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What's Brazil like for tourists?
I believe it will be very brazillian
It's fine. I've been there a few times. Going there in a couple weeks for 2 months. Just don't walk around staring at your phone and step into a shop if you need to use it.
Did you have anything specific to ask?
as a tourist you're unlikely to be in the bad parts
Why would you go there as a tourist? I guarantee you where ever you are there are plenty of them to make you feel like you’ve been there. You can take the Brazilian out of the favela but you can’t take the favela out of the Brazilian.
This. unironically
Completely fine
Traveling in South America isn’t as mortally dangerous as Hollywood makes it out to be
As long as you stay clear of the slums and watch out for your bags
my dad is an airline pilot and he when he's in Brazil he goes out with a burner phone and a second wallet. mugging is very common, someone from the flight crew usually ends up getting their phone wallet and warch stolen if they leave the hotel but your life is probably safe
Crime rate in the US isn't much lower than in Brazil. I don't know why you guys are making it a big deal.
Brazil is a very large country. Where exactly are you planning to visit?
>step into a shop if you need to use it.
Need to use it for what, avoiding getting murdered?
To look for directions, call an uber, etc
>paranoid schizophrenic
Because they are paranoid schizophrenics.
I'm just asking. Only a robber would be this defensive.
Safe, clean, organized.
>everywhere else
Unsafe, dirty, messy.

T. Been there mamy times.
Saying this doesn't make it true. Brazil has nearly five times the violent crime that America does, and that's including all the trigger-happy negroes in America's most violent cities. It's well-known for Brazilian lowlifes to target whites; in America, it's almost unheard of for someone to be targeted for being white.
Where do I find them? Is there a site or smth
You will see a lot of monkeys and drink a lot of coconut water. if you are lucky, you may bunda
>in America, it's almost unheard of for someone to be targeted for being white.
Kneel for St. Floyd cracka.
It depends on your location if you're in São Paulo you can find some at Augusta street there are hotspots you can find some
United Staesians are so stupid

brazil like colombia is known for scopalamine so be careful. the trannies are alwys the most violent and dangerous
If you're going to Sao Paulo and anywhere south of it, just learn to look straight ahead with confidence while walking in the middle of the city. Lots of beggars and people trying to sell chargers, tech garbage and street food, ignore them and you'll be fine. The city centers are used to tourists and it's not hard to get directions, don't eat on the street, any small restaurant is better than street food. If you're going to Rio and anywhere north then nay God have mercy on your soul...except Fortaleza, good city.
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Not OP but checking out this thread, I think Florianopolis looks pretty upscale and safe

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