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Is anywhere in blue worth living at? I work from home
>Why yes I do want to live with stroads and carcuck land!
Holy shit just watch Not Just Bikes to understand why this is stupid, why would you want to live some place you are 1 hour or more from basic needs like a grocery store?
They're not all 1 hour away. I actually live in a light blue area right now and I'm 5 minutes from the local Walmart, with food delivery options to my door. Maybe that's true for dark blue.
With that said, there's almost nothing to do and it's incredibly hot during the summer
State college PA
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Are you too poor to own a car you absolute faggot. Im a 10 min drive from the grocery and i have enough land that i hardly ever need to buy food
>Rabun County, Georgia; N Ga in general.

Fucking snowbirds.
in light blue yes

in dark blue not really
>1 hour
Non American detected
Almost nowhere in this country is that remote. Maybe in eastern Wyoming or something
have you been to Montana? east of the rockies you can drive for 4 hours without coming across a town.
Its better to find a light orange city where you don't need to own a car (Philadelphia, Chicago, Minneapolis). You'll save more money doing so.
>LARPing as a homesteader

Just get food from the grocery store retard.
I want to move to Maine
rural Iowa
>just watch Not Just Bikes
No I don't think I will
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The Tawas City region of Michigan is pretty freaking nice in summer. Rarely does it get over 90 degrees. Lovely beaches on Lake Huron, clear placid rivers to kayak, tons of open forest land to explore. People are easygoing, the city hustle is a world away.
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My minivan cost me $165/month to own over the past 3 years. That includes purchase cost, tags, insurance, maintenance and repairs. No such thing as being too poor to own a car.
Picrel: 1210 sq ft 3 bedroom home in a comfy little coastal village (Oscoda) sold for $138K.
Yeah, and everyone has a thousand acres of land. Those ranch properties aren't the kind of thing that brokefags can even consider.
If you like being around fat, placid, cornfed white people, Iowa is good. Very little in the way of publicly accessible nature, however.
No you won't, unless you want to bunk up with some Somalians for $300/month kek.
If you're from an orange/red area just fucking stay there. You don't need to ruin the rest of america just because you ruined your area.
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Always harass Californians. Scratch with your keys any cars with Californian plates.
Make Californians uncomfortable in any way possible.
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It’s a college town and almost entirely undergraduates apparently. It would be terrible if you’re not a student.

I liked living in Pittsburgh. I’m honestly thinking about moving back there in the next month.

Philly is both great and terrible at the same time. It’s a majority black city run by black and Jewish leftists so you have to deal with everything that comes with that. Walkable cities aren’t so walkable when it’s not safe to walk around. That said, there are a lot of really nice spots like near the Art Museum or Independence Hall or that neighborhood across the bridge from Penn.
just live net to a walmart
Yes, any body of water that delineates the extent of a country's territorial boundary is a coast.
Tennessee or WA. If you work remote you should be in an income tax free state for a free %10 pay raise.
it's too bad the texas coast is such a shithole dirty ass fucking area with oil spills
>Not Just Bikes
You could have at least said CityNerd
CityNerd isn't a massive dweeb and therefore shouldn't be associated with Not Just Bikes
Everywhere but the American deserts, Alaska, and New England + Upstate New York are pretty decent places to live in.

Mostly reservation land or you're stuck in places that have very limited inventory

As above, but you also have no access to supplies.

>New England + Upstate
If you work from home you can AVOID living in a high tax region.

Also special shout-out to Michigan and Illinois for being shitholes.
-not op-
Pittsburgh area is on a very short list of cities I'd like to explore. Like a long weekend visit in August or September. I'm pretty content in the Milwaukee metro area.
What's your opinion on internet access in low tax regions? (I'm assuming working from home means computer & internet type work. It's entirely possibe working from home means knitting sweaters, growing a specific small scale crop, etc)
>It would be terrible if you’re not a student.
Not really lands affordable, you can get a big house for cheap and tye local town is lively while many small towns in this country are dead.
Pittsburgh is not a bad place to live in but it’s not much fun to visit or explore. In fact, that could easily give the impression it’s worse than it is. The real charm of Pittsburgh is that it’s a down to earth old city with a bit of Americana and easy to live in and enjoy. The sort of young male bachelor city life is more attainable in Pittsburgh than anywhere else. Want the exposed brick industrial flat? The high rise with floor to ceiling windows? Want to live next to a neighborhood pub? Be close to an old WASPy country club? Go to sports games and get street food. All of that is easy and cheap in Pittsburgh. But there are really no draws for tourists. And it comes with other downsides too. The women aren’t that hot. R*editors are moving there. The weather sucks. Etc.
I’m looking at land in the boroughs you’d want to be in and it’s pretty fucking expensive. Land outside is dirt cheap but that’s pretty removed. Also, my experience with college towns like this is that the downtown is lovely but it’s ALL undergrads, which sucks for friends and dating when you’re 25-45 single male. College towns are totally dominated by undergrads and grey haired professors, all of which are impenetrable to a single 20 or 30 something without an academic career.
college towns are always more expensive just because they're a college town
I wonder how much longer Hampton Roads will stay affordable
Philly's awesome, but it's a city where you have to learn the city and get to know what parts are cool and what parts to avoid. Anywhere between Vine and South St is a solid start. After a couple years when you know the place better, choose the neighborhood you really want to be in.
Starlink works great unless there's a big storm, then you lose it for a few minutes.
Philly's walkable in the right neighborhoods. It's better than chicago in that you're basically either in the hood or not in the hood. Chicago on the other hand is just desolate stretches with gangbangers on every corner.
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Not Just Kikes has the worst channel on youtube. He has his head so far up his own ass it is incredible. I knew he was full of shit when he brought up motorcycles and called them bad.
Motorcycles and lane splitting reduce traffic and are far better for the earth than SUVs, but because they are a little loud he writes them off.
He is just a douche who doesn't understand why some people prefer motorized transportation, and doesn't know enough about the netherlands to realize that there are parts of the netherlands that look like rural Kentucky in terms of "stroads" and no sidewalks.
Philly is a shithole. I lived there for a year.
>why would you want to live some place you are 1 hour or more from basic needs like a grocery store?
Majority of blue areas are not 1 hour away from a grocery store. Besides, I’d rather take a comfy 15 minute drive with no traffic to a grocery story than deal with public transport. Good luck if you do you want to drive in a “walkable” city! Only if you enjoy hellish traffic and no parking. Gb2r
>work from home
go fuck yourself why does it even matter then
just wondering what's the best bang for your buck place for people in my circumstance

I live in Chicago near a grocery store and not having to worry about anything that comes with owning a car has put more years on my life.

If you insist on owning a car in a blue area I'd recommend the western suburbs of Chicago. With a car you'd get all the benefits of a suburb while also being able to drive into Chicago for events that tend to only come to big cities
no, anon, nowhere on that map is blue is worth living in

i am amazed someone of your intellect could have the luxury of working from home
>not having to worry about anything that comes with owning a car has put more years on my life.
Imagine having to take the bus to the hospital puking your guts up. Imagine not having freedom of movement. You have built yourself a prison of your local community and are limiting your economic opprotunities to that area.

Edmond Oklahoma has tons of 3 bed 2 bath beautiful homes for ~250k in very nice neighborhoods, and there is no property tax. You're in a subburb of OKC with plenty to do and near a big enough airport to go wherever you like.
Imagine being a drain on society for no apparent reason
You don't have to imagine, do you
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god please no motherfucker stop. we're filled to the brim, every year more tracts of farmland turned asunder beneath a wave of subdivisions and strip malls/car washes. I fucking hate seeing how little we regard our *barely* intact wilderness. Every day I lament a meteor not erasing Detroit from this planet. That still wouldn't fix the dogshit people that relish the idea of paving over every fucking tree or piece of farmland.
But then you have to live in Edmond Oklahoma. There's far more 'economic opportunity' in Chicago than OKC, even if I'm taking public transit regularly. Of course, I'm not a prisoner to my 'local community', I can rent a car at any time if I need to, and doing so a few times a year is much cheaper than owning a car.

I would absolutely hate to have to live somewhere where I have to drive to the grocery store.
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>very nice neighborhoods

This is a hellscape
What's the next Grand Rapids? Is there any hope for Lansing or South Bend?
If you work from home, then you can live anywhere. It just depends what you want in the place you live.

This chart's home prices, not how rural it is. There's major cities in light blue on this.
My job went WHF a year ago so I spent months finding a place to move (since Denver is expensive af). We eventually settled on El Paso, which I like. Very safe, very cheap, and very un-diverse (the city is 83% hispanic). It's hot as hell during the summer, but not quite as bad as, say, Phoenix or Tucson - and the dry heat is way more tolerable than Florida, where I used to live. We bought a 1900sqft 3BR/2BA in the nicest part of the city for $365k. We're a 2hr drive from the mountains in NM if we want to get away from the heat during the summer. I wouldn't recommend it if you're a young person who is going to concerts and clubs and cultural events a lot, but that's not me. We've got 2 kids so most of the year we're just doing our daily routine, and then with the money we save living here we can go to France or whatever twice a year. It's a very family-friendly city and culture. I have seen very few homeless people compared to Denver, where every park was a tent city. People are nice, but if you're black or a hispanic-looking person who doesn't speak spanish you might have issues. Dating will be easy for you if you're white.
Not really, because you're one layoff from getting stuck in somewhere with no jobs of the same caliber, so kiss your arbitrage goodbye. Since you're remote, you're now competing against the whole world. Basically anywhere nice is a college town, which isn't really any less expensive than the the city.

If you really like having a large plot (which you have to maintain btw), it can be nice. Maybe if you're a mid-late career consultant with a lot of clients in your contact list to fall back on.
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East of Reno and Sparks is a good area. Close enough to a relatively big city for medical and entertainment but far enough away from the crazies and homeless.
Plus Nevada doesn't tax income
El Paso
what da grey counties doin
Great answer. Nice downtown, cheap cost of living, growing area, hot women.
>It would be terrible if you're not a student.
Slight correction. It's only terrible if you are over like 26 and in downtown. If you are similar in age to the students you can really get by fine, assuming you aren't a cashier at target or a townie that has lived there their whole life. Of course you can live further away from the downtown and the further you go the less it matters that you are 30+
You can find a nice studio apartment in Philly for 1-1.2k in an area where you only need a bike. Look on zillow east of broad street and north of Washington ave. Objectively one of the safer areas in the city too.
I've lived in PA pretty much my whole life. Philly for a few years but mainly central PA. Have visited friends in Pittsburgh.

Honestly don't see why people would find it appealing. Sure you're not crazy far up North but the weather still sucks, for a good half of the year at least.

I'm trying to move South. But how far South is the question
The south sucks because of the humidity, I'd rather live in the west somewhere.
East coastie detected
People from the EST time zone can’t understand how empty the western half of the country is
El Paso is nothing but dust and concrete overlooking abject poverty across the border. The ugliest city in America
I love the Spearfish-Sturgis area of western South Dakota. There are some incredibly beautiful areas out there. Rapid city is a dump tho, don’t move to rapid city
Isn't Reno on fire rn?

Environmentalist cultists like you need to be lined up against a wall and shot. Why should people give up on the possibility of a good life because you want to maintain an aesthetic?
Sounds like you lived in a shitty part then.
Five years in Rittenhouse here, philly's great, you just have to be in the right parts and stick to certain neighborhoods.
Why would I want to watch politically extremist propaganda just because you're too dumb to articulate the opinions your empty mind consumes from biased media?
>politically extremist propaganda
That's Nick Johnson
Nature has more intrinsic and extrinsic value than another subdivision of HFCS slurping, TikTok and Fox News guzzling goycattle.
anywhere is worth living if its peaceful and you already have a wife
Boomer take
Northern California/Nevada and southern Oregon are pretty much always on fire late summer
yep. people think the crime is spread out all over equally, its not! still very segregated

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