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I get $1.5K per month in NEETbux (SSDI, specifically) and I am allowed to collect it in foreign countries.
What country should I move to and, specifically, what cities or regions?

Please describe what I could afford with that income.
It would be hard but doable in Georgia so probably few other places.
Try the non-EUs, $1,5k net is livable in EU EE but you'd be very far from living like a king, which I assume is more what you're shooting for.
Also, figure out how your NEET ass is going to get a residency permit first.
I'd be more worried about residence visas. You could easily get a shitbox apartment and feed yourself with $1500/month most places in the world.
Bulgaria or Romania
1500 dollars = 1342€. Ill check out the capitals. Usually the most expensive cities. You figure it out from there.

>Bucharest: Average salary is 1100€
So you would be slightly above average
>Budapest: Average salary is 1085€
so you'd be slightly above average.
>Prague: Average salary is 1700€
you'd be below average. You can probably still make it work though. It's just for reference.
>Warsaw: average salary 1800€.
So you'd make less.
>Tallin: Average salary is 1500€.
You'd make less
>Riga: Average salary 1170€.
You'd make slightly more
>Vilnius: average salary 1392€
you'll make slightly less.
>Bratislava: Average salary 1372€
you'll make slightly less
>Ljubljana: Average salary 1576€.
You would make less
>Sofia: Average salary 1240€
you'd make slightly more.
>Zagreb: Average salary 1478€
you'd make less money
>Belgrade: average salary 815€
You'd make a lot more. This is probably your best option.
>Sarajevo: Average salary 821€
You'd make a lot more. Another good option.
>Skopje: Average salary: 621€
You'd make double
> Tirana: Average salary 641€
You'd make double.
>Athens average salary € 988
You'd make more. Surprised by this. Thought Greeks in the capital would make a bit more than this.
>Minsk average salary: €573
you'd be a lot richer.

Fuck Montenegro
Russia has Swift issues
Ukraine: Your not moving to Ukraine let's be honest.
You're not moving to Belarus either but I did it out of interest.

Your best bet is probably the Balkan if i am honest. All though you can make do in any of those cities with 1500$
Wow, thanks. Btw, do are those salaries post-tax because my NEETbux are non-taxable?
This is great. I had the same question as OP actually. I'm interested in going on my neetbux as well.
How the hell are you gonna get residency? I have the same questions as you but I max out at about 800 in income right now.
I don't need residency. I can live for 90 to 180 days without a visa because of my US Passport.
Having been to all of them except the Baltics I'd say Bulgaria and Bosnia are the best value for money. Maybe not the best overall, but for chilling with neetbux they can be comfortable for dirt cheap.

>Thought Greeks in the capital would make a bit more than this.
Athens is huge and has some of the worst crack den slums in Europe driving the average down.
You've been to the Ukraine?
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These are average incomes after tax. Is your desire to just work and chill for a bit? or do you want to travel as well (if able)? because then my advice would be to look for a country that's a member of the Schengen treaty. No hassle with visas and stuff.
Yea that makes sense I guess. Most big cities have their own slums. I've never been to Athens so I cannot I have no idea how they compare to the rest. And they were obviously hit hard by the financial crisis in 2010.
So what about the remainder 90 days then out of the 180 period? What exactly is your plan here? Stay 3 months in the EU, then fuck off for 3 months to Albania, rinse and repeat? Or do you just mean "long trip where I do nothing and then I come back home" when you say "move to"?
I live in Zagreb and I'm still surprised by the small difference with Ljubljana which is 5x nicer.
What an overpriced shithole this place has become.
Btw the more touristy the city is, the worse the price and average local wage ratio is. Athens and Budapest are probably still quite expensive despite these shockingly shit salaries.

OP I'd say your best bets are Belgrade outside Schengen and Bucharest inside.
Both are big and fun cities with plenty of stuff to do.
>because then my advice would be to look for a country that's a member of the Schengen treaty. No hassle with visas and stuff.
As a foreigner with a non shit-tier passport the Schengen treaty is almost always a disadvantage rather than benefit since it expands the number of countries you can't be in for longer than 90 out of 180 days. Also, if you do end up getting citizenship somewhere in Europe it's still not a real benefit, since it's EU free movement laws, not Schengen that allows you to live in other countries. The only benefit is saving 30 minutes at border crossings.
The catch is that the average person there does not live well. They probably have roomates and still have to watch out they don't spend too much.

Also all the cheap places probably do not have all the facilities we westerners take for granted.

I'm not hating on eastern europe I know many people there I also have wonderfull experiences there.
Maybe you're right. I wouldn't really know. I've only visited half of these cities. And as a tourist not as someone who tried to live there. Perhaps I should have also looked at the cost of living and rent prices as well. But that would have been much more work.

I would say that you can conclude that a lot of these cities are somewhat out of his budget. Assuming he wants a certain level of lifestyle of course. Rent an actual apartment and not stay in some cheap dirt hostel.
Bulgarian here, Sofia is a good hub to fly to Europe and back cheaply. Rome and London flights frequent the $40 mark return. Especially if you're flixble, you can probably score $20 return flights. $1.5k is mid-tier, but living within your means, getting the grasp on local prices and spending with the occasional splurge is comfortable on that budget.
this kinda ended the thread lmao
This anon has it right. Schengen is a large meme. The 30 minute saving is kinda nice though, since you're not waiting after an annoying flight. EU gets things right some time, and it's fucking golden.
>The catch is that the average person there does not live well. They probably have roomates and still have to watch out they don't spend too much.
It's other way. Maybe top 10% of people earns average salary or higher and vast majority earns less than that. Average person earns median salary, which is less than average salary (usually 50%-70% of it).

If you live in European capital, as a local middle class (because that what getting average income means), then you're in fact an elite.
>It's other way. Maybe top 10% of people earns average salary or higher and vast majority earns less than that. Average person earns median salary, which is less than average salary (usually 50%-70% of it).

I get what you mean

>If you live in European capital, as a local middle class (because that what getting average income means), then you're in fact an elite.

Being middle class and being an elite are mutually exclusive. The cost of living in these areas is higher than average which cancels out the advantages of the high income.

These people are also tied to a specific location for their income or "elite" status. I would argue that for elites this is not the case.
>Being middle class and being an elite are mutually exclusive. etc.
Well, you won't become local middle class (who owns house in fancy part of town), but you can still live like their children (who rents stuff) which is good enough if you're not picky.

In general, in Eastern Europe middle class means you can live at the similar level as middle class in Western Europe. That's elite in these countries. I'd rather be middle class in the middle of Balkans than be average in e.g. Iowa or Arkansas (despite having lower nominal income).

If you want more than this for 1500$ then you should search Southeast Asia or East Africa.
Prolly some town in Czechia, Slovkia or Poland would be the best
As someone who has right to citizenship in Italy, how easy is it to say get my citizenship there and live elsewhere? Can you make a decent living as a property manager? I have some money for investments while I'd wait for my degree to transfer over
The Ukraine war is still very new. The Ukraine is the biggest country in Eastern Europe and was a fairly popular tourist destination. It's hardly unthinkable that the other anon has been there.
In Germany you should choose a city that offers tram connections to outside small town / villages. Then look up how far away crucial stuff is like supermarkets. This way you can always take a tram to get to the shitskin infested cities if you need anything you can't get in your immediate area. You can live this way without owning a car. Don't know if this is your lifestyle though. Never move to a city, expensive, infested with shitskins and your chance of getting mugged and stabbed increase significantly.
good morning saar do the needful and gib visa my cousin in Riga
>Is your desire to just work and chill for a bit? or do you want to travel as well (if able)?
I'll be honest, I hate traveling. I stay at home, mostly.
>So what about the remainder 90 days then out of the 180 period? What exactly is your plan here?
Probably go back to the USA to visit family.
>OP I'd say your best bets are Belgrade outside Schengen and Bucharest inside.
>Both are big and fun cities with plenty of stuff to do.
Get your Italian citizen and then don't become a tax resident of Italy; you lose US-Italy tax treaty benefits by being an Italian citizen. Take your EU passport and live in an other EU country you want to (I think France has the most generous tax treaty with the US).
Why not just live in a village in Germany?
Why Latvia?
>you lose US-Italy tax treaty benefits by being an Italian citizen
Can you say more about that? How would it even work, you'd just get total taxed by both countries?
>I think France has the most generous tax treaty with the US
I think that's mostly based on how they treat US retirement accounts, if you have crypto or a different set of investments somewhere else is probably better
Unless your home country has a tax agreement with whatever country you move to, your income will be taxable in the country your choose. Non-taxable, only means that you won't be taxed at home.
Also you most likely need medical insurance.
You need to read the treaties (they are all on the IRS website). But yes, you would get taxed by both countries. You wouldn't pay double but you would definitely pay more since Italian tax rates are very high relative to US tax rates.
>I think that's mostly based on how they treat US retirement accounts, if you have crypto or a different set of investments somewhere else is probably better
It varies by country. France doesn't tax US Citizen/French resident US-based retirement account distributions and Germany won't tax US Citizen/German resident US-based rental income.
If taxation is important to you, look at the list of countries on the tax treaty IRS web page and start clicking the countries that already interest you for other reasons.
I know. I've read the tax treaties and basically every country with a US tax treaty doesn't tax NEETbux.
OP if you do come here then avoid the capitals and larger cities,all shitholes.The best place to live is in the countryside.It would be best to save money and buy some land.
>Why not just live in a village in Germany?
I suppose it's harder to find houses for rent,and land is expensive there.I may be wrong though.But if cities here are shit i don't wanna imagine how bad it's in the west.I went to Austria once and visited a small town (apparently it's a village but it doesn't really feel like one to me),there were so many niggers and shitskins there,god it was sad,not even the rural areas are spared.Ignoring that it was pretty nice,there wasn't any trash unlike in my shithole which is filled with it no matter where you go.
Anyway,don't listen to this guy, >>2703236 , Bucharest is a fucking shithole and i hope it gets nuked.Just find a place to live elsewhere.God i fucking hate cities,listen to my advice OP and try to find a place in the countryside,you can probably find houses for rent too.
Also,1.5 K dollars per month is more than enough to live here.
I would tell you Transylvania/Bucovina,most beautiful regions of Romania.Wallachia and Oltenia are mostly boring,endless plains with a few trash filled forested areas here and there.Also it's very fucking hot in the south,winter no longer exists there.But there are exceptions of course,some areas are quite pretty especially the on the Danube.Dobrogea is nice because of it's proximity to the sea.Moldavia (and maybe all of Basarabia) is in my opinion prettier than the south,but it depends again.It's generally a more hilly region than Wallachia,more forests which are also filled with trash,but many areas of it are very pretty.Winter also doesn't really exist there anymore,it does snow sometimes but the snow never freezes anymore except at night since the temperatures rarely go below freezing point,winter is extremely ugly as a result.It wasn't always like this.Hot too,it sucks.
why the fuck would anyone live in the eastern European countryside you fucking moron lol
there's barely shit to do even in the cities
the people who live in the dilapidated abandoned villages make American rednecks look like rich gentlemen
these zoomer pol larps are becoming truly ridiculous, a fucking village in Romania is apparently the best place to live
Belgrade denizen here. With 1500 buckaroos you'd be in a similar position to the one I am in right now, which is pretty alright. I earn around $1000 a month and can afford internet (600mbps for 30 bucks), ordering food a few times a week (10-30 bucks, depending on what you eat and how much), driving a car around sometimes (diesel is $2 a liter), hobbies (gym/training costs 30-40 bucks depending on the activity) and even going on a modest vacation once you save up a little. With $500 you can rent out a nice studio apartment that is in a decent, well connected part of town. You won't live like a god, but there is enough stuff to do in Belgrade that you won't be bored.
Summers suck here though, and from june til september you will be hugging your AC, since the nearest cool-down getaway is a mountain 3h away.

If you want a more frugal option you can go to Sarajevo where most living costs are halved, but you don't have much to do since its a smaller city. Also, you won't be looking forward to bacon there, if that's your thing, but the food is otherwise quite nice. It's slightly cooler than Belgrade so you won't be melting, and there's also mountains on all sides to go an chill out in nature. Unfortunately, those hills also mean smog won't have a way to escape, and that's a big thing since many people there still heat themselves with furnaces.

Electronics, clothes and western branded items are both pricier in these two countries than in the west due to import taxes, so keep that in mind for consoooming.
Bro.. as a tourist/ non-native speaker you won't go to the countryside. You might not go to the capital. But at least a bigger city. How many people in Eastern Europe over the age of 50 speak English? The average age of these villages is probably also 40+. OP's problem is that he doesnt have a big budget. So Western Europe is out of the question. On his salary you could probably make do in a few eastern European countries on a budget or you can live a cut above average in some of the Balkan countries. The big cities in E. Europe won't be that different in terms of quality of life from W. Europe. But going to villages in these places is literally traveling back in time. Which has a certain charm to it. I don't know if you wanna live there though.
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>these zoomer pol larps
I live in the countryside you stupid fucking faggot,what larp? Yeah,a village in Romania is a much better place to live in than in a city you urbanite nigger,why does it surprise you? I lived in the countryside all my life,and i spent enough time in cities to thank god every morning that i wasn't born in one.
>abandoned villages
Lmao kill yourself,i can tell that you don't know shit about this topic,just fuck off,go outside and enjoy your concrete jungle filled with shitskins.
>But going to villages in these places is literally traveling back in time.
Nah,the countryside here is actually pretty developed.And this is still europe ,it's not like a village in the middle of nowhere,africa.Many people know english,even older ones can speak a little.Romanian also shouldn't be too difficult to learn for a westerner,it's a latin language after all.There is also actually a pretty big number of young people too.Believe me anon,it's not as you think it is.
I actually wish it would be like you said,going back in time and shit.It's not like that at all,things are getting worse.This country used to be much prettier before.

> The big cities in E. Europe won't be that different in terms of quality of life from W. Europe.
No such thing as quality of life in big cities,especially big cities in the west.
I live in the Balkans you fucking gypsie peasant lmao, tell your fantasies about beautiful Romanian villages to American incels who are gullible enough to believe it
>verification not required
rent free
Very good posts, thanks.
What are the chances of me becoming a target for crime since I am an outsider (and they might suspect that I have more money than I have)?
i lived comfortably with a bit less as a student in sweden, but the n1 is that i had cheap housing, ~400€ a month. so in going to say you can make it anywhere the housing is cheap
Not the guy you were replying too, but if I could live in Iceland or Norway I'd be happy
Belgrade nigger here. I haven't heard or witnessed many muggings here. Specifically, I've only encountered one case where some tourist girl was a victim of a snatch and grab in front of an exchange office/ATM. Most of the violence I see comes from drunken brawls. You might be pestered by gypsies to give them money. Don't do this, for the same reasons you don't feed seagulls. If I had to give a standard safety protocol, it would be not wave your wallet or money around, not to fuck with people's fragile egos, and have basic situational awareness.
>Thought Greeks in the capital would make a bit more than this.

greece has 700.000 freelancers half of them declare 268 monthly income now new law will tax them like they earned at least the minimum wage (900€) 0,006% of them protested legally that they earn less than that
Sarajevo, Bosnia (every other place in Bosnia is cheaper)

Rent for a livable frunished 1 bedroom commie-block apartment with municipal heating: 270e
https://olx.ba/artikal/63524264# or https://olx.ba/artikal/63521376# for example
Rent for a decentish furnished 2 bedroom apartment with central heating and air conditioning: 450e
https://olx.ba/artikal/63507413# or https://olx.ba/artikal/63440613#, for example
Utilities: about 120e (for water, electricity, maintenance fees, 100mb internet, cable tv, heating averaged out over year, etc.)
Groceries and sanitary shit for one person: 300e
Spending money for eating out twice a week plus occasional partying: 100e
Setting aside money for clothes, home repairs, etc: 100e
Healthcare: 170e, but if you have some rare condition - yeah, you'll have to copay that shit

That comes out to about 1,400$ per month for one person to have a decent standard of living equivalent to American middle class. You'd be able to save up enough to go skiing in the winter and go to the seaside in the summer with that extra 100$ per month. If you cook and don't go out much you'd have some extra for semi-expensive hobby or two. But you certainly wouldn't be living like a king. On the plus side, you'd be spending peanuts on movies, games and shit like that for East European reasons.

You can also easily get a work from home job replying to customer service emails in English, that pays out about 900$ per month after taxes, plus it takes care of your health care so it's more like 1100$. Almost all taxes are a flat 10%, except VAT which is 17% and refundable for EU countries.

You could live on half that if you rent an old farmstead somewhere in the boonies where everyone and their wolf has moved to Germany especially if you don't mind a bit of backyard gardening and keeping some chickens.
Great post, thanks.
What is even the purpose of such threads when the national differences within a country allow anything between cheap to super expensive.
Not every country is xbox huge like the US, in most small euro countries there are two cost of living categories: "in one of the 2-4 major cities" and "in the sticks."
Eastern Europe is spacious and has plenty of small cities. There's even a large town of 6600 people named Făget in Romania, and it's still less gay than you are.
Hope you get your organs stolen rich piece of shit retard.
>>You can also easily get a work from home job replying to customer service emails in English, that pays out about 900$ per month after taxes
How the fuck do you get that?
Reading comprehension mr. gypsy man: By "xbox huge" I mean so large it covers most of a continent and has large cities within the same country that vary as much as 4X by cost of living. Pic related, and that's just the 75 largest cities - not even counting smaller cities or towns or rural areas. Do you get the same disparity in cost of living in Romania?

You just apply to one of the many internet ads on every major job-site or call the numbers on the billboards looking for customer service agents, or go to one of the countless job-meets German and other western European companies are organizing almost every month. If you call/email/text your ISP, your power company, amazon or whoever within western Europe - chances are you're talking to someone from Eastern Europe.

You can still get the same job even if you're in a western European country - you'll get half the work and 4X the salary as someone doing the exact same job for the exact same company in eastern Europe. Plus you won't lose your job if your customer satisfaction rating dips below 97%. You're basically there for tax write-off reasons so your employer can claim to still employ locally.

The only reason the EU isn't admitting the remaining Balkan countries (despite them being no shittier than Romania and Bulgaria after 20 years of EU membership) is that it makes it easier to hoover every remaining ounce of labour out of them. That, and having a place to illegally push-back unwanted migrants to.
forgot pic.
>>You can still get the same job even if you're in a western European country - you'll get half the work and 4X the salary as someone doing the exact same job for the exact same company in eastern Europe.
I don't understand why though, the borders are open, I can just move to another country and get 4x the money for no reason?
The borders might be open but nobody is handing out citizenship like candy. They won't give you the same job you had in Georgia or Montenegro or wherever - only for 4 times the money if you show up in Germany. That's reserved for German citizens since nobody will give you a German work permit for a job at a customer service centre. Germans are more rational than that.

If you want to work construction, be a nurse, doctor, electrician or whatever can't be done remotely - then sure, you can just take a plane/bus to Berlin and get a job. If you call ahead you can even sign your contract at a local job agency and get your travel expenses covered.

Half of non-EU Europe is empty, everyone's gone to work in western Europe. I was in Munich recently and heard more of my native language than German on the streets. Once that well dries up, it's mass migration from somewhere outside the continent - or the European economy collapses harder than a Chinese school during a mild earthquake. They tried the middle east and that didn't work out, turns out eastern Euros aren't as lazy and alien as everyone in western Europe liked to complain - at least not compared to people from outside Europe. Tibet and Bangladesh looks promising - very desperate and cheap but with some basic work ethic, they're currently doing a trial run (gotta learn at least a bit from your mistakes) in some smaller EU countries first - Croatia and the like. Germany is also counting on Kenya.
Dude are you ok? I'm obviously talking about Eastern vs Western Europe in the EU?
Look at the map OP posted, half the countries are outside the EU and that's very specifically what I was talking about.

As far as Western vs. Eastern EU is concerned: many people tend to prefer to stay in their country of birth, even if they could make more money elsewhere. Plus there are barriers beyond the right to work: you need to cut your roots back home, find a job and housing to where you're going (try finding an affordable flat in Munich or Paris,) possibly learn a new language, etc. Same reason all of Idaho doesn't simply move to California. There were waves of mass migration as countries got admitted to the EU - but the most recent member was admitted over a decade ago so that, while it is still going on, has tapered down a bit. But it's more or less the same difference: EU eastern Europe is dying more slowly, non-EU eastern Europe is dying faster.
So what's stopping me from getting a job for 4x the money then? Cost of living is less in Germany than it is in Croatia.
Up until 2 weeks ago I would've said Ukraine.

Was living in Lviv and felt totally safe. Then one morning we got hit by 6 Iksander missiles in one morning all residential targets

Shit has been heating up since the Kursk incursion, long power outages/rolling blackouts are the norm right now.
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word has it that jewtin will reach kharkiv in two more weeks
I live on 500€ alone in Vilnius monthly
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nothing, except those salaries are only for high skill jobs
What is high skilled about this?
>You just apply to one of the many internet ads on every major job-site or call the numbers on the billboards looking for customer service agents
why would anyone hire a customer service agent who doesn't know German? are you retarded?

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