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Live your myth in Greece
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I’m dead set that xorio life is the best life.
Change my mind.
>generic promotional slogan
Greece seems way too overvisited by the Instagram crowd. Seems tough to find a room under $40/night even in October, well outside the peak summer travel season. Using the "50% of travel expenses go to lodging" rule of thumb, that means a minimum travel budget of $2400/month is needed to enjoy Greece. Also heard that Greece is not a place for loners, as Greeks never do anything alone.
poorfags should get out of this board
Go ahead, enjoy your two weeks of luxury vacation and pretend you are better than everyone else for having a $500/day budget. Before you know it, you'll be on the plane heading back to your lame-ass high-dollar career life, while I have 10-24 months of "poorfag" travel adventure to look forward to.
do these insta thots just eat food and swim all day? do they do anything productive, challenging, and meaningful in their lives?
>do they do anything productive, challenging, and meaningful in their lives?
they're women anon, what do you think?
>do they do anything productive, challenging, and meaningful in their lives?
My guy, how many indefinite integrals have you solved after a 12 hour flight to a beach resort?
>Seems tough to find a room under $40/night even in October, well outside the peak summer travel season.
Makes sense considering their GDP per capita desu. Greece is not Vietnam
you don't even make profit at those prices given taxes and expenses are 70% of it
Got any recommendations on where to budget vacation?
>do they do anything productive, challenging, and meaningful in their lives?
Like what? Playing vidya, watching porn, browsing 4chan, etc.?
working for mr goldenberg 15hrs per day
Why are you crying, faggot landlard.
No, it’s simply the swarms of people going there that are causing the issue. You can get cheap stuff way in advance but the instagrammers tend to buy rooms on the go, so once it gets close to season you’re SOL.
It’s absolutely true, but guess what? So is every single other fucking place in Europe. The place has been completely ruined over the last 8 years. I cant enjoy it any more with tbose types of narcissistic people crowding every location. Only places where those fags dont go are still fun. but you know what? Those places tend to be cheap- so it all works out in the end and I still get to enjoy travel.
It's the EU, what do you expect? It's not instathot crowding, it's just fucking expensive all around. $40 really does not buy you much here, even in the relatively cheaper countries.
>Why are you crying,
who is crying? projecting much
i am just impressed how they manage to do it with only 40$ when i charge 10 times that
Fuck off we're full
Nah that’s just because of your racial origin mister khazar
It absolutely is the instathot crowding, faggot retard.
No it isn't, gaylord cretin. These are bog standard room prices even in places that are a far cry from touristy. I fucking live here, I know how much a room costs in a random boring town nobody would visit for anything but work. You want cheap, fly to SEA, not Europe.
we are extremely empty unless rents go up to 1000 per month we can bring way more tourists
>t. dosen't know were to go
I just think it's ridiculous that tourist have to pay three times the price that locals pay to live, anywhere in the world. What happened to all of these people being advocates of egalitarianism.
you realize that as a tourist you don't pay electricity water maintenence and cleaning directly right?
I pay taxes when I'm in your country. I maintain your infrastructure just as much as you.
And I don't need my sheets changed everyday. Do you change your bedding everyday in your home. If so, I guess I know why the world shut down the economy over the common cold.
Tourism ruins a country completely. Locals get lazy instead of innovating. Then they cry about it when other countries are running LAPS around them. Mid level shitty weather goes a long way.
I spent 6 months alone in Greece in one year and had no problems meeting people.
You sound like a massive faggot lacking even the most basic of social skills.
Nigger you probably run the aircon all day with the windows open and still expect gibs from someone who actually works and contributes.
Doubt a poorfuck like you even has a passport and just cries on images boards instead.
"Off the beaten path" sounds like a worn-out meme, but it's not. Spending time around people who are manifesting their authentic selves as they go through their daily routine is so much more wholesome than being around hedonist vacationers and stressed-out service workers faking their geniality.
"Live your myth" takes their history and turns it into eat pray love
Is the Greek tourism agency really to poor to pay for youtube ads?
persian carpets >ads
You likely met other tourists/expats. Greeks have almost no interest in actually befriending tourists. Maybe it’s only possible for the very attractive, slutty or wealthy. For everyone else the natives won’t interact with you as friends. They will also generally avoid establishments overly frequented by tourists.
Is Greece nice for expats from the EU?
I like the Mediterranean, Orthodox Christianity and I'm learning Greek. Is it a good place to live?
Depends on your more granular needs
greeks have very close family conections that leads to anti social behavior as an migrant you will not have deep relations with them but only with other migrants
I don't need much.
>you will not have deep relations
Even by meeting people through church?
Going to Greece for the first time in October to see GY!BE in Athens and fuck around Crete afterwards for a few days. Any tips?
only boomers who probably don't even speak English go there
>only boomers go to church

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