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>goes to the most "dangerous" areas of South America or Asia
>wanders around freely , talks to locals, drinks, picks up local women
>nothing happens
Is South America being dangerous all just bullshit? Seems pretty chill and locals seem friendly everywhere he goes.
It's Hispanic culture. They don't prey on the strong and sure, they prey on the weak and stupid. Hispanics also like people who have open and expressive personalities. The taller and more extroverted you are, the less likely you are to feel threatened on the streets in South America. Also, word gets around the neighborhood very rapidly. Dude shows up, introduces himself, and before you know it, everyone for blocks around knows Kurt Caz is gonna be making a video in their neighborhood. It's like being on TV, live audiences on the street in Latin America are always thrilled to be on screen.
Also, Latins don't seethe over guys getting laid like other races do. Their reaction to a successful slay would be more along the lines of "hell yeah bro" than "reee sexpat pig go home". The weird ascetic celibate traveler might get respected on the street in Southeast Asia, but in Latin America he is a loser who will be mocked and messed with by the young guys.
>doesn't go at night
>Also, Latins don't seethe over guys getting laid like other races do. Their reaction to a successful slay would be more along the lines of "hell yeah bro" than "reee sexpat pig go home".
hispanic groupthink is insane I can't relate to their culture at all
Cause he's a big white guy. People dont fuck with them by natural instinct.
Yeah it’s not that dangerous at all. It’s a bit like in American cities. The violence is mostly limited to drug stuff. Random crime is not gonna happen to you. Ive had many friends down there and been there myself. Dont let the basement dwellers scare you- go visit
None of this is accurate at all. What is wrong with internet freaks? Jeez
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>he weird ascetic celibate traveler might get respected on the street in Southeast Asia

are you fucking kidding me. white incels get laughed and mocked.
This makes me so angry
I would never have expected a latino to passionately react to something
No it makes me angry because I’m not Kurt so I’d get made fun of and preyed upon
>the 666 rule
he's a satanist?
You’re an idiot if you believe that crap. You’re only gonna get preyed upon if you look really small and weak, just like you would anywhere else in the world.
>Is South America being dangerous all just bullshit?
No, he was about 5 minutes away from being robbed by those guys in the pic and any normal person in latam would get away from them as fast as possible

>Also, Latins don't seethe over guys getting laid like other races do
Yep, latin guys are total bros and it's no secret to them that the girls are whores, just don't hit on their gf
>the 666 rule
>he's a satanist?
it means he has a:
>6 figure usd income
>6 inch penis erect
>6 ft tall
and for some reason he still can't get a date.
>and for some reason he still can't get a date.
he's posting his dorky linkedin photo on a dating app and looks 10 years older than he is, women aren't gay stats autists
>6 figure usd income
is that even still impressive in the US? I thought that nowadays it's still above average but not something that allows you to live in luxury
>6 inch penis erect
not small but not impressive, also if he's mentioning his penis length in his tinder bio it's embarrassing
>6 ft tall
decent but again, not out of the ordinary
This "666 rule" sounds completely arbitrary and I don't see how it would get you chicks, it the kind of shit that some fag on /r9k/ might have come up with
>is that even still impressive in the US?
It's more of a minimum than impressive, 666 rule is a meme from the 90s
if the mediocre buffoonish 6+ft white man showed up to a nightclub in izmir turkey, dozens of white and white-passing turkish women would immediately throw themselves at him.
yaas white chads, it's totally safe to hang around violent shithole spic men in their own territory.
Are there any issues with local guys trying to cockblock or problems getting the girls into hotels in Turkey?
no. that would cause a loss of shekels for the local economy, which no turkish man is willing to cause.
shekels are king in that economic shithole.
Sounds like total BS, Turkey is well known to be a sexual desert for men.
Mexico is North America btw
Having a 6 figure income is only not impressive in Jew York or Commiefornia. Stop living in expensive shitholes
>white and white-passing turkish women
don't exist
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Mexico doesn't really count
Remember that vagrant went all around the world sleeping in a tent in bushes and nothing happened except robbed in Europe of his belongings when he went back to tent. He went to Mexico was robbed at machete point of all of his gear immediately lmao
It's a numbers game. Not everyone is being robbed every single day. And if/when he eventually gets his shit stolen, he's not going to sit down and cry in front of a camera about it. He'd lose his tough guy image.
>rare thing happens
Two More Trips and then I get murdered for real this time. I have been murdered over 60 times now according to seething basement dwellers.
Hard to believe you think it’s not dangerous. There’s a reason why the crime rate is so high. Even innocent people get robbed and killed.

The only way these YouTubers don’t get fucked with. They’re popular and get recognized. Or they’re filming and say it’s for YouTube. Then maybe you’ll be fine because they want to be on camera.

By the way he was stopped by a shop keeper. The shop keeper told him to not follow those guys. They’ll rob him.

Before I stopped watching his videos. Small brained American got robbed or there was an attempted robbery. I believe in Columbia
It really isn’t as dangerous as you’re protraying. You have paranoid schizophrenia.
Robbers from the slums usually go to “operate” in more affluent neighborhoods
Most people living there are just very poor working class folk
I’d still wouldn’t recommend touring around there, since police are inclined to turn a blind eye to those parts of town
>don't seethe
Yes they fucking do. Their women will brag about getting White dick and their beta orbiters will try to mug you or at worst murder you if you stay too long
>incel this incel that
Get over your obsession with that stupid term. In a country like Thailand, either you choose to get laid, or you choose not to get laid. It's about time guys quit pretending they don't have a choice in the matter.
Lastly, foreigners, regardless of looks or affluence, are judged positively for their good behavior by the common folk of Southeast Asia. This makes some foreigners seethe so hard, you can't help but laugh at their frustration.
>random crime is not going to happen to you
What a stupid promise. You will be sized up by unsavory characters, and the way you react will determine what happens. What's true is that if you go about your day with the mindset of "nobody will dare fuck with me", very few are going to take you up on the challenge.
It doesn't take a genius to realize that the power dynamic changes greatly when you are being sized up by five lowlifes instead of merely one.
Whatever is a beta orbiter, sounds like some westoid faggotry. You must be referring to brothers and cousins who may not take kindly to you bragging publicly about railing their little sister / niece (who would never think of bragging about being railed by a random guy she met yesterday, topkek). Guys gonna want to see if you're as tough as you act by fucking with you. This has nothing to do with sex or lack thereof, it's simple macho games. Little things like friendly insults, maybe splashing their beer on you by "accident", abruptly demanding you give them money or pay for something you didn't order. How you react to these petty provocations will determine how you are subsequently treated. Do you react like a timid little bitch? A prickly insecure loner? Or a big confident Chad who good-naturedly gives as well as he gets?
Most of South America is chill and the locals are friendly, but it can aldo be dangerous. That doesn't mean that something bad is automatically going to happen to you. I've been to some of the most dangerous parts of Colombia and had no trouble, and was robbed in one of the safer parts.

You definitely can visit the more "dangerous" areas, but you need to use your head and have some skills in recognizing and managing risk.

In the dangerous areas, life goes on and is pretty normal most of the time. It's not like you show up to a spot with a travel warning and you're automatically going to get robbed/raped/murdered/made to feel mildly awkward. It's just that there's a higher risk.
Lass in the middle could suck your cock with her nose
This whole post is schizobabble. Disregard it entirely.
I thought he's like 5'7
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>Seems pretty chill and locals seem friendly everywhere he goes.
Anon, he's walking around constantly with a camera pointed at things.

He goes places he mapped out well in advance, isn't carrying too much cash, probably the most valuable thing on him is his camera. He knows if he just forks over his wallet with a bit of cash in it + phone, he knows he isn't going to die. It's just go back to the hotel room and get the spares out to continue filming but now with EPIC UPDATE ROBBED! NOT CLICKBAIT! Wow he now made min 5x the profits of anything lost.

Most these dangerous places aren't going to kill you unless you start dabbling with the drug dealers shit. White tourist who to them is probably American or something, causing a death would be a huge issue to actually make the police and other people do something. Usually the people who wind up dead put themselves in an ultra shitty situation or were a white woman getting kidnapped because "muh 3rd world is safe :^)".

9 times out of 10 if you look like you know what you are doing, don't look nervous or lost, and keep moving; people don't fuck with you. They go for the easy targets, they go for easy shit like taking your wallet and phone then dabbing. If you just give up instantly what they ask they aren't going to stab you because they know THEN the police will do something.

>goes to ultra dangerous places
>broad day light in the morning
Oh no not having to deal with some 80lbs teenagers thinking they are tough!
>>6 figure usd income
>is that even still impressive in the US?
Not really. $250k is around the point where the money allows a different lifestyle and mentality. $100-$175k or so is really just a middle-manager middle-class income.
Mexico is another level
Anyone dumb enough to think spics aren't dangerous deserve to be robbed and murdered with the rest of them. white guys are slowly becoming the most kiked retards on the planet, enjoy being raped like the faggots you are. I WISH MY MURDERED WAS A 60 YEAR OLD HUWITE MAN

your homosexual fathers will apologize for your deaths at the hand of subhumans, we're excited to see it. Besides disgusting kikes is there a more embarrassing race of men on the planet?
>seething Spanish rapebaby
All lower races see White Chads as gods, literal gods, if you are tall and fit and white you will be intimidating everywhere on earth
>black soulless eyes
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

White gringos are seen like dancing monkeys in South América, a novelty for people to point at and look with curiosity. He's not a threat to any of the local drug dealers so he's left alone to do his little youtube videos. If he crossed any of the gangsters he would be long dead.

You are a fucking retard dude, Chads get murdered all the time in south American because you pampered retards have no survival instincts.
>Mass replying to write word salad gibberish
So what happened to them
No where's dangerous when you're a chad
>>like people who have open and expressive personalities
But kurt is really stoic,"expressive" by Finnish standards maybe
>>live audiences on the street in Latin America are always thrilled to be on screen
More like they know that white people with cameras mean they might be getting money for their participation
Literally the opposite is true, latin guys are the most jealous and possessive males except maybe muslims. Asian guys for the most part don't really care cause their women whoring themselves to sexpats is just too common it stopped phasing them back in 1998 especially SEA and Japan
Those were coping sub5s
>>Oh no not having to deal with some 80lbs teenagers thinking they are tough!
Grandpa it isn't the 90s anymore, high school kids are running around with switches and they're the most likely to kill you cause their brains aren't developed so they kill mfs for "looking tough", "he dissed me on the mixtape", "you were talking shit on twitter"
I've got a couple friends that are absolutely terrified of going to Cancun because "Mexico is super dangerous guys!" So dangerous that boomers love vacationing there every year, apparently. for reference we're all American. Guy friend and I are 6'0+, built like linemen, and his girlfriend is 5'6. I can't imagine a scenario where we're the ideal prey to gang activity.
I'm going to Tegucigalpa on Tuesday for work. What am I in for? I've been to Belize and El Salvador before for work so it's not my first go around.
Any recommendations or advice? I'm 6'2" huwhite man with some common sense so I know very well things probably get spooky at night.
Colombian here
>he knows where he is going beforehand, probably with barely anything in his pockets but his camera
>thieves are everywhere, but as long as you don't look like a victim odds are you'll never even see them (but if you do, please help us lynch them)
>night and day are two different worlds in some neighbourhoods
>no, we don't see you as dancing monkeys as someone said, we are friendly as long as you are and we understand you come from a different background qnd may need some help with directions or shit like that
and a funny story with some tourists
>playing chess on a plaza
>a couple of guys come to play
>the owner says 'you have to pay 2000 pesos (50 cents) each for the service, but you can play for as long as you want'
>'what? wtf? this should be free, I'm sure it is' + bunch of random noises in another language I didn't recognize
>after a while they try to haggle the price (literally a fucking dollar for both of them)
>they finally leave pouting
>'you should respect people from israel or we may never come back!'
vagrant holiday got robbed in mexico on his last visit
Tourists aren't going to be getting robbed at gun point unless they really go digging.

Harming a tourist = bad for everyone.

Most you'll get is pick pocketed and most always scammed in these kinds of places. OP's vlbogger retard is 100% safe from danger, at worst he loses his phone and a couple hundred bucks which any YT video, as stated, will make up for it by any clickbait video.

Let's see this whippo go to Haiti during a riot and film in the slums
Cancun is safe, safer than most American cities, but being 6'0 and built doesn't make you anymore bullet proof than a 5'2 scrawny guy, a gang member with a gun isn't going to be scared of you because you're taller than him.
>gang member with a gun isn't going to be scared of you
True, Mexican police aren't scared of gringos, kek.
Vagrancy is a bad idea in Mexico. I tried to sleep next to a low wall behind some bushes in a public park in Durango after arriving on a 1 AM bus, almost immediately noticed a couple guys lurking suspiciously on the nearby street, so I packed up my pad and headed to the brightly lit plaza to pass the night reading a book instead.
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Baja California is nowhere near South America.
What "survival instincts" would've stopped a tweaked-out, gringo-hating psycho with a gun from shooting you in the head? None. Ensenada is full of sociopaths, and guns are easily imported from Arizona.

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