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Sunset edition

Previous thread >>2667437

Who is in the country now? Who wants to do a meetup?
I really liked the Taipei Zoo. I saw an elephant and a giraffe and a panda for the first.
I’ve been using Google Translate because people don’t speak English very well, unless you go to a student area, but Google Translate isn’t always right. For example, at cafes they want to know if you want the drink for here or to go. Google Translate says the phrase is 在這裡或離開 (Zài zhèlǐ huò líkāi) which maybe is the literal translation or used on the mainland or something. But what they say here is 內用還是外帶 (nèi yòng hái shì wài dài). If you want to stay you say 內用 and if you want it to go you say 外帶.

Chinese is the hardest language I’ve learned by far. At least Japanese is easy to pronounce! And Spanish and French you already know a decent chunk of the vocab just by learning English.
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Anon needs advice on hiking up a mountain.
My plan is to hike up to Xueshan Main Peak using the Holy Ridge trail. I'll take the cab to the start at like 2-4am and start walking up carrying some water, phone and a power bank. I read that you could do it in around 9-13 hours, which seems fine.

Is this a good idea to do solo?
Do you need a permit or something else? I noticed for some trails on the gov website that a permit is required along with GPS/SOS equipment, but didn't understand if it applied here.
>Repost since last thread died
i do
where do you guys look to rent a nice 1-2 bedroom in taipei?
I will stay in Taipei for 5 days in November. Which area of Taipei should I stay in for convenient shopping and sightseeing? I will only walk and use the subway.
Anything somewhat central near red line MRT is prob your best bet, it hits a lot of the more popular tourist sites. Taipei main station is a bit of a zoo and easy to get lost in at first, so something a stop or two away might work better for a first timer.
I want to check out Taiwan this fall or winter because there are surprisingly cheap direct flights from my country, but aside from all the daytime touristy stuff, is there anything resembling decent nightlife - especially for solo travelers - in/around the city or am I gonna be SOL? I like pretty much anything from decent restaurants to nightclubs, strippers, whatever. Not so much a fan of just drinking at bars and appreciating the ambiance or whatever, though.
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Not right now sadly, got a few things to get in order before I go back. Where are you at ?
Also, I think it's time we start putting a few pastebins on this general. People keep asking the same "what to do in Taiwan/taipei" thing. I'll think of something.

As a rule, I wouldn't use google translate for communication (i would use it for a quick translator though). DeepL is slightly better, and ChatGPT is the go-to if you want to make sure you're getting it right.

And yes, the taiwanese say a lot of things slightly differently from the mainland, that is one of them. Same goes with how they call an MRT station. They're also on the polite side and a lot of them use 您 the same way a french would use "vous" or a spanish "usted".

>Chinese is hard
The big problem with chinese is the skillcap required to be able to hold an actual conversation, which in turns makes it incredibly frustrating to learn on your own. Other than that, and provided you skip the part where you have to write characters ad infinitum, it isn't shockingly hard.
See picrel. Order of letters is arbitrary and i'll go counter-clockwise.
C is "the place to be" when it comes to taipei. A good thing is to start at Taipei 101 which basically is a big mall that goes all the way to city hall. From there, walk around Area A which is nice and fancy. This is the only place in Taipei that only ever slightly looks like a megacity.

F gets a special mention because it's where Guanghua digital plaza is. There's nothing else that is particularly interesting there however and is just a continuation of area A.

Area E contains Ximen and the area near Taipei Main Station. Taipei Main Station is gigantic, spanning multiple malls and commercial areas underneath the station you can enter via Zhongshan, Beimen or TMS itself. As for Ximen, best place to be in the entirety of Taiwan, which puts it high on the list of best places to be in Asia itself if you can believe it. Great night market, great neighborhood, lots of shopping, lots of good food. Also happens to have a corner with a couple of gay bars near the MRT if you're into this, but it is hidden in a corner and is pretty discreet.

D and and partly B are very student-oriented since they include the campuses of both NTU and NTNU. This is where students live, and the bars have a lot of foreigners hanging out here. This is also where you can grab a bike and ride along the xindian river. I would highly suggest you take your hotel either here, near Gongguan or Taipower building. Either way, good food, good bars, and it's just nice to hang out there.

>why is dingxi crossed
Because Dingxi is around Yonghe which is outside of the city itself and there isn't much to do around there. which leads me to
>what about the outside areas, banqiao, yuanshan, xizhi, xindian
They're suburbs, so feel free to go to if you've got time to waste.
>Anything else in the taipei area ?
Shilin night market is good, Keelung's night market is worth a visit also.
there is a decent nightlife not unlike Tokyo's in Taipei, and the music is slightly better. Definitely check the FB groups.

Welcome to Asia. Check the FB groups or Airbnb.
im starting to plan a /twg/ meetup, but I don't really know any good places for such a thing in Taipei.

good map
the more time I spend here the more I like it. it didn't hit me right away like Tokyo did. that felt right at home coming from another big city. but now I love the green mountains and the birds and such here yes
Tokyo stands in complete opposition of that, the urban sprawl of taiwan being very discontinuous with most districts in new taipei city being made of 50% mountains and forests. Compare that to Tokyo, NYC, HK, and you get why people are just more chill.

I remember when I was chilling with my ex in Xindian. We went to the closest wet market, and along with the usual shops and sellers you could find old couples just chilling and selling 5, 6-7 tomatoes -shit from their own garden. We'd take a portable gas stove, go on the roof, cook shit and have a nap right then and there.

By late afternoon we'd go to xiaobitan and bike there till sunset, all the way to the riverside bars by Gongguan station.

Taipei is super nice during winter.
comfy. why did you break up? sounds like a good relationship. rolling stone?
good luck
Holy fuck I hate the "sidewalks" in Taiwan
No, it's just that taiwanese women are either the nicest and most level headed of asian women or the most insane and borderline personalities pretending to be the former for a while until dysfunction rears its ugly head. When she started throwing an actual child tantrum because the 7/11 near where I lived had the young female clerks be super chatty with me (which they are because i'm literally the only one that ever does small talk while waiting for his coffee, sometimes cracking a few dad jokes in chinese as I learned a few in the language), I decided to get the fuck out before she cuts my balls off and shove them in her own cunt out of sheer jealousy.

Mind you, it's not so much the tantrum itself than the contrast between what was her usual elegant and patrician demeanor and the absolute batshit insane regression to a screaming, shouting, crying mess. I've dated emotional people, but that wasn't emotion- rather literal psychosis. And before you codependent fucks think of ways to have any kind of compassion towards these people, remember that they aren't doing this because they love you. They do this because they strongly believe they alone are entitled to you in every single aspect of life. You're like a toy and a status symbol they do not want to share with others, not a lover they're afraid to let go. Their pleas for you to come back and subsequent threats of suicide are merely the output of a mental algorithm made to keep you as theirs as long as possible. But at the end of the day, they do not give a fuck about you. The only intimate interaction you should ever have with these people should be under a fake name. Nobody knows my real name in Taiwan and it's better that way.

I know my reply is extreme and TMI, but I'm only dumping this here because this is also a cautionary tale for many people trying to seek love in East Asia. People like these aren't uncommon. Especially when you consider the people that are okay with dating with foreigners.
That literally means "here or leave". Mainland would usually say 堂食还是带走 or 外带
I miss my Taiwanese friends.
Only 81 days left...
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What's wrong with them, other than the fact that they also function as motorbike parking?
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Jiaoxi was my favorite little city in Taiwan. It's a hot spring resort town in Yilan County. Virtually no white foreigners there. Five minutes from my hotel to the train station, five minutes the other way and I'm climbing a traffic-free mountain road through riotous greenery, with views of the city's highrises and the valley beyond.
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Keelung was also quite appealing, albeit being one of the cloudiest cities in Asia.
Yep, the night market is an intense experience, very crowded.
Tons of people are out at night in the hip districts, that's for sure.
>super nice during winter
If 12 C and overcast skies are your idea of "super nice", kek. The south end of the island is much more pleasant during the cooler months.
that's rough anon but you dodged a bullet. so many guys end up trying to pretend it's not a problem, then they get shacked up with kids and become a sad foreigner ghost. good story.

you're coming back? how long were you here last time to have so many friends?


in small neighborhoods the typical motorbike crowded sidewalks are no problem, likewise for Taipei the biggest streets go upgraded by the dictatorship for aesthetic purposes so traveling in that city by car or subway is quite easy.

but other cities like taichung or Tainan that never received beautification projects have these super crowded neighborhoods that are borderline slums if people didn't take such good care of them. in those neighborhoods there is nowhere to walk safely because the inner pavilion is taken up by the shopkeepers and cooks and the outer pavilion is taken up by the motorbikes. and if you are brave enough to walk outside the motorbikes there is a river of cars and motorbikes about to run you over. so I understand what anon means.

like I said Taipei handles the problem pretty well but the second cities certain neighborhoods are not fun to walk in at all, and feel quite dangerous even as a pedestrian.
I'm going to go now, thanks (I'm a white foreigner).

i was there three months last time, i posted in the last thread

i made friends through dating apps since i don't go to bars or clubs or approach people
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How big or little is Halloween in Taiwan? Going to be stuck there for a while due to some work maintenance till Oct 2nd.

Is it worth picking up some cheap shit from Donki while in Japan or nah? Not sure how big a deal it is there
Like the other anon said, they're fine in the inner city, but outside there's practically no sidewalk since it's used for parking.
I'm in Hsinchu and walked to a temple yesterday; every sidewalk was used for parking so I had to jump around like I was doing an obstacle course and walk on the road with cars and scooters. Occasionally I switched to the other side of the road when there was more space.
The curvy hillside roads were also a bit sketchy to walk on, but actually better in comparison
which apps does anon use?
oh yeah I remember you. sorry for not scheduling a meetup. too bad we didn't get to meet.
bumble and tinder, but make more friends with bumble.
ah no worries, I'm not comfortable meeting anyone from 4chan anyway, even though you seem really decent

so how is it that family mart workers don't blow their brains out after hearing that fucking jingle thousands of times a day?
>that's rough anon but you dodged a bullet. so many guys end up trying to pretend it's not a problem, then they get shacked up with kids and become a sad foreigner ghost. good story.
Not really. These neurotic women don't ever get shacked up, and dudes always end up getting the fuck out. It's locals that try to carry on with these crazy bitches, which is why they literally all have affairs.
Which is also why so many of them turn to foreigners.

>Taipei handles the problem pretty well
On main roads, maybe. Lanes pavements are absolute shit when they exist. You just *know* some of that shit was made by Japan some 80 years ago. It looks like it even.

Bro really went to hide in bumfuck nowhere, aka Yilan County just so he could avoid the 10 white dudes living outside of Zhongzheng District. kek
Granted, the place is absolutely gorgeous.
My point exactly. It's 12°, not the negatives we've got back home nor the whopping 30° of Singapore. And thank God for clouds, I want me that Blade Runner feel by 5pm.
Anyone got any info on the fishing regulations here? I can't find any details about fishing licenses or size requirements of fish
Saw a bunch of people just fishing off the beach on the west coast, seemed chill. As we were swimming in the waters lots of fish were jumping about so it seemed quite active.
Just do your thing bro, there are basically no regulations from what a friend said, and if there are, no one cares nor gives a fuck. A lot of people will disregard the no fishing sign thats right there. A quick google search basically confirmed what he said.
Granted, I highly suggest you don't go to the specifically forbidden areas, since you're probably not an old chinese dude in his fifties.
I know you can't fish within Taipei City limits, I've seen some signs on the river, but New Taipei seems to be alright. That being said I agree with >>2707564, I have seen some fishermen in the city but they were being very discrete, no fishing pole, just casting some line and bait straight in to the canal. The fishing in the city is no good anyway, there are so many fish in the river it's not challenge and you would never want to eat any of them given how much caca flows in to the rivers here.
okay I looked this up a bit and it seems like generally speaking no license is required unlike America. so you can basically fish wherever you want unless it's a national park, marine conservation area, public swimming beach, etc. if you don't see a sign clearly posted that says "no fishing" it seems like it's okay to fish anywhere in the country. I have seen lots of interesting species here.
Wow, another person in Hsinchu. Wonder if we've ever unknowingly crossed paths. I actually quite like biking and walking around Hsinchu, the old town area near the train station I mean.
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>about to run you over
anon, is this your first time in Asia? relax, nobody's gonna run you over if you're walking along the roadside. you've gotta get used to motorbikes passing close by to you or turning in front of your path. if you startle easily, walk facing traffic, and always glance back to notice turning traffic before crossing an intersection. don't behave unpredictably, and don't listen to music. your sense of hearing becomes remarkably astute after enough time walking on Asian streets. after enough time, you will be able to judge a vehicle's size by its sound and step aside if necessary to give it room to pass, all without even glancing back.
I've almost been hit by scooters a few times. And I watch the news in Taiwan you know! Every night the main stories of the night are about scooter crashes and car crashes!
Bro this is spot on, but also with the acknowledgement that since you're a foreigner you will always be somewhat of a caricature in their mind until they decide if they want to continue to imitate you or not. SEA girls will commit to you for life straightforwardly but only if they adore you. In some cases, her family will not accept it (saying this as a white guy).
>Bro this is spot on, but also with the acknowledgement that since you're a foreigner you will always be somewhat of a caricature in their mind until they decide if they want to continue to imitate you or not. SEA girls will commit to you for life straightforwardly but only if they adore you. In some cases, her family will not accept it (saying this as a white guy).

I think it's pretty obvious that women that look for foreigners are really looking for an idea of a foreigner first and foremost, with the two most likely scenarios being that either 1) the idea is close enough to reality or 2) it isn't and that's when the problems arise, from the weird shit the other dude said to simply break ups and arguments. This is true of all intercultural relationships where someone dates a person that is foreign to them. (Note that i'm not talking necessarily about interracial relationships since a 2nd gen immigrant whose lived in the country all their lives are probably very aware of what being a citizen of this country entails culturally and identity-wise and thus rarely fall in these pitfalls). All of this is very abstract, but to give a few examples, the belief that all foreigners are rich or that charisma comes naturally to a white guy or any stereotype pertaining to behaviors.

>SEA girls will commit to you for life straightforwardly but only if they adore you.
The healthiest relationships are ironically stemming from a third scenario where both (yes, it takes two to tango you fucking retards, you probably went in with your fair share of cliches too if you're a foreigner) realize that you can still love each other despite not being what each other expected. But that rarely ever happens because most people are tards.

I obviously do not suffer this, since I am the absolute apex of what a based stereotypical white man chad is supposed to be.
Is Keelung worth a visit?
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I heard they have a good night market. and it's a cool looking city. lots of beaches and mountain towns nearby too. if you want to check out the north coast I recommend going to Badouzi. supposedly it's haunted by witches or something, I don't know what the name comes from. but I've been there before. beautiful coastline, there are some japanese colonial ruins closely to explore too. and it's technically an MRT stop too. makes a great day trip from Taipei on a warm or hot day.
Maybe! I haven't been here for long, but I usually walk about a lot in the eastern district, and some places there are comfy, in particular the 18 peaks. Putian temple park appeared closed when I was there sadly.
Yesterday I walked to Zhubei night market which was alright, but I think I'll go check out the area near the city god temple today.
How safe does biking feel? I'm kinda iffy about the safety of it but it just seems so convenient
comfy I should go check out Hsinchu sometime I always thought it was just boring office buildings and factories
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Cool shot, anon. It sure wasn't this sunny up there in April. There are so many nooks and crannies to explore on the north coast, shame I was such a lazy shit when I visited and didn't do any real exploring. Ruifang was cool, they have an indoor street market that was very crowded and challenging for a non-Chinese speaker, as usual. Picrel is along the rail trail outside Ruifang that follows the river through tunnels. Very peaceful in those damp green hills. Taiwan gotta be one of the most walkable countries on Earth as far as access to nature goes.
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Another shot of the river in Ruifang.
>Taiwan gotta be one of the most walkable countries on Earth as far as access to nature goes.
That's why I love it so much. The weather has been pretty shite this week. Hopefully you'll get a few days of sun on your trip. But a local told me that the northeast of the island has the worst weather because the jet stream comes down from Russia to there. He said the mountains block the jet stream from the rest of the country and that's why it's a little less humid on the west coast.

How have you been learning to speak? I haven't found any good options for Chinese.
>wake up
>get coffee
not really Taiwan has the lowest total fertility rate in the world. if your goal is to have kids this country is like playing on nightmare mode.
>Third time in Taiwan visa-exempt for 90 days
Feels good man.
seems like you like it
I am considering going here to check it out
I don't speak any mandarin and don't really have much purpose outside of hiking, eating food, meeting ladies/friends, chilling out
>8 hour layover in Taiwan
Fuck I'm kind of excited. Wanted to check out Taiwan many years ago but just couldn't at the time.

I'm probably going to take the early morning train into Taipei and just wander around a bit in the morning until about noon.
Is there anything in particular people really like for a quick stop? A favorite cafe or deli, bar, coomstop, etc whatever.

If I get good vibes from people in Taiwan I will likely make a dedicated trip for a couple months or so this winter.
You could take the subway to Taipei 101 and hike Elephant Mountain for the million dollar view. No good restaurants around the area though; maybe walk from Taipei Main Station to Datong district for either cheap local breakfast or ultra-bourgeois coffee bars.
Honestly what I would do is set up a YouBike account and just fuck around on a bicycle for a few hours.
He's right. Next time I'll hone in on Kaohsiung. It was 29 C and sunshine every day in April down there. What bothers me in Taiwan is not the lack of English, but the apparent unwillingness of so many Taiwanese to communicate at all with foreigners who don't speak Chinese. "Please go away, your business is not worth the hassle of dealing with you", their body language seemed to say. Maybe it was just me, IDK. Ended up eating quite poorly in the country as a result.

I don't think so I watched NJB and he really lays it out how much people still rely on cars to nearly an American level of brain damage
you can see a lot in 8 hours. this is what I'd do:
>Taipei 101
>Chiang Kai Shek memorial hall and liberty square
>longshan temple and ximending
that's pretty much a snapshot of all Taiwan in one afternoon
they are like French you have to at least open the conversation in broken mandarin to get anywhere unless you're in Taipei in the younger areas
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There's many good reasons to own a car. Air conditioning, protection from violent rainstorms, the ability to haul large quantities of goods with ease, higher social status among your peers, ability to live in a more desirable part of the city far from noisy roads. In no way do any of these reasons infer a reliance on automobile transportation as in American suburbs.
What are some good Taiwanese day hikes?
Elephant Mountain obviously is the quickest but still a good hike. You can hike Qixingshan in 3-4 hours roundtrip and you can get there by bus from Taipei.
such a good rundown anon, wish the Korea/Thailand threads had posts of this quality and not just coomer drivel
I've heard good things about Zhongshan and Zhongxiao Dunhua, are they studenty like Shida/Gongguan or more in line with with Ximen?
zhongshan is like the arts district. there are art galleries, and some museums of where famous artists used to live, a sculpture garden, lots of high quality cafes and pastry shops. feels kind of Parisian or something. not like Ximen at all even though you could walk there from Ximen in 15 minutes.

all of the neighborhoods in Taipei have the same look because of the urban design but once you sniff around a little you'll see each one has its own identity. it's not like Tokyo though where you get off at Shimokitazawa and there's practically signs saying "HERE IS WHERE WE CONTAIN THE ARTISTS AND BOHEMIANS, PLEASE ENJOY YOUR STAY!"
I don't know why Taiwan attracts a better quality of tourist than Korea/thailand. I think Taiwan just has an iffy reputation in the west. when I tell Americans I have visited here they ask me why I want to get bombed by China or something like this. people who are desperate coomers know to go to Thailand or Philippines. people who are weeaboos or Kpop Stans know to go to Japan or Korea. but Taiwan's reputation in the west has never really solidified for some reason. maybe it's because the country has been changing so rapidly over the last few decades, I don't know.
Will be visiting Taiwan with gf in first half of November, looking to
* chill on a beach
* chill in hot springs
* maybe some light hiking
* buy some good oolong
preferably with good nature views and as few people as possible. Can anyone recommend what places I should look into?
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Hualien has a beautiful oceanfront bike path (picrel), but the beaches are kinda rocky. You've gotta go out of the city to get to some beautiful remote sandy beaches. The city center is traditional Taiwan, cramped and often cluttered. Feels quite a step down compared to Taipei's modernity. The city bus service is poor, but if you wait long enough, a bus will come eventually. There is a huge weekend night market near the ocean.
Get off the train at Fulong in Gongliao District. It's a small, sedate village with a great beach. There is a hot spring sauna in the village. Food selection isn't the best, however.
Sorry, missed that part. The northeast is rainy and chilly that time of year.
Is it that bad? Wikipedia gives me mean daily maximum of 25.8C for Hualien City, which is still super warm by my central euro standards.
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seems fine to me as well (british standards)
looking at spending around 4 months sep-dec between morea and taiwan next year and it seems a million times better to go to korea for the first half of that
Yeah, September in Taipei sounds like hell on earth to me. On the other hand, Lessrea seems susprisingly cold in November.
Don't go to mom and pop shops and speak english, simple as. Go to the restaurant, scan the menu on google translate, point out what you want, and eat. :)

People who don't do that and want to speak english despite everything that is available for you not to will either cause a scene because the food wasn't to their liking or keep speaking in english despite the locals making clear that they don't understand a fucking word. People who don't understand this are usually predisposed to put the locals in more stress than they already are in. This isn't a country that bases its economy on international tourism, which means less touts, but also less people giving a fuck.
Central euro has warm houses with heaters. After a week of a humid and more often than not, rainy weather at 15 degrees, you will feel like utter shit.

I would sometimes crank up the AC in the middle of december in order to give my dehumidifier a headstart. because when you turn that motherfucker off it feels like you're a negro in a slaveship by the dead of winter
good advice also it helps to know basic phrases like
hello - ní haǒ - 你好
I would like this - wǒ yaò zhè ge - 我要这个
is English okay? - yīng wěn kě yǐ ma - 英文可以吗
sorry - duì bu qǐ - 对不起
my Chinese is bad - wǒ de zhōng wěn hěn cuò - 我的中文很挫
if recommend putting these into google translate and practicing the pronunciation a bit until you have it natural sounding

if you can say those 5 things and don't open up with English people will at least be helpful. they are like the French, they are offended by people who don't even try to speak their language. so put in the bare minimum effort.
I've noticed a lot of people who speak basic English won't talk to you in it normally but if you ask them if they speak English in Chinese first and then hit them with the obligatory "oh your English is good" then they feel more comfortable to chat with you in basic English.
should be 我的中文很差 (hen cha)not 很错 (hen cuo)
Planning on doing Taipei City Marathon in mid December.

How’s the weather and humidity at that point in time? I will race from 6.30 to 9.30am approximately.
typical December day is cloudy at around 16C, maybe a light wind or a little drizzle. pretty good conditions for running as long as it stays dry enough. most of the big storms are in the summer.
I usually use
Does anyone know where I can sleep tonight in Taipei?
I'm in Taipei rn, but didn't plan for where I was gonna stay.
Read about QTime, but dunno if that's the best. Would also be nice with a place where I could stow my bag
there are lots of cheap hostels. if you get really desperate you can go to one of the bridges along the river and sleep there. there's a homeless camp by the skatepark on Danshui river
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Can I rent a brompton with a rack in Taipei?
Can I bring a folded brompton into restaurants alone and on trains in Taipei?
What's something fun to do in Taipei right now? A lotta rain and didn't bring my umbrella
decided to go get some El cheapo hotel/motel room so I could dump my bag somewhere, guess I'll go camp with the hobos next time
Did you just wrap a cardboard box in an Ikea bag... Didn't know that tech
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It just works
Honestly can't believe that this would survive flight luggage
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I flew in from Thailand, where after a few rocky days on my first arrival I had many graceful, stress-free business interactions. Thais have very high self-confidence and are masters at intuitive communication across a language barrier. Taiwanese, not so much. Their body language betrays unease in the presence of a grave-faced white foreigner, and they get easily annoyed when something they say - undoubtedly part of their routine for taking an order - is not understood. Nonetheless, Taiwanese who have spent time in America are very friendly toward an American visitor, in my experience.
Surprising how hard it is to find fried rice in Taiwan. You'd think they'd serve it everywhere, but no, 70% of budget eateries serve soup.
Am I gonna lose a kidney if I go out with a random tinder match who directly says she wants to "have dinner, chat and then sleep"?
yes rice isn't really part of Taiwanese cuisine for some reason. I think it's because all of the rice used to be exported to Japan when it was a colony, so the locals learned to eat mostly fruits and veggies and meat. the colonial government used to force the rice farmers to sell 90% of their yield to Japan.

no scams aren't very common here. as long as you take basic precautions like putting your passport and cash in a safe and not taking any random pills you'll be fine. I've never heard of anyone getting drugged or robbed here on a tinder date.
How do you take pictures of you as a solo traveler?
Will 可以帮我拍个照吗?亲不要头我的手机, 谢谢 work?
>亲不要头我的手机, 谢谢
Kek, dont say this. Also that says "Kiss dont head my phone, thanks" You mean to write 请不要偷我的手机,谢谢
What's the best small towns/villages in Taiwan? Bonus points if no whities
Any other weirdos like me not living in a major/big city? What's your life like?
Will the Taiwanese look down on me as a chinese descendent that can't read chinese and can barely string complete sentences in mandarin?
no I've seen lots of ABCs. no one will mistake you for being Taiwanese, they will know you're a westerner. the posture, the mannerisms, the clothes, even if you're asian if you're from the west you stand out a lot. if you can speak basic mandarin that helps a lot. really
I'm chinese asian from asia without the western accent privilege and 5'5"
oh you'll be fine then don't worry they can tell who is Taiwanese they won't try to talk to you in mandarin or anything
This is a lie. I have a half Indonesian Chinese friend and they always talk to her in Chinese and me in English even though my Chinese is better
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Ahhh I miss my Taiwan girls so much
67 days left and counting
Also, why are Taipei sunsets so beautiful?
Does Hsinchu count?
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lonely desu
thats a pretty bridge, where is that?
It's the First MacArthur Bridge
麥帥一橋 at Keelung River
the river over that side of taipei is so pretty
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Is it easy to get a cab from Taipei city to any of the coastal towns?
Can I bring my folding bicycle onto their taxis or trains?
loving this weather kek
bro I wanna die fuck this rain (≧Д≦)
Will it rain in October?
No. I asked the Eight Drunken Immortals and they swore on their 9 generations of ancestors that not a single drop of rain shall fall in October
Great, I'm planning a trip in October,
Where are you going?
anyone want to meet up? get coffee or something
sure, where at? maybe we could make twg meetup
I dont know if they will, but they should. Mainlanders definitely would
I've been shitting water for 2 weeks, take care lads
idk I'm thinking go to Da'an river park this weekend or something, I've never been there.
the dairy here is supercharged with bacteria. I had to stop drinking it. I don't even think it's due to unclean water. it's just got crazy biome.
What the fuck are you all doing in the rain?? (﹏)
I'm just stuck in Hsinchu
try their probiotic drinks you can get at 711s and family marts
the double citrus one made me shit my guts out for a full day. i felt very clean after, but not during
What's the eating situation in Taiwan like? Are restaurants friendly to people eating by themselves? What are some regional delicacies? If the only Chinese I know is out of a tourist phrasebook and/or Google Translate am I gonna get fucked?
I speak Chinese and they still bring me a photograph menu and tell me to just point at what I want. Take courage.
is dating possible for non chad white men?
Depends on your standards desu
Is dating possible for you in your home country? If yes yes, if no no. Females are good at picking up on social cues, doesn't matter what country you're in.

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