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Is going to Europe even worth it nowadays? Is there anything to do in Europe or is it just some expensive historical amusement park? Why should I go there when Japan is on discount and I know what I am getting in Asia. Or I could be cooming in Africa with rapacious village women. The only good thing is that it is close to Africa< I think. Are the Romanian whores worth it? I don't want it to be an antisocial experience with boring whytppl which is what Europe sounds like.
Yeah man why go to Place when you can go to Place: Japan. Hey, have you seen the new Not Just Bikes content about how Japanese urbanism is peak? You totally should, it's the best country in the world, greater even than the Netherlands.
>Not Just Bikes content about how Japanese urbanism
OK... Say I got to Holland or Netherlands or Dutch or whatever confusing as fuck country and walk around some canals with some people whizzing by on bikes and eat at a cafe with blonde women and Nigerians and wow a weed brownie and then stare at a roastie in a glass window? Is that a real holiday? Hmmmm...
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Tough to enjoy Europe on my poorfag budget of $1000/month, when rooms start at $30/night across the continent. I chose to cruise around middle America in my camper van instead of hopping over to Europe. Woke up in a hundred different serene forest campsites, toked up all the top-shelf weed I wanted, cooked delicious campstove meals, walked miles of sandy beaches, bathed in crystal-clear lakes, and even with $800 in repair expenses, still came in under budget. My grandfather left Europe in 1949 for a damn good reason, who am I to second-guess him and go back?
That's nice but I already live like a hermit and want a social experience. Going out in America is pointless and actually, I'm like really tired of driving. I don't even want a car anymore. So, it's straight to the alleys of Europe and FKK sauna, but is it all it's cracked up to be?.. Maybe I could find a music festival. I think it will all be cringe AF but what do I know? That's why I came here, for tips and tricks!
>Are the Romanian whores worth it?
They're kind of hit or miss since they're "Romanian", you could get the best BJ of your life or you could get chased out of their slum building half naked by their father/brother/husband
>greater even than the Netherlands.
The only appeal to asia for me was jbw/exotic factor and lack of normie pozz. Neither of these things are really there anymore and its become a reddit amusement park. Europe is for people who enjoy real history and actual architecture not basedscapers and kslop cutesy shopping malls.
Yeah I think it’s over.

Waaay too many tourists, waaay too many DNs and yuppy expats, waaay too many migrants. It’s so bad that there are lones just to walk down the street like in epcot. It’s a glorified RPG amusement park and nobody even really lives there anymore besides migrant centers and yuppy expats/DNs.

Then there’s the americanization. My god it is SO BAD. You cant tell locals apart from american tourists anymore because they all speak perfect american english with eachother now. It ruins the culture. No reason to experience a “foreign culture” anymore when it’s not a foreign culture- just an American variant.

I found better continents to go travel, but i’m not sharing it. I don’t want the same crap to happen. Fuck americans, fuck what they’ve done to europe, and fuck europe since it’s not “europe” anymore.

It’s epcot.
You just described europe. Instagram/tiktok and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Nope. Definitely don't go to Europe. It's poo poo and there's brown people. Stay in muttland and never leave your containment zone for the betterment of all of us (and you of course).
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Oh please, tell me what "history" and "architecture" exists in Europe. You have nothing like the silk road ruins in Samarkand or Khiva, no massive dark souls forts on cliffs like you have in India, no shaolin temples amongst avatar mountains like in China.
Europe just covers their decaying 600 year old buildings with LGBT and twerking blacks, Paris is like a dystopian movie IRL with a dead civilization being occupied by blacks and arabs on the street level.
>implying that mutts won’t just go to better parts of the world
switzerland and norway are
Sounds real to me desu
Learn to relax
Slight difference there buddy. One is about history, culture, society, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, speaking a foreign language, meeting new and different people. The other is almost the opposite - an easy, solitary life close to nature that only has challenges for your basic needs. Don't get me wrong, I moved to the mountain west for that kind of life, but trust me, you want to experience a more sophisticated culture occasionally. Even if it is only to know that people do live like that, you will appreciate what you have even more.
I'll give you a real answer. If you go to cities like Rome, Barcelona, Prague, Paris or Amsterdam in the middle of summer, you'll probably have a good time, but you will have to deal with massive throngs of tourists. If you plan smart and go in late September, the crowds are a 1/3rd of what you'd see in the summer, and the weather is better. You can absolutely have an experience where you get off the beaten path and maybe meet some locals. Instead of Rome, go to Lucca. Instead of Prague, go to Pilsen and Czesky Krumlov. Instead of Paris, go to Annecy and Chambery. If you have to do a summer trip, go to the Swiss Alps and hike. It's a different crowd up there. You won't see the fat loudmouthed Brits and Germans on top of mountains.
America is a shit country. Even Europe's nature makes ours look like shit despite us having more of it. The idea that an American would ask if Europe is worth traveling to is fucking hilarious (and yes I am American). You cannot go to Germany and come home without realizing the reason Americans are retarded is because they're surrounded by ugliness and shitty multicultural/Anglo culture. One night in a Bavarian town or city would lead to you experiencing more beauty and life than you ever have in your entire life. I don't even consider this place a real country desu. The entire place is a joke.
Western Europe capitals are becoming americanized shit. Central and eastern europe have basically pristine no-crime towns full of amazing cheap food. Unfortunately that too will probably be gone within 100 years but yes its there. I only spent a day in america, in Seattle and i was terrified to see black people selling weed in the middle of day in a park, people on the streets, the stench of weed everywhere and just garbage laying all around streets. Honestly felt like walking into a third world country. Also women were exceedingly ugly and degoid of femininity. A 7/10 in europe feels like a 10/10 in usa.
You spent 1 day in the US in one city and suddenly you're the world's leading expert in a country that's the same size as Europe. You're a moron.
Please do go to the "better" parts of the world like the USA. So much to see! Why travel outside of it? Better to just go to every state and then maybe you can leave for Canada on a little international trip when you're 80 :D
Define expensive? I took a bunch of 6-12 hour tours that took me outside of Barcelona for under 200$ on average and got to see alot of the countryside, museums, and costal towns...

Don't know where you plan on going but places like Italy and Spain have clubs that open at midnight and close at 6am... where you got this "anti-social" thing from? people are typically nice it's just the waiters who are assholes. As for the whores I'm pretty sure prostitution is legal in the EU and most of them are Eastern European so you don't have to go all the way to Romania. Biggest complaint I heard from backpackers was that Paris is overcrowded and dangerous.
>Are the Romanian whores worth it?
I dont know tell me about it
hundreds of threads maintained by whores themselves with hundreds of opinions, they dont even censor their faces
is the main Europe wide site, but consider age, verification and reviews fake. It's always better to use country specific sites and forums for info, if a country doesn't have those then assume the market is complete shit.
Nice pic, anon. Where's that at? Cape Cod?
Don't go to trashy parts of America if you don't want to see trashy people. Americans are very self-segregating, and will leave any area that lowlifes begin taking over.
Charlevoix, Michigan
Some people have a taste for social refinement, they get off on seeing cathedrals and fancy old buildings. Others prefer pigging out on 20 baht street snacks as the pinnacle of cultural experience. I'm one of the latter people.
Europe is very shitty and mediocre. I honestly think the only reason why it's rated so highly is because white people are racist and will only go to countries they think are white.
europe is made of first world countries, retard
t. american
You seem mentally challenged.
This edgelord speak is really getting out of hand. At some point trying to be suave and edgy turns into unintelligible gibberish.
What a load of crap. South Euros do absolutely not speak perfect English. People speak their own language however we've incorporated english words into our daily use. Migrant issue really depends on where you go. Anyhow you won't find a non multiculti big city in America either. Prague, Budapest, Warsaw are still pretty void of migrants i'd say.

But do please stay on your "other" continents buddy. You sound like a retard.
>You cant tell locals apart from american tourists anymore because they all speak perfect american english with eachother now
Ok so you give me 20 zl kurwa and I give you kebab?

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