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>getting fined $5000 and being detained for hours by border agents as a US NATIONAL under threat of car impoundment because your goddamn GPS told you to go into the privileged prick lane by mistake

Abolish this immediately.

>going to Mexico ever
What’s the privileged prick lane about?
One of those special programs you can apply for that give you quicker access through entry points (TSA PreCheck, NEXUS, etc.).
Seems like a harsh penalty for a minor mistake
he probably called the customs agent the n-word
It's more than that. There's suspicion the US Customs aren't even trying to do anything about it because it's a revenue machine.

Terrible. What a scam

That's honestly fucked up
A 5000$ fine during a trip would absolutely destroy anyone's holiday.
And yet Americans screech endlessly about how their borders are not secure
Nearly every GPS system warns you that they aren't always accurate and are meant to be used as guidelines, not as actual driving directions.
>take my Lithuanian girl to Canada last year
>just as a day trip to St Andrews and St John
>No problem entering
>Return after 10 hours in Canada
>US border says "please wait until the car in front has moved forward"
>Do just that
>"Uhh sure"
>Flips out harder
>Girl is scared
>Agent is flipping out because I pulled forward because the sign said to and he didn't wave me forward
>No other car at the border at all
>He continues to freak out
>I get agitated because I just came back from being deployed to the middle east
>Tell him even Arab host nations are cooler
>His coworker comes over
>I play the veteran card (3 times deployed)
>His coworker realizes his original agent is being a power tripping faggot
>They let me through with still giving me an attitude
I'm voting Dem for the rest of my life just to spite that faggot. Border patrol on the north literally don't know what to do when they spent their entire careers at the southern border beating up brown people. Fuck those feds, abolish Customs & Border Patrol
They are lying spics. There is a pull out lane right before you enter the inspection area, and a ton of signs warning not to proceed and to pull out if you aren't part of the fast pass program. The pull out lane leads back to the regular lanes.

They know exactly what they are doing, and thought they could skip the line by playing dumb and poor. The fine exists to punish retard human scum like this. It's not a trap or a setup.

There is even space to back up and go to the pull out lane if you do go past it, it's not a big deal.
none of these posts happened
This probably just the daily whine about America thread
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I hate Americans so much
>I'm voting Dem for the rest of my life
Learn how to read signage you entitled prick
>hahah oops my mistake tee hee well oh well how about we just process me anyway to save the hassle and get the line flowing alright?
Hell no you little shit you are being taken into the fuckroom to get a baton enema you are not being "clever" or cheeky in your little timesave trick here. Selfish prick you dont fool anyone.
Stay in yo goddamn lane.
>Think the Border Patrol up north arent all blue state voters
The agent you just described even sounded exactly like the stereotype Democrat. They all act like that the moment they think they have any leverage over you, they are all authoritarians at heart.
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Wish more of them were like that one border agent in No Country For Old Men.
>Tell me something.
>Who gets through this gate into the United States?
>I don't know. American citizens?
>Some American citizens. Who do you think decides?
>You do, I reckon.
>That is correct.
>How do I decide?
>I don't know.
>I ask questions. If I get sensible answers, then they get to go to America.
>If I don't, they don't.
>Anything you don't understand?
>I ask again, how you come to be here with no clothes?
>Well, I got an overcoat on.
>Are you jacking with me?
>No, sir.
>Don't jack with me.
>Yes, sir.
>You in the service?
>No, I'm a veteran.
> 'Nam?
>Yes, sir, two tours.
>What outfit?
>Twelfth Infantry Battalion...
>August 7th, 1966, July 2nd, 1968.
>Yes, sir!
>Get someone to help this man. He needs to get into town.
>gets pocket change fine a 14 year old could pay
>hurr muh Huliday is ruined
How poor are you?
No, I've had this shit happen too. It was 5am and literally no one else was there so I just went to the closest booth. Then they flipped out and threatened me with that 5k fines for not having Nexus. The guard was even clowning me as I got out to be detained and questioned, they are huge pricks who are basically begging you to sperg out.
>it was the most convienent for me so i just took it
buddy i think you're just retarded. you sound like a huge prick who thinks everyone else needs to adjust to accomodate you and any lack of acquiescence to this send you into a rage.

I too like to lie on the internet hoping to trick brown people into emigrating to the US

He and the fat Texan lady were the only character who could defeat sugarman 1v1
fat texan lady only got off lucky because a new variable had entered into the dynamic with the toilet flush and sugarman cut his losses because he no longer had complete control over the scene
all the lanes were open, so it was an honest mistake and generated no extra work for them you fucking retard
Thank you for your service. Unfortunate you still have all of your limbs.
Fat lady head was about to explode if that nigga didn't flush the toilet
Of fucking course it generates more work for them to have to amend a crossing report to explain why a non-tagged vehicle was crossed through the lane for specialized tagged vehicles. Hell it's most very likely they aren't even authorized to do that. It's a fucking BORDER crossing, a secure fucking checkpoint of what should be some of the highest magnitude, it's not going to have the formality leniecy of a damn McDonalds drive thru. How fucking retarded can your myopic ass be?
All the lanes were open and you couldn't swing into one that took you two feet further in a direction. Utter self absorbed prick.
Prove it officer.
This isnt even the only scam they run on you when you come back to muttgolemstan. They threatened me for being out of the country in spain “for too long”. Said that if I ever left for longer than Two Weeks that they would arrest me. Everything in america is designed to nickel and dime you into poverty and debt. The “muh you can make big munny in america!” Is such a lie used to draw in greedy retards to be scammed by smarter greedy scumbags.
It’s a fed. They desperately shut down any talk about what this shithole country is really like.
You Samoan? Only place left in the US where you're a national but not citizen by default.
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>le GPS told me to take the Sentri only lane
The fuck out of here with that bullshit excuse. You thought you could skip the line and get away with it. Eat the fine and learn your lesson...don't fuck with the CBP. You are entirely at their mercy at the border. I was pulled out of my truck at the Presidio crossing, marched with my arm behind my back, handcuffed and shackled to a bench, for rolling up to the checkpoint in neutral with my engine off and using my parking brake to control forward motion.
>It was 5am and literally no one else was there so I just went to the closest booth.
> generated no extra work
The fine exists for retarded faggots like this, who think they know better.

>for rolling up to the checkpoint in neutral with my engine off and using my parking brake to control forward motion.
Now that sounds legitimately insane.
Meds, schizo. Legitimately unhinged posts.

>rolling up to the checkpoint in neutral with my engine off and using my parking brake to control forward motion
Fucking lmao, this kinda shit is something that screams "car bomb attack". Of all the retards in this thread you are the one single glorious based retard. Utter madlad recklessness. Glad you survived.
>Meds, schizo. Legitimately unhinged
>this kinda shit is something that screams "car bomb attack"
This is a police officer
Zogbots with mailorder brides are what ruined America.
buddy you are mindbroken.
>for rolling up to the checkpoint in neutral with my engine off and using my parking brake to control forward motion.
People like you are why they have to put up signs saying not to do something that no one else would think to.
Hilarious thread.
The fact that you don't know the difference between CBP Field Operations and the Border Patrol shows that you already have the requisite IQ to vote for Democrats.
kys and any mongs you may have spawned, please.
They ARE like that still. That inspector in the movie was depicted as a power-tripping asshole. Show up at the border today without ID and they will do the same but also might not let you in for hours while they do research on you in the databases.
>for rolling up to the checkpoint in neutral with my engine off and using my parking brake to control forward motion.
Why isn't this allowed?
>That inspector in the movie was depicted as a power-tripping asshole
Seems like everyone who doesn't bend over backwards and treat you like you're more special than anyone else is a power tripping asshole to you.
It's like the new zealand (or australian?) law that fines you like $200 for bringing in undeclared foreign fruit to the country. So a ton of airlines that fly there will give every person aboard the plane an orange or an apple as they de-plane, so when they walk into the airport and they don't explicitly tell the customs people they're bringing in a foreign fruit, they get fined the moment they officially enter the country and the pricks act like it's your fault for not knowing the law.

And yes, the airlines 100% do this on purpose and I wouldn't be shocked of the government were giving some kickbacks to the airlines on how much they fleece foreign travellers for this shit on the daily.
every time I've gone through a usa checkpoint its like

>are you an american citizen
>ok have a good day

They have a million signs telling you where to put your car, if the agent starts getting shitty with you just act stoic and they usually will stop when they realize you aren't going to chimp out and give them a reason to taze you

i'm brown btw
Unless you give sources I'll consider your sprouting this out from your ass. No airline is dumb enough to antagonize their customers that way for some small kickback.
This. Every time one of these pricks says it's the border agent who "flipped out" you know damn well it's the storyteller who started with the attitude and verbal aggression. Every time.
who the hell knows? it was a downhill slope, and I didn't want to piss away $5 worth of gas idling in their stupid line. the funny part is, since that 2017 trip, I have never again had any issue with CBP on the Mexican border. It was like I'd passed a test. Last couple times I crossed in 2023, they scanned my passport and waved me through without even looking inside my van.
LMAO. They always ask if you have any fruits, vegetables, or animal products to declare. Why would you refuse to declare it?
If you're a harmless sheep, they'll be rude but rarely aggressive. For years CBP suspected me of being a drug trafficker, because I would take long roadtrips into Mexican cartel country. They'd give me the third degree every time I came back.
>LMAO. They always ask if you have any fruits, vegetables, or animal products to declare. Why would you refuse to declare it?
Because it was LITERALLY handed to you as you step off the plane and walk into the terminal.

It's not something you brought, it's not something you packed in your bags, it's literally just in your hand.

The smart people who've been got by that bullshit before will eat the fruit in front of the customs guy or toss it on the ground the moment they get off the plane.
>people manning the border are border patrol
>customs at canadian border somehow has any relation to southern border, and also the southern border is now beating up muh poor brown people despite them letting in literally thousands per day with government oversight
You are aware that people like you are 90% responsible for the exact situation you are facing, right? This is your people doing this shit, and you are supporting it because you let someone else make you angry at fairytale bullshit so they can further entrench their bullshit.
not as poor as you because I don't go around handing my money to the government like a fuckwit
no good
pool lane
Yeah and I'm sure you weren't flipping out like a total faggot while you were acting like a complete ass, it was only the border guy being "I AM SILLY" over a prick who refuses to follow simple directions
Skill issue. There is a giant flashing LED sign above the lane telling you who its for. It's your fault for staying in the wrong lane.
ITT: People who can't follow directions
Honestly if you found yourself in the Sentri lane it's because you weren't paying attention and looking at the myriad of signs saying which lanes are which. It should be pretty obvious that the lane that's significantly shorter than the rest is like that for a reason.
>voting dem because some cuck was stationed for the north border and most likely is a democrat

Most republicans are down south the border keeping the wetbacks out retard.
Thanks for reminding me why I had to break up with my midwestern girlfriend to escape this nigger infested shithole. Want to be there as little as possible.
Yeah you fucking slobber all over that boot you fucking faggot
You expect everyone to slobber over yours but nobody does and it makes you feel impotent. Hence your attitude issues.
The lane for feds
muh GPS has become the #1 excuse for people when they fuck up their drive.
The refusal to accept fault is getting worse.
>retards whine about 'bootlickers' when nobody is on their side about the tantrum they threw after they weren't being babied for once
>follow every order given by the robot voice with slavelike obedience
peak white privileged to expect to be let off the hook for breaking the law, you are like the london banker who parks in the bus lane and expects to just pay someone off.

The security situation in Mexico is very poor and land borders are very high risk. If you do not follow the security protocols you are putting yourself and everyone else at risk, they will fuck you every single time. It's like making jokes about a bomb in an airport and expecting airport security to laugh.

The priority lane is there so people at high risk of assassination are not stuck in border traffic, you saw Cicario right? if your dumb American ass holds up someone important at the border by blocking the security lane the outcome could well be that everyone starts shooting at everyone else and your dumbass would be front and center.

Relying on, then blaming your GPS is just embarrassing, the road rules are not set by your personal GPS device. Sarah Palin tier
He mentioned nothing about being white you racist piece of shit.
Jews and blacks act more aggressively entitled like this more and everyone knows it. Ease up on the cable news propaganda buddy.
The term is "Baiting into Hazard" and yes...youre just now realizing the US government has been in an open declaration of war against huemans since its inception...it wasnt until Trump (*cough*) put an end to wars that ended the "War is Peace" doctrine and made clear conflict *not* made overseas meant conflict made at home.


Its a focus of my Cognition research...as every step of this process is "innocent" yet a crime occures with no clear guilty party. Natural Law is a thing and laws made against it are immoral.
>Seems like a harsh penalty for a minor mistake
us customs always grumpy because they have to talk to mexicans all day
>taking a car into Mexico and back

I agree it's a privileged prick lane that shouldn't exist, but anyone who lives in a border state and has come back from Mexico knows there's also additional checkpoints in the so-called "constitution-free" zone with additional power-tripping douches. You'll get questioned about your status, where you're going, etc. and if you so much as ask for a lawyer or refuse to talk to them they'll force your ass into a holding cell, take your fingerprints, and make your life hard.

Just park on the US side, walk over and walk back like everyone else. You are risking getting carjacked/shot by narcoterrorists.
>if you make shit hard for everyone the process will be hard

holy fuck so many stupid faggots unironically simping for the US to take more of their money to pay for gay sex niggers and israel

enjoy slobbering all over that boot you stupid faggots. I'm just going to leave this shithole country with my remote job and not live somewhere that tries to nickel and dime me every waking second it gets
Dude all you have to do is not be a self absorbed naccisistic retard and not try to cheese your way into the fast track lane. It's not hard.
This poster is an african american police officer
How much money do you think I need to live comfortably in a cheap country? I have like 250k and more on that stack in the next couple years. Could I do it with 300k? Or do I have to wait for 500 or 1 mil? I cant stay here bro it’s driving me nuts.
cool it with the racism
lol no. fuck you. I live in a border town and the entitled American faggots slow down the line every fucking time. the express lanes are for people who paid money to get background cleared and most likely not a terry. your fault for not reading signs. get fucked and pay 5 gorillions
it's only if you do it multiple times. You get warnings. OP probably illiterate fag
Sure thing officer. Now post this again, but post the truth this time.
I went through that lane before cause mexijews won't let me around without shekels. I was polite and had zero issues, they just gave me a warning. try harder schizo

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