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Just got back from a trip in Scandinavia. Unfortunately, one of the Airbnbs I stayed at had a piece of shit host, and was shitty overall. Their internet didn’t work 90% of the time. They tried blaming it on an outage, but that only lasted one morning and we had trouble connecting to the wifi/router the entire time. They also refused to refund us even a small amount (which we regret not actually requesting through Airbnb), and took hours to respond the whole time, and did literally nothing to help.

We left them an honest review and it was immediately removed for some completely bs reason - we mentioned there was a loud party on our first night (which there was), and it said we violated Airbnb party policy, which says you “cannot promote the listing as being party friendly” in a review.

Also the host left a nightmare review, saying we “asked too many questions and had too many requests” which was bs. We did have a few questions, such as where the laundry was (it was in the basement of the apartment and we didn’t receive any instructions for access), and asked if we should use the HARD plastic brush to wash her dishes because she mentioned she didn’t want her pans scratched yet only provided that? She said yes of course (realized later this is a Scandinavian thing).

After check out, she was also supposed to check for a shirt I lost, and we literally waited something like 5 days for her to “come back from vacation” and she actually never got back to us when she said she would, out of pure spite. She didn’t even message to say her “trip was actually extended” until we reached out to her first (it was already the evening of the day she said she’d be back) and then she told us that.

The communication with her was actually disgusting and so stressful that it ruined my vacation. Not only that but now that my vacation is over I still have to deal with the nightmare this host has caused.
Part 2/2

This whole ordeal kind of made me lose faith in humanity, and made me feel like anyone who has success, such as Airbnb founders, or even this shitty host with mostly good reviews, is a POS lying scammer.

Does anyone have any advice for the situation? We learned the hard way we should always pretend to be super happy with everything and then stab them in the back with a very VAGUE review, otherwise if they suspect you might say something bad, they’ll definitely do the same for you.

I was even thinking of becoming a host but seeing how disgusting and unfair Airbnb is makes me want to not bother.

One of the other rentals we stayed at was completely severely covered in mold, to the point we couldn’t breathe, and they’ve been renting it for over 5 years, with only one review that slightly HINTS at the fact it is HUMID inside. The hosts should have been immediately banned for renting out an actual health hazard.
>Airbnb in Western Europe
>owners are massive faggots and the listing is garbage
many such cases
that being said, I'm about to book an airbnb in Buenos Aires, hope I don't get a shithole lol
I don’t know. The one with the subhuman bitch was in Norway, in Oslo. The one with the unbearable mold was in Germany, Hamburg.

Why does the world suck so hard? Out of the 6 places we stayed at, only 2 were good. The decent one was insanely expensive, and the good one honestly wasn’t perfect either but the host made up for it.

In another, the apartment itself was great and quiet but it was dirty af and didn’t even have dish soap or clean sheets.

I’m starting to think I should just book the cheapest ones and clean them myself.
Why do you think this is your blog, retard nigger? You deserve what you tolerate, and it sounds like you took your ass pounding like the bitch you are.
Good Airbnb ratings for a host don’t mean jack shit. If anyone has an even remotely negative review don’t ever go there, unless it’s like one 4 star with no explanation.

Most guests are afraid to say anything because they are the ones that get screwed in the end.
Our only option was to leave, waste a bunch of time during our very limited stay moving, and wasting a fuckload more money if we could even FIND a last minute extremely overpriced booking (that would likely be a shithole too)
post the chat logs or fack off
Don't care. Nobody here cares. If you're dumb enough to use nigbnb in 2024 you deserve everything that happens to you.
I've been living in Airbnbs for years. it's really hit or miss. you learn to look out for certain things, but they still trick you. I found one place that was in a good location at a decent price. listing claimed it was a private apartment. they neglected to mention that it was really just a house that had been split in half and the owner's paranoid grandma lived upstairs. Even had to share the main door. We could hear each other all the time. She could hear me shit. I could never relax because I always felt like she was keeping an eye on me. Shit like that is why you kick yourself, "fuck, why didn't I spent that extra $50 or $100"
name an alternative. bookings has the same listings. hotels are going to be more expensive. airbnb is still king, cope and seethe
post logs fag
Airbnb is so shit and hosts are genuine psychopaths. Had a place one time I thought was great, then in the middle of the night the front door opens and a whole family of fucking Africans piles in.

Turns out all I was renting was a bedroom and a bathroom, despite the location being listed as a whole apartment (2 bed 2 bath).

They showed me their listing. I told them they couldn't come in, as I was already staying there. I explained it didn't matter if they paid already, they can't move their family in while I was staying there.

Host contacts me and says I'm only renting a bedroom, despite the listing saying whole apartment. I tell him that's now how it works, and I'm calling the police if he doesn't sort it out.

Motherfucker cancels my booking (thankfully refunds me), and tells me to take a hike so the nigs can move in. Lmao. Sent the whole thing to airbnb and nothing happened.

I don't use airbnb anymore except to find apartments, and then I contact property managers for that building and ask for short term vacation rental leases. Then we do actual paperwork which they can be held legally accountable for, and I get apartments that way. Much cheaper and they prefer it also since there is no fuckery with the app. Also if they screw me over I can destroy their property and then skip town, and they can't do anything about it.
>cope and seethe
Hilarious coming from the whiny OP crying actual bitch tears because the airbnb host wasn't nice to him.
It’s so fucking over. Even if you did spend the extra cash could’ve been the same shithole.

Why do you live in airbnbs? Also why does that grandma sound Eastern European or something

No idea what to do with my shit review now, bet hosts won’t even want to host me
Fucking kek what country was that in? Sounds like a disgusting shithole

I am convinced most of them are psychopaths, imagine leaving all your precious shit for some swine freak to ruin
>I'm about to book an airbnb in Buenos Aires
You should ask the host where to exchange money if you don't want to deal with the randoms on Florida street, all Argentines have a trusted money guy or will trade with you themselves at the blue rate
not OP. cope
I'm a nomad. This listing was in South America. Eastern Europe actually has some of the better listings in my experience. I'm currently at a 50% rate of shithole airbnbs in South America. Hopefully, Buenos Aires is better than Rio.
I'll only be there for a month and a half. never been before, heard the money situation is weird. I'll just use my card I guess. I usually travel with $500-$1000 usd in case of emergencies
UAE a few years ago before covid.

I stayed in another airbnb there that turned out to have all fake reviews. It was directly below a sprawling 24/7 gym and it was incredibly noisy at all hours from the music and weights.

The host ignored my messages so I made recordings and took vids+pictures and sent to airbnb and moved out. Left an honest review/warning and the host went ballistic and wanted to "talk irl", so I gave him a location an hour out of town at a gun range.

Got a refund a few days later.

Basically the only way to do airbnb is dip your toe in for 1 or 2 days, and hope the location isn't booked out further if it's nice and you want to stay longer. You WILL be fucked if you book long term sight unseen, every time.
Would you say you’re a jerk or a sociopath?

I have heard good things about Argentina, not sure about the Airbnbs there though. I live in Bulgaria and hate it here, but I suppose it would be more fun if you knew your stay was temporary.
I'm a host and speaking from expirience usa guests are the. most obnoxious ones asking random shit all the time seems like op is one of them
no, I'm a nice and quiet guest. Definitely not finicky. it takes a lot for me to leave a bad review. Last time I did it was probably 2 years ago in Istanbul (another city where I have had terrible airbnbs). another situation where there was some dishonesty about being a 'private' listing with shared space. there was a cat (I'm allergic) and I was sick for my two-day stay. no mention of it in the listing

>hour out of town at a gun range

kek, i bet he took it as a death threat of sorts

Hosts are worthless, most of them know their place is a fucking shithole and don’t care. The moldy airbnb I was at literally had a paid drink menu. He was like, we have juice and water!!! By the way it’s 3 euros teehee!!! Who tf does that.

Also the only way back home in the evening was a 10 minute walk in some pitch black muddy alley right next to a field of fucking cows. The fencing was literally 3 strips of thin wire lmao.

The whole time we thought we would get stabbed and robbed, cause you literally couldn’t see anything even with a flashlight.

Thing is we stayed at each city for like 3 days, which meant our stay/entire experience was just fucked.

Seems everything was booked honestly. Most available had a clearing of like 1-2 weeks tops.

Renting long term through Airbnb is usually much more expensive, even with any discount they might give.
pipe down, rajeesh. nobody is going to stay at your jeetbnb.
Oh nooooo god forbid you have to answer a fucking QUESTION to earn your free money, disgusting slum lord
>asking 2 pm where is the home adress when you have been there before in the morning
use fucking google maps
>asking if you can rent sunbeds at the beachclub you currently are
just ask the fucking stuff
american brains work differently i guess
Lmao nigger we are talking about lunatics having a meltdown because they can't find the right type of fork at 3am and blasting my inbox demanding to know where the salad forks are

You have no idea how helpless and how entitled people are until you start hosting them. I'll never do it again. I just rent the place out normally now through a local property manager.
Only reason i was asking is i assume you’d have to be very adventurous and risk taking to pull that kind of lifestyle off. I’d love to do it too, but the main job I hear people do it with is programming which I don’t think I’m cut out for lol

I’m very quiet and clean too, which is why I was so repulsed someone would leave me/us a bad review for asking questions. On second thought I should never have asked for a refund, but the person I was with who did the booking itself wouldn’t let me deal with/control the situation before it got to that point which didn’t help
Sounds like they were drunk or something, and mistakenly thought you were friendly

Imagine actually getting pissed at that and leaving them a bad review
2 am * fuck retarded burger time
What is this mystical thing that you are which is not American?

Also be honest, did you not have the right kind of fork available?

To be fair a lot of it could be cultural differences. Apparently in Scandinavian countries fucking NOBODY wears house slippers, while in Eastern Europe it’s considered offensive not to offer them.

Not only that but in Scandinavia everybody and their mother washes their dishes and non sticks with a HARD PLASTIC BRUSH and most don’t even own sponges. This isn’t a thing in Eastern Europe. Who the fuck scrapes their plate with sparse, long, hard bristles? It doesn’t even make contact with the surface to clean it and flicks soap everywhere
i left a bad review becuse they blasted ac 24/7 while leaving windos and doors open and the lights on and less becuse they send 10 messege per day
>charge significantly more than the established local rate (going well beyond airbnb fees) to tourists
>"W...Why do they expect me to answer these questions!? of course the public garbage can is two blocks down on the left by the park! I already wrote this in my five page document with shitty clipart I sent to them when I approved the request!!!"
oh no, you won't be able to take advantage of foreign travelers coming to visit your country! tourists btfo!
Fair enough then. We literally had a few basic questions (during the day), never spammed the owner, and she still took too fucking long to respond each time, and she gave us a shit review, cause she knew we would leave her a bad one since she didn’t even offer us a small refund.

Also how tf did u know they had the ac on and windows open lmao
>in Scandinavia everybody and their mother washes their dishes and non sticks with a HARD PLASTIC BRUSH
lol what? they don't use sponges?
Yeah they fucking don’t. And now imagine the host getting mad at me for asking if we should use the fucking brush. When in her stupid ass piece of shit rules she said not to put her pans in the dishwasher so they don’t get “scratched” yet she wants us to wash her nonstick pieces of shit with a hard ass brush that doesn’t foam up

We thought this bitch was just a fucking freak but the other host had the same shit, and so did the other, except they also had a sponge. We researched and found this is a thing there. Fucking weirdos.
>how tf did u know they had the ac on and windows open lmao
during the visit to clean the pool ac was on full blast lights on dors and windos open and also the day they left the same
Also literally ALL of their pots and pans are nonstick inside
Ok that’s cringe asf , who tf leaves the AC on while they’re gone? And with the windows open too? Kinda weird ngl

Maybe it smelled like cigs or smth lol
Not to mention in Norway they paint their bedrooms completely black for some godforsaken reason, it’s a common thing there. And they both had extremely dim lighting too, as if they deliberately wanted to make the gloomy weather even more depressing

**only 1/3 had a sponge in addition to the brush
>imagine being a host and having a rule about the pans
>imagine being a guest and giving a fuck about the rule to the point to send a messege
i dont know who is more retarded to be honest
Honestly, we were very surprised and confused she didn’t have a fucking sponge, we thought it might be hidden somewhere or something

I gave the brush a legitimate chance, it’s useless and easier to wash the dishes with your hands and the soap
brush sound pretty nesty desu for str i just replace a cheap sponge per stay
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Where exactly is the nightmare? If anything, you sound like the nightmare guest, a spoiled pest who makes a mountain out of a molehill.
>tries to hustle petty change out of host because of WiFi issues, like a literal Jew
>can't be assed to walk around the place to find the washing machine, or read the profile
>expects owner to fetch your precious T-shirt and IDK, pay out of her pocket to airmail it to your home?
>bugs the owner for a dishwashing tutorial
>she rightfully says that you were a pain in the ass
Good point.
You can find all kinds of nice apartments on Booking.com. I paid $12/night for what was basically a whole house rental in suburban Monterrey, Mexico a couple winters ago. Very well appointed. They could check my profile and see that I am a respectable traveler worthy of a good deal, not one of the 75 IQ niggermutts in this thread who deserve nothing but overpriced shitholes.
Trash a room in Thailand and see how far you get before you are dragged to the police station and forced to hand over $1000 or be sent to prison.
same listings as airbnb. next.
>same listings as airbnb. next
not true booking is worse than airbnb for hosts since they charge their 15% fee on the host insted the guest so you get taxed on it and they don't pay for damages
Dumbass no instructions were anywhere and it’s not in the place it’s in another entrance in the basement

But ok keep projecting dumbass host fgt
>name an alternative
vrbo, it's usually worse, with pics from the '90s, but sometimes you can find a deal

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