to mask it somewhat online.
is it like facebook where you see people's friends? Fuck man that sucks imagine adding a girl and seeing she has a bunch of guys as friends??
If true that is actually insane. I thought you weren't allowed to discriminate anyone under any circumstances. I guess they're included there are types they don't actually mind
I posted a little here,
but yea we had many video calls beforehand. In the months leading up to the meeting we had a call almost every day.
She also brought, I believe, 2 outfits for a weeklong trip. She would constantly wear the same things over and over. I offered to buy her clothes, she refused, eventually bought herself something else to wear.
Great thanks, what about profile pics?
Ok but I'm not spending money on a plane ticket just for a little snu snu
All three girls that replied to me used AI shit on stolen photos to catfish but Im tech savvy so I wasnt fooled. Fingers never render correctly
Very happy you gatekeep. Fuck sharing because this is an open place and we don't know what retards will ruin it.
In the beginning we had forums with only supreme white people. Now floodgates are open and all the shit subhumans without netiquette and ESL language level + doorknob IQ populate all the low barrier to entry places.
It was very noticeable at the 2011-2013 shift.
Another wave during COVID.
Cheap smartphones exasperate situation.
I'm 100% certain most people travel just to farm photos, hashtags and geolocations to pretend to be living it up for their social circle. Truly pathetic. Some people go to a place but never truly travel. Immerse. Fuck those people.
>How did you learn to spot them now?
Basically falling in love too fast and deep. Then changing moods and can go from love to hate to love very quickly and for no apparent reason.
She really wants to please you and will rearrange her life for you. Really good in bed, too.
Mind you, the good parts don't last forever and, in most men's opinion, aren't good enough to even0out the bad parts. Everyone can recognize the bad parts of BPD.
Focus on younger women (below 25) and who are newly registered.
The older the woman is, and the longer he has been on Interpals, the more fucked in the head she is. If she is 20 but her profile says she has been on Interpals for 6 years, run away.
Be sure to ask how long she has been on Interpals because people often delete their profiles and then re-register.
Exceptions can be made for women who are truly interested in postal pen pals or in language exchange (not """language exchange""").
>If she is 20 but her profile says she has been on Interpals for 6 years, run away.
I forgot to add:
>but if she is 10 and she has been on Interpals for 6 days, go ahead.
>post greentext story about a girl i met from an interpals like app
>get banned for 24 hours
thanks janny, never posting on /trv/ again
>thanks janny, never posting on /trv/ again
You really showed him!
>thanks janny, never posting on /trv/ again
can't say much details on this

we were in a relationship for a year and we spent 6 weeks together and were preparing to move in before it happened. Most of the times it was like she was my soulmates, we did tonnes of fun stuff (and yes lots of sexo) but there was an undeniable insanity to her. She would just say completely whacky shit sometimes that didn't make sense, have gaps in memory.

The thing is i was very tolerant of this because I myself am somewhat mentally ill, but I never lose track of reality like she did.

there were clear incompatibilities that meant we weren't going to last in hindsight, but we were legit like obsessed with each other and couldn't let go. That was probably part of the stress that led to her snapping.

Near the end, she started simply losing it. Zoning out, forgetting important conversations entirely that we had. And apparently, hallucinating my presence.. I was terrified but thought we just needed a vacation for it to settle down as she wasn't sleeping much.. well near the end yeah.. she just.. snapped. Started laughing like a baby and staring off into the distance, then she attacked me like a 28 days later zombie and tried to kill herself (won't specify how). She was trashing around so much when I restrained her I was scared she'd break her own bones. I still can't watch zombie movies. We broke up after that and she didn't even remember any of it happening.

We spoke a year later and it didn't go well at all, but she's still surviving, apparently never got diagnosed with anything. She's not your typical "crazy girl" you'd never think anything was wrong with her, you'd think she was the most gentle person in the world if you spoke to her.
also I don't wanna say she's still "surviving" apparently she seems to be living a completely normal life. But I could not deal with the possibility of that ever happening again.
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I still think of her sometimes.
>women who fetishize foreigners
you say this like it's a bad thing
I met my current gf from MyLanguageExchange. It depends on what app you want to use to find who you want to talk to.
how the fuck can you meet more girls if you niggers will gatekeep hard
The only people who seethe about gatekeeping are usually those the gates are meant to keep out.
I wish I had money back when this website was popular on int, used to be simple, a lot of qts messaging, unfortunately it all died off as I had no means to meet up with them. I went back last year and I guess I aged badly or have the personality of a goldfish, no one really seems interested in having any sort of meaningful relation.

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