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>Last Thread: >>2696169

>HHN edition

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: Stop travelling for parks. Just live near the best parks.

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I just arrived as a new resident in Orlando, living right in the middle of all the parks.
Anyone else live around here? I cant think of any other place on earth that is better to live for enthusiasts. So many home parks, you can visit a different one every day of the week.
What are the seaworld halloween nights like? Going with family in a few weeks
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It's just so perfect bros...
I'm a resident of Orlando too, been to SeaWorld and Universal recently
>The Land of Outdated Irrelevant Comics
When I first went to UO in the early 2000s that part seemed weird, there were comic characters I'd never seen and couldn't place in anything I'd ever read. I just hit Rocky & Bullwinkle and skipped on through to a better area.
Houses are kinda meh, lines are short, but night rides on mako are the greatest thing ever...
Overall a much more chill version of HHN
Nice, I just dropped about $2500 on annual passes lol.
>1000 - universal premiere 3 park
>500 - seaworld / busch gardens platinum
>500 - disney pixie dust
>300 - HHN frequent fear
>200 - howl o scream 2 park unlimited

Pretty massive bank account dump the past week, but I'm set for the year. I love being able to just swing by any of them for an hour or two. I'll be working remotely from home for most of the afternoon, while heading over to the parks every evening. hoping to find friend groups who also spend lots of time there.
it def had a lot of downtime for wind as well, i worked ttd a tiny bit during my time there and the ride kind of automatically shut down if it was too windy. You could override it but it was a big no no unless management directly told you to do it
Went to Cedar Point for the first time on Wednesday. Park was dead. Every ride was a walk on aside from Maverick, SV, and sometimes MF. It would have been even better if the weather wasn't stupidly hot and humid.
How is the universal park the most expensive?
A memory that'll probably stick with me till I die is when I went there in the first year of opening and spending something like an hour at Blondies with its incredibly short repeating music.

>"What out you'll burn your stew!"

Most of the IPs are irrelevant, probably only really Popeye is known about now but I don't think they'd really benefit much from a re-theme, especially if the Zelda ride at Lost Continent happens.
Finally went to Holiday world, Thunderbird was by far the best. Great Gravy was like a 20 minute wait for 30 second ride, and the only decent woodie was the Voyage whose length and speed made up for the roughness.
Disney has a pass that is 1500, but it doesnt have any special perks... literally the only difference in Disney pass tiers is the blackout dates, so top tier gives every day of the year, bottom tier restricts weekends and holidays. non FL residents can only get the top tier pass though.
Seaworld and Universal, on the other hand, give tons of benefits for top tier status, so I went with those.
Its been a long time since I bought a universal annual passes do they still have the seasonal pass deal for florida residence where it costs the same as like a 2-3 day ticket? Shit used to be cheap.
I remember them marketing that this summer for sub 300, so yea
Think I'm finna make a trip to Orlando in November of next year for a week of Universal parks hoping that Epic Universe is open by then. Maybe in October so that I can make it to Horror Nights as well. How is the weather around that time when you guys usually go?
If memory serves last year it didn't get cold until very late in the year, like December
I would honestly just pack expecting warm weather and if it's too cold for you buy long pants here

November, when they switch over from Halloween to Xmas used to be one of the quietest times of the year but it seems it got "found out" and it now a fairly typical off peak time.

When I last went it was fairly close to a British Spring. A couple of genuinely cool days but other than that pleasantly warm rather than hot. Depends on what you consider warm weather, I'd pack for sunny weather and add a couple of options that allow for a cool breeze in evenings. I've been in Florida when it's dropped below 0c but that was late December and it was the only time I've really cold in Florida.
Has anyone been able to make the 'secert songs' work on RRR?
I've tried to get to the code entry to ride it listening to 'Rainbow Connection', but it didn't work.
I think the screens need fixing.
Sounding like this is the time to go. I used to think it was a weekday in May but they bus in schools and don't have their seasonal staff. Half the stores and places to eat are closed and the open ones have huge lines. Ops are terrible. Weekdays the last week in August still have almost everything open and some of their seasonal staff.
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Wonder how much more the Universal annual pass will be with Epic universe included.
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Toon Lagoon is my favourite land and I only know popeye. I just like the funny comics :)
cleveland has the best
Tron is finally opening the Standby queue next week. Will be really interesting to see what the queue times are like, should at least take some of the early morning pressure off of 7 Dwarves.
Can't wait to stand out uncovered in the hot florida sun for 3 hours. Wonder how long it will take them to finally put a roof over that portion unless they planned to use the sun and rain as a deterrent from the beginning. Its gonna be a hot hell when they finally open the guardians standby.
is volcano bay any good? I'm going in a few weeks, not a massive fan of water parks but i used to like bliz beach and the other disney one when I was a kid
The entire Tron queue is covered and mostly air conditioned you retard. Same with Guardians. Nice argument fag.
If those two rides have more than an hour long wait (due to LL ratios) they will spill outside of the air conditioned building and into the uncovered sun. Having golf umbrellas splattered about does not count as covering.
Yeah, I like it better than the two Disney water parks. The extreme river is my favorite part, and the slides are all pretty good too, especially the blue one with the huge quarter-pipe type element. There's also an interactive character inside the Volcano if you like things like that. The only downside in my opinion is that the wavepool isn't great.
>the uncovered sun
Even worse, the greenhouse that is the entrance canopy
Don't worry, they have those big ass $20k fans in there that don't run half the time and if they are running its on a slow speed.
It's fucking awesome man. It's got such a good atmosphere and the water coaster is so amazing. Make sure you tap into that ride first thing, and then tap in again because you'll want to ride it more than once.
Oh sweet!
I only ever stop by the parks for a couple hours in the evenings, and V que completely blocks me from getting rides like that. Will be awesome to see some short waits towards the end of the night...
>Tron is finally opening the Standby queue next week
Damn, only took them a year and a half.
Still waiting on guardians... 2.5 years later...
go in november
what? the Tron queue equates to well, well over 1 hour wait in the shaded areas. Especially if you were to factor in the locker segment that inflates the time
I usually run a stop watch when I wait in lines and any time I've waited on tron for more than 40 minutes the line spills out into that sea of ropes and chains before the VQ check cuckshed. Unless they run lower queue ratios, and by extension sell less lighting lane, it can only get worse with an open queue.
when I went they weren't using the full capacity of the switchbacks if memory serves.
Tron fucking sucks anyway, total waste of space.
Traveled hundreds of miles to get to cedar point and it looks like its going to be thunderstorms on my main day. Just my luck
That's usually my luck too. Was it as bad as they said it would be? I think the t-storms were over before it opened.
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My parents continue insisting that i should go to disneyland (paris is the closest) someday because i already did 2 weeks at 2 local theme park each (in italy cuz italian) but is it worth it? I think i'll spend more in a week than those 2 whole vacation
>is it worth it? I think i'll spend more in a week than those 2 whole vacation
Depends where you stay
I want to stay at least relatively close to the park by bus at least, but i think i'll have to book everything at least half a year before right? Even if i buy the pass
was pleasantly surprised, actually. there was clouds and some rain but no lightning so all the rides stayed open.
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hopefully you didn't go on any fast rides during the rain.
I did Rita at Alton Towers while it was raining and it felt like airsoft bullets on my face.
Interesting video from CNBC about Disney prices

>Bright Sun Films appearance
oh nice
I like that Top Thrill 2 is closed until next season because it's making coaster enthusiasts lose their minds and sperg out
It's only been 1 weeks since I moved to the heart of the Orlando theme park area, and I've already learned a lot, comparing it to vacationing here.

-its pretty surreal to not feel rushed when at the parks. normally you are trying to cram in as many rides in a day as you can, whether or not you have the energy for it. I find now that I can really take my time, hitting a few things here and there, and if I get tired, I can just go home and come back another day. There is no need to ride anything when I'm already exhausted, it ruins the experience.

-it is pretty hard to have energy to go out every single day. maybe I will gain more stamina over time, but I find it hard to spend more than 3-4 hours a day in any park, especially with how hot FL is...

-being at home feels very similar to where I came from. Obviously my life is super different now than it was a month ago, but in a lot of ways, its still kinda the same. Still feels like home.

-it's surprisingly easy to make friends within the parks. Any time you see another single person anywhere in line, just start chatting. most people are in a good mood in the parks, so they are happy to talk about all kinds of stuff. Single rider lines, or just regular lines can be great if you get next to the right people, even more so with HHN lines. Another pro tip - if you spot a hot girl walking around, you can literally just follow behind, and get in line to whatever she does, and go from there. It can be rare to find them on their own, but it does happen.

I've talked to quite a few people already, of all ages. Theres lots of adults who just go by themselves, and are happy to make new friends there. I think after a few months, I will have lots of contacts, meaning I could have people to hang out with any time I go anywhere.
>not one mention of TT2 in the whole thread
yea, we sure are losing our minds here...
>3 annual passes
dang how much does that cost?
See >>2705508
Ah, did you decide to choose the max universal pass over the max disney pass since you prefer the universal parks?
>This is the only place roller coasters are discussed
See >>2705580
fair enough
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Plus one for Toon Lagoon
I do love this land. I like that these old outdated characters still have a land. I liked that Fivel was represented in the parks until recently.
Same, growing up I had a large thick comic book I got as a gift from my grandpa that was a collection of a bunch of old newspaper comics, so I was actually stoked to see shit like Beetle Bailey there. I understand it's a very niche theme these days but I appreciate it, plus the rides are rad as shit. I'd never heard of Dudley Do-Right when I first rode it, but that doesn't change the fact that ride was super fun and charming.
Does Universal do the Mega Movie Parade this time of year? I'm pretty sure they don't do the lagoon show during HHN time.
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while at disney world I rode a bus that had a higher-up from Cedar Fair talking to random coaster-heads like pic related. he travels to regional CF parks and inspects the maintenance crews. (he was on vacation at disney world when I saw him)

noteworthy things:
the first task of the company post cedar fair/six flags merger is to unify all food supply chains (i.e. all turkey legs in all cf/sf parks will come from the same place)

Six flags has better ride maintenance than cedar fair. Increasing CF ride reliability was one of the goals of the merger.

Ohio right to repair laws now let theme park operators use 3rd party roller coaster wheels. Cedar Point has begun using cheaper wheels that do not disperse static electricity cleanly and you can see these wheels sparking while in motion.

He refused to comment on Top Thrill 2, he claimed experimental rides were above his pay grade (but he did admit the ride was experimental)
>Cedar Point has begun using cheaper wheels that do not disperse static electricity cleanly and you can see these wheels sparking while in motion.
Is this bad?
>Six flags has better ride maintenance than cedar fair.
Overall, true
>Increasing CF ride reliability was one of the goals of the merger.
Idk, SFI was letting a lot of their corporate engineering base go in the year or two before the merger
>Ohio right to repair laws now let theme park operators use 3rd party roller coaster wheels.
Pretty much all parks do that, nothing new.
Paris is the worst Disney location, except for having the best versions of pirates, haunted mansion and btm. You don't need to spend a week there, only a long weekend (2.5 days will do the two parks to death) and staying at the cheyenne or santa fe isnt that eye watering. You could also consider a day at Parc asterix which is just an hour down the road and massively underrated.

Also that scenario from rc1 is based on a real park in the UK (all the biggest parks had a stage based off of them). Probably wouldn't surprise you to know that those terraced houses are among the most deprived places in the country.
All this information is correct. Also seconding Parc Asterix, it's a really fun park.
fast rides at cedar point are much worse at night than rain because of the fucking bugs depending on what time of year you go
i did millennium force around sunset one time and got absolutely pelted, felt like being constantly stabbed with needles for 2 minutes
>You don't need to spend a week there, only a long weekend
>You could also consider a day at Parc asterix
I'll check this one out, thank you anon
>Also that scenario from rc1 is based on a real park in the UK
Kek, i didn't think someone would be that stupid to have a house that close to a roller coaster
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Day 1 of TRON standby line - swings between 35 and 90 minutes all day.
Not as bad as I expected...
Beginning of september has had lower average wait times than normal for the past couple years, wait for the weekend.
>land is called Super Nintendo World
>it’s exclusively Mario shit (Donkey Kong is a Mario spinoff, so is Yoshi)
>no Pokémon, Zelda, Metroid, etc
Pokemon is going to Studios, Zelda is going to Islands, and the rest is not cared about by the GP
Cringe and gay. They should’ve called it Super Mario World then, DK and Yoshi fans can cope by saying their franchises are legitimate and not just spin-offs but it’ll never be true
I'm pretty sure they'll give the other lands the SNW name as well, similar to how the Wizarding World name is applied to three different lands
I'm going Orlando in a couple weeks with my family. I didn't really know much about theme parks until a month ago since I started looking stuff up just out of interest. Pretty gutted I'm going to be missing EU it looks really good
>Pokemon is going to Studios, Zelda is going to Islands
I've seen people say Nintendo stuff is coming to USO and IOA for years but is that just wild guessing or based on something like construction permits?
Does that really say "Pizza Planet"?
Yeah, Disney never trademarked it so whenever they put it in the parks, they gotta extend the name somehow
I'm not saying you do this but some people who move there think it's going to be a permanent vacation. It may seem that way at first but then you get used to the area and even super fans get bored of going to parks. Then it's just where you live with close by parks. Eventually you'll probably go weeks without visiting a park and when you go you might spend even less hours there and not even ride things.
I definitely see myself getting bored of most of the rides over time, but its just nice to have a quality social place to hang out in the evenings. And I will still keep up with the constant seasonal changes and new additions.

Where I came from, I spent 90% of my time at home on my PC, with nowhere to go out at all... so worst case scenario, I end up doing the same.
Just leaked insider stuff (and them closing Poseidon's Fury)
Poseidon's Fury closed last May though. If they were going to replace it with something they would have started construction by now or at least made some kind of announcement.
Aonuma was spotted taking construction tours of the Mario land and it's likely they took him to Islands too during that time.
Hitting up HHN tomorrow night. Going to try to do all ten houses and the show without Express, and I'll post here if I find a good method to do so in case other anons are stingy fucks like me.
Currently visiting my grandmother in California for the first time in six years. She used to live in Simi Valley and we had a lot of good theme park options within a reasonable distance (over time I found I preferred six flags magic mountain), but she's recently moved to San Jose and I'm much less familiar with the surroundings. I've looked into nearby parks a bit and people seem a bit tepid about discovery kingdom and great america, I'm seeing a lot of discussion saying they've gone badly downhill in recent years. Are they still worth visiting (and if so, which is better)? Are there any other options I've overlooked I should consider instead?
Current rumors/behind-the-scenes talk say it's been delayed, so they're fast-tracking Pokemon instead. That will probably be announced for USJ first since they closed Spider-Man there already.
I did that last year, it's definitely doable but requires a shitload of stamina.

My tips: have a bottle of water and a hat for the holding pen queues before it opens, they can be completely out In the open.

Be prepared for a shitload of walking, I think I did close to 20km. Take it easy in the park beforehand.

The cocktails are nice, try a couple. Food queues are smaller earlier in the evening

Queue up for the show 20-30 minutes before as it fills up.

HHN crowds start going down past midnight so you can get lots of non ip mazes done one after the other fairly quickly by then
About to head off to Disneyland. Haven't been here for about 25 years. Will finally get to do the Matterhorn after being too scared as a kid (days before easy to find ride povs, thought it was a more extreme space mountain)
When I was a wee lad Pizza Planet at Hollywood Studios was my favorite place in the entire world. My dad picked me up at school and surprised me with a trip down there just to eat lunch (it was a 10 hour drive from my house). Drive down Friday, park hopped all day Saturday, drove back Sunday. One of my best and happiest memories from my childhood and one of the reasons I'm still a Disneyfag to this day even though the company is incredibly gay and poorly ran.
Oh yeah, I've managed it every year I've gone so far, and I generally follow those tips. I'm just curious how it'll work this year with the changes to stay and scream. Having no Central Park to take some of the IP heat makes me wonder how packed NY is gonna be.
Just got to disneyland. Clusterfuck getting in, took almost 2 hours across 4 different queues, missed the stupidly early boarding pass I got for haunted mansion. Scaffolding and construction walls everywhere. Indiana jones closed my entire trip.

GREAT start...
Halloween weekdays are very crowded there since most DL visitors are passholders.
Nothing is a better experience than going to an amusement park on a dead day and getting to ride stuff multiple times in a row because there's no queue. Why do people actively choose to go on weekends? Is it that hard to get time off on a weekday? Then again I've only gone to Cedar Fair and Six Flags parks so far. I'm guessing dead days don't exist at Disney.
It's the families where it's difficult. You can book a day off as and adult but unless you fake a sick day, kids aren't going outside of holidays. In the uk you get teacher training days sometimes that are on a per school basis and are great times to go to theme parks.

Most parks now cut down on ops on quiet days now so you still get queues. Merlin parks massively reduce the hours too: 10am-4pm opening hours in autumn
Zelda would be an easier retheme to lost continent than Pokémon.
Pokemon has long been rumored to be taking over the Simpsons and potentially Men in Black areas
Do you guys ever have /rcg/ themed dreams?
I have dreamed more about Disneyland than maybe anyone else on earth. For some reason it's a common recurring setting in my dreams. But often these Disneyland dreams are about fear of missing out or being late.
I wish I could save my dreams as videos because once I dreamt a pretty cool alternate Big Thunder Mountain/Splash mountain coaster that was a little more compact but had more water features as part of the coaster
Mib is clearly on life support
>Haven't been here for about 25 years. Will finally get to do the Matterhorn after being too scared as a kid
That was me when I went to Universal a couple of years ago. I'm so glad I finally did Mummy and Dudley Do-Right. Have fun anon.
Man that's such a happy memory. Thank you for sharing it.
Back from disneyland.

Thoughts: wasn't expecting it to be as busy as it was and the queue management in the park is weird with most large queues going out into the pathways (guess that's why HM is getting a queue worked on).

Got the 12pm boarding pass for HM, enjoyed the nightmare before Christmas makeover a lot more than I was expecting, even if there was some pretty terrible maintenence issues (jack was missing a hand).

Pirates has weird pacing which is weird considering its the original. Two drops at the start, overlong caves section and a sudden end. Paris has the best mix of pacing, ride length and comfy queue line.

Enjoyed runaway railroad and the queue line shits on the Florida one. It's a bit weird that there are a load of join lines in the walls and the ceiling is a bit too low, hurts the immersion compared to the Florida one. Also the ride is so much worse if your in the front car as you keep leaving the rooms before all the neat transitions happen. Really should add another 5 seconds to each scene so the first 1-2 cars don't get fucked so hard.

Rotr and space mountain were down most of the day so couldnt ride, on top of the other rides being closed for maintenence. Smugglers run is still a terrible ride and in 5 rides I've never been a fucking pilot, the only job worth it
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Overall had a good time and had a godly seasonal funnel cake (fucking love funnel cake). But the start of the day and the ride closures left a real sour taste that never left almost to the extent I was starting to wonder why the fuck I was doing this. Doing CA tomorrow, will try leaving earlier to see if I have a less stressful start. May delay the third, final day to when indy reopens
>Also the ride is so much worse if your in the front car as you keep leaving the rooms before all the neat transitions happen.
To be fair the last car also gets a subpar experience, mostly miving in after the scenes finish. Really MMRR should have used 3 cars rather than 4, in addition to longer scenes. The ride has potential but it's squandered by its poor design.
I view the cave scenes as more comfy than over-long but that's probably just bias lol
>ride closures
The maintenance really could be better, I mean they literally had a dragon animatronic burn down due to piss poor maintenance. It's a shame too because with actual proper management DL would easily be the best theme park in the world.
Alright, getting all ten houses and the show done without Express was piss easy this year. Started in the NY Stay and Scream zone and did the houses in the following order: Ghostbusters, Major Sweets, Goblins, Monsters, Museum, Slaughter Sinema, Nightmare Fuel, Monstruos, Food, Triplets, A Quiet Place, Insidious.

Finished just before midnight. I might try starting with Insidious tomorrow to see if that makes anything easier or harder. One tip I can add that I never see mentioned is that wait times can be unreliable as they update pretty infrequently. If something has a long posted wait time, and that time hasn't updated in a half hour, there's a good chance the wait is shorter. I got in line for both A Quiet Place and Insidious with 60 minute posted waits, but I only waited 30 and 25 minutes respectively.
Fuck it, post your childhood theme park memories.
I distinctly remember the last time I went to Disneyland Paris with my parents, we were on vacation driving a motorhome through France. On the way back home they told us they had a surprise for us, and we started noticing signs leading to Disneyland Paris and me and my sister lost our shit. We arrived on the parking lot at sunset, and we could see the moving walkways lit up, playing the area music, and in the distance we could see Space Mountain lit up beautifully and flashing the lights at the tip to emulate shooting people into space. I could see it from my bed in the back of the motorhome. I remember me and my sister playing on the walkways, running back and forth. We slept on the parking lot, which I honestly doubt if that's even allowed, but my dad didn't give a shit.
Of course the next day in the park was amazing, I finally did Space Mountain after being too scared to do inversions, but that evening before on the parking lot still sticks in my mind. I think I was 11 at the time.
Going to Blackpool Pleasure Beach in the early 90s when I was kid at night. Wasn't confident with coasters, brother tricked me and my mum (also bad with coasters) into doing on its wooden wild mouse.

After the first drop we were terrified and knew we'd fucked up. It was forcefull as fuck, even by wild mouse standards, every drop was a headliner, it would tip onto two wheels around the turns (had a third rail that tied it to the track so it would derail). Coupled with janky tiny cars with no real seats where you sit between each other's legs, it was a ride where you genuinely thought you could die on it.

Could barely stand up after it ended.

Then walking back to the hotel with the illuminations on, going past vending machines with posing pouches and people selling pirated and cam job vhs on vhs off of blankets (this was a time when Disney movies could take up to 12 months to release in the UK so we bought some films that hadn't even released yet here )
You are fortunate to have seen Space Mountain in Paris before either overhaul.
Not him but I've seen dlp in almost all it's stages (prime, rot, regeneration). Went with my dad, nan and grandad before the rot set in with original themeing and everything beautiful. My grandad had a severe stroke years before that left him with his memories and physical abilities but gave him speech issues (knew what he wanted to say but the word's themselves were out of reach). Memory that'll stick for life is us watching a Chinese acrobat show in the discoveryland dinner theatre and him being completely blown away by it, at the end he gave a 1 man standing ovation with tears in his eyes.

Miss him, was like an exciteable 10 year old with a lifetime of memories, including being an AA gunner during the blitz.
Did California Adventure today. Had a good time. Kinda interested in oogies bash as it sounds fun, just not 125pp fun.

Enjoyed cars a lot, feel it's over a bit too quick though. The triple bunnyhop is great design as the increasing size means people panic at the final one, despite it not being too extreme.

Finally did Spiderman in English and managed to get top score of the hour understanding the hints you get.

Shame soaring was the world version with the fucked up lens angle.

>Target would not sell me cold medicine with my filthy foreigners ID
>Disney sold me some with no ID check and they were cheaper than Target

California is a weird place. Don't know how people can live here, Flirida seems much more livable in comparison, no wonder that anon here moved there
I love that. That's a great memory.
I'm with you on California being weird but I also am not picking what state to live in based on the gift shop of amusement parks.
California is probably the best geographic place in the world yet is borderline unlivable because of the retards that run the government. Disneyland/DCA certainly have their charms and overall are great parks but all of the Florida parks are superior.
Smugglers Run is fun if all your friends/family are with you. If you're paired with randos I agree it kind of sucks. Neat concept dumbed down to retard levels for normies.
Single rider engineer is all about watching families yell at each other for 6 minutes, redeems the position. Gunner is actually the worst position. There's no difference between manual or auto mode. No matter what you pick you'll be holding down a button for 2 minutes straight. With that said I can see why tourist would be miffed if they waited an hour only to be shoved into nose bleed section where you watch other people have fun. Some people(brain dead retards) can't see the fun in things and that's probably why original shit get ripped out for brand engagement. In florida the line blasts cold air and most of the time single rider is empty so its a nice escape from the heat and crowds.
>Disneyland/DCA certainly have their charms and overall are great parks but all of the Florida parks are superior
Taken as a whole maybe. But the Florida parks are all spread out and priced as 1-day 1-park experiences where DCA and DL are right next to each other and combined have more attractions than all the Florida parks and with better ticket prices. DL is better than the MK. There is no equivalent to DAK or Epcot but DHS is kind of present in DCA and also the Star Wars stuff in DL. I dunno it's kind of a toss up. WDW is more of a destination than DL though plus Californians are insufferable narcissists
Hot take:
RRR night rides top every other coaster in Orlando. even VC.
Something about the music, and the lights, transforms it into your own personal party. I do it every HHN night and it never gets old...
Stardust racers has been designed to look great at night so that could be the new king.

Best night experience at universal used to be Jaws in the dark, the boat house big and the pyrotechnics were amazing
Needs a party of 5-6 though which is rare for most people. You get a stranger with you it will 100% be a pilot who slams you into a wall the whole time.

Is 2 pieces of cargo this riders "Bug bait + football coach"? Ridden MiB dozens of times, only got suit endings twice.
Riding RRR over the HHN crowds with "I Will Survive," blasting is burned into my memory. It's damn shame that song is gone now. "Waterloo" is great, but it doesn't hit the same.
Delayed my last disneyland day to today to catch indy reopening. Managed to get on it, love that ride. Did rotr and got the first non-mode ride I've ever had. No working canons though, they should just redo that section with the cannons being static whilst firing, never seems to be working

Weirdly doesn't seem as busy as it was on wednesday
Cannons were the cause of breakdowns 75% of the time. I believe about a year into being out of virtual queue hell they shut em down so hundreds of people aren't dumped back into the park with free all you can eat fastpasses every couple of hours. They stopped giving out fastpasses if a ride is evacuated so maybe they should bring it back.
Like a few anons were saying, Disneyland has so many APs that they become less crowded on weekends when they're blocked. It's a weird anomaly that has the reverse crowds of what one would expect (though times like Christmas are still as hellish).
Back from last day at disneyland. The sheer volume of crowds was exhausting. Most queues are actually pretty short but the park has a fucking huge problem with people wondering around the paths (made worse by people not giving a shit about blocking other people by slowly ambling down the middle or just flat out blocking it). I feel lightning lane and genie+ have made this worse and nowhere has enough seating, even the major food places have nowhere enough.

Also, the Halloween dole whip turned my shit bright green
Nah. It’s not a fun coaster unless you’re a masochist
I don't actually find RRR to be very painful. Its far more comfortable than Hulk, Kraken, Montu, or Kumba...

I've also never heard anyone hate MagnumXL as much as I did, so maybe each coaster hits everyone differently...
It’s way more uncomfortable to me than those B&Ms, the pain just doesn’t come from the OTSRs that those B&Ms bang your head with, it comes from rag dolling you over the shitty track profiling. Magnum is definitely a love or hate thing and even I love or hate it depending on whether I’m in a wheel seat or not. Even the infamous magic seat gave me a near concussion.
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Did HHN Hollywood. Brief review of mazes:

A quiet place: great animatronics and despite the lack of creature variety they had a decent amount of creativity.

Monstrous 2 : some good animatronics again, lots of fun scenes.

Evening with chucky : seems like getting an actor that sounds like chucky and is good at improv is a really big ask. This was painfully.stilted and awkward

Insidious: actually very good, decent length, good scenes (that smell in the toilet scene...).

Ghostbusters frozen empire. Much better than I expected. Scenes from the movie interspersed with random ghosts from the movies. Was expecting it to be mediocre but it was fun. Very short though, probably should've added a zuul scene.

The weekend trilogy. Again, better than I expected. Most creative.monsters and rooms of the night. Fuck knows what the story was meant to be and a walking towards a bright light lots of times was painful.

Dead exposure. One of the weaker ones, too much dead space and not enough actors. Shame as I like these kinds of "aftermath" mazes.

Chainsaw massacre. Pretty good but also didn't have enough actors.

Universal monsters. Worst maze easily. Lady Van helsing teams up with bride of frankenstein for unknown reasons to take on the bride of dracula and other monthers. Some credit for trying a story but not enough actors (pretty sure I missed muliple monsters) and it ends really suddenly in the middle of it.
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Other things:
Scare zones were really poor compared to Orlando. Only minimal decoration, no sound tracks for the most part, just a few costumes wandering around. Only places with effort were where they were selling drinks.

Driving so could only have one cocktail, had a banana one. Was average. 60% ice, entirely from bottled mix and had just a single shot of booze in it. Never seen a barman dumb enough to mistake a uk flag for a German one. Really shouldn't have tipped for that weak drink and him being an idiot.

Lastly a big fuck you to what I'm guessing were replacement ride ops. For some reason they refused to even touch the restraints for forbidden journey. Couldn't get 3 clicks pulling it down yourself? Walk of shame! Never seen ride ops who won't even do a light push on the restraints. Never seen so many people walk of shamed, unfortunately including a girl in my group (who had ridden earlier in the day no problem). Could tell it ruined her evening.
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I would love for Disney to do a VR recreation of their old Innoventions exhibits
>Even the infamous magic seat gave me a near concussion.
Because the magic seat isn't supposed to be smooth. It gets the name because it's the most violent seat on the train.
I often fantasize about becoming the CEO of Disney and fixing the company
>fixing the company
sounds like bold claims, what would be your strategy?
We all do but that has the same likelihood as cartoon ponies being real
Literally just not be actively retarded non-stop lmao. The best thing that could happen would be to layoff another 25% of the company, cut all things DEI bullshit related obviously, and slowly start moving imagineering/creatives to Orlando. It'd be difficult and take a while to fight through the bureaucracy but it can be done. Bob just benefits too much from the in house red tape so he doesn't care to fight it.
Almost that time of the year for Knott's Scary Farm bros. Going this Saturday and gonna do the Boo-fet. Ended up doing it last year for the first time and liked it. Food was decent, desserts were pretty dang good and I liked that you get a free refillable cup for the rest of the year. New mazes look cool but honestly I'm most hype for Cinema Slasher, that maze last year was so fucking good.
To elaborate more because I've thinking about this all day:
>decouple from Hollywood as much as possible by moving certain animation studios back to Orlando (most of their animated classics in the 90s were animated there)
>move significant amounts of imagineering to Orlando
>get rid of the retarded IP mandate
>focusing resources on new original IPs
>a Mickey Mouse movie with classic animation
>massive expansions in the parks
>significant value adds to the resorts to encourage longer stays
>trying to sell lots of shit you don't need, like Fox Studios
>complete teardown and rebuild of Marvel/Star Wars
I could go on and on. I'm a businessman in real life and running a successful company isn't really that difficult, which makes me hate Bob even more for being such an enormous dumb fucking retard.
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Did universal hollywood today. Nintendo World is so frustrating. Insanely good theming but you've no chance of getting into the toadstool cafe and the ride, despite all the work put into it is just fundamentally let down by the tech (frequently broken headsets or failed syncs, the AR means you barely notice the scenery). Hope at something they do a v2 and overhaul the AR aspect. Got to at least give universal credit for avoiding all the issues that make Smugglers Run shitty.

Looking at the beefy track and supports for f&f it looks pretty certain its a more extreme GOTG. Is it confirmed same manufacturer?
>Looking at the beefy track and supports for f&f it looks pretty certain its a more extreme GOTG. Is it confirmed same manufacturer?
No, it's Intamin while GOTG is Vekoma. Seems more like a Velocicoaster with spinning cars.
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>rumours about Universal retheming Marvel Super Hero Island
seriously doubt that, they know how powerful their contract still is.
Why would they choose to retheme that part of IoA instead of the rest of the lost continent or Toon Lagoon even?
I don't think it's that powerful just because it prevents Disney from using Marvel in Florida. The land is outdated and they can't add anything new. Universal still has to pay Disney royalties, even if it is a sweetheart deal. Nothing is going to happen here any time soon but after EU and the Lost Continent replacement are open I wouldn't be surprised if they cashed out and rethemed it to one of their own properties which would boost attendance and interest plus no royalties. Marvel is well below its 2019 peak anyways.
I thought the magic seat was for getting the most airtime. I couldn't even enjoy the airtime, it was doing something to my head that no coaster has ever done and nearly ruined my day.
It getting the most airtime is just a consequence of being the most violent seat on the ride. IMO 2nd row from the back was the smoothest, most balanced ride.
>rethemed it to one of their own properties
What would be on par with Marvel?
2nd row from the back is definitely the smoothest, that's where I try to sit and recommend first timers sit.
Anything different and new would be a net upgrade over the 90s Marvel land even if the IP is not on par. They could theme it all to Hill Valley and make it Back to the Future which is definitely not on par but would be pretty slick. It's an interesting place that's frozen in time that can only have the same attractions with subtle updates. It preventing Disney from using Marvel isn't a reason to keep it around. And I love Spiderman but I actually prefer the 90s version before they updated it.
I love 90s marvel and I hope they never get rid of it. If being outdated is a reason to get rid of something then toon lagoon is a way bigger problem.
To be fair, Toon Lagoon was outdated on opening day. Maybe Marvel will chug along for another decade or two or longer but I have a feeling they'll cash it out within 5-10 years. Around 2032 Hulk will also need another retrack.
LOTR is heavily rumoured but that might be for the uk park
BGT is refurbing Jungala into "Wild Oasis" instead of bulldozing it for a new ride. This might sound cheap and lazy but I'm glad this is happening. They need more stuff like this and getting rid of all that theming would have been awful.
nigga are you retarded
>or Toon Lagoon even?
filtered by the lagoon, many such cases
Problem with Universal is that they don't really have many good IP's (that aren't already in the park).

Just look through the list of top grossing Universal movies. all are already in the parks, or would not work...

Luckily they are open to pulling IP's from other companies like HP, and do way better with that.
I've got a concert at Hard Rock Live next weekend and am mulling over going to one of the Universal parks in the daytime. Haven't been to Islands in 7 years or Studios in 9. Would anything new since then be worth a visit? Otherwise what might be a good place to eat before the show or late night fun afterwards. I guess that last part doesn't need to be limited to just the Universal area, I could go wherever I want in town at that point.

I have no interest in HHN btw.
>Islands since 2017
>Studios since 2015
Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure (2019) at Islands is overrated given the wait, but it's still fun if you catch it first thing in the morning. The queue is pretty based.

Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon (2017) at Studios is embarrassingly bad, but still oddly charming and hilarious in it's adherence to "Universal 3-D screen, squirt water at you while characters yell" cliche.

Fast & Furious Supercharged (2018) at Studios is even worse. It's probably the worst major attraction in the parks. But that alone makes it kino in its dedication to being so awful.

The only thing worth skipping entirely is Villain-Con Minion Blast (2023) at Studios. Even if you ironically enjoy the Despicable Me flicks, it's just a dreadfully boring screen-shooter on a moving-walkway.

Based on your timeline, I'm assuming you've been on Gringotts and Kong.
Yes Gringotts, no to Kong when I heard it was yet another screens ride.
I'm at Universal right now bros. We're having so much fun. I love my family and I love rides. We're doing Volcano Bay and HHN tomorrow.
Queue is cool, along with the very start (if it's not raining) and end of the ride. The middle is screens and mediocre.
Have a Hall of Fame hot dog for me, champ.
>didnt even mention velocicoaster
It's like you have never even been there...
Have fun anon.

Done with theme parks on my California holidays now. Random thoughts:

>Waterworld made me realise I miss good stunt shows
>all of the studio tours (Inc wb and sony) are all a bit sad now : "yeah, most movies are shooting in Canada and the uk now but at least we're shooting talk shows and game shows!"
>secret life of pets shows there is still some life on onmimover dark rides and Disney really should add some more to its parks
>California adventure is a good park now (last went when Superstar limo was there).
>Disneyland needs a shitload of work to fix the overcrowded walkways (why no path from galaxies edge to toontown?)
Footage of one of the world's oldest coasters getting derailed by debris and the safety mechanisms saving the day, ripping up the track in the process.

>missed one data point in a detailed post
Shut up, bitch.gif
>Cedar Point is slapping a tilt coaster next to Valravn
OK sure
Not just any tilt coaster. It's the one that was being build for Energylandia until the contract was terminated which then showed up at Six Flags Mexico in July. SFM might have had some issues with getting approval from the city but this is still an odd move. I'll take it since Cedar Point is my home park... but I have a bad feeling about TT2. This is a last minute surprise move that had no leaks. It's going on a plot of land that's been clear for some time and just needs to have the perimeter road re-routed. Some are saying this might be to make up for the TT2 delay but I think it could be more the kind of move they would make if TT2 was destined to be scrapped in order to hold people over for a few years with something new to make up for the loss while they come up with a replacement. But if both this and TT2 are operating next season, that would wonderful.
>With the addition of Siren’s Curse, Cedar Point will be home to an impressive lineup of 19 roller coasters, including fan favorites like Millennium Force®, Steel Vengeance®, Maverick® and more. As previously announced, the record-breaking triple-launch strata coaster Top Thrill 2® is scheduled to reopen in 2025.
*Scheduled. Still, doesn't sound all doom and gloom
This tilt coaster won't be open when the season begins:
>Siren’s Curse is scheduled to open in early summer of 2025
Also it will have 2 train operation... yikes
Tilt coasters just seem gimmicky to me, and they'll have 2 similar coasters next to each other, just seems like a forgettable addition (though not necessarily a bad ride). I know they can't all be record breakers but a tilt coaster would be a better fit at many other parks in the system imo.

Personally I don't think one has anything to do with the other. I don't think TT2 is going to be scrapped, I have confidence Zamperla will get it going by next season.

>Also it will have 2 train operation... yikes
After the initial buzz dies off I imagine it will end up being a filler ride that people aren't going to prioritize highly. The kicker to me is that it's less than 3000 feet long, it's going to be over quick (once the drop begins).
I just think it's silly to stick a coaster with a gimmick of holding you on the track before a vertical drop right next to another coaster with a gimmick of holding you on the track before a vertical drop.
That's what I mean too. Plenty of parks in the combined system that don't have one and they're adding another. Fanboys will still cream in their pants over it though
Be sure to get your rides in the first week it opens!
At least somebody has confidence in Zamperla. I don’t think anybody at Cedar Flags does. And I do think that has something to do with this last minute addition. Gets the conversation away from TT2 in the event it remains closed well into next season. I do agree that the capacity won’t be an issue as it eventually cools down as a filler coaster.

The gimmick is different enough where I don’t think it matters

Plenty of parks in the chain could use it yet it last minute went to Cedar Point for some reason. Which I’m okay with since it’s my home park but it’s strange. I wouldn’t want this at KI though, they need something bigger to fill the Vortex plot
>I don’t think anybody at Cedar Flags does.
Park operators don't like setbacks like this but they expect them to happen especially when the project was 'risky' to begin with. There's no possibility CF/SF didn't anticipate a big delay back in the planning stages.
Yeah.. they should have considering Zamperla has never worked on a project of this scale. I'm not so sure though. I think they were sold on the lightning train with the single piece of aluminum chassis, with former Intamin engineers involved. The LSMs and control system were provided by Intrasys who is very experienced with LSMs and control systems. Stakotra manufacturing probably made the new track and supports (they made the original and work with other companies aside from Intamin). Zamperla made the trains and the fast change and did the design and engineering. On paper it seems like a lower risk than you'd think. But here we are.

Before the issue was discovered and the ride shut down, it was pretty reliable at least. When I rode it during a preview event, it only shut down due to some light rain. It was shaking so bad even going up the back spike that I thought the train was going to fall apart. Only Theme Park Recommendations (formerly Predictions) said the same thing, everybody else was mesmerized or something. Even mentioning the shimmy made people in line uncomfortable as if they all knew it but didn't want to admit and spoil the day.
I saw so many teen girls in thongs at Volcano Bay today, and not all of them were South American. Do American parents really let their daughters wear those in public? Damn.
>need to wear glasses
>can't see shit from a distance

Didn't notice any when I was there.

I'm also one of those people who wears a t-shirt to water parks. Natural ginger, even with the best sun lotion I'm risking major body length burns. Lots of beach holidays when I was a kid getting badly burnt before I started wearing shirts. Brother also used to burn badly so naturally we'd slap each other's burns constantly
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Is the "VIP Ticket" at Universal Hollywood worth it for a first trip?
Jimmy Fallon is a good ride, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
I can barely remember the ride because it was forgettable, but the pre-show was the most painfully unfunny thing I have ever sat through at a theme park. This, I will not be going back on that ride.
Extended tram tour might be neat but going around a theme park with a guide isn't appealing to me
I really like the idea of being able to get off the tram during the tour and walk around the backlot
Yes, if you can afford it.
It’s been in style in the US for the past 3 years. It started with cheeky a few years before that and then got cheekier until thongs were acceptable at family resort pools, beaches, and even water parks. It’s actually against the rules at water parks but it’s so fashionable they no longer do anything about it.
Would it be feasible to make an immersive theme park or land themed after the open sea? So it gives an impression of actually being on the ocean?
Maybe you could build a fake horizon by having the parts where guests walk a bit elevated?
Is the concept possible to do in a satisfying way?
Maybe the whole land would have to be built indoors so the horizon could be faked with gigantic screens?
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I was expecting to see cheeks but the literal thongs caught me off guard
I tried Halloween Horror Nights for the first time this last week. I thought it was okay but I'm not sure I'd do it again. The lines are so long, even on a very non-peak night, that an Express Pass is the only way I'd ever want to do it. I had an Express Pass, but that's a ton of money to spend on one night, I think it came out to like $227 per person or something like that. At the end of the day, I didn't think it was worth that much. The houses were cool but you have to walk through them so fast that you don't get to take stuff in or really follow the storylines as much as you might like. And I guess I'm more interested in the lore and the backstory of these characters rather than the jump-scares, most of which will miss you as you're walking through anyway.

Like I said, I enjoyed my night, I'm glad I gave it a try, but I don't think I'll do it again. I think it's just not for me.
Videos like this make me sick and I don't know how to articulate why.
Try the WB tram tour, they let you do that.

Don't do the Sony one, it's fucking terrible.
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>Try the WB tram tour, they let you do that.
Eh, I already did the Harry Potter set tour thing in London and the stuff they have in the LA tour doesn't sound that interesting.
You don’t need to articulate why. I feel the same way. I’m guessing they’re bored of the attractions but still want to be there because of Disney Adult or Peter Pan syndrome.
Pick any of the following

>look how quirky we are!
>pulling funny faces in the thumbnail
>Disney World holiday is something most people can only do once ever few years at most
>infinite monkeys approach to making unique content
>the false excitement aspect

Pretty interesting updated abandoned Disney
I got picked in Olivanders and I felt bad because there were kids in there who probably would've appreciated it more.
As with so many things now, they're just too fucking busy.

It's really got to the point where the crowds are making it too hard to enjoy Disney and Universal.
It's insanely busy, and I would not have had a good time without an express pass. With one it's fine, I don't think we waited longer than 20 minutes to get into any of the houses, but it's pretty expensive to do it that way. I had a good time, but I don't really think it was fun enough to justify the price. I don't regret going but I don't think I'll go next time.
>riding Mako during Howl O scream
>large black chicks next to me
>hit final brakes

still laughing about it...
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I've been living in FL for 3 weeks now, and I'm really leaning into calling Mako my #1 ride...
Velocicoaster and Iron Gwazi are exciting, and feel like they are trying to kill you, but I have to be in the mood for that.
Mako is just the smoothest, comfiest ride that lets you feel weightless. It's like skydiving on every drop.

Extra points for Mako being so easy to get on. Line is always super short and quick.
VC always has a long line, and is an ordeal going through lockers.
IG has reliability issues, and ops are atrocious. If its not a walk on, you are going to be waiting a while
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Mako should have had the VR headsets instead of Kraken.
I did both Galactica and Kraken back when they had VR options and Galactica was a much better experience. Kraken's too intense for the VR image to stay stable.
Mako’s my #1 coaster in Florida because it’s usually marathonable. I could ride it all day.. and the lines are usually so short you can do just that. I would feel different if it always had a line as it really deserves, but the ability to usually marathon it is the reason it’s my favorite. I wish they would fix the queue screens (unless they already did but it was broke when I last went and had been for years). I like the lift hill music too, it’s part of the ride experience.

VR on coasters was awful. Absolutely would never want that on Mako. I like seeing the surrounding area from the top of the lift hill and flying around the lake watching the airtime hills come at you. And that last turnaround near the ride entrance.
Minion Blast is okay if you walk into it with no expectations and don't think of it as an attraction, just more of an activity. Wasn't worth getting rid of Shrek 4-D though.
It's clear that and Dreamworks Land were done on the super cheap to try and give Universal Studios something new to open while Epic Universe continues construction.
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Walibi Holland's new racing raptor is called Yoy.

One side is a full on white knuckle, the other is a family coaster. Neat concept but given the ultra low capacity of single rail coasters I feel that the family side will have insane queues
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There's going to be a surprising amount of airtime on the family side. Unless it's really slow I think it's going to catch a lot of people by surprise when they actually ride it.
I found out that Captain America's Diner plays a soundtrack that is hero themed. They played "Heroes" by David Bowie, "Holding Out for a Hero". It was nice. The back of that restaurant is nice to duck into for a break. It has a great view of the lagoon and the other side of the park.
Just looked at some pics of the food, those were some sad burgers.

Hopefully at some point Universal will go over all their legacy food places and update them. Their newer places have reasonable quality, interesting food but they haven't updated some menus in decades.
Yeah I didn't actually try any of the food there, but it's a very nice hangout spot. Their drink machines are tucked away and people don't know about them so they usually have ice and everything.
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It probably costs a lot to revamp a menu so they have to pick the most egregious joints (like the Seuss Landings places)
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Are any of the water parks in the Anaheim/LA area (like Knott's Soak City) worth visiting or not?
It's one of the things Disney have leapfrogged them at.

Didn't have a bad meal at Disneyland, the Tiana's gumbo was far nicer than I was expecting (albeit with a stingy portion) and the Pym and Star Wars meals were very good. Only negative I had was the otherwise very nice halloween dole whip turning my shit green
>Hopefully at some point Universal will go over all their legacy food places and update them.
That's exactly what they're doing, Mel's and the Seuss restaurant were updated pretty recently
We ate at Circus McGurkus on an extremely busy day a few months ago and the restaurant was dead. I thought the food was decent for what it was. They designed it for mobile ordering, although an attendant did take our order because we were confused. Universal and Disney really need to rethink this bullshit or they're going to get empty restaurants (especially Universal more so than Disney because Disney has too many crazy loyalists who learn all these things)
Does every fast food style place in Universal use the same fries? I didn't go to multiple on my latest trip, but the fries I got from that Fireeaters place at Islands of Adventure were really good.
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>disney world board game
They should have made it a modified version of this game and raced to see who could finish first. It has action cards where you can send other players or yourself to go to specific locations or where ever you choose. That would actually be entertaining to play I should bring that up next time we go to Magic Kingdom.
It's disturbing how slutty the dress code is for kids these days. Even in regular parks there's the cheer kids practically half naked.
Magic bands have been painfully under-utilised for interactivity, especially compared to how universal do it.

Not sure you could do Mario land type stuff at Disney with their queues though. They've got the interactive game around PotC (complete with Monkey Island on the soundtrack) but that doesn't get busy because it's kept semi-secret.
>Magic Kingdom
>Sleeping Beauty Castle
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Holy kino
Probably a merge of the two considering it has the MK/TDL mansion
It's also got the Californian Big Thunder.
Unironically why doesn't Disney's fastpass program just work like Universal's where you just pay a ton of money and then you get to wait in shorter lines? That seems like such a superior system that makes more people happy. I don't want to be stressed out and scrolling through my phone all day.
Are there a lot of South Americans at the Orlando parks??
Ideal scenario (probably couldnt work, i havent thought this through) is virtual queues and every ride gets a virtual queue. Guests cannot double dip, this is so that people aren't inflating waits by essentially waiting in two lines at once. In other words you shouldn't be allowed to rope drop peter pan and enter the Tron VQ while you're in line. You have to either enter the physical line for the ride when you're called or cancel your entry before you can make a new one. This gives a "punishment" for entering a VQ instead of making it an optional bonus (which inflates the wait to ride) which is how it seemed to be when I used it.
But this idea is very tech reliant and Disney tech sucks so the more I think about it the more this sounds like a hellish experience. I'm also imagining how aggrivating it would be for new guests who might spend a long time waiting to be called by VQ, unable to ride anything until then so they're just wandering around seeing the lack-luster non-attraction(?) activities. Even though it's objectively better than actually waiting in the physical queue I can see people getting upset and feeling locked out.
The lines created by fastpass are already bad enough imagine if the paypigs had full reign to ride however they want. Its intentionally annoying and cumbersome to use because its a deterrent against using what you paid for and its retrofitting an old load distribution system. They are also afraid of charging more even if theyre providing something better. Imagine if some influencer told families that if they want to enjoy a day at the parks they needed to cough up $150 for a one day ticket and then another $100 plus per person to be able to ride shit. Even existing as an option over whatever genie plus is called now would cause too much of a problem. There was a small window during the chinky flu era where fastpass was gone entirely and the parks were allowing more people back in that was perfect for ride enthusiasts. Sub 30 minute waits for everything but with enough people around that it didnt feel like a ghost town. They almost managed to keep people off their phones during that period but they fucked it up making everything mobile order only.
Didn't Volcano Bay try this when it first opened and it led to 90% of guest lounging in the lazy river because no one could do shit. This idea would shaft everyone who doesn't have a smart phone like the current virtual queues already do. Yes the employees, or heavens forbid a kiosk being occupied by a disgruntled tech illiterate retard, could help you get them but youre stuck waiting in a line behind 30 other schmucks who are a mix of poor saps like yourself and retards thinking they can sweet talk the cast members. Meanwhile every available line slot for the next 5 hours have already been taken. All this ignores his original complaint of being glued to your phone if you want to min-max your trip.
>Didn't Volcano Bay try this when it first opened and it led to 90% of guest lounging in the lazy river because no one could do shit.
Yes but you have to understand they're swimming in a lazy river instead of standing in line. That's the problem I alluded to, even though you're able to do more it *feels* like you're not doing anything.

But you're correct, it's not at all friendly to people who don't want/can't use their phones.
Is Lorcana fun and/or worth playing at all? I assume the answer is no but I've never really heard anyone talk about it one way or another
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It’s fun on a casual level with starter decks. It’s relatively new, so to play competitively is expensive and games can be outright unwinnable when you don’t have the new shiny stuff.
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Well at Volcano Bay the virtual queues were facilitated via e-ink wristbands you received when you enter and returned once you exit.
God damn, DisneySea is so fucking aesthetic. I've got a kid on the way, and I wish I could bring them there easily rather than the raped corpse that Disney World is becoming.
I don't know if such a solution would be manageable at the scale of a regular park (as in handing them out and getting them back at the end of the day). But pager functionality would give magicbands a reason to exist (as opposed to just using the keycards).
All of my knowledge of how magicbands work is outdated so forgive me if they changed significantly recently but:
-Redesign the magicbands to function like the Volcano bay bands but with removeable/swappable tech
-you can still sell $40 plastic bracelets with different patterns
-removeable tech lets you swap out at guest services if it breaks or dies, without losing your favorite band
-add the cost of the bands to price of admission so people can bring them home
-if you bring your old functioning band you dont have to pay for a new one

Feel free to poke holes in this idea, just brainstorming.

At the end of the day no utopian virtual queue solution will work at most Disney parks which already have overcapacity problems. You'd need to build from the ground up with minimal queuing in mind. But if anyone knows any parks that do something like this let me know I'm curious
>thing, Japan
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Disney introduced MagicBands+ in 2022 which light up and vibrate in sync with several attractions and shows but require charging.
They also updated the Park apps to let you just add the tickets to your phone wallet and smartwatch though which makes MagicBands kinda redundant.
>This idea would shaft everyone who doesn't have a smart phone
Who would be able to afford a trip to a Disney park but not also afford a smartphone of some kind?
more like
>thing with no budget restrictions
>Who would be able to afford a trip to a Disney park but not also afford a smartphone of some kind?
It's not so much about not being able to afford one but it's actually kind of inconvenient to rely on phones for this stuff. Let's say you have kids and they want to split off for a little while and go on a ride or two without grownups but they don't have a phone. Magic bands are just more accessible

This but unironically
Yes. Even ignoring the theming of DisneySea, the Japanese parks have better maintenance, better staff, cheaper prices, rides that haven't been butchered due to politics, a better FastPass system, and a more well-behaved visitor base. I didn't see a any lardasses on scooters, customers yelling at staff for retarded reasons, or experience a single breakdown in my three days there. The only thing WDW has going for it over TDR is the number of parks and the fact that they sell ride specific merchandise.
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Just got a job as a ride operator at Cedar Point, but I received a text saying the housing was at capacity and that I could apply for the wait list.

Is it realistic for a spot to open up after I do the onboarding?
I can sleep in my car for a few days, but if it's random chance, I'll have to withdraw my application.
It's more than this, compare how often people talk about Tokyo DisneySea/Disneyland to Universal Studios Osaka

They don't want to destroy the VIP tour profits
You should probably ask them that. Or ask somebody who works there. I’m surprised they’re at capacity considering the main season is over and the international workers and college students have mostly left. But they are advertising $20/hr for Halloweekends on the main page of their website.
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Yeah, I planned on calling them tomorrow as well, but I have a feeling I won't get a direct answer.
I also checked forums like pointbuzz and even reddit, but everything is either dead or has no information on the subject.

>I’m surprised they’re at capacity considering the main season is over and the international workers and college students have mostly left.
Exactly why I'm here. I can't tell if they're actually full or not.
My orientation/onboarding is on Saturday, so I only have 3 days to figure out if its worth the 8 hour drive or not.
Working at an amusement park is not worth sleeping in your car or driving 8 hours for. If you don't get an answer from them, withdraw. Try again next season if you really want to.
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If I'm planning an Anaheim/LA theme park trip with flights and hotel next June, how early should I be booking stuff?
Also how do I get hold of Knott's and Six Flags MM tickets in the UK? The attraction ticket sites only do Disney and Universal.
Just got back from an LA holiday, I left a lot of stuff last minute (few weeks out) and the only thing that really stung me was the lhr parking (£160). Flight prices didn't change that much, only availability. Book the flights first as that's the most important thing, ideally wait for a BA sale, You can get prices down to around £350 return pp with careful shopping but probably going to pay ~£500.

My return BA flight had a shitload of people getting bumped (a group before me dropping off bags in First class got bumped, how the fuck do you oversell first class?), if you don't pre-book seats, make sure you check in online ASAP for the flights. LAX Security on landing is a shitshow, took over 2 hours to get through it. Make sure the person booking the car hire has a credit card (not a debit card), even if they've paid in advance, unless you want to get fucked in the arse with poorly explained fees.

Hotels did sell out so I suggest doing those a month or 2 before. If you want to stay at a Disney hotel, they're kinda weird on when they open up availability (but they're fuck off expensive anyway). I stayed at the Good Nite Inn Buena Park which was very cheap and acceptable quality, was around the corner Knotts and a 15 minutes (in morning LA traffic) from Disney with easy access to the i5/i10. Also had a really good, cheap diner outside it that did great breakfasts.

Strongly consider a second hotel for Parks around or north of Hollywood. Took me 75 minutes in the mornings and LA traffic is something else, constant queueing whilst also requiring you to move over multiple lanes frequently at stupidly short notice (everyone around you constantly does suicidal lane changes). It's stressful.

Think you'll just have to book direct on the US sites for those parks. You'll get printable tickets or app tickets anyway.
I can't drive so I'm planning to use rideshare apps (and maybe public transport). I figure it would be slightly cheaper overall than hiring a car anyway if you factor in fuel and parking.
>Good Nite Inn Buena Park
I'm currently considering the DoubleTree Buena Park since someone in a previous thread recommended it. GoodNite looks like it'll be at least £400 cheaper though so I'll keep it in mind.
>ideally wait for a BA sale
How often do those occur?
They're pretty frequent, couple of weeks between sales but some sales only focus on upgraded seats.
Hmm ok, I already have a Google Flights alarm set so I'll wait to see that.
Chilling out around mainstreet having a cake and a drink is so comfy. Shame they're gradually reducing outside seating more and more. They really don't like you people watching
I feel like it has to do with crowd control during Happily Ever After. I like that show but I hate what it does to navigating the park. If you want to get a decent view you have to stand for like an hour and deal with the headache of moving through crowds. We just didn't care anymore and watched on the Frontierland boardwalk, which now is going away eventually.
The park needs more chill areas and more activities that aren't just rides. Going back to the conversation of dealing with lines and fastpasses, if there was just a bit more to do besides going on rides and eating it would be easier to have a pleasant experience instead of fighting for rope drops and lunch hours.
Night shows are a massive bottleneck at all the parks and it's going to get worse at Magic Kingdom with two new e-tickets coming to increase capacity. Not sure what they can do. Add some rooftop seating to Mainstreet? Do some minor landscraping and create a bit of subtle tiered seating in front of the castle? Add more alternative night shows to split the crowds?

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