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How to "naturally" meet people when traveling?

I can understanding more "artificial" ways like using apps or paying for women. But I can't comprehend just randomly meeting people in other daily situations. If you're not staying in a hostel, how do you actually meet new people? Especially locals. I am talking about both just making friends and hooking up.

t. autist
i dunno have you tried not being a dysfunctional mouthbreathing psychopath?
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No. explain
>ride in the same shared taxi with woman
>"I like your X, it's a really nice color... reminds me of a flower we have back home"
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I dont have this issue as I unfortunately have "that face" which means everybody thinks they can approach me and share their life's story. I would prefer if people left me alone.
Go to a bar? lol

But staying in hostels is always a good thing for this very reason.
>rode a shared taxi from Ocaña to Cúcuta crammed into the backseat between a pretty girl and her mom
>couldn't think of a single thing to say
Was feeling very withdrawn at the time. Cúcuta's swelter and energy was too much, so I caught a minibus up to Pamplona where the people were as cold as the climate.
Choose a gregarious country where people love making friends with foreigners. Colombians constantly made efforts to befriend me, but I usually brushed them off like "goddammit, I just want to eat, I don't want to chit-chat".
>to whom
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The number one trick is to be attractive and charismatic. If you are neither of those then you have no chance. Unless you are rich. Being rich makes up for everything
I stay at hostels and pick up "smoking" usually a few drags of ciggy and chat on the terrace. been in ireland for less than a day and probably met a dozen people, just the usual questions where you from hw long you here where else you've been what kinda stuff have you done ect, can message people on hostelworld if u use the app always people looking to do stuff, everyone's quite down to earth. I'm autistic too but the smoking thing helps because you're stuck there with someone for 10ish minutes I usually don't initiate conversations either
Try to talk with old people.
Usually, they are lone and they have free time. Be polite and they will be friendly.
Before you think about "What should I talk to them?" try to listen to them, see what they have to say.
bars suck
Unless you’re a normal person who enjoys meeting new people
Just talk to people.
I was sitting outside of Notre Dame and saw this qt 3.14 parisian drawing it so I asked her what she liked so much about the church that she would draw it. We ended up having like a 20 minute convo and I got her Instagram.

Literally just say "do you speak English?" In the native tongue and chat. People love to talk about themselves. You may not know this Anon but people like to be approached by strangers (not in a creepy way of course). It makes them feel seen in the world. Humans spend so much time ignoring one another and feeling alone that when a complete random strikes up a conversation it's nice. They think to themselves "wow that person looked at me and found me interesting enough to break out of this anti-social bubble we're conditioned to be in and speak to me".
go up to someone and say "hello".

Holy shit are you guys actually this fucking autistic where you can even manage small talk? You're overthinking this way too much.
Another story is that I was at the cinema and waiting in line for food and drinks (movie came out while I was travelling). There was a group of dudes behind me talking about the same movie I was going to see so I joined in. Introduced each other, told them my story about travelling solo and all that shit. Got their contacts and ended up hanging out with them twice more for drinks while I was staying at the city. Me and one of the dudes are now completely bro-tier and he's going to help me move over there.

Just don't be afraid to speak to people. In some ways, it's easier to do it solo travel because you'll reach a point of desperation where you just need to speak to someone so you do.
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I have autism. I struggled to meet people while traveling, and it made me very lonely. I read books on acting like pic related. The problem is that I was letting in too much of "me" in to the interaction before getting to know the other person. This book taught me how to play a role, that of a friendly traveler who wants to meet people, and it's massively alleviated my social anxiety when approaching people and maintaining conversations. If this seems sociopathic or something to people, I only use this method for the first 10 minutes of a conversation with someone new. After that it's pretty easy for both people to tell if you will actually be good friends and should hang out again. But the first 10 minutes are the hard part. So I recommend anons read books like pic related, or books like Stanislavsky's "An Actor Prepares" or Sanford Meisner's book on acting.
this, old people are the way. typically easy to talk to, especially if you do what this anon said and try to be a good listener. made some good friends while i was living abroad by just going to a church or the bar or whatever place people gather and fraternize and shooting the shit with grandmas and grandpas. either they introduced me to their son/daughter/grandchild/whatever that's about my age or i just got a boomer bar buddy or grandmas that'd make me food.
Make small talk, some people are easier to talk to, others will give you one word answers, it’s trial and error
Bonus points if you look presentable and don’t have bad breath
I have bad breath
Most people have some sort of a social barrier, particularly big city residents. The key is to power through the initial "who are you and why are you chatting me up?" distrust reaction, which is particularly prevalent if you are not a conventionally attractive person.
You don't realize how much energy introverts must expend to respond properly to social cues, manifest interest in boring bullshit like "where are you from" and "how old are you", then keep a conversation progressing past the initial introduction...skills which come naturally and effortlessly to extroverts. Autists much prefer expounding upon a topic of interest, then considering the other person's views & experiences in turn. But low-IQ normie brains can't engage in-depth right off the bat. Their attention can only be occupied by the frivolous dance of "small talk".
conversation must typically go through this dance.

I say this as a 130 IQ engineer that went to a top 10 uni full of weirdos

learn small talk enjoyment
This is a wonderful post, thanks for your input.
>How to "naturally" meet people when traveling?
i got to coffee shops next to high schools and flex my apple product collection i am approached 70% of the time
Get dangerously drunk. It’s the only thing that overpowers my crippling social anxiety
based SEA student diddler
fucking this thirdies really drop their pants for apple
Lol you're nor ugly, people don't like being interacted with by ugly people. Watch when someone talks to a women, the difference in their face between an ugly person and an attractive person doing it. They don't conceal their disgust at all.

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