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I want to bring my Adderall script into japan.
> its Illegal
I know, but from what I understand there is no x-ray machine like at airport security at customs once you land.
What's stopping me from emptying the bottle in my pockets once I'm on the plane.
They don't x-ray you after you already went through security in the US right?
> if I get caught I risk jail,
but how on earth could they catch me if there is no xray machine or actually security in customs and immigration. I heard they sometimes check your bag, but they don't pat YOU down.
What I am I missing?
this thread glows
Why would a fed care what happens in Japan?
I think you’d be fine if you can get past TSA in the states.
They normally don’t do x-ray or Pat down at customs
"either mix adderall pills with not-suspicious OTC meds in such OTC med package (ibuprofen or something smarter)
Or take some case of green tea or something that is not avialable in japan and hide adderal inside it (they wont open the case)." - said evil chinese man in a detective novel i am writing (thoughts on my prose /lit/?)
maybe go a week without it and see how that feels
Do they check your body after you have already arrived in Japan from an airport that you got through security from?

I thought worst case they check luggage but not your pockets at customs?
and I didn't think there were xray machines for humans at customs like security line?
Am i wrong?
Or simply don't fly to a backwards shithole where your medicine gets you 5 years in prison?
bringing shabu into nihon....

you baka anon
They single out foreigners for the drug sniffing dog inspection, but whether it's been trained to detect Adderall is anybody's guess.
but no body xrays in immigration or customs?
you can bring vyvanse to japan dumbfuck. it's basically ritalin but better.
Have fun in jail with your Yakuza cell mate. From what I hear they’re usually pretty chill and won’t bother you much. It’ll take about 3-4 weeks to deport you, after you pay some asinine fine of course
Have fun spending 4 months in detention before they transfer you to a jail where you can wait up to a year waiting for a trial and where the Japanese will show their full autistic sadism. remember these are the people that did unit 731
it'll be fine op. japanese are really lax and forgiving with their legal system

The Japanese attitude towards drugs is something I really don’t understand
>drinking until you pass out in public is totally fine
>we’ll even have designated smoking rooms inside our buildings
>but if you’re caught with a gram of weed or mental health medication, well throw you in jail and your life is basically ruined
Nigga it ain't worth it. If they catch you it will ruin your life. If you don't take your uppers you'll be a little moody and sleepy.
They're trying to subvert it now that the guy who took over after Abe's death is more complain with their desires.
lmao druggie subhumans are absolute bluttbasted

get fucked niggers
What this guy >>2701673 said. Just take it through in your checkon luggage, you'll (actually) be fie.
>The Japanese attitude towards drugs is something I really don’t understand
A few things. First, they're A-okay with booze and cigs because they don't really consider those things to fall under the same umbrella as narcotics, ie. everything else. It's not a spectrum, it's a hard line. Second, Japan has always had an extremely dim view of narcotics generally because of their metaphysical outlook (which revolves around ritual purity) and more specifically with what they saw opium do to China. They didn't really care about flowering cannabis (wasn't made illegal until the occupation) because as was the case almost everywhere else at the time the main usage of flowering cannabis was medical with recreational use mostly a peasant thing and at any rate they were producing vast amounts of fiber hemp so controlling it would have been basically impossible. Third, most of their laws regarding narcotics were passed shortly after WWII when they had a wee bit of a drug crisis because they had been liberally administering amphetamines to workers and soldiers during WWII. The Japanese legal system is very federalized and very black and white and has a gerontocracy problem worse than almost anywhere else so it's very hard for one prefecture or city or what have you to buck a national trend (like how cannabis legalization happened in the US) and most of the boomers are firmly anti-drug because the most prominent form of drug abuse in Japan is young delinquents rotting their brains by huffing solvents.
one place uses mind altering prescription narcotics to control people otherwise they are likely to become school shooters and 70% of people are hooked on prescription drugs
one place has a generally civil and ordered society
it's not the second one that's the backwards shithole anon
You're not missing anything other than the risk of a random search.

The reverse is also true. I was residing in Taiwan and was prescribed a medication which is unavailable in the U.S. (because the manufacturer pulled it due to "legal liability"). I had a choice between basically dropping dead when I returned home, or smuggling in a lifetime supply.

I might have had a close call because the tape over the lock on one of my suitcases got slit, indicating that Customs opened it, but I guess they found another suitcase that looked more interesting.

Anyway, that's my career as an international drug smuggler. If anyone wants illegal anti-clotting medication, hit me up.
I literally took my entire cocktail of meds in my suitcase a few years back. they searched the suitcase too, but didn't open the tiny compartment I had my medication in, wasn't even trying to be sneaky, just got lucky, lol. FUCK BEING A LOON I HATE EVERYTHING
>Unit 731

Extremely interesting. Is it worth buying the book? I have a feeling there isn't much more to know outside of what's summed up on the Wikipedia Page
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>americans can't go a week without a suitcase full of smuggled psych meds
You just brought this to my attention. I wonder why OP even needs that stuff, they must really feel dependent from the sound of things
50% divorced homes
Less than 50% college educated
3rd world crime rates
Normalised veneral diseases
Highest level of propaganda in first world

Yep, adds up.
I don't believe this is this is the reason. There are many shit holes in this earth
>50% divorced
Being the tech+internet world capital really soothes suffering!
Big Pharma overprescribed OP to create yet another addict, is all.
Imagine being this much of a drug addict that you can't go on a trip without your drugs
If you continue hooked on pills, it will be harder for you to survive without them. But you have to try.
Get a Yakkan Shoumei for it. You have a prescription, right? Right?..
They have aderall dogs that have trained for 15 years to detect it. Basically, you're screwed.
>dont worry bro unless you get a random search you won't risk anything

I've seen perfectly normal looking people get their shit searched. I got my shit searched going there and back.

Either get a fucking prescription or try to score when you arrive, which is a lot less risky if you're cautious enough than just playing a lottery you cannot control.
have fun in jap prison white boy
You’ll be fine.
he'd die
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>likely to become school shooters
all 5 of them.
>uses mind altering prescription narcotics to control people otherwise they are likely to become school shooters
actually kind of crazy how backwards you got this
school shootings happening and getting extra sensationalized around election time every time is just a coincidence :^)
Saga airport is literally the only place in the world that they searched my bags looking for drugs. They had sniffer dogs and asked about every single OTC med I had with me. Cute customs agent was pretty embarrassed when all she found was my underwear at the bottom of my bag.
I bring rando drugs and supplements through customs all the time, crush/change gelcap and stick in in a pill holder with travel supplements like magnesium, melatonin etc
None approved drugs aren't illegal to own, just illegal to sell for human use, your drugs were found by customs, but it's not a crime to import random chemicals
>my medicine
>daddy's very sick
I love going to Belize, you can buy Xanax at the pharmacy with no script. I usually buy two boxes (100 pills) and that lasts me until my next Belize trip.
Buy something similar once u land in japan they have the same shit there retard
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>actively kills you with side effects and legalized meth addiction for a disorder that has existed since the dawn of man
>The American attitude towards drugs is something I really don’t understand
>>drinking in public is totally fine
>>we’ll even give our children meth if they are raised by ipads
>>but if you’re caught with pain killers, well throw you in jail and your life is basically ruined
You're a fucking retard.
Stop being an addict, you can live more freely than this.
Just go without your adder all. I never took adderall on vacations or weekends. I only used it to focus at work. I don't get the adderall every day addiction thing, it's not really addictive like that. That's all in your head.

At some point you need to stop taking this stuff. I stopped after 15 years and despite feeling hopeless at work for a few days I realized I never really needed this stuff it was me all along. And it just makes you stay focused on too much stupid shit for too long while getting mad at anybody breaking your concentration not to mention shrinking your dick, the side effect nobody likes to talk about. Adderall erectile dysfunction is 100% reversible btw. Stop taking it and it goes back to normal
>drinking in public is totally fine
Not in most places in the US. Ironically, you're allowed to drink in public in most places in Japan, even the train.
>but if you’re caught with pain killers, well throw you in jail and your life is basically ruined
Not if you have a script for them. They'll even let bored suburbanite housewives drive around fucked up on xanax, which is essentially equivalent to driving drunk, to go on their daily run to abuse low-wage workers at various drive-thrus as long as the bitches have a script for them. A better example would be weed in states where it's still illegal, but everyone knows the purpose of those laws (as well as the laws about public drinking) are meant to be an unofficial tax which siphons wealth from the populace to the municipality/state.
Just take all of them before you go, should last you the entire trip
What about finasteride?
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Very recently, concerta was legalized in Japan. If you live here, you have to consent to a pretty draconian agreement to get it. If you can switch to concerta, and proactively get permission from the Japanese Narcotics Control department, you can pop those while you are here instead of adderall. The application process is the same for terminally ill people traveling with pain meds, etc.


Pretty degenerate, though, you junkie. If you feel like a drug addict it's because you are.
No you can't bring your meth into Japan. They have the death penalty btw.
Why do you need your legal* meth on vacation?
I miss the times when you could legally buy magic shrooms in Shibuya vending machines. I believe that was around the late 90s. Fucking magical experience walking in night Shibuya on shrooms. The district was FULL with those tanned gyarus and I also remember bozosoku on their bikes driving with 30 loud bikes through that walking zone. Was shocked when I went again two years ago, it's so bland and boring now. Crowded with, mostly Chinese, tourists. Clean, only chain stores, fucking anime music through speakers. Once it was one of the most crazy districts in the world and now just a tourist dumb like any other part of Tokyo. Womb was filled with 95% men, like wtf is going on.

Also god damn scary to fly to Japan now. I always double check there is not even a nano-gramm of weed crumbs somewhere in my backpack. They legit put you in jail for that with a lifetime ban after deportion. No matter if you have a doctors description in your homecountry.
Use this opportunity to come off drugs
Yeah, their immigration policy regarding drug offenses is a massive pain in the ass if you've ever been convicted of a drug charge; virtually impossible to get in from what I hear, but I've yet to get in touch with an embassy or a consulate to find out whether there's a scant possibility of
getting though customs.
OP here.
Crazy that this thread is still up. Just got back to the states.
I ended up not taking the Adderall with me to japan. and had an amazing trip in japan and korea for 5 weeks.
turns out I don't need adderall.
First week was shitty and I craved it thought my trip was gonna suck. but it slowly got better.
met some amazing people and just chugged coffee and lots of sweets that first week to give me energy.
Thanks again anons!
but i also think i could have gotten away with it if i wanted to. they didn't check my bags at customs

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