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>go travelling
>end up getting super daydrunk every day, crashing out by 6pm and waking up at 1am to spend the whole night awake on my phone
anyone know how to break this loop
have you tried self control?
Drink heavier earlier in the day so that you pass out in the early afternoon and wake up in the evening. Then, go out and party.
>crashing out by 6pm and waking up at 1am
it sounds fine to me anon
you're getting at least seven hours of sleep each day
and drinking heavily while travelling is traditional
>alcoholic traveler thread
Right in the feels! I will continue to drink and travel away from my problems, thank you very much
I'm an airport alcoholic. I almost always arrive to my destination completely drunk from free drinks in the lounge and plane. I can't resist. Somehow I always manage to check-in to the hotel or Airbnb just fine. Fuck me if there's a minibar, because I'll drink that, too. Once woke up in a suite in Barcelona after having the minibar for dinner - it was dusk but I thought it was the morning and started getting ready for my flight. When I got out of the shower the sun was down. At home, I'm always fine with alcohol. But it takes me a full week to recover from the hangover after traveling. I need to keep drinking to keep the hangover from fucking me in the ass. So I reduce the number of drinks by 25% each day until I'm sober and hangover-free and then I don't drink again, maybe a beer or two each day. Gradual reduction. You're probably drinking after waking up to fend off the anxiety of the hangover. You need to reduce gradually but it can be a slippery slope.
You're using alcohol purely as a depressant, prolly drinking very rapidly while alone in your room, which sucks, but it's a really tough habit to break once your brain becomes numb to any intoxication level short of blackout drunk. Even an alcoholic should exercise self-control by expanding the number of hours between waking up and your first drink of the day. Five hours is a good target, i.e. wake up the second time at 11 AM first drink at 4 PM. Lastly, beds are for sleeping only. If you are awake enough to be using your phone, you shouldn't be laying in bed, and if you want to lay in bed, you should be trying to sleep.
>He doesn't have a wank in the hotel room before going out to try and get laid after drinking all afternoon
I've never felt so called out.
Getting drunk in airports/on airplanes so that you wake up at your destination is the closest we can get to time travelling. I’ve even woke up through border security one time.
only newfags do this. getting drunk on a long flight SUCKS and you arrive at the new destination feeling like shit
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>go traveling
>get super drunk and do your hobby

>anyone know how to break this loop
Go to a gym
no, it's great
you have to be travelling in business class and/or have access to a good lounge at your point of origin to appreciate it
it helps if you are on a good airline too, with a crew that aren't tight with the alcohol
get all these things in line and drinking your way round the planet is awesome
you do it on the flight home bud I forgot to say, usually I'm flying outbound early morning and even I don't have the dawg to get drunk at 6am in the airport
dont drink
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how are you holding up, drukbros? Who are you running away from?
Prolly isn’t a word you fucking retard. You sound more stupid than a nigger
>Who are you running away from?
those damn alcoholics anonymous people
All sorts of interesting advice in this (bait?) thread, but in case you are actually serious and don’t intend to avoid drinking, or find yourself incapable of not drinking, you could try employing a modified version of a sober/recovering alcoholic method: Instead of trying not to drink ever again, lots of us dry drunks often just focus on ‘not drinking today,’ or ‘not drinking for the next hour,’ or whatever it takes. Even if you’re heavily dependent on alcohol, you can probably force yourself to put it off for a limited period of time. So maybe don’t let yourself pick up the first drink the second you think of it, perhaps with the ultimate goal of waiting until the sun goes down, or similar.

Or, y’know, don’t. Another option is to take a sleeping pill before you crash out, to improve your chances of staying asleep longer. Not perfect, though, as alcohol is terrible for sustained sleep and sleep quality.

Also, drink at least equal quantities of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, ideally water—slows you down and reduces hangover risk. So for every beer/shot/cocktail/glass of wine/whatever, drink a full glass of water.
>you sound
you must be a blindfag using text-to-speech, topkek
It's an oldfag thing. You just haven't gotten sufficiently sick of your fellow passengers and airport staff to use booze to cope.
Fucking hell I need to quit. Young man’s game
You should be chilling with some gin and tonics or something like that before you shift into demon mode as the sun goes down. That’s what I do.

I get very steadily drunk and than KABLAMOO it’s chug a lug from the bottle and before you know it, I’m skulking around looking for that FLIM FLAM FOR MY JIM JAM IF YA KNOW WHAT IM SAYIN FELLAS!

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Spending holiday drunk is the best fucking thing.
>sober = autistic
>drunk = not autistic.
Being drunk lets me become the person that I want to be. Alcohol is fucking good. I wish I was permanently drunk.
hello christopher hitchens i thought you were dead
Had a laugh.
drunks are pathetic, imagine blacking out while drinking during your travels forgetting half the shit you did or saw, then waking up with massive hangovers daily and trying to visit tourist sites, Not to mention you have to spend a good amount of money on your travels/drinking when you could just get blackout drunk at home. I don't see how that would be fun at all.
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>omg, that's the "teetotaler" I was telling you about. I hope he doesn't try to talk to us...

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