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What are the most BORING places you've been to? A place that's just overall tedious.
Unironically London, I really like bongs but I should have skipped it completely instead of spending a week there. Europe and other parts of the UK were much more enjoyable
Anywhere in Germany. Overpriced, boring people, hardly anything interesting to do. Bland, generic shithole where all of its mediocre features are utterly mogged elsewhere.

Québec was awfully boring. You guys lied to me saying it was like France. The Frenchiness there felt very forced and superficial. I could've just went to Vermont instead.
Most boring trip was a cruise a relative paid for as a surprise

It was novel for the first 24h and some of the sights off the ship were cool. But could not believe how excited the normies got about unlimited institutional sloppa and the regimented faux posh meal service pissed me off. Entertainment was a bit cringe too and we were some of the youngest passengers. Maybe in thirty years
went on a trip to brazil, didn't plan anything and decided to book an apartment for 2 days in this german town called blumenau, literally the most boring town i've ever been in, all you can do is drink, i would invite homeless people to drink with me and then i'd go home jack off lol
you're just taking the piss now and diluting your argument by spamming the board
Podgorica. There is fuck all to do and see in Podgorica. Nothing good, nothing bad, there's just nothing at all.
Also this, sort of. Never been on a cruise but I've spent a fair bit of time on resort holidays and holy fuck I was always bored out of my mind by day 3.
Europe in general is pretty boring compared to Asia and South America but I might be biased for being Euro myself
Geneva. I would take a daytrip around the lake or Annecy instead
take your meds, schizo
you must have absolutely no personal interests whatsoever
Ireland. There are a grand total of two things to do, drink expensive alcohol and look at rainy fields.
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Based Annecy enjoyer. I was there 2 years ago and it’s quite pretty
Jacksonville Florida
Geneva is pretty, but it is absolutely the most boring city I've been to in Europe. Shops close at 6. Restaurants close at 9 pm. The whole city is closed on Sunday. The food is bland. The bars are boring. There's nothing exciting about it. Your best bet is to just immediately hop on a bus and just go 45 minutes to Annecy or Chamonix.
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Salt Lake City Utah comes to mind. The bars are terrible and everything closes early because the whole city is Mormon. The food is atrocious. They survive almost exclusively on Wendy's and Carl's Jr. You think, "Hey let's go inside that cool temple building thing downtown". Well, you can't. They will take you in this building though to see a big conference room.

The rest of Utah is just so good if you're into hiking, snowboarding, kayaking, off roading, biking. The National Parks are incredible. It's a beautiful state to drive around in. SLC is just such a huge letdown.
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Adelaide, South Australia. The people are boring and somewhat pretentious. All of the shops, supermarkets, cafes etc close by 6pm. Weekends the city streets are deserted, nothing happens. Not much to see or do. The only decent thing was the Adelaide Zoo which would be a pretty average zoo if not for the giant pandas. Even the much smaller city of Hobart down in Tasmania was way more interesting than Adelaide.
For being as big and as important as it is with the tallest building in South America, Santiago is remarkably boring outside of a few decent neighborhoods like the Italian district. Just not much of a vibe.
No wonder many tourist to Chile avoid it and go straight to Patagonia or Valparaiso which is a lot more interesting.
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when god created the earth he apparently needed 8 days because he forgot to put anything in Nebraska
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Kluang, Malaysia. Nothing to do but LDAR all day in a cheap hotel. Okay, I did walk all the way across the city to the mountain park, it had its own troupe of semi-tame macaques and a very steep rainforest hiking trail. Surprisingly popular with fitness-minded locals even on a 95 degree afternoon.
Nebraska back roads sure make for a great cruise, however. I took a zig-zag route from Sioux Falls to Ogallala a couple weeks ago, and there were so many bikers out riding in the 82 degree sunshine.
how? besides unbearable heat
Never again
Buenos Aires. Don't you dare go off the main street, white boy
Kansas City

Good BBQ, but it's not like I want to eat that even on a weekly basis. Not much else to do, not much local culture, kind of an ugly city in many areas, anything really interesting is hours away.
Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
There's nothing to do there besides a shitty tourost trap street with stupid flags. And a run down old town.
Even the tour is the most boring walk.
The heat means you spend your time in air conditioning, so there’s nothing to do except maybe buy some gaudy luxury goods and go to prayers.

Saudi has little to offer tourists, and what it does have is located elsewhere
HK, Singapore, Dubai, Darwin, Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, Zurich,
not really a tourist city anyway, but yeah i agree, it's almost like a giant country town. I spent a few solid months there for work and the place really grew on me, definitely someplace i'd consider moving to, but as a tourist? yeah there's nothing special about it.
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-nigger alarm, Irish and Africans have been drunk last 3 months homeless in the city and start fights in hostels. Do not engage. Always book a private room.

-overtourism outside, every street is restaurant after restaurant and then you realize there's nothing else in the block than places to eat at. That's why tourists are so fat, all they do is sit and eat. There is nothing else to do.

-strip clubs overcharge triple bills and if you refuse to pay, they shut doors and try to drug customers. British person died in there from 21 shots in 90 minutes, pretty sure it was forced in order to make him pay for that many drinks.

-The businesses are indian owned fraudulent scam vendors who treat their workers poorly. This leads to dangerous encounters with skinheads, negros, hobos and scum.

-cant go to park, they don't kick out the homeless people
-cant relax due to homeless people or violent random polacks.

I'd say avoid at all costs until 2026. You deserve a safe holiday or work trip destination, not to think do I need a knife to get back home. It's boring.
Final words; Around blacks, do not relax. I learned this the hard way when there was one in dorms, all he did was get high and talk about stealing from people, attacking others in a group or needing to cough up money fast for more drugs. Eventually the roommates got violent and police had to be called.

Having castles is nice, as long as it doesn't feel like a prison environment.
Stockholm and sweden in general
>everything closed at 6
>people weird and no one talks
>ridiculous prices for beer
its a country for 80 year old pensioners
Australia’s rectum
All right us you like smoking meth cut with asbestos
kek, /Pol/and is already over? Do you have any evidence to back up your claims? Just a few months ago Poland was hyped on /trv/ as the best white country in the world. Pristine crime-free streets, affordable prices, general prosperity, no shitskin migrants, based government.
>restaurant after restaurant
What are you, anorexic? Why in the world would the existence of a good selection of eateries be considered a drawback?
rent free
headed to ireland in few days, just want to get wasted and see some live music bought ticket for some death metal show but no plans after that.
Any of the gulf arab states. You see a bit of the artificial sights in daytime, and there is fuck all to do in the evenings. Hope you are staying in a hotel that has a bar because that's really the only thing to do.
Awesome city
Shit people tho
Zürich is IMO duller than Geneva, but as a resident of Switzerland I would say that it is not an exciting country at all unless you’re into mountaineering (and even then it’s not as exciting as the Himalayas or parts of the Andes, among others). Often very pretty, some of the world’s best infrastructure, but the whole country is basically a giant overpriced, unfriendly village.
People overstate the impact of the interstates on urban areas a lot of the time, but Kansas City literally had its soul ripped out by them. Its crazy. Even Cincinnati, another city that ceded about a 3rd of its downtown area to highways, kept some chunk of its historic core. Not so with KC, it’s legitimately sad.
Has nothing to do with that was I was talking about, KC is boring b/c it's in the midwest which itself is boring. Back to your containment board >>>/n/
This is my experience as an outsider. Glorious place to look at and hike around - otherwise, incredibly boring.

Also, despite speaking reasonable German, I found the people quite aloof and standoffish.
Boring = good
Norway, don't get me wrong. It's absolutely gorgeous. I might actually return. But for a much shorter period of time. I went for two weeks. There's absolutely nothing to do in the evening. I mean nothing, no bars, no local theatre, no cinema. Absolutely fuck all. It's a nature Valhalla. But these villages and towns in the north are boring af.
Been to Warsaw twice and once to Gdansk. Amount of negroes i spotted were exactly zero. Maybe there's an American town called Poland you're confusing this with. Strip clubs in Poland are 100% scams. Should avoid at all costs. It's a known issue.
Agree with you on Norwegian urban areas. They’re all boring as hell and many are fuck ugly too. The country has also gotten a bit too popular for its own good recently; areas like Lofoten and the west coast fjords are so busy in the peak season that they’re almost unbearable.

Another thing ruined by the iPhone
Barfelona. I've never been there by choice. It's always been for conferences (why is it so popular!?) or needing to stop there en route to somewhere I actually want to be. I've tried going out and trying to enjoy the place, but it's just boring. I would rather be back home. Luckily, there are plenty of Indian taxi drivers who can quickly get you to the mediocre airport.

Also, Gaudi's architecture is ugly, and Catalan sounds stupid.
Zagreb probably. You can see every point of interest in under 3 hours & you'll soon realize you're stuck in a boring hellhole. Food is based thoughever
Kansas City.
Couldn't even find a fucking rub and tug in that shithole.
Only things to do are eat BBQ and drink beer, which explains why everyone is a fat piece of shit.
I was blown away by Quebec. But it was also my first time outside the US (not counting caribbean cruises), so it felt extremely foreign to me. I was also 18 and this was the first time I could buy alcohol in restaurants.
Singapore easily
Depends where you went. Beyond QC it gets extremely Frenchy almost in an annoying way.
It felt nice and clean after being in Alice Springs I telluwut
people go there for drinking and beaches
it's like european miami honestly, the only "culture" there is drunk english tourists getting scammed by paying 60 euro for 10 euro of food over two hours
Puerto Rico was boring. Some of the worst beaches in the Carib, the town shuts down at 8:00, not much history outside of a fort. Sint maartin was very much the same but with better beaches and good bakeries.
I’ll echo Zagreb, that place is a ghost town.
> Puerto Rico was boring. Some of the worst beaches in the Carib, the town shuts down at 8:00

the cleanest beaches in the carribean by a mile, bars don't shut down until 5am and the fort is a place to herd fat cruise ship normies around. Are you a retard or did you just take a cruise and drive your little rascal around old san juans port?
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Man it was 14 years ago. I can hardly remember it but I was mobile outside of old San Juan for a majority of the trip. Puerto Rico is dogshit. I know you’re delusional based on your cleanest beach comment. You can keep it. No need to convince me
Norway is a complete shithole
Hungary. Flat, boring, overpriced museums and attractions, can't park for free anywhere and police scams you regularly. In the north, gypsies try to throw their dogs under your car in an attempt to stop you and probably rob you

I don't hate it but it's just so mind numbingly boring after 2 weeks. Everything is superficial, KL has all the stops and that can be done in about 10 days. The nightlife is nonexistent for the most part outside a few clubs that run scams with chinese girls trying to run you 800-1k myr tabs, any other toursts you run into are basically just passing through to singapore. The locals want to hear nothing else other than you complement their country. Public transport is largely a joke given how cheap grab is.

The biggest positive I can give it is that if you need a cheap place to visa reset, English speaking, close by other SEA countries, and dirt fucking cheap. Malaysia is good, KL is fine for a month Johor is good if you just want to minimize all costs.
Everything there is gray.
>muh city is nice during summer
Every city is nice during summer, big cope.

Who was the genius that thought that having gray roads/asphalt, along with gray buildings would complement the permagray arctic sky?

Norwegians seem to have a little touch of desperation in everything that they do. They have to hurry to get to the beach. Or hurry to go grab a beer. Hurry to drink up because their shitty little places close up early. Everything is done in haste witouth enjoyment because the place they live in is stingy. The climate is stingy. Imagine more than 6 months of winter with the darkness, no amount of long summer days makes up for it. And even during summer you're not guaranteed shit, so you might wait all winter to get a summer that never really arrives, only to go yet into another winter. Truly depressing. On the job market front, yeah it's all chill work life balance but that's because they're oil nepo babies. It's not a result of smart moves. They just happened to stumble over the oil, which was found, may I add, by an Iraqi immigrant and some Americans. Also, how the fuck did that many somalians, niggers, all kinds of muslims arrive aaaaall the way up there? The colony argument just doesn't cover this. Big cope. Food is terrible too.
The water's clean though, they got that going for them.
Imagine having all that money and all they eat is that rye bread for lunch. They don't have a culture for warm food. And the main dish of the country is ready-make frozen pizza that's a pile of low quality dough. They have "taco fridays" since not even they know what sort of food they have. To set up a biz might be easy but the taxes decentivize so much they can't build and there's no economy of scale to speak of. Compare with Sweden who's much more entrepreneurial. And it shows because they're much more cosmopolitan and know of savoir-vivre, even though the entirety of Sweden is also a shithole. Don't even get me started on the Baltics.
To categorize these people (scandis) in the same group as Germans is a complete joke.
Some scandi women look amazing though.
Norways oil money is wasted on Norwegians. All they do is invest it. Maybe some rural ferry services are generously subsidised.
Visiting Malaysia for the cities is like visiting the USA for the cities. Going to Johor is like going to Des Moines and bitching that it's boring. No fucking shit.
Lol I just spent a couple months there and yeah boring and stuffy. Bansko was better, at least the view was nice. Bulgaria is honestly so boring.
Who said it’s like France? It’s literally exactly like America like the rest of Canada except they speak French.
As if the Malaysian countryside is any more exciting, LMAO. 80% of it is either rainforest or palm plantations, little hills and muddy rivers.
They're guilted about the oil they randomly found which saved their asses and now they're turning their back on it when they don't even have a replacement. 33-40%~ of the able workforce in Norway works for the government. It's truly over when all hands should be on deck. That and declining demographics. Neutered.
My point is that it truly shows peasant mentality. Even if you give the nicest thing to someone who doesn't deserve/worked for it, they fuck it up in the end. That country should have their streets paved in gold, zero brown and blacks and make it an entrepreneurial heaven.
>noooo I hate nature I need chain restaurants and malls!!!
Leak Detection and Repair?
Podgorica, nothing redeeming about it except you can take the train to Bar
west virginia is pretty much only wilderness and cities from 1890 that havent changed. it is pitch black at night
Sounds good to me.
There's no need to keep repeating yourself
This. On top of that, it's 50€ a night for the cheapest hostel. The main attraction of Switzerland is its fresh air and it's barely there. The architecture is okay in the old center, but get very bland pretty quickly.
On the plus side, you can swim in the Rhône river during summer. I only go there to buy cigarettes.
The most BORING Singapore I've been to? A place that's just overall Singapore? I'll have to go with Singapore
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Okay, but can you articulate why you think so, like an adult who actually visited the place? I have no doubt Singapore is boring as fuck, but why?

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