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What are the best churches to visit in the US?
One of those megachurches would surely be an experience to visit, are they open to tourists?
Surely they preach the gospel to everyone? Every denomination wants new adherents, surely?
St Paul's Chapel in Manhattan is well worth a visit

Also in Washington DC are the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land. Incredible for American standards. Check out the gardens and catacombs.
wow it's nothing
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Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia.
>situated in the heart of the world's foremost city
>one of its oldest buildings
>numerous figures important to American and British history buried/memorialised there
>handsome structure
looks kino to me
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Let's be fair, there's a church like this in every county with over 150k residents. I vote Mt. Vernon Methodist in Baltimore
There's a chapel nearby with pink nuns
>are they open to tourists?
it depends how much they are prepared to pay
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None of the people there are true Christians anyway. It's only religious tourists
dude it's all made up shit anyway
no sensible person is religious any more
churches are historically interesting though
If fucking Borat can get in with those nutters screaming gibberish then you certainly can
fascinating meme made by a virginal american atheist, yes, but what about the OP?
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Mission Concepcion in Texas
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nothing wrong with that image that is, in general, the style of churches
maybe in america
here we don't like catholics very much
all american churches look like imitations of real historical churches anyway. a bit like that fake eiffel tower in las vegas
in my little town is a church that was 700 years old before the one in >>2698014 was built. it has bulletholes in the door from a war that was fought more than a century before the declaration of independence.
america just doesn't have the depth of history yet. maybe in 300-400 years if it survives that long. until then the places worth visiting are the crazy ones like the ones where the priest is an elvis impersonator or that one with those loony people who hold up signs saying soldiers are gay or whatever
>no mentions of picrel
Is the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Noter Dayme not worth it?
Cathedral basilica of St Louis
What a retarded post lol
The National Cathedral was cool until they hung pride flags in the windows and rafters.
You realize there's protestant church's posted in this thread?>>2698057
It was obviously made by a Catholic low IQ protestant
It's still an interesting building
Chuds are so sad
Holy Hill Basilica, Hubertus, WI
And as long as you're less than an hour drive,
Gesu Church, Milwaukee WI (part of the Marquette University campus)

Holy Hill has a lot of Franciscan missionary history associated with it going back to early French exploration and fur trading.
Gesu Church
Nobody mentioned the Spanish missions yet
It's a young thread and the weekend is just beginning.
don't speak to me in that tone, young man
catholic detected
get on the fucking bonfire
It is but the awesomeness of it is ripped away from you

You just don’t realize how abnormal you really are
the complete opposite, actually
your post reads more like popish propaganda than anything I've said in this thread, francis
There's no tone, that's just my ... font.
>You just don’t realize how abnormal you really are
The chud says on the fringe of society on 4chan
What is this, 2005? 4chan isn’t remotely fringe anymore.
The fringe is still the fringe, the numbers grew some and they get more media attention. 4chan is by no means centrist nor normie. It's still fringe.
sorry anon, you're a "normie". this isn't your special secret club any more
Well, I'm not alphabet people (degens), I'm no hacker (gaymers), and picrel is my attempt at a failed meme. I stumbled on 4chan around 2007(?)
Sure, and what's the best church to visit in the US?
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In New Orleans, St. Louis Cathedral
If you need to post on an anonymous forum to spread your views, your on the fringe on society
I don't know the best to visit, but I did post 2 worth seeing in Wisconsin. I'll dig up some more later got chores to do.
4chan is 18+, so if we assume that you were using it legally 17 years ago, that means you're around 35 now.
bit old to be going on about "normies", "degens" and "gaymers" really, don't you think anon?
there are no good churches to vis4yr0dit in the us
None are really worth going out of your way for like some churches in Europe.
If you think 35 is too old for 4chan, you have NOoOo idea of the range of ages and people here, none, zero.
>there are no good churches to vis4yr0dit in the us
several have been posted already
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I'm starting to understand why most americans are atheists nowadays
Most are protestant going to strip mall churches
The Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe is nice.
(forgot image sorry)
you sound retarded
Frank Lloyd Wright's Unity Temple in Chicago (Oak Park). Literally the birthplace of modern architecture and a UNESCO site.
certainly looks an interesting building
I started the thread out of genuine curiosity, I hoped people would suggest obscure examples or churches I'd never heard of
I hoped it wouldn't devolve into denominational autism, just an appreciation of history and architecture lol
St. Mary's in Sandusky, OH
interior looks inspired by sopra minerva in rome
FLW's architecture is sufficient reason to visit America in itself
I quite liked the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Lacrosse, Wisconsin.
In the USA, I also visited Our Lady of Ephesus convent in Gower, Missouri. I also visited St. Mary's Oratory in Wausau, Wisconsin.
Were I to compile a list of other churches to see, I would want to see St. John Cantius in Chicago, St. Francis de Sales Oratory in St. Louis, and across the river from St. Louis, the Holy Family log church in Cahokia, Illinois.
>Holy Family log church in Cahokia, Illinois
I saw this one online, I like those old French colonial buildings in Illinois, Missouri, etc
Churches in Seattle have rainbow flags. Try any of them.
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I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned but then again,apparently the fountains stink (like really smell - dead fish), there's no tours and only 'real' Mormons are allowed in.

This all true?
Good stuff OP. For Chicago, also see Louis Sullivan Holy Trinity church.
OP one of my favorite chrurches is the Cave Church Chiesa Rupestre di San Nicola in Mottola Italy.

I want a big black dick in my asshole.
Not sure, but that may be off topic for this thread.
Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove, California
Wait, that's Catholic? Didn't think that style was their jam.
It was created by a televangelist group. I was always told they went bankrupt building it and the catholic church bought it and made it a bishop seat. Changed the name to Christ Cathedral as well, but yes, the architecture is mostly the same with only minor changes to make it more catholic
People used to complain about the sunlight making the interior too hot, so when it was converted into a Catholic church, the windows were mostly covered.
Nice, but off-topic

Nice, but off-topic
When temples are built they let the public in for tours before they're consecrated. I saw one recently in PA, it was pretty interesting.
grim, absolutely grim
there is only one chuch in america with a holy presence and that is the one in Sedona AZ
mormon church
They're not nutters though. Most are average and kind people

The atheists are the real nutters
New Orleans has the St. Louis Cathedral, Jesuit Church on Baronne Street, and St. Joseph's as standouts imo
Your bishop has got to say you are worthy to enter, but they have open houses when built and time to time I think
what makes you say that?
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>The atheists are the real nutters
My sister got into one of those as part of a tour. They even treat her like a guest should be treated.
In America the focus of church is the preaching as opposed to the architecture. You'll actually hear the words "sinning is evil" which is never spoken in Europe.
It's not really that cool, I'm familiar with one that will rent out their space for other groups to use. It's literally just a giant auditorium and stage like you'd find anywhere that has that, the only cool thing is they have concert grade sound systems and acoustics but that's it. Because >>2711644
Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Its no longer a church, but the Miracle staircase is still there.
your fat
She's actually atheist (probably she kept her mouth shut about that) but she went for the spectacle rather than the actual architecture.
It still feels pretty weird considering most cult places (temples, churches and the like) tend to be visited (as a tourist) off service. But that is probably the whole point of being a megachurch, isn't it?
Absolute worst church to visit. They charge admission, have stupid audio stories playing throughout the chapel, and then you literally are forced to exit through a gift shop that is twice the size of the chapel itself. It is a fucking scam and it is atrocious. The literal opposite of what a church should be. In Santa Fe you should go to >>2699301 and San Miguel Chapel, both of which are still actually churches and still have services. If you have a car you should also visit Santuario de Chimayo. But AT ALL COSTS you should avoid the absolute shitty, disgusting scam that Loretto ((Chapel)) represents.
What do you like about it? What's special about the staircase?

calm down

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