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Any other US tourists feeling miserable after coming home from Japan?
Just dont come home.
why didn’t you stay?
I have been here illegally since 2012 its not a big deal
>I feel miserable after coming from first world country to first world country
Soft weeb hands typed this
It is standard to feel terrible when returning to the US from any other country. In fact I felt terrible already just transferring in Seoul on the way back from China when I saw all the goblinos in the airport
I was upset until I realized no more giant spiders. Winning!
How? Dont they catch you?
Incheon has top qts working there though, if you were instead focused on the goblinos running around then you might be gay
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Just move there.
They really do, I was amazed by the voluptuousness of the security staff. But unfortunately they're outnumbered by goblinos 100:1 when you're hanging around the boarding gate for a US direct...
the japanese are more concerned with keeping out criminal third world elements. I am always with a Japanese woman. I live with Japanese women. I never get stopped or questioned.
I always feel happy to be back home, as soon as I arrive at the airport. I can walk around without countless Japanese girls staring at me, and jealous Japanese incels getting angry.
What about your work though?
wish every weeb an unpleasant death
never wanted to live in Japan in my entire life. the thing is though, Japanese people are allies of white people. going to Japan just a normal part of life. I grew up with Japanese people.
ugly chinese incels can't understand this, because Japanese people hate chinese. Japanese people want to kill chinese people.
you're not part of the white Korean Japanese alliance. you're chinese. Japanese people hate chinese people. you're just jealous. you hate being chinese. you wish you were white. you wish you were Japanese.
if I had impregnated every single Japanese girl who begged me to impregnate them, I would be the father of thousands of half Japanese children. you should be thanking me for not impregnating those Japanese girls, you disgusting ugly chinese incel. it's amazing how ungrateful you are. no good deed goes unpunished.
>dude just have a remote income!
Nobody understands the kind of nuanced anguish when you realize you will never be able to work remotely and escape America for good. Whether it’s your own lack of willpower, unwillingness to get the skills etc. it’s a horrible feeling. You get to experience the life you want to live and then have it repeatedly ripped a away from you just to go back to an open air prison dystopia and not the fun kind of dystopia
shut the fuck up Takumi you drunk retard
You really sound like typical second gen Japanese American. A fucking loser.

The only thing that makes me feel bad about coming home is seeing all the crazy and trashy people everywhere
I just returned today after 5 days in Okinawa. Not enough time there. The second I returned I noticed how much trash was laying around. And there were so many freaks. I decided I want to try and move there for a couple years.
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Why can't DNs just enjoy their stupid little wagecuck lives without constantly spouting bullshit to convince themselves that everyone who doesn't work while overseas is miserable? No way in hell do I feel any nuanced anguish for being free of wagecuckery while living overseas. After nine months of leisure and shitposting, I'm happy to come back to my little niche in the Colorado Rockies and bust ass for a season.
I can't believe you can walk down the road holding a samurai sword like that
japan is really wild
I recognize that jacket, miss you bro.
How is it that I can just tell by your hand and thumb alone that you're annoying as fuck
>come back from japan
>noticeably depressed
>boss gives me shit for not being grateful for my job because i'm clearly miserable
>trip coming up
>colleagues politely remind me to be a littler cheerier when i get back this time
Fuck this gay earth
don't be
Work? What do you think the women are for?
Are you the guy that said he works two months a year and makes like $2k a month? How do you do that and still have sex with women while also saving for retirement? How do you do that at all?
you'll ge over it
How I feel returning to the UK from literally anywhere that isnt the UK. Baghdad would likely be preferable to this grotty little island.
kill yourself you pathetic retard
damn bro your so cool XD
Reverse culture shock coming back from a high trust society and seeing all the ugly fat people and nignogs everywhere.
I’m not OP, but I’m going through the same thing. Getting back and immediately seeing all the trash laying around the airport. I’m surrounded by ugly freaks with dyed hair, obesity, and layers of tattoos. People here drive like psychopaths. I came home to coffee thrown all over my parked car. The city is filled with homeless drug addicts. My bedroom smells like weed because my neighbor was smoking. All the women dress like disgusting whores. I feel like I’m going to get hepatitis if I touch anything. I feel so disconnected. I think I actually hate it here.
the hero of /trv/ unironically. the golden child
Every single time I've been to Japan, I always come back feeling very, very depressed. It's just something about the place that feels special.

It isn't without its glaring flaws. But the people are kind, the culture is so respectful and fun. Coming back to the jarring reality of a western culture regardless if its North America or Europe, is really just kind of depressing at first.
Never been to Japan, but every time I come back from Europe, I feel relieved.
Mentally ill weeb.
>grateful for being a slave
american work culture is crazy
My first nine days of work this year already paid for a month's rent, a pair of long-haul flights to Bangkok, and all other pertinent living expenses over the past three weeks. It just be that way...
>sex with w*men
If breeding an already-sagging cow in heat makes you happy, good for you, have at it. The existence of such creatures is of no interest or concern to me. What I want I can't have, so I'm not even going to try to get it.
The retirement Jew, what a clever Jew he is. My dad is 63 years old, all his kids long gone, yet he's still slaving away at work for a "retirement" that keeps getting postponed later and later, even as his health declines and his desire to go out and experience the world fades away. The retirement Jew has convinced him that he needs 30 years worth of living expenses saved up, plus a fat margin for any eventualities. On the plus side, he has found himself a loving Chinese tradwife with her own ample funds, so at least he is happy...
I live next to a shrine in Tokyo. Summer matsuri is today, i can here the drums from my PC.

You will never have this OP lol
>Chinese tradwife
i dunno what shes told you, but shes dirt poor and shes gonna take your old man for everything hes got. youll see
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Took trips to Japan up until 2016 then decided fuck it I will move here. Spent about a year planning and job hunting for an opportunity to work for an American company in Japan. Since moving to Japan in 2017 life has been pretty amazing. Can't speak for folks working poverty wages teaching English though feel bad for em. I say do it with some careful planning! Pic related I am spending the weekend driving down the Izu peninsula eating seafood and soaking in onsen
Got home yesterday and I feel teary and have a lump in my throat. I don't want to live in this shithole city (London) anymore. I want to live with civilised people. I want to eat good food. I want to get trains that are on time and run every 2 mins.
>seeing all the ugly fat people
This is the big one for me. It's easy to get used to the way Americans are, then you go to Japan or even places in Europe and realize what an unhealthy society we have. The fucking sumo wrestlers I saw were smaller than a third of the people I see here on a daily basis. People who you might think aren't that fat are now suddenly revealed for the whales they are, and the ones you knew where whales now seem like abominations.
I had the same feeling. I fixed it by getting a job in Singapore. Is it close to Japan? Not at all, but there's a similar civility, cleanliness, orderliness. Plenty of jap food. And if you manage to reach a high income, the taxes are so much lower.
I had the post-Japan blues heavy when I got back from my trip this year
Even in Australia it's bad. When I go grocery shopping, most people I look at are fat or gross looking. Compare that to Japan where everyone is slim and dressed appropriately.
Where do you search for jobs with American companies? And furthermore, could I do this with the trades? I’m an electrician. I imagine my Japanese would have to be very good.
>Is it close to Japan
>Not at all

Singapore is at most 7 hours and $295 away from Japan by plane, how the fuck is that not close?
>dirt poor Chinese
>in America
They don't exist, apart from gambling/drug addicts. Chinese have a natural penchant for accumulating wealth. She's lived in America for 20 years, owns several rental properties, net worth prolly over 1M. My dad convinced her to retire from her job and be his housewife. She balked at first, but now has contented herself with retirement.
Americans are obsessed with proving themselves, advancing their economic status independent from their friends & family. Net worth is self worth. Other countries, people are much more content to stay in whatever opportunity their hometown family and friends provide. Those who aren't content with that life emigrate to America.
>consooming replaces their souls
Consooming drives the entire American economy, so in a way it's a patriotic duty as well as a lifestyle choice to cope with the emptiness of solitary success. Alternately, you can invest and grow your funds further, if you are half as smart as the average Jew. What you must never, ever do is quit your job in order to spend your savings on a life of leisure. It's anathema to Americans.
>It is standard to feel terrible when returning to the US from any other country.
This. When I moved back to America after living in a first world country for a while I was extremely depressed and stopped caring or engaging with anything American. That people think this is even a real country is hilarious.
What does the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world lack to be real anon
America is nearly bankrupt.
>but it's a world superpower
Wrong. All of America looks like shit. It's a third world country. You don't even have a democracy. America's foreign policy is based on mutual assured destruction if anyone ever challenges it. Not money. Look at America's adversaries and see how much nicer places they are. Take a look at any Chinese city compared to an American one, and the difference is night and day.

Chinese city:
>homogenous population
>low crime, no drug use
>people behave properly
>cities look beautiful and modern and clean

American cities
>Diverse population, everyone is different
>high crime
>high homelessness
>high drug use
>cities are rundown, look like shit, full of rubbish

In 50-100 years, America will be like India. A big country with a lot of people and a lot of tech, but with zero influence on the world.
Where's the resident Balkan schizos when you need them
>t.Aussie who lives in Asia
It's actually fucking shocking coming home how fat people are in Australia, especially in the suburbs, is basically the American walmart meme
I start posting in /fph/ a lot everytime I come back.
Not US, but just came and shit sucks
I wanna go back
Sure, is that why there are so many Chinese staying illegally in the US, paying others for legitimate residency, fake marriages, now crossing the border from Mexico? Because the US is so much worse than where they left? Let's be real, living in China is terrible. If they opened the door half the fucking country would flood in to the US. Thank God we are separated by an ocean. Unfortunately we get beaners instead but at least they are not as despicable, comparatively.
Why do you cope so much? Have you been to China. The USA is a dead nation in late stage collapse. Even the people on the streets are different, the Chinese are happy, out with friends/families, high social trust. America is a shithole full of sociopaths trying to take advantage of each other. Family means nothing and very few of American adults have any actual friends. Population is overweight, unhealthy, and hyper atomized. Drugged, lobotomized, atomized consumer livestock.
china isnt bad, its just that young chinese people want to try something new. grass is greener on the other side mentality. plus theyre kind of indirectly encouraged to travel and live overseas by their government on cn social media like xiaohongshu and weibo.
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I'm feeling miserable living in Japan for 3 years now.

Pick your poison.
>high social trust
Tell me you're a passport bro without telling me you're a passport bro
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>Having trust in strangers that they won't rob and kill you if they had the chance is now a dirty word in muttland
Lol, lmao even. Have fun with your multicultural fent zombie wasteland.
what's the jarring reality of a western culture?
The image made me go "whoa!". Good job!
I've spent some time down on the Izu, whereabouts was this?
i want to go remote for other reasons but the hr jannies are closing in on that. maybe i should just call myself trans and join hr and wreck shit 6hrs a day online and be set
regardless i really need to put effort into that onsite->remote transition.
I feel that way with the US after returning from Mexico. But I am not a "Tourist" I am a "Traveler" the difference is, I don't stay at fancy hotels the whole time, just winder around with my pack, gorilla camping and just winging it with no plans, fuck Tourist shit, I love meeting folks and shit. Best way to travel desu. Mexico for the most part has been great to me.
I like Mexico but after spending more than even a couple days there I really like coming back to the US where things generally work like you think they will and people aren't constantly out to rip you off even if burgerland is full of fastfood slop and niggers.
Seattle to Tokyo is 10.5 hours, which is equivalent in terms of travel convenience. Do you consider Seattle to be close to Japan too?
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There is lots of ugliness in Chinese cities, and beauty in American cities. Anglo-Germanic peoples are obsessed with landscaping and aesthetics, while Asian cities might have modern tall buildings but otherwise lack a sense of aesthetic design in general. Traffic in America is far more orderly than in Asia; pedestrian right of way is almost universally respected, and motorcycles behave like cars instead of doing whatever the fuck they want to do.
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What parts of MX have you vagabonded around in? I met one guy in Monterrey who was traveling south into Mexico by bicycle, but overall it's very rare to meet gringo adventurers in the country these days.
>constantly out to rip you off
That hasn't been my experience in Mexico, unless you are referring to the police. One guy sold me a shitty belt for $12 when it really cost $4, a muffin seller at a gas station tried to take my payment for the gas, saying he's "helping the attendant". Yeah right...
That's about the extent of the scams and ripoffs from citizens I've encountered in many months of traveling Mexico.
The state of women in the West has made me depressed beyond belief.

The lowest quality woman in Asia is lightyears better than the highest quality woman in the West. I say this as someone opposed to miscegenation.

The type of behavior I regularly see since returning to the USA would be seen as utterly psychotic in the East. And that it's all done with impunity sickens me to my core. I feel physically sick.

I will probably be celibate for the duration of my sentence in this open air prison. These things posing as women have already destroyed the men in my family, I want nothing to do with them any longer. One day, God willing, I will return to the East, and feel freedom once more
That's been a driving factor in my reverse culture shock. I want nothing to do with American women now. I've always liked Japanese girls, but since visiting, I really want to try and get a relationship with a girl from the culture. I'm really not attracted to women here anymore. They're gross.
>I'm really not attracted to women here anymore. They're gross.
Tell me about it. I've NEVER be one of those asnfever fags but holy shit. Most women walking around the West nowadays trigger a reverse boner.

In the East, I look at women like I'm candy shopping. They all got something nice to offer. In the West I'm trying to choose the best of a bunch of shitty deals. It's crazy.
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this was me when I got back from my trip last year, it was like reverse culture shock
I got so used to everything working properly, politeness, cleanliness, everything orderly
then I got back and I realized I actually lived in atlanta and this place is a few steps away from a 3rd world shithole
I almost immediately began looking into options to move there, and I'm now leaving in a week and a half

I would be alot more hesitant if I had to get a job at a traditional japanese company (from what I've heard), but luckily I don't so I'm hoping it'll be mostly a good time
if nothing else I'll be glad to actually have good health insurance again and I'll finally live somewhere where I can realistically afford a house without getting into a massive amount of debt, I've been stuck renting and or roommating the past several years and that shit sucks in your late 20's
crime rate being very low and good public transit options also very nice

take the plunge OP, avoid being an english teacher if you can
Where did you look to find a company? I'm 28 and want to try and move there around 29/30.
if you somehow manage to qualify for the highly skilled professional visa you can get pretty much anything
if not, you could find a usa government job on usajobs.gov but you'd probably be working on or near a base
if you already work a job with a branch in japan you could request a transfer or something along those lines
if none of the above, probably look for job postings on like gaijinpot.com and then check the companies to see if they're international

i have no idea what your skillset is so hard to really give any advice
if you don't even have a 4 year degree yet then your only option is get a degree there on a student visa, then graduate and switch to a work visa
some unis have full english programs and most have job placement stuff so maybe you'll have a few choices
I don't have any experience on it but pretty much everyone has told me to avoid japanese companies if you can because most have japanese work ethic which I think is pretty notoriously bad
I'm currently in an electrical apprenticeship to be a licensed electrician in the US. I imagine for that, my Japanese would have to be very good. I'm sure I could potentially branch out. It is a skilled trade, though. I gotta talk to the Consulate General at some point, I think. Thanks for the input. I'm looking for all the guidance I can get with this.
yeah sorry I don't know much about how to get over there if you're in a trade
try looking around the movingtojapan reddit, that's where I got started
they're a bit cynical but there's some good resources there
Worst case ontario, I do the English teacher thing for a short while and figure something else out hopefully. I'm sure I can find something if I really dedicate myself. I'll check over there. Thanks.
Can't really blame him, some female goblinos got ass and tig 'ole bitties
>le tell me you're le twitter without le twitterinhg me le reddit meme
Go the fuck back, you troonspeaking freak.
Unfathomably based
That's a tiktok thing
I see, thanks for the correction.

Go the fuck back to Tiktok, troonspeaking zoomer
me too
I despair that America only has fat women with tattoos
>if you don't even have a 4 year degree yet then your only option is get a degree there on a student visa, then graduate and switch to a work visa
Technically not a must, 10 years of relevant work experience is considered equivalent, alternatively if you get a high salary and have JLPT N1 then can still get enough points to qualify for HSP.

That said if you don't have a degree then a Japanese company will not hire you, only international ones. But that is not necessarily a bad thing.
*turd world CUNTry pretending to be a first world country
I spent a few months in the US/Mexico and Latin America and never felt more complete and free. I returned to Australia and I've been a depressed wreck for the past 6 months.
shit bait, chang
I filter them out it's not that bad in Australia despite the level of obesity we still have some good looking people and nice weather, our work culture is pretty laid back and the people are still nice aside from some oddballs, we don't have to walk on eggshells as hard as the UK and the US.
If I were to be returning to the US coming back from Japan I would feel miserable as well if I had to share a space with all the deranged identity politics zealots and black troublemakers.
I already get enough of a glimpse of their insufferable bitterness leaking out into other countries sabotaging all forms of entertainment media out of spite and malice.

I've only done one solo trip to Japan, got a bit homesick towards the end of it but I started missing a lot of things there and I am yearning to go back for another trip.
I feel like a lot of things are better in Japan but not all things when compared to Australia, what surprised me the most from my trip there was what I've taken for-granted in my own country despite its flaws.
I'm a hobo, I sleep in the woods in a bivy bag. I also felt incredibly miserable after flying back to the US from Europe. Worst decision I ever made in my entire life. American culture is depressing, the urban design is depressing, and so is the insane cost of food here.
High trust areas exist in the US, but they're all rural.
Grats anon. I'm probably younger than you (25yo) but I've done yearly trips to Japan since last year, I'm going back in November. I will try to move over after I'm finished with my PhD in 2028. What are my prospects?
>MEng, hopefully PhD
Would I have to break in with ALT work?
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36.8% of 20-39yo women are obese (BMI over 30) in US. Add those who are overweight and you get >80%
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Look up call center work for Insurance companies or Payment processors/card issuers like Mastercard. You're welcome.
>yearly trips to Japan since last year
Ok. So one?
Any medbros in Japan? Im a doc, around N3.

What are our options? I thought about teaching english gig but I cannot imagine myself doing that plus it really is borderline unpaid work.

To have a decent life style Id need around 400 000 a month in pay, which isnt insane.

Its just how to achieve it with med diploma without getting licensed in Japan which is crazy hard.
Need N1 and get pass the final med exam, no interest in that.
You just miss not having loud black people around your vicinity
Actually my bad, I missed the implication there. Yeah I'd be going a 2nd time this year in November, I am in fact the retard.
I speak incredibly broken Japanese with a low amount of vocabulary but I try my ass off to network and it never fails to get me into interesting situations with cool people. It's just that my work history and degrees are so random that I can't exactly fit into any job easily. It's like that everywhere, I apply for one job and they say I seem like like this other job. So, I apply for the other job and they say I seem more like the other.
Essentially I'm an engineer without a PE/engineering degree. I even do unpaid research at a Japanese university because I have a couple professor friends who let me use their lab. How the fuck do I get a job fucking anywhere

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