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Hear me out. this is a board about travelling, right? well, we need jobs (money) to travel. I see a lot of shit posting and doom posting but rarely anything about how to make it happen.

for those who don't know, merchant marines is a job type that can lead to travel. work on the boat, hit a port, back on the boat. and when you arent on a ship you can live overseas (if you can afford it). would a mm general or travel job general be a good idea? I think so.
Hard (but not impossible) to get into the industry on a US/First World based ship.
Not worth it to work on a ship based anywhere else. They're all staffed by Bangladeshis who barely know how to poo in a loo and the officers are Filipinos with a stick up their ass.
it's mostly Americans that talk about getting out of this shit pot and being able to travel. this can help them. I'm a big believer in being a man and doing for self.
There's already one on /n/. I'm going into the industry myself and even though I like it, every old timer you meet will tell you to stay away.
Especially since it's entirely reliant on the Jones Act being upheld. If it gets repealed (and there is political pressure for it) all our shipping will be outsourced to the Chinese and fillipinos.
If I got horribly seasick on every vessel I've ever been on, from a Boston Whaler to a Carnival cruise ship, does this mean I'm not cut out out for the USMM?
I've never been aweigh for more than 24 hours, so I don't know if I can get my sea legs.
>reliant on the Jones Act being upheld

never gonna happen, there's a reason we manage to keep the same level of QOL and the unions have alot of power on this.

OP try working for MSC (civilian Navy) they have what you are looking for (living overseas) but keep in mind they go out to sea alot and a lot of MSC ships don't go to ports much.
>OP try working for MSC (civilian Navy) they have what you are looking for (living overseas) but keep in mind they go out to sea alot and a lot of MSC ships don't go to ports much.
Do they have a better pension than the merchant mariners?
idk, I'm a contractor so my shits different but its a G.S role.
>Do they have a better pension than the merchant mariners?
MSC has a very high turnover rate. Think about that.

t. I inquired and almost pulled the trigger
t. Navy reservist officer
What about cruise ship work? I had a (22 yo white female) friend at a seasonal job who did that for a few years, got to visit many tourist destinations and make money at the same time.
It's also Americans who have the least need to pursue difficult jobs outside the country when some of the best-paying menial jobs in the world are right here on American soil. The #1 key to affording travel as an American worker is to find a living situation which keeps your expenses well below average, and then develop strict financial discipline to put that extra money away in the travel fund instead of letting it burn a hole in your pocket.
BTW how much time do you actually get on shore when working on a commercial vessel? I bet it's very little, with many weeks of monotonous labor in between.
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People tend to get used to ship's rolling, but it's not true for everyone. Some people still get somewhat seasick, some never have it any better. And if you have it bad even on a cruise ship (they are built in a way to reduce rolling), chances are sailing is not for you.

>cruise ship work
A valid option if you don't want to make it your career, since it requires minimum training and certification. Opportunities for going ashore are quite decent and these ships tend to visit nice places.

>how much time do you actually get on shore when working on a commercial vessel?
Varies by a lot depending on ship type and size. For example, aboard large tankers and container ships is as you say, long voyages and short port stays. But working, say, on smaller dry cargo or reefer ships can get you some decent time ashore.
if you have army expirience maybe you can get a job as a meme mercenary the other posts are stuffed by third worlders it is not a nice job
t. greek
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im a croat deck officer that works on bulk carrier ships, basically what everyone says most ships are staffed by 3rd worlders and gone are the days of the crew traveling as you imagine it when in port. Also traveling to some giga 3rd world ports is far from fun.

the job is hard and frustrating and really not for most people, it will also destroy your personal life. The pay isn't even that good just that the standard of living in Croatia sucks so the pay is relatively speaking decent. The advantage is that you spends months home free from any sort of work with money in the bank and then you can use that money to travel wherever you and and however long you wish - but you could mostly achieve the same with some other high paying job.
I want to be a merchant marine deck officer but I'm bad at math
Damn, sounds rough
I did one tour and I hated it so much that now I rather work wagie shit in my city.
t. also croatian
its a good job if you're american, because of the jones act. you make a full years salary working 6 months of the year. but you'll make way less if you're not american, even brits and euros make less than half of american mariners.
They'll never outsource it to the chinese, way too big of a national security threat. Imagine if there's another pandemic

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