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Old thread: >>2703854
Discuss everything related to Philippines travel here.
how do you guys find accommodations? Is there anything decent for $20/night?
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Why do Southeast Asians love eating hot bowls of soup during the hottest part of the day in sweltering tin-roofed restaurants so much?
Must be said, eating hot soup in hot weather is a great way to adapt to the tropical climate. A few bowls and you'll never again be dripping sweat from merely walking around.
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>$20/night, decent
It varies. Usually you'll get rooms with the rattly window A/C units at that price, versus the modern two-part units that are the standard in Thailand and Malaysia at any price point. The going rate for this dirty pink bugbox with a worthless A/C unit in Malate was 1200 pesos a night. I booked it for 650, but they told me the booking was invalid as they were no longer partnered with OYO, and offered me a rate of 1000 pesos. I got the listing taken down.
$22-30/night is when you start getting rooms in PH that are on par with what you get for $12-18/night in mainland Southeast Asia.
why do all the city walking tour videos make the Philippines look like a dump everywhere?
I think it might be a dump everywhere
so most of the women are frumpy and it's a dump? well that sucks.
Go to Taipei if you want to enjoy modern amenities, clean streets and fashionable cuties. Arguably, despite the much higher incomes, Taiwan is better value-for-cost than Philippines. Better flight connections to America. You can even eat poor man's slop for $8/day in Taiwan if that's what your heart desires. Only thing is, nobody's gonna call you "sir" or treat you special for being white in Taiwan like they do in the Philippines. Girls will have a poise and coolness about them that you don't find in the Philippines. Filipinos are much easier to befriend and talk to than Taiwanese.
>Discuss everything related to Philippines travel here.
brovets, what is your va rating?
what conditions did you stack.

Whites get special treatment in the Philippines because Filipinos know who colonized and civilized their islands. It came to the point that the local elite, the Spaniards became the landowning upperclass Hacienderos in the Philippines. Thus, imposing a caste system with Whites and Mestizos on top of the brown masses, the same case as in Latin America.
People overexaggerate the dumpiness of the Philippines.

Places like Las Casas Filipinas de Acuzar are peak Kino.

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Las Casas Filipinas de Acuzar is beautiful as fvck.

And it's a sample of what Manila would have looked like with it's canals and mansions if the Japanese and Americans hadn't bombed the medieval city to smeetherins in World War 2 (Yet both Japan and America refused to foot the reconstruction bill for Manila despite the fact that America literally gave South Korea 120 Billion in Free Gibs to reconstruct South Korea after the Korean War but not the Philippines, lul)
Please please Americans come back and recolonize us, save us from the Communist China hordes and their minions like Alice Guo.
>Japan and America refused to foot the reconstruction bill for Manila despite the fact that America literally gave South Korea 120 Billion in Free Gibs to reconstruct South Korea after the Korean War but not the Philippines
really makes you think. this is probably one of the reasons why duterte was so pro-china.
>$105/night for a room
You can buy luxury anywhere bro, even in freakin' Haiti like Conan O'Brien did.
lol @ based Spaniards dicking mestizos into existence everywhere they go
The Filipinos wouldn't have rebuilt jack shit no matter how much money they received.
Chinese are the world's most efficient constructors of tall buildings; any pragmatic Asian leader would do well to court their investments. Almost every modern high-rise you see in SEA has been built by a Chinese construction firm. Having luxury buildings looming over the slums is not horrible oppression and inequality as the California libtards insist, but rather something visible and tangible for motivated Filipinos on the street to aspire to.
America gave 120 Billion Dollars in free gibs to South Korea and 320 Billion Dollars in Free Gibs to Israel.

But completely ignored the Philippines even after we got gutted by World War 2.
>The Filipinos wouldn't have rebuilt jack shit no matter how much money they received.

America: Gives South Korea and Israel 120 Billion Dollars and 317 Billion Dollars of free money while ignores the Philippines.

Also America: Rheeee! Why is the Philippines poor? Why can't they be like developed South Korea or Israel? Kek!
Shaddup cuck. Americans don't care about us. They prefer sucking the cock of their Jewish masters (Israel) and draining the balls of their Korean Butchers (Koreans as part of the Japanese Empire were among the Japanese forces killing Americans in WW2) than to even think of investing in the Philippines as proven by the fact that they gave hundreds of billions of free gibs to South Korea and Israel while left us to rot, after the war. It's better if we embrace China than committing to this abusive relationship we have with America.
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I also have fucking beef with Taiwan. As a constituent nation of Imperial Japan; Taiwanese, alongside Koreans, Manchurians, and Okinawans were part of the group which exterminated American and Filipino soldiers and civilians in World War 2, yet after the war America abandoned us and gave us Filipinos zero reconstruction AID whereas gave Taiwan (who were butchering you just before) also got hundreds of Billions of Free Gibs from America too.


They're rich because you ignored us while you also literally subsidized your former Taiwanese butchers with hundreds of billions of free gibs comparable to South Korea.

>Americans: *Goes to developed Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan who they showered with free money AKA Hundreds of Billions of Dollars of free gibs!...

"Omigod dey so rich!"

>American: *Goes to the Philippines which they abandoned after the War and didn't even give reconstruction money to...

"Filipinos why you so poor? Why can't you be rich like Taiwan or South Korea?"
I just calculated the total Free gibs AKA US AID given to Taiwan since 1946 -1975 and it totalled

41,810,150,000 or 41 Billion. Meanwhile the same source stated that the US only gave the Philippines a grand total of 4.5 Billion in loans and grants in the same time frame.

Fucking American niggas literally gives hundreds of billions to Taiwan, South Korea, and South Vietnam and merely granted 4.5 Billion in TOTAL to us. Yet these same Americunts wonder why South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan is richer than us.
why does america give any of these countries anything?
Maybe instead of fighting for the Americans during World War 2, we should have joined Japan in butchering Americans; considering how America poured more development AID (Hundreds of Billions) to Japanese colonies (that killed Americans) Taiwan and South Korea, than the whole entirety of the post War Philippines.

America: Philippines you're a good boy you you helped me in the war, but I'm just going to feed scraps and table crumbs while I go and fellatio my Japanese, Taiwanese, and Korean butchers! America is so fair! KEK!

Because Americans love their butchers and slave-masters. Jews and Japanese (And also their colonies, Taiwan and Korea) were busy killing Americans as can be gleaned by the Japanese (And their Korean and Taiwanese lackeys) feasting on the corpses of dead Americans, totally means they deserve hundreds of billions in free money, same case as the Jews who treat Americans like slaves. But the Filipinos who died for America? No money for them! They can stay poor forever!

Wut? Your cities got destroyed because you were an American territory under Japanese occupation? Lul not my problem!

Kek! America the brave, the fair, the just!
Nigga take your /pol/ autism elsewhere! I want to travel the Philippines, not listen to your damn rant.
you ahould probably go back to the old thread. It is still alive. OP is a faggot
Accommodation for some reason in the Philippines is priced the same as your first world country
It's extremely expensive and the cheap options are rat and cockroach filled crack dens basically. Even paying 100 a night won't be good
rent free
That's because it is a disgusting shit hole garbage dump. Worst country by far in SEA
The problem with the Philippines is basically that it's full of Filipinos. All surrounding nations are thriving, while the Philippines is going backwards. Pre COVID and post COVID was a massive change backwards. I feel the people got dumber for some reason and lost any english they might have known before
Out of stock was common before but now it's basically every fucken shop
I accept your humiliating concession
How come no Philippine President has ever pointed this out?
I can tell you're schizophrenic but you have to realize there is a huge difference between government and people. The people are unaware and don't want any of this nonsense. Governments a whole nother thing, no idea why they do the things they do. Psychos.
It’s actually quite simply why governments do what they do. They governments are controlled by their central banks. It is supposed to be the opposite. But here we are. Doesn’t matter which nation you pick in the “free” world. The government of that nation is controlled by the usurious central bank that demands ever increasing debt and ever Increasing tax base to pay the interests.
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Boracay anon here. I'm staying there for one month with the wifey, but the issue is I AM POOR! How can I make this not financially ruin me?

The good thing is we have our own kitchen and she can cook our daily meals. I did a lot of research and the SaveMore at Citymall seems to have normal prices, at least for the non-fresh items. So that would be our main place for groceries.
For fruits, vegetables and meat in SaveMore I'm really unsure. Do you have to pay a Boracay tax on that? Would the B Mall be better for that?

Also Jollibee is way too expensive there, an 8 piece bucket costs 680PHP, that's literally above Foodpanda and Grab levels. Is there any other place recommended for fried chicken? How's the prices on KFC and McDo? I also found Mang Inasal to be only slightly more expensive than in other places if I'm not mistaken from videos on YouTube, can someone confirm that?
>Americans hadn't bombed the medieval city to smeetherins in World War 2 (Yet both Japan and America refused to foot the reconstruction bill
Technically during WW2 the Philippines was a part of US and Japan is not obligated pay for damages since they lost the war.
Some Filipino politician had the genius idea to secede from the US before we got repaired so the US didn't have an obligation to repair our country either.
Fast forward to Marcos he got color revolutioned and was replaced by a US puppet who then indebted the Philippines to the IMF which forever doomed this country as a 3rd world country.
Another example of Boracay tax: There's a Hyped Mangoes in the Citymall, and according to this picture: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPCGcilLk6zPAwXv2PEffsZ80jaFqmkE0KZyY6w=s0
You pay 125PHP for a Hyped Mango ice cream and 115 for Mango Supreme. That picture is from 2023, so the prices could be even higher now.

Now let's look on the official website! Uh oh, what's that? 110 for Hyped Mango and 100 for Mango Supreme! https://www.miguelitoscorp.com/franchise/miguelitoshypedmangoes.php
But you know guys, I don't even mind a price increas of 10%. But if a bucket of chickenjoy costs 680 instead of what should be like 550, now that really grinds my gears.
>in a financial situation where you can't afford a trip to SEA
>being financial irresponsible enough to take said trip anyways
Well, Anon, you avoid financial ruin by living within your means and not spending money on trips that financially ruin you, but it's a bit too late for that innit
To be fair during that time the world was in an ideological conflict, capitalism versus communism and Korea was the perfect battleground.
Korea was split in half, one communist and the other capitalist so it was in the best interest of western powers support to the south as a flex.
What's funny is that several years later south Korea is a backwards dystopian society, after the billions the west gave them.
>Ma'am, sir! You need ride, I give tuk tuk ride, yes. Come sir, yes. I no scam you tourists, I am honest. Only 300 pesos, yes.
>Too expensive, 100 pesos total.
>Okay, 100 pesos, yes.
>Okay ma'am and sir, ride over. That will be 1,000 pesos per person per 10 minutes, yes.
Filipinos are the Indians of South East Asia. Absolutely disgusting and a cancer in Intramuros, Rizal Park and everywhere in Philippines.
How can I avoid this in Boracay? They don't have Grab.
anyone trying to get "free" pussy in phillipines to larp as a jbw god is the biggest coper. boomers were grounded and didnt care if they were viewed as a potential meal ticket, while these zoomers who go to flip want to stick to le heckin western women and gas these monkeys up. I respect pattaya rotters way more than 95% of the people in flip, every expat here has a gigantic ego
ive been living here a year. bot sure if i fit your description of egotistical expat. my issue has been so far that ever flip tries to scam me. I bought a car and they scammed me. Rented a house and they scammed me with some poorly hidden construction flaws. As soon as I got cautious and cynical to stop hemoraging cash, these monkeys get fucking hostile. I decided im not going to let some effete 4’9” wannabe jew with a 70 iq get away with that shit. And it works. They back down quick too.
>As soon as I got cautious and cynical to stop hemoraging cash, these monkeys get fucking hostile.

Yep. I went through that phase also. Realized they were all scamming liars and battened down the hatches to stop bleeding cash over dumb shit, and just like that the smiles turned into menacing scowls.
Thing is, it's not foreigner exclusive. They are like this to each other also. Always lying. Always cheating. Always scamming. Always stealing. Every organization and business rots from the inside unless somebody rules it like a tyrant and ruthlessly purges bad actors.

The Philippines DID get reconstruction gibs from the USA. A lot! They embezzled huge amounts of it and outright stole much of it to the point where nobody in the west wanted to invest in them anymore. The guys saying USA never invested in PH needs to read up on actual history. It's a back and forth bullshit of USA wanting to build up and put bases here, PH agreeing, then backing out of the deals later after being paid a bit. They ruined everything by trying to play all sides and stealing from investors and the fingerpointing when accountability was demanded.

Monkey games get monkey prizes. I don't hate Filipinos but their culture and behavior is to blame for their situation, not any sort of international conspiracy. They are still doing it to this day. Every time they have a new government they completely flip flop on their geopolitical strategy and diplomacy.

From the bottom up its a nation of beggars.
told you so
yes the filipino is a coward but be careful. that cowardice leads the prideful filipino to do cowardly acts like poisoning you or killing you in your sleep with a knife or machete
I wish these threads weren't absolute dogshit.
>Monkey games get monkey prizes. I don't hate Filipinos but their culture and behavior is to blame for their situation, not any sort of international conspiracy.
Brilliant post on the situation IMO

Philippines has some cultural positives, but is-on net-littered with crippling issues. Some will jump to cry about colonizers a half century ago, but it's mostly an excuse at this point. We've seen fit nations come up from mud farming in less time. PH just doesn't have the general will to be organized and normal
Funny you mention dog shit. I get up when the sun rises and walk about 4 blocks to get fresh morning pandesal (Filipino bread) and I passed 17 stinking piles of dogshit. Eight of which were wriggling with worms.
Only 17 turd piles in 4 blocks? Lucky you! My street looks like a New Delhi designated shitting street every morning.
I am not spoon feeding you anymore.
You are either trolling, a pajeet or intellectually disabled
What I heard from some semi-intelligent locals in Manila was that the Chinese were really getting involved in the Philippines as one of their development projects...now with the new pro-USA president, that phase is basically over, Chinese money (and ownership) isn't all that welcome any more.
Philippines wanted to be independent so bad, they finally got it after WWII. They didn't want to do shit for America, therefore they didn't get shit. Whereas South Korea and Taiwan eagerly bowed before their American masters and offered to serve them as vassal states in the war against communism. You act like the Korean War never happened and the battle between Nationalist and Communist Chinese never happened.
Intramuros has intense hustler vibes, so does Ermita / Malate area. North Manila is not like that. Balibago/Angeles City is also full of scumbag hustlers, both male and female. Baguio I didn't encounter dishonesty, it's the most civilized city in the country with the best people, relatively decent food as well. Laoag had a lot of unfriendly dark-skinned aboriginal Filipinos, but also quite honest and the food was surprisingly good-quality.
Stop bitching, put on your fucking shoes and trudge along the roadside three times a day like the poorfag you are. Get an umbrella if you can't take a little sun & rain.
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Okay, Baguio being the most civilized city doesn't mean you aren't gonna be hustled if you go to the trashy bars in the city center that play shitty karaoke voiceovers and have women calling out to you from the entrance. But the city does make an effort to keep the streets clear of beggars and vagrants. Vaping and smoking is illegal city-wide. They are making efforts to ban polluting vehicles as well.
Because you look like a beta that would pay regardless
Smoking is illegal country wide. Thanks to duterte making it illegal in Davao along with jaywalking a long time ago.
If you smoke or jaywalk you go to jail immediately and they make you do anti smoking lessons
No one enforces those laws on locals. You can smoke but just be discreet about it, police officers are just looking for any opportunity they can to extort a white loser.
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How do I not get scammed with trikes in Boracay?
Blood is now coming out of my urethra. It's over for me, fellas. It was a good run, but I'm afraid this is it.
They definitely enforce it in Davao City. The reason the place is perfectly clean and safe is because of the death squads knocking off criminals over the years
Go see dr Guzman the one armed bandit in Angeles he will give you a needle up the bum and cure it
Monkey pox is spreading everywhere though so be careful
Fuck off chink shill
Jews invented CCP numbnuts
Just don't pay them?
Your mindset is a garbage dump. Palawan was the most beautiful place on earth I have ever seen and most of the Philippines is unspoilt nature.
I'm a Filipino, they don't the scamming and cheating to just foreigners, we Filipinos also have to put up with this shit from our fellow Filipinos too.

When we had to build our business I was shocked that during the first few months there was a cost overhead, then I found out that they were lying to us and had scrimped on our construction materials and scammed us by making us overpay. I had to go Super Saiyan to stop them from cheating us.
I'm a Filipino and yes I agree, the scamming and lying happened to me too. And I myself am a Filipino, if Filipinos do these to our fellow countrymen they would do that to you expats.

However, in my study of Philippine history we were not always like this.

The Chinese in precolonial times, remarked that the people of the Philippines were honest and fair...

Similarly, the Daoyi Zhilüe says that:


"After agreeing on prices, the barbarian traders carry off the goods for bartering the native products and bring these products back to the Chinese in the amount agreed on. The Chinese vessels' traders (Filipinos) ===>are trustworthy.<===They never fail to keep the agreement of their bargains.

However Rizal stated that what really lead to the Moral Collapse of the Philippines was colonization. Unlike with ethnically homogenous Asians wherein the stealing and cheating was kept to a minumum since they can punish the criminal, the Spanish and American overlords who used to plunder us of our resources evaded any consequences whatsover for their stealing and cheating because they were protected by the colonial laws themselves. Eventually this persuaded the Filipino to not even trust the law and police, and since even criminals can't be punished, then there was no point in being honest, and they should be criminals themselves just to survive.
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The United States poured millions of dollars into developing the Philippines. You didn’t have any resources for us to exploit! All we wanted was a safe coaling station and some brown pussy for the sailors. In exchange we taught you how to form a republic, educate yourselves, create basic sanitation and water conservation. We taught you to build reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations. We built your NCR, and your capitol. We modernized Baguio. We put far more into Filipinos than we ever got out of you. Picrel is literally what you savages looked like when Whites found you. You are the same savages now but with motorocycles and other tech you could never invent on your own.
Nigger! You didnt do shit. You say you wanted to teach us Democracy by what? Destroying the first democracy in Asia, the First Philippine Republic in the Philippine-American War? Christianize us? By what? Practicing Christian charity by killing Filipinoa who were already Christian since the 1500s?

Also stop your propaganda bullshit about building infrastructure. Cause the stuff the Spanish built here in the Philippines is even older than what was built in America. The First University and Hospital here in Asia, the University of Santo Tomas and Hospicio de Manila, are even older than the oldest school in America, Harvard! We also had public education before you imposed it on us!

We also had the oldest railroad in Asia, and these was way before you colonized us.
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You're right you've found us out. The filipino people are so powerful and important that they had to be oppressed and destroyed! And it worked! Mwhahah! I love being white and destroying Filipinos!!!
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With every filipino I oppress, my power and my vril increases. It is not enough that I succeed, Filipinos must fail!
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Lmao you mean Palawan that is constantly threatened with closure because the Filipinos treat it like a giant garbage dump? Just the same fucking thing that happened in borocay

Let's look at Palawan recently uh oh, you WONT like what you see. Does it look like a fucking garbage dump to you?
The only propaganda that has been said, is that a nation founded on some ethnic tribal identity, is better than one that unites people by an ideal. Filipinos said they wanted independence, and America gave it to them. If they want help from their brothers, they just have to ask.
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Palawan. Paradise. One of the natural wonders of the world. So beautifu----ACK

>just dumped a fuck load of motor oil in the ocean for no reason lmao
Let's check in on the natural beauty of El Nid---ACK
>Significant quantities of plastic waste are washing up on the shores of El Nido
Probably North Korean trash bombs.
Unfortunately it's the result of pinoys being too dumb and lazy and Chinese tourists. I watched a Chinese guy drink this bottle of tea or something in a plastic container and just toss the empty container into the ocean like it was normal
At least the Filipinos have a legitimate excuse, one which doesn't make it difficult for behavioral change. The entitled Chinese tourist on the other hand, that's an uphill battle.
I just won a grand prize in a raffle and selling the prizes and going to Philippines. Haven't been in 5 years. How much more expensive are things now? Budgeting around 5000 peso a day for 2 months
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I am so powerful that my mere presence as a colonizer FORCES Filipinos to piss in the street and throw their garbage on the ground! My sheer presence causes them to beg and peddle drugs in the street! If it were not for me Filipinos would be living honest and decent lives! But I say no! Hahaha!!!

I love forcing Filipinos to eat only sugar and carbs! It's all my fault! I'm the one making them fat! It's me! It's all me! AHAHAHAH!!! MY EVIL PLANS HAVE COME TO FRUITION! I CANNOT BE STOPPED!

I AM....

Huwhite Mann!!
Cuckshed is back everyone
At least they're not crippled by loneliness.
No, Spain did. American was the biggest deterrent to this countries success by far.
Any little improvements America introduced to this country is rendered moot by McArthur completely razing our major cities, what little agricultural industry we managed to create was shut down by Americans crying about global warming, and any attempts to accumulate wealth was destroyed by Americans by planting a puppet president that indebted this country to the IMF.

But go ahead keep larping as saviours because you want to larp as Europeans civilizing Africa.
America should have helped ua rebuild after World War 2; but instead, Taiwan and South Korea got the priority when it came to free gibs.
Lol. Am Filipino and dis is funny Lul.
You had your lives saved unfortunately. The pearl of the orient was changed into a garbage dump when left to the pignoys. There has never been a bunch of low IQ lazy mother fuckers in Asia except you guys. Single handily destroyed the entire country
>T. Bald obese socially awkward loser
Who are you fooling, learn your place as a paypig to some whore not even the locals would try.
>Didn't serve America.

Lol didn't we just died en masse' fighting for the American Flag in World War 2?

The main reason you unfair fucks poured billions to Taiwan and South Korea but ignored the Philippines was that Taiwan and South Korea were besides Communist China and Communist North Korea, so you subsidized their development with hundreds of billions in free gibs so that you could parade around South Korea and Taiwan as success stories compared to the failure China and North Korea was, as allies of your enemy the Communist Soviet Union.

We were far away and goor little dogs so no need to give hundreds of billions to obedient Filipinos what you needed to do was middle finger the communist Chinese and North Koreans so you gave hundreds of billions in free money to their democratic pro US immediate neighbors, South Korea and Taiwan.
Money comes at a cost. Britain didn't help rebuild America after our fight for independence, because they would have had a say in our destiny. Is that what you want, a loan with conditions? Do you want to change your culture to how we say it should be? Or do you want to be free? Which is it? Make a fucking choice. I'd suggest you think about it for a second.
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Low IQ Lazy motherfuckers? Are you aware that in Southeast Asia we have the highest amount of supposedly superior high IQ East Asian and European ancestry you worship?

Look at genetic studies!

36% of Filipinos are East Asian and 5% are European, according to genetic studies, yet how come the even more native Indonesians or Thais who have even less European and East Asian descent than us have gotten their shit together? Like IDK maybe because its not about genetics and more about oppurtunity?
>Britain didn't help rebuild America after our fight for independence
Oh no a bunch of tea packets got thrown overboard how ever will we rebuild, the damage is incalculable even more than a complete naval bombardment by the largest naval fleet in the entire world.
What is the Philippines' average IQ?

Borderline mentally retarded
New York City and Washington DC were burnt to the ground.
Pretty sure we don't manipulate information like other countries(east asia).
Source: 2002 book IQ and the Wealth of Nations by Richard Lynn
According to that book we actually scored higher than Canadians lmao.

Nigga I dont trust that IQ Score sheet? Why? Lazy methodology! They just logged in the IQ tests the government put up. And guess what the high IQ Chinese and Vietnamese do? They cheat the IQ tests!

China and Vietnam have a competitive entrance exam system just for their people to enter high school. So which means that only their intellectual elite join secondary and tertiary schools where the IQ tests are taken.

China and Vietnam literally cheat their IQ and PiSA Exams!

China cheating


Vietnam cheating


Whereas we dont have a selectivity system we educate everyone including the dumb and poor. Since we are democratic we have the opposite effect of the selectivity cheat the Chinese and Vietnamese have wheb it comes to IQ tests.

Furthermore, we are the only country in Asia where the IQ tests are not conducted in the Native language. China takes it in Chinese and Vietnam in Vietnamese whereas Filipinos take it in English even though most speak Filipino. As an English speaker try taking an IQ test in Arabic and Chinese and lets see how you score. Nevertheless because we are honeat and incluaive of who we educate we have the highest percentage of elmentary and college graduates in ASEAN but unfortunately Vietnam and China fools you into thinking we are dumb and that they are smart because they cheat the exams.

Refer to this, Racist Moron.

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What Reconstruction Gibs are you yapping about? The US gave south Korea 127 Billion dollars and Taiwan 45 Billion Dollars whereas gave us a grand total of only 4.5 Billion, the cost of a mere 1 set of Supersonic Jet Planes.
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Is fresh produce and meat normally priced in Savemore Boracay? Their normal products cost the same as anywhere else, right?

Accommodation is expensive in the Philippines because travelling is difficult, unlike with mainland Thailand where accommodations are cheap because travelling is cheap since they are only one huge landmass type of country thus making travel and hospitality easier, the Philippines is made up 7000 fragmented mountainous islands so to travel from one city to the next, you have to ride a car, then a train, then a boat, and then ride a car again, which multiplies travel costs and thus accommodation costs too, whereas in Thailand, travel and Accomodation is cheaper because you simply walk or bike to the next province; in the Philippines if you don't take a car and then shift to boat, what are you gonna do? Swim and Hike your way to the next island? Lul!
I don't know how prices are in Boracay right now because it's been years since I have been there. However, most goods in Boracay are indeed far more expensive than in the mainland, that's the handicap you get when Boracay is another island away from the mainland and have to import everything so they HAVE to increase prices to account for the transportation costs. But seeing as SAVEMORE prides itself as a a retail chain that's cheaper than its' competitors Savemore will generally be cheaper in Boracay compared to other retail stores there.
For all the backstabbing and complaints we all have against the Philippines and Filipinos; they are actually performing above their expectations.

Why? Because the truth of the matter is; the other richer nations in ASEAN who supposedly are more civilized and prosperous than the Philippines actually have the natural advantage of having more land and more agricultural acreage compared to the fragmented mountainous islands archipelago that the Philippines is composed of.

but if you measure the GDP per Square Kilometer of Land each of the nations in ASEAN produced. The Philippines is 3rd richest after Singapore and Brunei, and ranks higher than the supposedly more prosperous Malaysia and Thailand. So which means that for every square inch of precious land the archipelagic country of the Philippines has, it produces more GDP in the few land the Philippines has vs the land abundant countries like Thailand or Malaysia has.


Naturally, it's frustrating how the Philippines is so poor compared to other nations, but considering the many many geographical handicaps the Philippines has, it's actually overperforming.
This is a lot of cope. If I live on Luzon and there's 50,000 hotels in Luzon why are they all first world prices. Because the people are delusional.
No nigga its' supply and demand. Thailand has alot of supply of accomodations because it has alot of travelers since it has a lot of neighbors, the high supply market gives for cheaper prices and higher quality since they are competing for many travelers, whereas in the Philippines, costs are higher because there are only few tourists or travelers. Look at the tourism numbers. Thailand had 28 Million tourists in 2023, the Philippines had a mere 5 Million. If the supply of tourists would increase, accommodations would be cheaper. It ain't a cope nigger, it's simply the law of supply and demand.
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You're more wrong than Alan Smith, author of The Wealth of Nations.
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Don't let them wash it out, cuddle with them for at least 30 minutes after insemination to give your swimmers time to get past the cervix.
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>Flip nationalist got banned from /int/ so he comes to /trv/ to spew his retarded history revision and propaganda.
>doesn't realize nobody here actually cares and we are just here to nut inside slum teens and desperate single moms

Dude stfu. It doesn't matter to us. Go find some other monkeys to screech about it with. You can correct the record all you want but we will still think your country is a shithole. What you are doing is entirely cope for your own sake.
From what I saw online, it seems grocery prices in SM Boracay are actually the same as in places outside Boracay. But I fear the fresh produce is vastly overpriced.

Lol then why are you here if you think its' a shithole Literal... "Let me tell you about your country" meme.
The main reason is banned to talk about, there are no other reasons
Youngest you've had there?
Impregnated any?
58. No. Obviously.
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Yeah, on the tail end of middle aged is where it's at.
5 - 4 fuck off glowie
you need to cancel your trip poorfag because you cant afford a month in boracay
Do you pay child support?
Bros why are filipinas so fertile?
Instead of jerking off to fanfiction on 4chan, go there yourself
Any stories to encourage me on what to do?
>be me
>decide to travel PH
>buy a ticket and book a hotel
>day of the flight arrives
>get on plane and fly to PH
>land in PH
>enjoy my travels
no i mean how to coom
im a 30 year old virgin
Here is my guide to cooming
>be you
There may be an extra step which involved finding a willing participant, but that's not in the cards for you so there's no point in getting a guide.
wow but i keep reading that all i have to do is show up as a white male and young women will theow themselves as me for the priviledge of possibly having a white baby. is that not true anon? uave i been lied to on 4chan?
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>re-affirming that coomers are just here for jerkoff material with no real interest in travel
and then they wonder why such discussion was banned
While they generally do, but they won't throw themselves at you.
fuck. okay so why should I even live at this point? if i spend thousands of dollars to fly to the philippines and i cant lose my virginity then i should just an hero in the philippines. i cant take it any more guys.
>killing yourself overseas
You'll force whoever is left to manage your estate (presumably your parents) into having to retrieve your worthless carcass from the other side of the world.
Don't burden them with that. God knows you're enough of a burden in life, no need to make it worse in death.
I guess they should have done a better job preparing me for the world.
You've got only yourself to blame for your failures.
Can you please just post some about impregnating young Filipina girls?
There was once a young Filipina named Maria. She married her boyfriend Felipe. Soon she was pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. She lived happily ever after. The end.
Then why would they be burdened.
>be me, white american gigachad
>dont really need to travel to an impoverished hellhole to get laid, but i do it anyway
>i have an insatiable appetite for raping young girls
>i begin to follow you g girls home from school to see what their homes look like
>many girls live in shanties made of literal trash
>their homes are built worse than the shed i store my lawnmower in
>my dogs house is also built better
>i decide to offer a teen girl some fried chicken and milk tea, literal luxuries
>i ask her if she has a boyfriend and she says no
>i tell her i would like to be her boyfriend and she giggles and is shy
>i invite her to my place to song videoke
>she agrees
>when she gets to my house i drag her to my bedroom and rape her repeatedly
>i then dismember her and drive around until smell a pig farm.
i toss her body parts over the wall and the pigs consume her
>i repeat this twice a month moving to different towns in different provinces
>there hasnt been a peep on the TV about a seeial killer because dirt poor flips dont care about their kids and never report them missing
Uh anon... there's someone waiting for you on line 1. Says he's from the based department.
Nice. Any more?
The Chinese are really trying hard to bring down Filipino tourism, huh..
this is so epic
Where do I get cheap meat, veggies and fruits in Boracay?
you dont. Bracay is a tourist island and everything is exploiting the captive audience. cancel your trip if you cant afford it.
I can't cancel it. I'm staying for a month.
The hotel has your passport.
Has someone been in Savemore in Boracay? What's the price for fruits, veggies and meat compared to outside Boracay?
*sure you can, you stupid nigger
Call them and tell them you have ass cancer and aids and you must cancel.
Pay whatever small fee they charge and get most of your money back.
You clearly cant afford this trip
yes I have been there and everything is 10x more expensive because the island has it's own foreigner-fueled inflation.
I bought the flights and everything too asshole.

>everything is 10x more expensive
Like what? The good thing is that the wifey can cook there, we just need to find a place to buy cheap produce.
Can the girls later legally ask my hotel for my passport? 9 months later? According to a photo?
Ok well.

Can they trace me back from my original country?
everything including all food
not sure how to make it more simple for you. for 1 month you will need about $2000 USD to budge for food. a Kilo of chicken is P4000. 20 kilos of rice is P10,000. There are also ither expenses. a tricycle ride into town will be P500 one way. you cant afford this trip if you are poor. this is the best advice anyone is going give you. Cancel the trip
Dumb ass larper. I saw videos of the inside of Savemore, the rice costs the same as anywhere else. Kys
Imagine not knowing what a passport is on the travel board.
how old is the video, poorfag? I am here right now and I can tell you that you cant afford it on your pathetic budget. You are going to end up hungry and have to prostitute your wife to a foreigner to get a meal
Obviously yes, depends on your country though if they will extradite you or not. Your country could also order you to pay child support if you get a girl pregnant. Again, depends on where you are from.

But you would definitely be arrested when you re-enter the Philippines.
So what should be my plan of attack here?
this is probably what he wants. Dude is a total cuck. He wants boracay bulls to fuck his wife for money
dont be a sexpest?
You can cancel flights too you fucking brainlet.
Fuck it. Enjoy your month of stress and scrounging, as well as the ruination that follows. You and the retarded coomer alone manage to tank the thread's average IQ down by two standard deviations.
Next suggestion?
Go back to /b/.
Don't really know what to tell you other than that you're too late, the sexpat game doesn't really work in the Philippines anymore. Your best bet probably is enacting your plan of attack in Africa where nobody gives a shit yet. Though I won't blame you if you don't want to mingle with blacks.
>giving hookers your real name and personal information
I mean, something is really wrong with you in the first place if you have to travel around the world to buy a hooker, but damn, this is sad to see. You’re better off spending your money on a team of psychiatrists.
I'm talking to a 19 year old and a 21 year old now. Both of them are ok with me raw dogging them while I'm here. I'm not sure what the fuck your problem is?
Nobody is going to “extradite you” for knocking up a hooker. Holy fucking schizo.
“My problem”? You are an internet schizo crying about extradition over knocking someone up. How much more retarded can you get?
those are prostitutes. No filipinas except prostitutes talk to foreigners online for "dates"
This is another schizo. The hooker scene is everywhere in SEA. What a basement dweller.
Kek look at this angry roastie
Yeah, except for the 97 percent that are catfishing.
I looked up any recent videos and photos I could find and compared them to the prices on smmarkets dot ph. Only thing that seemed more expensive is fresh produce and meat.

I'm not going to cancel it, asshole. I need to find a way to survive on a budget in Boracay.

The only issues are:
>Where to get cheap fresh produce and meat
>How to not get scammed by trike drivers
i hope you get scammed. i think it is hilarious to think about you and your “wifey” sitting in your hotel room counting your coins and trying to determine how to get your next meal. Perhaps you can beg on the beach. i do recommend prostitution if your wifey is attractive at all. she could probably earn about p1000 a day with her pussy and ass.
Lunatic bastard. We will find a way to not only survive, but enjoy our vacation to its fullest. I will check out the local markets for cheap produce and meat.
It's a chinoy trying to create tensions to drive PH closer to china, despite china constantly attacking and disrespecting Ph
the oldest chinatown in the world is in Manila. All of the richest and most powerful filipinos are Chinese. The Philippines is already Chinese clay.
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This is my lifelong dream. Live in an expensive high rise and abuse and mutilate sex workers
Ching chong
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You suck Chinese dick every single day in the Philippines. And you love it!
Save more sucks
Yep you know you are talking to a poorfag retard if they shop anywhere besides Landers and S&R
How about not going on vacations you can't afford? How about saving a bit longer before going on vacation?
Spastic fuck
yeah that's literally how it works
sometimes I stop giving a fuck and just message women on pinalove or other dating sites
>want to come over and fuck until you get pregnant?
and very often they just say yes, and we set up a time to meet
I'll pay for their transport and maybe some snacks or something, but ultimately they just want to get dicked down and creampied
being full of cum is the thing that causes a pinay the most happiness
if you are taller/whiter/more hung than filipino men (easy), then you're this exotic sex toy and insemination engine they want to ride, and that's the simple fact
they are simple people, no overthinking required
does this work on very attractive women with lots of chad options? of course not, but it does work on lots of other do-able women with attributes you might like
it's the easiest country in the world to get laid in for free (or paid)
you literally, actually, just ask random women to fuck raw, and they are down
>you literally, actually, just ask random women to fuck raw, and they are down
sounds like a good way for your dick to rot off desu
that's the risk you take for having an active sex life
yeah, I have been paranoid many times about herpes, it sucks
I've also had the clap before and gotten yeast infections from dirty pussies
I hate it
but I also hate condoms
and I don't like getting girls pregnant, even if they're in another country it stresses me out and I hate it
also I usually don't like having a girl in my bed after I coom, I want her out
I think all in all that life is not for me
even though I am a degenerate sex fiend
I'd rather deal with occasional dickrot tha wear a rubber. I don't care if women get pregnant, they know the risk of having sex with strange men, and it's not like they are being forced.

The only really annoying shit is if a clever bitch doxxes me somehow and harasses me and my family for years because I fucked her once and she wants me to take responsibility for her brat.

I ignore it as much as possible, but she will show back up every few months to try slandering me to my family and friends.
It's very simple.
Dry season - minimal creek outflows - pristine water - clean beaches
Wet season - creeks and streets flood - horribly polluted water - beaches covered in trash
>fresh produce
Yeah, grapes and all other imported produce will be insanely expensive in PH. Local fruits are cheaper, but still expensive compared to the price of street food.
If you want the "female" to play the male role of pursuit, while you play the female role of the timid virgin anxiously awaiting his first penetration, go find a ladyboy, they love to play that game.
You keep asking the same stupid questions over and over again. Either pay the trike driver what he wants, or walk past him on down the sidewalk and into town. Period. End of discussion. No need to even think of the matter further.
Meat's gonna cost whatever it costs. If you want to save money on food, eat less of it, and get used to getting good and hungry before every meal.
imagine being such a poorfag that life in the ph breaks the bank for you
does your wife know you're this much of a loser, or does she think she has it made?
Pimp your little cumdump on the beach, 2k is the going rate for short time. She can run 3 tricks if she starts at 8pm.
It's a win win; you don't have to worry about your finances, and wifey gets stretched and filled by all the westerners and Arabs.

Boracay is every Pinay's wet dream; it's an aspiration for the average Filipino to go there, and it's not a place to split hairs about the cost of a kilo of rice or chicken bones. Fucking imagine panicking over being scammed by an e-trike rider, kek.

The moment she realises that she isn't going to be taking selfies at resorts, getting nice spa treatments and eating ala-carte dining is the moment she will look for another wallet. And congratulations, you've managed to take her to a place full of ballers
Fascinating, it's like having a tour of the brain of a beta male loser.
What caused this downward spiral, did Stacy reject him in highschool, videogame/porn addiction, or general loser 0 discipline mentality blame everyone but myself spheal.
my dad just got 90%
sleep apnea
hearing loss
foot pain

idk. his vet friends convinced him to apply and stack as many things as possible.

IDK Spanish-Filipinos like Enrique Razon and Zobel de Ayala are rivalling these Chinese.
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the slums are just a place you can make your dreams come true
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Give it to me straight lads how fucked am I?
>airbnb host cancelled out of no where
>scramble to find something as I land in 5 days
>found 1 private room and instant book, it's not Bangkal so whatever just need something 400/mo
>fuck it more than the other booking but I gotta get something everything else 500-600+
>realize I misread and thought it was right by the other place
>now in Malate between the water and the hospital right beside the mall
How good/bad is this? Was booked over in Quezon City for about 28 days, only ever stayed a few weeks in Bangkal during a visa reset. Holy hell was that terrible.

The air should be somewhat better being so close to the water right? Going to be there a month, can't cancel. Hear there is some Korea town vibes around that mall but never been.
90% of Philippines is "white persons look into ~exotic~ slums that's not mexico", the main reason I do 1 month in PH each year is because as a digital nomad around September all our end of year projects need to shared their deadlines. PH is a great boring cheap place that I can focus nearly 100% of my time on knocking out any projects ahead of the holidays,, hit up anytime fitness from a break, and not spend all that much. I don't know why unless you were a poorfag or VA missed out on having a kid in you're 20-30s that you would move there.

I've never found PH to be all that fun in night life compared to other places in Asia I have been, even where I am coming from (Korea). Every time I go out I find myself surrounded by one of the following
A) Boomers stuck visiting, teaching, or spending a long time in PH because how cheap it is. All are either depressed or just plain insufferable to try and talk to
B) Bar/club filled with redditors and making me recall why I travel alone

Yeah I know there are other bars and stuff out there where dropping some stupid low amount gets the entire bar loving you but man I've always found those to be such trash heaps. Not that I go to Texas roadhouse for my nights out on beers either,
Mall of Asia? You will be fine. Just take a grab to the mall and stay there all day. Or sleep all day and take a grab to the mall and do the night walk. Either way Mall of Asia is a great place to hangout and pick up horny young pinay
Checking these quads of Filipino optimism and resilience

>how fucked am I
Not very. Or very. You are still visiting the Philippines. Malate is fine to get around in, enough food / nightlife / little brown fucktoys to keep you happy. Quezon City is worse (or better, depending on what you are visiting the Philippines for).
>How good/bad is this
Depends on how much you enjoy sticking your dick in KTV girls. But on the whole, Malate is fine. Download Grab and use that for everything.
>The air should be somewhat better right?
Kek, no. You are still in manila
>Koreatown vibes
Sure, if you count barfining the aforementioned KTV girls a very Korean thing to do.
Not mall of Asia way more north
Not looking for nightlife or sexpat shit as I can get that any country
Brazaa "Philippines nightlife" is a euphemism for paying a pittance for and impregnating as much tight Pinay snatch as one possibly can
>Not looking for sexpat shit
That is the only redeeming quality of this hellhole, and the only valid reason why someone without any Filipino roots would visit.
I am visiting to knock out and focus on work and a flight from my last country to my next was like under 100 USD so worth the visa reset and travel costs. Up until my Airbnb canned this was looking ultra cheap
It should still be reasonably cheap with completely last minute bookings in a hotel. Like, you should find a place that isn't a shack, on the morning of, for 20 dollars. Hell, I'm booking hotel rooms for 30 dollars a night in Bangkok's touristy area, an hour before check-in time.
Good luck brah
The besti could find was a private room at a hostel with a/c for about 13 a night and took it. Everything else was questionable OYO hotels or Airbnb's that looked like I'd hear my neighbor snore through the walls and located in some shit part of town for late night eats that weren't Jollibee.
Because I haven't been planning in advance really, I haven't got any of those. I think those are the best too, though. If you can stay in a hostel with a private room for 20, even 30 dollars a night, you're killing it.
Went to Moalboal to snorkel and see the sardines... it's an ABSOLUTE SHITHOLE. Beach is full of trash and locals trying to scam you left and right for a measly $1. Is there anywhere in Philippines that is NOT A DUMP.
Yeah the only other remotely close option was pasay centrale hotel, but given that my hostel is right by the mall in Malate probably best there. I stayed in pasay for a couple weeks before and just hated the traffic when walking places. At least Malate has a walkway along the ocean.
Yeah, I had a decent enough hotel in Bangkok on Sathorn that was a great price, but the walking beside a highway to get anywhere sucked royally after a week, and I booked it for a month. Little details can change the amount of mental energy used to be content far from home.
>Is there anywhere in Philippines that is NOT A DUMP.
Pretty much just BGC, eastwokd, Rockwell, and a few other select neighborhoods/subdivisions

Basically all Luzon, as the best economic conditions are up there
All still dumps. All still low lying land that floods and loses power. A bunch of shopping malls and foreign chain restaurants are just lipstick on a pig
Philippines is a boring and bland country
Well, I've been to Bangkok, Paris, and Tokyo recently, and none of them had a place or district that was as pristine as Makati.
>making me recall why I travel alone
Probably because you are an insufferable fuckwit?
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Sorry it doesn't have more neon for your bug eyes to be excited for, but it's one of the greatest places in the world.
If you've never had the misfortune of going to a bar or club you found online only to have it be reddit_meetup.txt, count your blessing especially in PH of all places. Meeting them in SEA is among the worst
>let me tell you about politics at this place, my source? I read off a snapple bottle cap
>let me tell you how quirky this place is!
>who's your favorite foodietoobie?

I usually just try to keep track of places and things that look good but still find myself googling for bars and clubs while traveling. The amount of times I've gone out of my way only to find the dumbest lamest gayest fucking bars is aburd. It's probably the one reason I still come back to /trv/ for stuff because at least faggots get called out.
For me, it's Glorietta,
Okay now go to street level and show a shot that isn't some long exposure shot on a roof top after rain to clear the smog, to capture how crap it really looks.

Cool shot ot Glorietta/Greenbelt now post the rest of the shithole
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Makati is one of the most walkable big cities I've been to.
Yes anon gardens exist all over...
>Hallo sir, please lower your car window so I can sell you some snacks on the road, sir.
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It's not a garden, and there are no cars. Every building is connected via pedestrian paths through nature. It's the richest, greenest place on Earth. That's why it's called Greenway.
You are preaching to deaf ears anon, anons here are losers staying in Tondo or any other slum begging for a discount on prostitutes
Look at this ESL, yes anon the gardens exist in the things labeled parks...
Where to buy cheap fruits, veggies and meat in Boracay? Either that or the wifey and I starve.
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you wont starve as long as she can sell her pussy and ass to foreigners. If you don't prostitute her then you will starve
Bro shut the fuck up. This helpless act us getting old as hell.
Why you lying?
I appreciate you committing to the bit, even if the bit is boring and unfunny.
You'll be fine don't walk the streets after dark every fucking street urchin on earth is there waiting to rob you. It's putrid.
You have la cafe nearby a famous pub, MOA, Robinson's malate, there used to be a themed bar about lord of the rings where they employ only midgets called hobbit house
>I'm trying to focus on work
>Can't figure out a simple Airbnb listing
this is the power of autism bro.
I earn $700k per year
>Earn almost a million dollars a year
>Flying cebpac
>Booking dirt cheap rooms on Airbnb
Topkek m8
That anon isn't me, Airbnb host canned on me. I know how airbnb works, I just already budgeted everything for the end of the year in hotel payments and such so until the next paycheck is in not looking to spend excess on what I budgeted already, especially since it takes 2-3 days to move cash from my savings to my normal cards I use for international travel.
You're a newb traveller. All good
>host cancels on me for place I had a good deal on in one area
>scramble to find something that isn't total shit and 3-5x my original budget
>find private room at a decent rated hostel because as stated in other posts for the dates needed were shit
>just want to ask if anyone knows the new area as not familiar with it as much as previous place I stayed
Not following any mindset that would draw you to that conclusion
You're an idiot. Stfu.
You are booking a dorm in a hostel hahaha Jesus Christ man, you are skint
How many have you knocked up so far?
>doesn't know what a private room is
This board gets dumber every time I come back. Have a pity (you)
Can someone explain to me the appeal of staying in BGC/Makati and Cebu vs just going to Thailand?
>competition increasing because yellow fever fag chadlites getting priced out from Bangkok
>more expensive than Bangkok for worse accomadations
>girls not really that easy, cheap, or docile anymore
>dealing with low iq flips
>dealing with low iq flips
This one. You can rule them like a King. Literally and figuratively.
If you can only afford a room in a hostel you're probably dumber and broker than cuckshed.
Still possible for to get a spaghetti meal at Jollibee for free, while in Thailand they don't run those food promos anymore due to sheer incoming passenger numbers (60m a year) and th McDonald's and KFC stopped doing free food promos 20 years ago
Everyone who told me I will get scammed by Trike drivers: EAT SHIT! The wifey downloaded an App called Boracay Xpress, it's like Grab for trikes. No scams!

Now the only problem I have is getting cheap fresh produce and meat.

The Jollibee problem where they want me to pay 680PHP for an 8pc bucket is also solved. We are going to Andoks instead which is cheaper.
You've got to be one of the dumbest people on this board
I am the first person here to survive one month in Boracay with the wifey on a tiny budget. You guys told me it's impossible.
This guy thinks one day is one month. Talk about being a lonely trolling faggot.
I am not even in the Philippines yet. I'm flying there later this week.
>I am a survivor
>I just need to figure out how to buy food
Try the shops faggot
Where are they cheap though?
Do I look like lonely planet faggot. You haven't even been to the country and you're asking stupid baby shit just to waste everyone's time and your own
jesus christ I need to go to borcay and smear this retarded queer with an owner jeep
I've been to the 'pines multiple times, probably more often than you, but never in Boracay yet.

I hope you get brutally mogged by a trike driver
Trikes are not the problem anymore since I discovered the Xpress app, phaggit. I only need to know where to buy cheap fruits, vegetables and meat.
>I need to know where to buy food
Which shop offers them for cheap, phaggot?
>slum teens
Why do you insist on staying in one place for an entire month? Malate is more cosmopolitan than elsewhere in PH, but it's still a shithole full of scummy street hustlers and packs of Korean assholes. It'd drive me crazy to be stuck there for a whole month. There are plenty of apartments available for rent by the night in the entire metro area.
I stayed in a couple of those cheap hostel private rooms, kek. It'll probably be a windowless cell with a bunk bed inside and a shitty A/C that never gets the temp below 27 C, but at least you don't have to sleep with anyone.
>hear my neighbor snore through the walls
Not with as loud as those A/C window units are, kek. Only the roosters crowing from the streets below carry over the A/C noise.
Most hostels in Manila are not intended for backpackers, but for seamen on leave.
True that, Manila in general has decent sidewalks.
Nobody forces you to trudge the sidewalk or roadside anywhere in SEA. Motorbike hires are plentiful and cheap.
You should go check out the other end of Makati near the border with Pasay, LMAO. Some of the most fucked-up drug-ridden slums anywhere in the country.
No touts or tambays allowed. I walked through one morning, it is clearly the pinnacle of Filipino achievement only the more remarkable for the contrast between it and the surrounding area.
>cheap cheap cheap cheap
Get that American discount-hunting mentality out of your head and use some common sense for a change. If something is being sold cheaper than the same thing elsewhere, something is wrong with it. Do you really want to be the sucker who buys chicken that's beginning to spoil because it's 10% cheaper than the supermarket? Your gut will hate you...flip side is the horrible indigestion will destroy your appetite and thereby save you money on food.
>muh trike booking app
Whoop dee do. There is no magical discount trike fairy. You'll still have to pay 500 pesos for your trike ride to and from town, but it'll be a consistent price. BTW that's as much as my daily restaurant food budget in PH.
Thinking of going to Cebu for two months is 2k a day gonna be ok that was my budget in smaller cities and it worked out fine
Double it because Philippines is a scam.
I did it fine on 1k a day before and that was drunk every day, taxis, food
>1k a day
>drunk + taxis + food
stop lying faggot, a san mig is 90 pesos min in cebu, "Taxi" aka trike is going to run you 100 pesos a trip min because poreigner, food is going to be 200 a meal min
just stop fucking giving shit retarded advice
2k a day is doable if you aren't counting decent accommodations or decent entertainment, cebu is more expensive than smaller towns though, and anything a foreigner might want to do is priced to take advantage of them
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So many seething pignoys in this thread kek
>Why do you insist on staying in one place for an entire month?
Because all I am doing is focusing on work projects+gym
> There are plenty of apartments available for rent by the night in the entire metro area.
Cool. I looked I always ran into the following issues
>ones that were the same cost had horrible google photo reviews showing dogshit conditions
>A/C was no where but hallway 'FAN ONLY'
>condo that was turned into a 7 bedroom living facility that will had DOGSHIT noise protection
>no TV in room for second monitor setup
>not in Pasay bus hell/relatively quiet are
>in some area that is at best 25 minute walk one way to AnyTime
>Lack of washing machine/dryer to use
>room has no working space only working space in "shared area"
I could go on, I had already moved money around by the time I got fucked with the situation. A hostel provides everything I need, Private room, TV I can plug my HDMI into for a second monitor as I need, full kitchen+washer/dryer, A/C, desk+shared area, close by Anytime.

Again I looked at most every option I had avaiable to me, at the end of the day the hostel provided everything I want and a plus of the social aspect of just being able to relax in the common room talking with others. Again, not going to PH for coomerisms I can pick up chicks in any country had have in the last 2 countries I've been in without issue. Cooming is the last thing on my mind here with PH, it's mostly about not having distractions to knock out all my projects before end of the year so I can enjoy my time in Korea/Taiwan/Japan for the next few months without any possible time crunch.
It's 100p for a taxi in Davao or 10p for trike, beers are 35p where I was drinking upto the bars at matina where it was 60p
I would get boxes of beers delivered to my condo though for cost price plus delivery fee aka fuck all
Bottle of ginebra and mixers is like 100p
you are really fucking stupid
Don't even reply to that spastic schizo. Gotta be dumber than even braindead no skill broke loser TTT and down and out loser cuckshed
What is it about hostels that always makes this board lose their collective shit?
now this is autism
If you stay in a hostel and you're an adult you're a disgusting poorfag. A hostel in a third world country is beyond fucking pathetic. Hotels are like 15 bucks lmao
you mean larpers? all the pignoys are on >>>/int/asean
>Hotels are like 15 bucks lmao
Ah yes the infamous OYO roll-the-dice level of what policies and what quality it is because last year it was scrubbed from the internet formerly OYO Malina 9001 to OYO Manila 9002! Or the awesome "oh sorry cash or whatsapp only to pay, no your reservation.. ehhh no with booking.com...." or the magical "deposit" that is listed nowhere but the front desk. Keep in mind this is booking with a 5 day lead out

My hostel was 13/night and has all amenities I need, if you find something better on short notice for 28 days great. Enjoy PH the way you want to anon. Looking forward to how I'll enjoy mine.
You're literally crying about failing to understand how to use Airbnb and then booking in the entirely wrong location to where you wanted. Red planet and hop inn are perfect and can be had for about 20. Sogo, Victoria court , whatever. You're a clueless newbie that's ok. But don't lecture people on how smart and rich you are then cry about a bunk bed in a 13 dollar youth hostel that you could only afford
Anon... I know how to use Airbnb's

I just want something cheap as PH is not that important to me and only being used as a visa reset time, knock out some work, and hit the gym. I am not sure what you are still not getting here. The only reason I selected PH in the first place is as it was a cheap as shit fight and cheap airbnb, the airbnb fell through and rather than book to somewhere cheap I just decided to book something as close to the airbnb price as possible for 28 days; while maintaining the amenities I want/had. I don't understand what you don't get here.
>But don't lecture people on how smart and rich you are
I literally never mentioned how much I make, that "it make 700k" wasn't me. Sure I could spend more for something but why? PH is already a shithole why give it more money? I'd rather spend that money on the other countries I intend to visit. PH is just a conveniently located pit stop for me in the +8 months of travel I've been doing.
>bunk bed in a 13 dollar youth
Literally a twin size bed in private room that from all pictures and reviews I see is comparable to OYO.

Glad you feel so much like a /realtraveler/ but your reading comprehension is ESL level at best.
>book to somewhere considered cheap ...
whoops, forgot that context.
Nah I'm just amused more than anything, I like watching the paypigs recoil as they get a nice serving of reality that they aren't chads just a bunch of beta male losers
You mean white dorks? Yes they come here thinking JBW is enough. They don’t realize Aussies have been using this country as a cum dump for a long time.
I respect this bait/troll character. You're genuinely annoying.
>serving of reality
The reality that Philippines is still the easiest pussy in the world, and it's not even close?
That reality? That isn't what makes jbw goofs recoil. What they recoil from is the distressing filth, poverty, pollution, traffic, corruption, awful food and casual lying.
Whether the easy pussy is worth it or not is the only calculation they make.
There are only so many teen buttholes you can inspect before the novelty wears off and you have to decide if you want to put up with the day to day bullshit.
that's not very kind anon
>The reality that Philippines is still the easiest pussy in the world, and it's not even close?
No one cares aside from you losers who make it out to be the most important part of your life. By the time I graduated college I fucked 100+ women(not prostitutes or slum dwellers) already but I'll try to be empathetic you're probably a loser that lost his virginity at the age of 35-40 because you couldn't get a woman from your country and the desperation finally made you move from your mother's basement to here to become a paypig for a 3rd world slum dweller, what trailer trash single moms wouldn't take you so you had to resort to the most desperate people on the planet to get laid lmao.
Your lucky there's a massive language/culture barrier that your innate autistim and sperg nature gets brushed off but over time they'll realize and treat you as a massive manchild bank.
plenty of salty people seem to care
>monkey screeching intensifies
sounds like it hit the mark
Anyone know if Robinson supermarket is cheaper than Savemore in Boracay?
no but i think your wifey’s, pussy, asshole, and mouth are going to be cheap
your wifey can eat my cum
For me they are free

She only does mine
lol your wife will soon be taking raw loads for $15 a pop.
congrats on enjoying the jeepney/toda driver, teacher/tito’s sloppy seconds there chad po. i hope it was the best you ever had.
We will be going to the Talipapa market in Boracay for cheap food. The wifey is worried if it's dangerous there, but I told her not to worry, everywhere in Boracay is more safe than Manila.

Does anyone know if the prices there truly are cheap?
Well, you’re not totally wrong pignoy.
Most of these little sluts have been fucking since they were 12. And the ones that haven’t, well - that all changes when they meet a white man. Many of the upper class Filipinas I’ve bedded, are repulsed by flip “men”. They are exclusively attracted to white men (actual men, not seething pignoys).
Your women are whores for BWC.
Philippines needs Haitians and that problem would be solved
you are delusional and you cant even fucking drive, you loser
That is the Salcedo part of Makati where bankers
>All those seething replies
>tell trashy flip neighbor that if his loose dog charges and barks at me again I'm going to kill it
>(pignoy noises here)
>fast forward two weeks
>his dog is loose again and charges me in the street and does the assault barking shit
>BONK! Goes the metal pipe on doggie skull (always carry this with me on walks)
>animal collapses on ground and tries to run with its front legs only
>walk away
>pignoy noises begin and intensify
>entire pig clan boils out of the townhouse and begins screaming and wailing like their child was just murdered
>wave to them
>walk off
>Kuya charges me just like the dog
>show him the pipe
>does he want to be just like the dog? Is he sure?
>go home
>police come an hour later
>sir there has been an incident sir dey say you attack the dog with a bat
>explain the dog attacked me in the street and I defended myself with a single strike
>slide him 5k
>thank you sir that will be all po
>need follow up at barangay to tall barangay captain
>fast forward 1 week
>sir did you kill that dog?
>it attacked me and I defended myself, that's all
>okay but did you kill it? It was valuable guard dog, they say
>so they own that dog? I will be sueing them for letting their dog attack me then, I need to talk to my lawyer
>(pig noises from sidelines)
>you sure it's your dog sir? Not street dog?
>(intense pignoy noises)
>sir they want 10,000 pesos for the death of the dog
>if it was their dog have them sign affidavit saying so, and I will see them in court
>they don't want sir, will you both agree to get along and not argue about this anymore? Sign here
>sure let me read that
>(statement reads I assaulted the animal belonging to (pignoy) but they have decided to forgive me because it was off leash and not in cage)
>I'm not signing that shit. I'm also leaving. If you have a problem we can go through lawyers next.
>walk out
>pig screech from multiple directions
How was your week?
Hostel rotters are disgusting people who deserve to be smothered in their sleep in order to free up their bunk for someone who is actually traveling.
Bet you fell for something like this. A windowless bugbox "private room" tucked in the back of a kitchen / living area shared with a dozen people, i.e. a Philippine "hostel". Every time someone cooks, the whole place fills up with fumes. Better get used to wiping your ass with your finger under the flow of the bidet nozzle, as there will be no toilet paper provided.
LMAO I was just checking the thread what are the odds.

Nah pic related is one angle, again not sure what you guys are on about.
Though serious question how do you find some hell hole like that, if you're looking for hostels are you doing airbnb or just hostelworld? The latter is far more reliable.
Hostels in PH are for visiting ofw or seamen, usually not for traveling foreigners. Seamen hostels list their shit on every site hoping to scam foreigners who show up then immediately bail when they see the bullshit going on.
Oh okay so you have no idea what you are talking about and making shit up got it.
if youbhate it here then why dont you go back home kano? Next time you will catch kuya’s bullet in the night with no witness
Kuya (and you) won't do shit. ;)
I like it here just fine, that's why I defend myself from bullshit, and shut down monkey squealers who fuck with me.
It's literally transient housing for Filipinos aka "bedspace". They list as hostel to get extra money. There are also typical foreigner hostels but they cost $25+ and tend to be around tourist areas. Most foreigner hostels closed during covid and never re-opened since nobody comes to this shithole anymore.
Look up manila Hostelworld and everything you said is proven wrong
that's the only correct way of handling things in third world
give up a bit and they will totally run over you
File: IMG_2668.jpg (4.06 MB, 3024x4032)
4.06 MB
4.06 MB JPG
D'Mall Boracay has everything you need.
File: IMG_2769.png (4.02 MB, 1284x2778)
4.02 MB
4.02 MB PNG
Your hotel's breakfast buffet.
Ahhhhh gotta love Boracay, I miss it already. Hennan Lagoon is underrated

Anyhow, the person you were responding to is a troll
Found the boracay "wifey" retard.
Check out his posting history in /r/Philippines. Every time he posts even redditorniggers shit on him for being an autistic retard. Literally every post he ever made is the same hate. Lmao.
From his posting history here is what I deduced:

1) he met his province pinay online
2) he visited her once and got married
3) he is europoor german (possibly Turkish german) and cannot afford to live in PH
4) he sends his 'wife' money every month while he lives in Germany
5) he visits ph once or twice a year to spend time with 'wifey'
6) won't explain why he hasn't brought her to germoney yet
7) is apparently poor because he is a degenerate crypto and stock gambler, my german isn't very good but he seems to think reddit is the place to seek alpha
Ho Lee Fuk
8) he is 26 or 27 years old
9) he has a posting history in /r/bald and /r/ed (erectile dysfunction)

The strangest thing is his poorfag mentality while he claims to make about 4k usd a month, which is more than enough to live well in ph and save up for a nice vacation.

What game is this dipshit playing? I have a feeling he really does piss it all away.
Nah that website is full of shit. Hostel scene is a wasteland for foreigners unless it's one of 2 or 3 hotspots.
From what I saw online, D Mall is made for tourists and everything there is priced as such. I need a cheaper place because I'm staying a whole month while being poor.

I rented an apartment. It also has a kitchen so the wifey can cook.

I lied about my income here. It's closer to 1000€/month.
Anyway I'm out, you guys took it too far and were of no help to me. My apartment will be in station 3 in Boracay, there's enough locals who can give me actual advice.
I thought you visited there yourself but it looks good, but its in bataan...
I would've visit this thread more if regular posters werent passport bros who thinks with their penis
Kek fuck off cunt
Anon that doxxed you did justice
You don't go to Boracay while being poor.
How the fuck do you even get teens there? I can only get the 20 year olds at the youngest, from dating apps.
What app does every filipino use? What app has free data?
But Badoo only has 18 at the youngest.
18 is the youngest you can legally fuck as a foreigner. Go younger and they will extort you.

Anyways badoo isn't the answer either, retard pedo.
I really need some advice from the expats lifers living in the Philippines. Please tell me how you deal with how epically fucking stupid Filipinos are. I can’t go a single day without encountering how dump these people are. I have gotten used to their stupidity on the roads. Now I mean buying food or making business transactions with them. Please tell me how you do it? It is exhausting and I don’t want to hate these people. I just don’t understand why they are all dumber than a literal downs retard.
What is then?
New >>2711149
Versus what, someone who has actually trudged the streets of Manila for two weeks straight and seen that this anon >>2710825 is absolutely right? "Hostels" in Manila are not places where foreign backpackers hang out and socialize. They are places where migrant workers, seamen, and the odd traveling foreigner bunk up to save money. Usually quite dirty and with neglected common areas.
If Donald Trump wins the election i will probably move back the US.
Jeetjanny got triggered and nuked the new thread lmao
You can't avoid it, but you can mitigate it by cutting down on the amount of interaction you have with average Filipinos daily.

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