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What's the best city to visit for a fan of Brutalist architecture?
slovakia is pretty boring and basically just good for a day trip from vienna but it's arcitecture is pretty brutalist
What’s the point of putting the elevator 10ft away from the building?
New Haven, CT
Albany, NY
I saw that picture and my first thought was Bratislava. There are actually areas on the edge of Prague that look like this too, specifically up near the Petrin tower. Walking around was perfectly safe, but the architecture of those buildings literally gave me anxiety. Look up "Koleje Strahov - Blok 8"
It looks good.
maximum efficiency floor planning
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All these are good.

Also recommend San Diego, CA - Salk Institute and Giesel Library are great.
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>What’s the point of putting the elevator 10ft away from the building?
Gives the residents a "reason" for only having 1 elevator stop for every 3 floors
This and better noise insulation.

>1 elevator stop for every 3 floors
Good idea, it is 1 stair max.
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I'm surprised no one mentioned Caracas

it's literally THE city with the most brutalist architecture

may be a bit harder to travel to currently
but absolutely worth it if you want to see a LOT of Brutalist buildings
>1 stop every 3 floors
Based. Fat fucks are forced to move a little more, and you don't get cunts stopping the lift every 5 seconds on every floor.

There's a reason we don't have metro stops every street corner.
>Salk Institute
I've only seen photos but it looks amazing
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I found this in Nyon if it counts
Earthquake safety.
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Picrel is from (guess!)
It says "County of Mombasa" dead center, you big silly
less noise, easier maintenance
That's not brutalism, that's a generic 2010 residential building
>city name in photo
Doubles as a rocket launch gantry.
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The point of this design was to create serendipity for the residents through the use of shared common areas. This would foster a community of people who would all encounter each other in the same lobby which would become the focus of the three floors that were using it so that way you wouldn’t be able to simply go up to your floor and go in your apartment and remain anonymous to the rest of the building. This was the idea behind it. Reality proved to be different.
It creates a security issue because it’s the equivalent to a road block, someone could intercept you in the stairway which becomes a source of fear and anxiety. The same goes for the lobby of the floor, you end up hoping and praying no one is there, it creates a lack of defensible spaces and if fostered exactly the opposite of a communal space the result was fear and anxiety, a sense of unease. The apartments may always be nice but the building itself reflects in its design a inherently inhumane place to live.
pure kino
Full of rich people now though, probably won't suffer the same fate a lot of the 60s tower blocks suffered from.
>full of rich people
I thought this was council/social housing? Was it Maggie’s doing that this is full of rich people?
Ironic because it wouldn’t have ever been built by private investment.

£900K selling price + £9000 a year fees. I'd be amazed if there are anyone who didn't "right to buy" it. Even in London that'll buy you a much nicer house. Or you can just move and retire early.
Montreal has a lot of brutalism because everything was built in the 60's and 70's when it was trendy and concrete is super cheap in Canada.

>Pic related is Habitat 67
comfy af
actually looks really comfy, but no garage = no deal
>parking in a British Tower block

lol nope
Extremely small towns up north are good if you're looking for something spooky

Way more corruption too so anything bad can happen there
belgrade is a good shout
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some of it is comfy
To look cool
Oh, I thought that was for cars like those car -parking towers in japan.
>car -parking towers in japan
Going there in a couple of weeks but never thought there was much brutalist stuff there.
I guess the Telstra tower is one?
I think anon meant something like picrel.
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no mention of Tbilisi yet, interesting
>Trellick Tower
I love this fucking building and the other towers in London but living in them MUST be a fucking nightmare!
>no mention of Okinawa
The suburbs around Paris have quite a bit of interesting brutalist buildings
Salk is cool, but it's a scientific institute and not a museum so it is very challenging to actually see that view and walk around the grounds. They very rarely do general public tours.

The Giesel Library is sick tho.
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i just went to albany, and if you are talking about the empire state plaza it's not brutalist, but its sick as fuck. pic i took there.
true, we forget that
what do you love about brutalism? what other buildings do you like?
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I like the geometry and minimalism of a lot of brutalism and other modern architecture. The sharp lines of shadow and light they cast work well with the style of photography I enjoy doing. There's a point where it kinda doesn't feel right anymore, like ultra modern low rise condos with cheap siding or generic glass skyscrapers. Something like the pic I posted is just an immense object but also a piece of art at the same time. Sure the same can be said about a lot of other buildings, I can appreciate huge cathedrals too.
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I'm not an architecture enthusiast so it's hard for me to articulate, but I like it compared to most other (post)modern architecture, which just seems to be architects deliberately creating ugly buildings. I also like that it utilizes modern, cost-effective building materials while still having a clear aesthetic style. You don't see that with a lot of modern buildings which are just optimized for space with no thought to aesthetic appeal.
Would love to see modern attempts at brutalism with modern materials that are less likely to crack or discolour.

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