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Or are they all just grifters that push NordicVPN? Bald, Caz, Binksy, Harold, Timmy, Roberto, Santenello, Indigo, countless vapid solo-females, pathetic couples, etc

The entire world feels completely exploited at this point. Does not matter if they walk around in Managua, Sarajevo or Dhaka. 'Bali's hidden gems' 'Most dangerous street in Harlem' It's all so tiresome.

Give me someone real please...no, Vagrant doesn't count.
Look up slightly homeless.
No, travel is cringe in 2024.
I like Max McFarlin/DailyMax
Cool guy goes around eating SEA street food and rating toilet paper in luxury hotels. By extension Chris Lewis/Desi Chris since they are friends and hang out together often.
I know a few great smaller channels, but I'm not telling you
I'm a fan of small brained american and sabbatical
Who fucking cares either way?
I still enjoy Bald's videos for his banter and jokes

My current favorite is Small Brained American. his gf is hot and you can tell he's kinda based by the little jokes he makes but his interactions seem really genuine, if superficial.
>slightly homeless
trust fund kid and former child actor who got arrested for proposing to children in Nepal.
Do you guys think I could do it? I’m fucking miserable where I am and I was considering van life unironically since I hate living at home. I also hate working a regular job so I’d be cool living off of tiny scraps of ad revenue or sponsorships so long as I don’t have to sit in an office. Lang wise, I know enough that I could probably get by in Eastern Europe and I’ll probably learn Spanish down the line, but I was thinking I might do short form content of the USA first since it’s more readily available.

My incentive is that zoomers like me are fucked no matter what, so I may as well party and have fun rather than do the safe option.
It's pretty low risk to give it a try and see if you can get any sort of audience. Don't expect to go to 100k subs in a month or something. But I would suggest, only do it if you actually enjoy the idea of it. If it's just a chore with tiny initial gains you'll just give up.
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You can't have any genuine travel vloggers on youtube for these reasons

>you have to cater to the lowest common denominator
>you cannot hold any strong opinions or you'll get banned
>you have to formulate content (aka manipulate your personality) to fit the algorithm
>you are competing for views against 'influencers' who are propped up, make clickbait videos, have professional editing teams and infinite trust fund money

Gone are the days of some dude with a camera just backpacking through the wild, come what it may.

Somehow he managed to slip past the filter. He's definitely the most genuine, having the balls to present India as anything but a rich and soulful bustling Dravidian paradise.

But now the normies have discovered his content and you can clearly see the difference. He can't say some of the things he used to and the comment section is filled with utterly asinine bullshit. You can see a remnant of his OG fanbase making edgy jokes in the comments but it's all normscum shit getting promoted to top comments now. Go on his old vids and it's the opposite.
>former child actor who got arrested for proposing to children in Nepal.
Anyone taking bets he got raped as a kid?
>you have to formulate content (aka manipulate your personality) to fit the algorithm
Algorithm can't determine if your behavior is hecking problematic, right?

Anyway, I don't think ads are really that bad. Travels are expensive so something to recoup some of the expenses would be nice. Of course depends if that NordVPN is any good.
I like Tommy.
Not as much ego as the rest of these guys.
What's wrong with that wop Santanello? He's a bit full of himself but seems genuine
for me? it's autistic japanese dudes
I don’t know how I’m gonna make it work desu but it’s worth a shot, if I can find a regular job I’ll scrimp and save all I can till I can buy a vehicle and several months of savings while I work on growing the channel with just random schizoranting, might alienate the audience a little if I change the vibe. I do have a good a,Ont of cash in crypto but I’m waiting to see if that goes up

Ngl, it’s kind of a last ditch effort for me since I’m so demoralized and blackpilled on life. I figure wandering around aimlessly might be an improvement. Touch grass and all that
>Gone are the days of some dude with a camera just backpacking through the wild, come what it may
that's not true, but they usually have like 42 views and you'll never see their videos promoted since they don't post regularly and don't cater to the algorithm since they aren't trying to make a living from it and just doing it as a hobby
This pretty much.

I read blogs. Not the femoid’s eat pray love sponsored type of shit. I am talking about those wall of texts. Usually they are specialized blogs, around one hobby that takes them to different places in the world. Most are no longer updated but these are still a goldmine. 100% better than youtube because you actually learn something.
It looks like this woman is topless, does she not care that neighbors or pedestrians could see her?
The van life stuff is appealing especially to white collar types that are really into country music and that bohemian hippie cowboy type aesthetic. If you could travel the West and Latin America making some kino about cowboy culture and country music, you could get a lot of viewers. I’m reminded of that girl with the fat ass that lives in her truck and just travels from place to place with a horse trailer and her horses. It’s basically a Yellowstone Pinterest page pretending to be a TikTok/YouTube.

Good rizz but loud and repetitive. He goes to cool places but it's just clickbait and boring, plus he's a sex pest

Literally a Chad so it's unrealistic but not clickbait. Kinda douchey but also honest

Very PC and surface level slop. Vids are little better now but he thinks every place is great. Makes every place look boring.

>Harald Baldr
Sex pest (may have stopped) who is generous but has a bland personality. Hangs out with some weird guy named Noodles

>Timmy Karter
Cool videos but his accent is unbearable

Videos are more like documentaries about locals. Kinda PC and boring.

Annoying PC cunt but videos are high qual

>solo females
Itchy Boots is pretty good. Very informative for overland bikers and surprisingly great quality.

>Small Brained American
Good ratio of good travel vlogs and entertainment. Gets into ridiculous situations.

Also well-rounded vlogs. Good personality, cool vlogs. However I think he is a sex pest but hides it very well.

Kara and Nate go on cool trips but they are too bubbly. They are also vegetarian so you don't get a good idea of the food

>Seal on Tour
He's a little gross but he goes to cool places

>Dale Phillips
Autistic sociopath who haggles too much and can't stand his loud and thick Scottish accent

>Chris Must List
Truly obnoxious

>Mark Wiens
The worst travel food vlogger. His stupid face whenever he takes a bite and he thinks everything is good. Pure slop and absolutely abhorrent.
>sex pest
>sex pest
>sex pest
omg a man had sex. with women. in a foreign country. he must be stopped. somebody call the fbi
No one likes PUA faggots
>not a sex pest
>not a clickbait
Holy fucking shit, did you actually suck his cock somewhere in Cambodia for a dollar or are you really that delusional?
I like to have sex when i travel
if anything she needs to take more clothes off and stand in the window at night with all the lights on for a few hours.
The only authentic folks are the ones not trying to profit, and theyre all one-and-dones. The second they try to travel on youtubes dime, theyre over. The travel couples are especially irritating and Im not sure why.
No Gabriel Traveler?
He is still totally legit and has been fucking everywhere
Most boring travel youtuber of all time
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>The travel couples are especially irritating and Im not sure why.

this guy brings his smelly poojeeta gf everywhere. her pussy stinks liek curry
”this is insane”
I hope they die in a car accident
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So this is it then. Nothing worth watching in terms of youtube. Everything exploited and redone over and over. Grim
Any channels that don't have the youtubers on camera? They're just filming stuff and maybe narrating over it. Like solo solo japan but doesn't have to just be japan.
Nor gather into barns
I like, especially the bike packing things, melancholic and artsy
they act inauthentic. smelly poojeeta. beta white guy. most boring travel blog. i dare someone to watch them.
video transcripts are put through AI and rated/flagged. all language is monitored. less common languages less so.
If you like hitchhiking and an authentic personality
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Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Travel Youtubers Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Travel Yourself Haha
I don’t care for travel YouTubers but loved SBA’s India videos. That shit filled me with anxiety as a tall white guy. Literally every person staring at him and everyone viewing him as an unlimited source of money. Never going to India. I’ve been to some shitholes and never saw such aggressive vendors/locals
No need to visit India.
India is visiting the entire world at the moment.
Sabbatical is the only one I can bear to watch because he knows how to speak at the correct volume. I don't know why so many travel vloggers are loud. Have they no shame?

Imagine saving up for a trip to relax just to have an influencer doing a loud review right next to you with a giant selfie stick, ruining the experience. I would ask for a refund.
I don't mind influencers shilling products because I know that it funds their travels and most of them make it really obvious and transparent. If you actually buy their shit, that's a skill issue and you kinda deserve to get swindled. The shilling is easily skippble because they are no longer allowed to do subtle product placement without disclosure. I don't trust influencers anyway and just watch travel vloggers to get an idea of the area or be entertained. If anything, it should be aspirational to be a travel vlogger who gets paid tens of thousands of dollars for some shitty VPN service. If a company is dumb enough to pay people to make obvious shill ads, that's on them. I don't think I've ever used a single discount code from an influencer because they never shill anything that I would be interested in. But I wouldn't say that makes them inauthentic because an intelligent person would know how discern what they are doing and read between the lines. If you are actually mad that they are making a living, that's your problem. They are living the way life is supposed to be while we are all stuck at our 9 to 5s licking boots so clearly they are doing something right. I just have to respect the grift and move on.
All travel tubers are boring as fuck
Kek and true
>gets paid tens of thousands of dollars for some shitty VPN service
nord pays ~$30 per person who signs up for a year.
no it is guaranteed he was molested by multiple greasy guys wearing tiny hats
the women who have sex with PUA seem to enjoy us.
yeah any walking tour video. just search for “place+walking tour
im not mad at them at all. I just want to filter them out completely and just watch FPV without anyone talking. I dont watch this shit to look at their faces and laugh at their antics. it would be a better jewtube experience to never have to see a persons face or hear them talk if it isn't necessary. and most of the time it isn't.
>He doesn't know about NomadTV
Too many places are either americanized or are minmaxxed for getting tourists money and excluding them on all other levels

Travel is over
It's still legal for straight men to exist.
Adventures of A + K is the turn your brain off normie fest you never watch with your homies. They just travel, do stuff, be cute and eat A FUCKTON of food. Its refreshing how little they try and yet still in a polished package.
Kurt Caz is a chad so therefore he doesn't get labelled as a sex pest. Whereas Bald & Bankrupt, a middle aged man who is bald and also noticing attractive women, that's a definite no no, especially for normie faggots like the anon who wrote this post: >>2702432
Yeah fuck that anon
Dale Philips is so unintentionally funny, anything he does or says cracks me up I don't know why

I miss NoJokeHoward so much. The best travel vlogger there ever was. He was the true embodiment of the all the weird and interesting characters you used to meet in SEA before COVID hit and the region became normie-tier and commercialized as fuck. RIP bro.
>those fucking asmr videos of someone going to way too much trouble making a meal in a tent or campervan, making sure that they make as much noise as they can by constantly scraping cutlery, using way to much oil so they get extra sizzle noises etc.

They irrationally annoy me and I live with someone that loves them. Bonus points for the ultra quiet "riding this unusual train/ferry" ones.

Kinda stopped watching van life vids as everyone keeps getting fucking cancer or their dog dies. I don't need that depressing shit
Vaga vagabond, his Russian far east vids were great. Watch his Sakhalin video
There's one good answer.

Cris Travels aka C14 but now that he's got a Kick deal I'm not into him as much. Cheap Charlie. Fat and Broke. Sam Pepper isn't known as a travel YouTube primarily but his Nepal, India and Thailand stuff made me want to go there.
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Meaning he is authentic and does not constatnly show tiddies and asses
> Mark Wiens
The worst travel food vlogger. His stupid face whenever he takes a bite and he thinks everything is good. Pure slop and absolutely abhorrent

He’s too much of a bitch to say anything bad now. People in the comments would fuckin hound him if he said anything remotely negative.

I ate at 2 or 3 places he ate at or recommended. Absolute trash restaurants. After that I don’t trust any YouTuber.

Fuck, I hate those thumbnails and titles.

Idk why people say she’s hot. She’s average at best.
Ryan boundless is finally back from Africa and is in the USA, he has HIV and is living out of his car (unironically).
the only good travel youtuber is one that has the same or at least a similar personality to yours because you are living vicariously through them and thats hard to do if theyre someone you dont like

Having sex isn't the issue. Being a sexpat degenerate who needs to fuck minors/random desperate chicks in third world dumps just to empty his balls is cringe. If you back any of the ex-PUA forum clowns you deserve to get castrated for being such a faggot.

Caz is the definition of sexpest and cringy douchebag vibes of the guy who couldn't be anything in the west and decided to move to Colombia to fuck poor women and make a name for himself. He also has some legit sociopathic tendencies, which he displayed vividly in Cuba.

Bald is a sex pest but he's got charm and made based videos before, charm goes a long way. Too bad too many reddit faggots are out to ruin his life now and he's basically semi-retired and bunkered down in Prague fucking his belarussian girlfriend and living off that youtube money.

Mark Wiens is definite goyslop tier content, can't be taken seriously.

Harald used to make good content but since the war in Ukraine he turned into a massive edgelord faggot. His golden era was 2018-2021.

I like Gabriel Traveller as he is one of the most genuine travellers out there who takes a legit interest in the place he's visiting even though his personality can be boring as fuck at times.
>"having sex isn't the issue"
>goes on to explain that men having sex is exactly what you have a problem with
>"deserve to be castrated"
Sheesh, quit projecting your impotence so hard (no pun intended)
>Too bad too many reddit faggots are out to ruin his life
>bunkered down in Prague
Wrong city if he's trying to avoid reddit people
plus the lack of editing in his videos, and the fact that he learns local languages + history makes him the best one imo. Plus he goes to dangerous and interesting places, not just tourist hostpots
You cannot authentically travel while sticking a camera in people's and your own face filming 'content' to game the youtube algorithm for money. It's by definition inauthentic.
for me it's dale philipp and sabbatical
I don't watch travel vloggers because I get jealous that they're living great lives while I'm stuck at home as a depressed NEET. But I don't mind kurt caz. He travels places, always has a local girlfriend he probably met on tinder, seems humble and reserved. Just a nice guy enjoying himself and doesn't put on an act. Now if it was a black guy going around getting a gf in every country he visits, I'd hate to see that. But kurt caz I don't mind. Still won't watch it though for reason above, but when I saw his shorts briefly a while ago, I thought he was ok.
I liked sabbatical's yakuza video, that yuyama guy is pretty cool. Also like his reserved personality, which is similar to caz but he's a bit more cheerful.

I don't need to spend thousands to travel to the world's biggest shitholes to get my dick sucked by STD riddled favela chicks. If that's your thing be my guest, just know that no one thinks of you as a the cool guy, just a weirdo giving a bad name to everyone else travelling to latin america/asia.


Eh could be worse, had he stayed in the UK he'd have been jailed or lynched, which ever comes first. At least in Prague he has a good part of the locals who either don't give a fuck about his past or outright support him if they know him. Plus with money you're basically the king over there.


It's a saturated market too. Every retard is doing it since 2018-2019. So even if you get everything right the algo might not even push you forward because there's a dozen thots with more simps than you who get more attention and comments on their videos. If you want to game the algo you have to try something else than copying the hordes of vloggers doing the exact same thing. Every few years a new niche appears, i think travel vlogging is done as a niche as there are currently too many leaders in it taking all the attention and money.

Gotta wait until you find a new niche that actually gets you traffic and engagement to go about plastering your face on camera.
Lord Miles Routledge
>If you back
>no one thinks of you as a the cool guy, just a weirdo
have you ever considered the possibility that you're an oversocialized theatre kid faggot, but on the right?
>pathetic couples
These are the most annoying genre of any kind of video

Dude, that's a lot, and that's just the affiliate program. According to SocialBlade, 1.2 million people view his videos daily. Let's say about 2% of viewers clicked on his NordVPN affiliate link. That's 24k people. Let's say 10% of those people signed up for the annual subscription ($60 not that inaccessible). That's 2400 people. 2400 x $30 = $72k. He's making a year's salary just from that link. That's not the same as a sponsorship with NordVPN which means he gets paid even more for talking about the product in the video. Then the adsense money from Youtube. Dude is making a killing and all he does is travel with his hot Venezuelan gf.

it's the accent and autism lol
I can't get past his screen presence, it feels like I'm watching a sleep-deprived version of myself

Have you ever considered that you're an incel cuck that not even an american roastie would bother to take a piss on ?


Affiliate marketing is a huge money maker once you have an audience. It's not just VPNs, these retarded phone case companies also pay big money because their margins are huge and their products cost nothing to produce. Plus selling a case to the average simp for 25$ a pop when it costed 0.50$ to produce is literally free money.
I tried watching 5 minutes of this retard yesterday and couldn't do it - just pointless meandering story after pointless meandering story. He has no respect for his audience.
2% is a really, really optimistic number. Clickthrough rate would be less than 2%. Conversion rate will be far lower
so 2% of 2%? anyways fuck travel vloggers that spew ads
I don't know if it would be that low, but a 1% conversion rate was considered absurdly good when I looked into it, and the ad market is completely saturated now so I can't imagine that it has improved.
>SEA before COVID hit and the region became normie-tier and commercialized as fuck
SEA was already normie-tier and commercialised as fuck by 2012. Some places such as Thailand were like that since the 90s.
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>he has HIV
Source? I think you are talking out of your ass. Yes he's back in the USA, he's broke and homeless, sleeping in his car and doing some low end wagie job to survive. It seems his travel vlogging days are over sadly.
Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam werent flooded with Chinese money launderers and Western Digital Nomads/Vloggers back in 2012. Wtf are you on about, idiot?
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Mike Okay seems based
just another chad coomer
Cute minority women were literally MADE to be colonized by white cock
>you deserve to be castrated for having sex with women
Kind of a weird thing to rage out about. Are you gay?
The UK would have murdered or jailed him? What did he do exactly?
>an incel is somebody who has sex
>no one thinks of you as a the cool guy, just a weirdo
Anglophones think that men are real women. Is it really a bad thing if they don’t like you because you had straight sex? Let’s brainstorm here for a moment.
I travel a lot and I am handsome and funny. I get into a lot of adventures with people and sometimes hot girls (or butterfaces). I never film any of it because i feel like a fag pointing a camera at myself and other people. My content might be top tier if I could be bothered to record it and post it, maybe this time (am boarding flight to Munich) but Germany will probably be boring compared to places I’ve gone like Egypt and Colombia
can you give us an example of one interesting story with one of these girls?
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>goes around Europe being a homeless dirt bag sleeping with beatiful white wammin
>eveytime is post him get accused of shilling
I just like him
lame ass leftist faggot
The end of history will be a sad time. - Fukuyama
this lad is based
Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam were flooded with backpackerfags and tons of normie tier tourists, cruise ship passengers, boomers on group tours and commercialised BS everywhere and it's been that way, at least in Thailand, since the 1990s and Vietnam and Cambodia were solidly normie-tier since 2012. You're obviously a kid who hasn't had a passport for very long and never experienced SEA before 2019. Also the Chinese money launderers have been flooding through SEA since at least the mid-2000s.
It's almost like they need money to travel
bald and bankrupt
My semen, her womb
Your image, 5 years in Africa and his appearance now is proof enough, but it’s confirmed in his patreon.
>but it’s confirmed in his patreon.
Still no reliable source, I call bullshit. Screenshot where he confirmed it to his patreons and post it here.
foodie channels
vagrant DOES count, retard.
evidence for sabbatical being a "sex pest"?
please don't be a sequel of that "diseased whores" sperg from the Thailand generals.
cite sources.
why would the melanin in his skin make a difference?
please go back to the Thailand generals.
>why would the melanin in his skin make a difference?
Because if a white guy is showing off girls he's with, it makes me think they like white guys like me. If a black guy is showing off girls, then I think they like black guys and therefore they won't like me and also that they have low standards. Yes that's not nice to say but it's also how those girls' parents think. Most Asian/Latino parents think dating a black person is dating too low as I'm sure you're aware. Now I like to think that people should date who they love and that nothing else should matter, but it's a fact that black men are in general not good or reliable partners. And so if I see a woman with a black man, it indicates poor decision making skills and therefore I lose interest very quickly.
words of wisdom
You don't have to be raped to appreciate the beauty of lolis.
Mind posting your favorite blogs? Wouldn't mind giving some of them a read
And now khmer440 is gone alone with his massive thread detailing most of what he got upto that wasn't in the videos. Lost forever.
>now khmer440 is gone
What happened to it? I remember reading it 10+ years ago before going to Cambodia. Are the globohomo NGOs winning and Phnom Penh of all fucking places is becoming gentrified and normie safe or is it still the same great shithole as before?
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Give me shit like solosolotravel. Nobody on camera, highly edited, simply going around places. No, those "Walking around tokyo for 40 minutes" doesn't count, they need to be edited and have some actual thought put behind them.
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just use SponsorBlock, instantly makes watching YouTube 100x more enjoyable like it used to be
Still the same prices up though due to Chinese and Korean poofs
Khmer440 died because the owner was retarded and it made no money anyway he constantly tried to shut it down over the past year. Gottfried from thepiratevay actually donated server equipment to keep them running and did their tech stuff back in the day until he got arrested and extradited from a guesthouse above the bars
to tell you the truth, I really only watch smaller youtubers now for this reason. I'm sick of the ads.

Last night I was scrolling through youtube and really took in just how high quality/res everything is now, making everything feel inauthentic. Professionally made thumbnails, clickbait titles, basedface etc.

I just miss the authenticity of old youtube.
>Good rizz but loud and repetitive. He goes to cool places but it's just clickbait and boring, plus he's a sex pest
Once he got exposed as a predator from the Roosh V forums I kinda went off him.

Never laughed so hard than when he walks in some abandoned building in bumfuck nowhere Russia to be greeted by some guy having a shit.
she has huge tits
It's always good to rewatch

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