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I don't care what anyone says, the St. Louis Arch is the most impressive modern day monument.
>taller than the Space Needle
>stainless steel welded sections look like something an alien would make it's so perfect
>wildly impracticable, the viewing portion at top you can't even stand in

It's like a giant FU to the Earth, physics and gravity. It serves no purpose other than to say we yes we can build it. It's beautiful, simple and timeless, and for that I love it. St. Louis might be a shithole, but god damn if this thing doesn't bump it up a few points.
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Thank you France
that is a pretty cool arch
it's not the tallest but i like the angel of the north. it's not to everyone's taste but i think it's beautiful
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Monument to the Battle of the Nations
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>serves no purpose
You truly are an idiot. It's the Gateway to the West. Only the penitent man shall pass.
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I really like the statue of Christ the redeemer in Rio de Janeiro.
saw it in person, hands down it's impressive and beautiful
The arch is gorgeous, but St Louis is the most dangerous city in America. I drove past the arch once with the intention of stopping, until I saw how absolutely horrible the city looked. I just kept driving. I lived in Baltimore for 7 years. If something looks ghetto to me, trust me, it's ghetto.
That's East Saint Louis. Yeah, you're best to stay out of Illinois. I mean what kind of faggy ass word is that? Is that French or somethin?
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Without proper human intervention and maintenance that thing would topple over within a decade.
Sauce on that? I mean I get what you’re saying but I would assume it would last way more than a decade.
Cologne Cathedral will send your brain into space.
The Missouri side is only slightly nicer
t. knower
Look at any after humans science program.

A couple bad hurricane, tornado, flood, and fire seasons in a row will cause collapse and ruin most structures. The roof on your house falls in, no one from the city comes in to condemn it and plants can just take up root with no human intervention and it will barely exist within a human life time.

Civilizations we know existed 1000 years ago we are barely finding evidence of if someone wasn't actively preserving it.
St Louis is the worst city in the US. Don't fall for it.
I got a couple of favorites. The Sheik Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi is spectacular, though they've tried hard to ruin it by attaching it to a shopping mall...
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The Temples around Siem Reap are amazing. Angkor Wat is one of several...
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Japan has best monuments.
>Just believe pop science edutainment bro
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A monument to garlic near Uiseong, Korea.
Catedral de Sal near Bogota. Cathedral carved into old slat mine

you a bitch boys, we North City/Washington Park-hardened niggas are the realest, most prolific posters on /out/. How you think we survive deep innawoods without being raised in hood topography??
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The Big Merino at Goulburn, NSW.
Man living in Australia is grim.
Grim you say? You should see St Louis.
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It gets worse.
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It has a Six Flags.
kek, my entire family lives in st. louis. I hate going back there. So many feral niggers running around doing retarded hoodrat shit. Could've been a decent midwestern city but they blew it.
The Pantheon in Rome is easily the most impressive to me.
I parked in a garage near the baseball field and walked to the arch park and was only stabbed 37 times.
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I wasn't impressed with the elevator ride/view from the top of the Arch, but the view from the base outside is fucking incredible. The most ridiculous National Park too, but so, so worthy.

It's a tossup for me between the Arch and the Luxor. The Luxor is just a badass place to venture inside and outside. It's also a symbolic artifact for conspiratards like myself (illuminati and 2017 shooting).

The worst city in the US is Williams, CA.
Is there really anything to venture around the outside of the Luxor? You just walk in under the Sphinx. And the inside is just a really tall room. Am I doing it wrong?
There isn't really anything special outside, I just find it breathtaking to take in the size of the pyramid amidst the bizarre backdrop of the city (and the beam at night is a nice touch). The interior is supposedly the largest atrium in existence, but yes, it is just a really tall room. A grandiose human achievement nonetheless.
Don't get me wrong, I love Vegas. The city itself a monument to both our ability and arrogance. There is no reason it should exist but it just does.

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