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What's the appeal of traveling?
food, if you're going somewhere closer to the equator.
What if I'm already near the equator?
looking at cool things and fucking foreign women is up there too
I'm 5'4"
doesn't matter
whores will fuck anything for money. ive never met a short guy that wasn't hopelessly in love with money. if ur not into cooming then stay home and watch it all on a screen.
It's fun and satisfies my extreme wanderlust
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>riding motorcycles is VERY fun and cheap in the 3rd world
>Asian women are very sexy
>Asian food is great and cheap

Idk what one would do when traveling anywhere else besides Asia
The disconnect from your normal life if you have enough self-control to not check the news and ignore notifications from your social groups.
Pictures of a location and being at location are completely different, sometime its better but sometime its worse.
There is also more than just sightseeing, such as hiking, skiing, beach, event, theme park, etc.
If I already don't enjoy or hike, skii, go to the beach, event ,theme park, etc, locally, does traveling make me suddenly interested in them or is a post purchase rationalization kind of thing?
Good bait.
in my case I dont enjoy going outside and running into people I dont like and having to spend money to do so. so that limits the things I do and the times I go out. im sure if I was in a cheaper country where I wasn't bothered by the locals I would go out more frequently. the crowds are really a deal breaker for me. who likes going to the beach and having to listen to spic boombox wars? tons of quiet and otherwise spacious public places ruined by people like them.
I bought a ticket for a concert the other day and didn't go and ended up sleeping because I was too lazy to go out
Leaving the ordinary behind, and seeing new places and things not seen before.
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my condolences for your loss. I had to sell a relatively new home in an american suburb because my spic and nigger neighbors (that both moved in years after I was already there) wouldn't stop making noise. my future housing requirements is to live in a country where minorities like them dont exist at all.
To discover all the reasons you hate going outside.
I remember when one old tourist early 2000's, really rich person not a thug at all, would give weird look and say you only want to travel because you haven't traveled if you'd say I wanna go to some multicultural place. They already knew back then diversity is problematic. Nobody just wants to embarrass themselves stating the obvious. We don't wanna deal with bums, losers or criminals.
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They really are fucking loud for real and always drunk or wants to fight or acts like shit human being. Then they say didn't do nothing and act like cops won't shoot, when they have already done it over 100 000 times for legit reasons.
Anyone who's saying racism is bad, doesn't go outside and plays too much videogames. They are even worse than the caricature gives out them to be.

I had to witness it today and they should legit just go to jail and stay there. I'm highly educated by the way.
What's the appeal of living?
The process of adapting to a new place is mentally stimulating. You are focused externally, not internally. Travel offers the best possible opportunity to observe and study human behavior, as a sojourner with no existing bonds to anyone. Travel allows one to enjoy a life of leisure far more than rotting at home does. Extended travel opens your eyes to the realities of your home country; upon return, you find yourself noticing and evaluating everything about it like you are visiting it for the first time, despite everything seeming strangely familiar. Returning from Taiwan to California, what first struck me is "Wow, this place looks so retro, like everything was designed and built before computers even existed!" Even the BART metro with its continual squealing and shaking about felt so outdated compared to the sleek noiseless Taiwanese rails. Yet all the urban space and greenery, even the grass alongside the sidewalks, felt so refreshing and visually pleasing compared to the grimy concrete jungles of Asia. Something as simple as an immaculate front lawn helps elucidate the differences between White priorities for a good life and Asian priorities for a good life. The luckiest travelers learn to love every place they visit.
There isn't any
109 (and counting).

I dont have a choice...
promise of a better life
escape from the nightmare that you're in
honestly doesn't work as well as it used to
Experiencing different life and cultures. Food, it’s half the reason why I travel. Getting away from the stress and responsibilities of everyday life.
Eating food outside of the EU is a bad idea.
Depends really. There's a whole lot of reasons people travel including but not limited to; relaxation, change of scenery, education, food, chance to experience different cultures, art, creating new memories.
I grew up in the suburbs of baltimore county, when I became an adult, I drove into baltimore city daily. At first I spent my vacations in New York (Long Island and NYC), I liked it so much I moved there. Then I started doing Miami and Seattle. I eventually branched out to the Caribbean and Hawaii. Granted those we not out of the "US" so they don't count (The same way visiting Canada or Mexico doesn't count if you live in the US). I moved to the UK and now I do Australia and mainland Europe.
I was originally doing it to reset. A chance relax, not to think about work or the drama of where I lived. Now I do it because I want to experience new things. Every long weekend, I'm in a random country on the Iberian Peninsula or Mediterranean. I do proper holidays in Switzerland, Austria or Australia depending on the time of the year.
Whats the appeal of posting demoralisation threads on /trv/ with all the pedo anime pictures you have saved on your computer?
they cant make it on the big boy boards so to have to come here to get their daily (You) quota.
Scarcity and fomo
IMO, touristy things (museums, tours, sight seeing), a change of scenery to mentally reset and find new inspiration, as well as just mentally unwinding by setting aside several days where you have absolutely nothing to do but relax and enjoy yourself.
IMO, if you're lonely, then traveling isn't fun.

Are there places good for that, or do you just have game? I find women tourists in my town are easy to get with, but being a tourist yourself somewhere makes everyone ignore you.
Don't be autistic. It doesn't matter where you go if you are a legit tard.
The fiction people tell themselves before actually dropping $6000 to do the same thing they were already doing at home
Why do I need to travel when google maps and good images exist?
For Cope finding a "meaning" to this life even knowing it has no meaning no matter the place but hey at least you feel some fun
trying cake from different countries
I live in a cold shithole and I like warm beaches, brown pussy, Latin food, and drinking in foreign clubs. It’s fun and different from my usually routine, plus I have money.
Then you can't afford to travel
For me the feeling of impermanence is far more palpable when I'm abroad for just a few days than when I'm rotting at home for weeks on end. It makes me feel more adventurous and liable to try things I normally wouldn't do, talk to people I normally wouldn't talk to, and so on, because I know that even if I do something that ends up being really cringe and embarrassing it's just going to make for a funny story when I come back home at the end of the week.
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My love for food, souvenirs, and general curiosity of how different the world is from 1 mile to 1000. The fact that I might miss it is not something ill regret having
It’s a status symbol for dumb pathetic people. There are very few places that are unique or exotic any more. I save my money to improve my life day to day rather than blowing it on short lived holidays
See something besides my 4 walls and computer screen.
Dating other type of Women
Love new experiences!
Fucking and cumming inside of women who can't or won't try to ruin my life if they decide they didn't enjoy it years later.
Nothing anymore, except maybe that some countries are slightly cheaper than in the West, and maybe some new food experiences.
waste money


I always assume responses like yours are trolls or npcs but "muh food" confirms you are just a low iq npc
With 4K video available for basically everywhere on earth why do you need to spend thousands to upset your daily routine and forego income for that time just to see something?

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