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This is my third day in Sydney and I'm not enjoying myself.
I don't have a clue what I'm doing. I can't really sleep in the hostel, maybe I'm jet lagged.
My plan is to move up along the east coast, which I'll be moving on in a weeks time.

Everyone back home said it'll be the time of my life and I'll really enjoy it etc
Idk. I'll be the first to not enjoy coming to Australia
>it's another I'm le loser who is so mindbroken I can't enjoy things anymore episode
Get a tent, get some trashy German backpacker girls, travel up the coast and camp everywhere. Make fun of drunken abos, piss into wheelie bins, throw up in someones letterbox
Only after that do you have my permission to kys
All I had to do is drop the Google man a couple places on the map down under, see empty spotless streets lined with prim westoid architecture, and it was a "hell no, fuck this place".
>can't really sleep in the hostel
you're spending too much time laying in bed under the belief that you are dead tired and need sleep because muh jetlag. bullshit. go out and go go go until you're ready to fall asleep in a chair. that'll hard reset your sleep cycle and kick your desire to rot in bed for 12+ hours a day. also nofap. only the shittiest tier of losers jack off in a hostel.
I've not jacked off in the hostel
Maybe I will. Only been here a couple days.
How can you even solo travel in "car centric" countries, unless you rent a car and go on a road trip?
Aussies are pretty cool guys; just understand that if one tries to fight you it doesnt nessecarily mean he dislikes you - hes just drunk and having a laugh

Sydney and Melbourne are overcrowded, barely liveable shitholes. You're lucking if half the people you meet in those places are actual Australians. I'd suggest leaving them as soon as possible. At least get a car and do the drive out to Canberra. There's a lot of old towns along the route, and Canberra itself is interesting for its architecture and museums. And once you're at Canberra, you're only a few hours away from the Australian alps.
>see empty spotless streets lined with prim westoid architecture, and it was a "hell no, fuck this place".
i don't understand
The weather is pretty warm at the moment, so the beach should be pleasant if you don't mind cool water temp.

If you want to get out of the city and are into hiking and nature then I recommend going west to the Blue Mountains. You could rent a car or catch a train to Katoomba.
Had one lad at 7 am on my second day ask me if I wanted to get fucked up. He'd been drinking all night and wanted a drinking buddy. Too early for me.
Yeah. I'm here in Sydney for a little longer, but I want to go to the outback. Northern territory seems cool.
Been pissed off today with Sydney, you can't even have a beer in public (not including bars)
Sydney is a fucking police state, it's insane looking back on the two decades I lived there. Get out as soon as you can.
I remember one Sunday me and a few lads were in the park having some quiet beers on a picnic rug playing cards, there was some old ladies drinking some wine, sunny peaceful day, kids are playing soccer and shit, all of sudden, cop cars comes flying through the park at 60km/h over the grass then giving all of us fines, these poor old ladies were about to cry. Just people relaxing in a park ffs.
Same cop station I called when there was a methhead abo with a knife in my street yelling at cunts, they turned up 90mins later and wanted me to give a statement instead of looking for the guy.
The city is irrevocably broken, let the pajeets and other assorted thirdies have it.
fucks sake mate, at least do the coast rather than inland
Sydney > Gong > Jervis Bay > Batesman Bay > Narooma is a million times better than fucking Canberra and all the southern highlands
>all the southern highlands
was pretty good pre-covid, but it was mostly for the wineries and fine dining. they don't call it 'the southern retirelands' for nothing. All the good places shut up shop over the last 5 years (with the exception of one or two)
but overall, agreed. stick to the coast

NSWpol in a nutshell. they only go after the easy wins with a heavy hand, never actually do anything that might make the place more livable. getting to the point where i think we'll start seeing people take shit into their own hands as they're useless as fuck. (even though we're an apathetic lot, everyone has their limits)
>your bike is being stolen? like right now? and they're threatening you with an angle grinder? no worries, we'll be there in 3-ish hours.
>oldmate driving 55 in a 50? we'll be right over.

hate to admit. this. it's the only way to find the less tourist trap shitholes (buying a used car is ridiculous too, but the prices are starting to come down to reasonable levels)
I thought the entire prison island was like that
as someone who lives in australia, i have no idea why youd want to come here for a holiday. it sounds like you did no research beforehand too. what did you expect? what did you want to see? sydney is a city like any other city in the world. its full of office workers, students, and tourists like you realising its just an ordinary city.
why dont you just go to a bar and get drunk and tell your story to whoever will listen
>sydney is a city like any other city in the world. its full of office workers, students, and tourists like you realising its just an ordinary city.
Yeah. I've realised that now. I'm moving on along the coast next week, which feels like a long time since I'm not enjoying it.
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Plan a day trip out to Katoomba on the train and go do one of the bushwalks around there. I've been visiting Sydney from Perth and after a week of going into the CBD everyday have developed some serious ethnic fatigue.
Also, hope you went to the Mucha exhibition.

I disagree strongly. I've lived all over Australia, and the wilderness down that way is some of the most beautiful in the country. Namadgi and Brindabella national parks, and some of the out of town nature reserves, are well worth seeing. And there are very few people around, because everyone has that exact same reaction as you do.
my female best friend and two of her friends are coming here next year and they want to go to melbourne, sydney and brisbane
Shitney is just full of gooks and further out poojets. the harbour is nice for a ferry trip but thats about it.

Should be about 26 degrees today go out to Manly and go for a swim. Or get out of shitney proper and head out into the mountains or up the coast.

fuck rent a car and go out to Lake Lyle out at Lithgow it's a camp ground built on a old powerstation dam. Mostly yobos but camping on the water is really nice.

I'd rather be in Surfers right now getting lit, shitney has nothing to do anymore unless your a fucking brownoid.
OP here went out to the blue mountain region. Katoomba
Very nice walk, glad I got out
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Nice anon, beautiful part of the world up there and probably needed the breather. Glad to hear you enjoyed it. Was up there myself a week ago camping.
See any spiders out there ever?
Yeah I should do some camping.

It was packed full of gooks today, did you enjoy the 2 1/2 train ride from hell?
>what did you want to see?

Also the eclipse in 2028, maybe run pic related, make a roadtrip of it, hop to Tasmania, do Western Australia another time, see Quokkas and shit. Scuba me some Great Barrier Reef. It's about just seeing the nature, and the unique quirks of the land to America, and also cool crazy animals you can't see anywhere else that appeals to my autism
>trashy German backpacker girls
I wish those were still a thing, but sadly, they're not. It used to be so easy in the 2000s, before everyone had internet access via their smartphone and thought the same about everything. You could talk to a couple of 10/10 carefree German hippies and they'd think you were the most interesting person on earth just because you're from another country than them.
It's the same way you can just stick headphones in and not talk to people in the hostel. Just people scrolling their phones.
so true
>[in german] look sabine, this guy is from australia
>sabine: waauuuw! australia! we are travelling there next year, do you want to coming with us?
its not as good as europe fyi
This is bait. Canberra is known to Australians as, "A waste of a good sheep station." There's nothing worth seeing there except the Australian War Memorial and military museum.

I suggest making your way up the east coast, as you'd planned. There are nice beaches and national parks along the way. Your mental image of Australia is probably what you'll be seeing in Queensland. Head towards Cairns and get a taste of subtropical and tropical Australia. Do some crocodile river tours or go to a crocodile farm, like the one in Rockhampton.

I went as far north as Airlie Beach this time a few years ago and was surprised it's not warmer in early spring. Really too cold for swimming.
Sydney is a shithole filled with gooks, meaning the food is pretty legit, so eat accordingly.

Don't bother checking out anything out west except for Katoomba.

If you are into beaches check out Bondi and while you're there do the Bondi to Coogee walk. Maroubra beach is the best and filled with hot South American girls.

The rest of Australia is a lot nicer so it will probably be better
>If you are into beaches check out Bondi
You are cleary not from Sydney, likely not even Australia. Tamarama is far superior.
Probably some trip advisor faggot, Manly is nicer out of the two "famous" beaches. And Katoomba is a shit hole.
Live in Melbourne and visited Sydney a while ago and was shocked how much better Sydney was. A much cleaner more developed modern place.

You should definitely get the ferry under the bridge, it has awesome views and starts at like $5 for one stop and you might enjoy listening to that huge diesel engine rev up.
The Westfield tower, nice views
The maritime museum is a nice walk downtown, a lot of locals even go here so doesn't feel tourist trappy as much
Walk across the bridge
I thought Anzac bridge was kinda cool but I like architecture, you might find it boring
I think its called Paddy market, good food.
opera house, I was impressed

I went on the train north of the bridge to look around and it has that real seedy unsafe feeling. Kinda dirty like Melbourne but in Melbourne I don't feel like someone wants to rob me. Kinda surprised the number of males wearing that full Muslim garb too but also more healthy white people too in the cbd.

They used to have a mono rail but got rid of it basically because to the locals the novelty wore off but they should have kept it, it would have been amazing just to try.

sounds like it, Sydney is designed to rince you of money

The Chinese honey chicken is so good

Drunk guy trying to break into you home is not considered an emergency in Australia unless they're got a knife or similar but its not like they'll rush over but for fines they go way out of their way

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