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So, I'm going Bulgaria in mid september, what is there to do and what is to be avoided?
Is learning any phrases important?
>my gf is trans
Is it safe?
I am meeting a friend out there so we're gonna have some escort, but I still don't want to attract unwanted attention.
No one willing to offer advice?
I'm trans too, btw
Oh ffs
Don't go. Trans mutants aren't welcome in Bulgaria. Also, leave your sex tourism to your own country.
>muh sex tourism
If that's all your country has to offer then that's a you problem. Only buthurt incel males get upset over that because they can't pic up local chicks.
>my gf is trans
Transisters, our response?
Is this board really slow or is no one interested in Bulgaria?
It is a pretty boring place, anon
bumping for interest
How so?
>is no one interested in Bulgaria?
I like Bulgaria, it has the most beautiful women and an interesting soviet-gypsy design aesthetic
it's done
If you want to fell how is to travel to Bulgaria, just play Half-Life 2.
Played HL2 to death, isn't bulgaria full of natural places too?
Gypsies are only like 5 % of the population, apparently they just keep to themselsvs??
>Gypsies are only like 5 % of the population
Like you can get an accurate count of feral people
Bulgaria has the most well preserved forest in Europe, which doesn't mean to much. If you want to see beautiful landscape in Euro, you have better options in Norway or Switzerland, if you want to see animals, Europe isn't the place to go.
>if you want to see animals, Europe isn't the place to go
Isn't it pretty easy to see wild bears in Romania just driving through the forest roads?
poland does
Isn't bulgaria abit underrated compared to those places, offering better biodiversity too, like bears, wolves, boars etc?
My friend says he doesn't mind them.
It's ok poland bro, we dont think less of you
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>isn't bulgaria full of natural places too?
I'm Romanian but i think bulgaria is pretty similar to my country.It used to be beautiful but now it's just a giant trash dump,if you go in a forest there will always be trash in your field of vision no matter where you go,and you will often stumble upon huge heaps of trash in the middle of forests.Also deforestation is a huge problem.Trash here is thrown both by gypsies and romanians (modern Romanians are largely indistinguishable from gypsies).I feel that bulgaria is worse because it's even poorer than Romania and it also has turks alongside gypsies.
Both countries would be amazing if it wasn't for the trash.I live in the countryside in what would have been one of the most beautiful areas of Romania if it wasn't for the trash,i rarely leave my property anymore but whenever i do my heart hurts at seeing the state of my village and of the hills and forest near it, i hate romanians so much,god gave us the most beautiful land in the world and we ruined it.
If you want to enjoy nature then don't go to bulgaria or the balkans/eastern europe in general.You will get depression.
>going to Bulgaria with your cross dressing faggot boyfriend
Probably not the best choice, but you should be fine if you aren't shitdicking each other in public.
I've been here since end of March. It's definitely balkans but it has a med feeling. It's like when I lived in Italy. Food is cheap, not the easiest to get around but cheap if you dare to ride bus or train. There are taxis. Gypsies are only bothering you at tourist places where they perform and ask for handouts. People are generally quite nice. No real problems.

It is conservative and you'll stand out if you look like a tranny but doubt anyone will bother you. Language isn't so hard, it's slavic but no cases. You can do alright with hello, thank you, bag (they ask at every shop). Lots of cats around. It's hot but rains a lot imo. Nothing to do but explore old sites, lot of history here.
Hell man, I could say the same thing about California. You wouldn't believe how many trash piles you see laying around in that state, even in the beautiful Sierra forests. Couches and mattresses left to rot on the side of freeway exits in the Bay Area. It's one big world of inescapable garbage, anon.
My friend has shown me nice videos of the bulgarian wilderness, and a friend showed me vineyards in Romania that looked stunning.
I hope it isn't like you describe, but I know some areas are horribly under developed.
My cousin was in Greece recently, near the Bulgarian border and it was stunning.
She's passable and cute my friend.
Do you like it, and why have you been there for 6 months/what compelled you to stay?

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