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Ever rode Greyhound?
I did (from Michigan to Jew York, 15 hour ride). It wasn’t too bad. Obviously your back is going to be stiff as shit and your legs will be restless, but overall it was better and alot cleaner than I thought it was going to be.

Pro Tip: do NOT attempt to take a piss or even walk away from the bus at a rest stop. The bus drivers WILL leave your ass without a shred of remorse. They did that to me at a pitstop in bumfuck, Pennsylvania. Luckily, there was another bus driver 30 minutes later that was going the same way, but a different route (which added 4 more hours to my commute).
>Pro Tip: do NOT attempt to take a piss or even walk away from the bus at a rest stop.

I can attest. Left the bus for 1 minute and some upstanding African gentleman stole my seat. Not even meming.
I saw some moral Harvard graduate of African descent do that to some Brit just so they can sit next to the girl he was with and whisper sweet ebonics to her. The Bong came back and threatened to break the dude’s neck, and the nig quickly got back to his seat lol. The Brit looked exactly like Jason Statham too
last time I rode greyhound I got beheaded by a chinaman
Yeah from Miami to Orlando it was like a 7:00 AM departure and this sheboon lady working there (she had the typical hair and nails) said something and we all started to line up for the bus and she says real loud and angry "I DINT TELL YALL 2 LINE UP, OHMAGAWD"
Everyone just kinda looked at each other and held in their laughter
Some dude was like drunk as fuck and the cops were there for him
Finally get on the bus and some 19year old lanky glasses wearin black ass hoe sitting in front of me was on the phone with her boyfriend most of the time she went from alll lovely dovey voice to , i hate you voice, to omg m pregnant do u love me and crying her eyes out
The worse part was that the ticket was like $50
Went from New York to Indiana because I was cheap as hell
Sat next to a literal just out of jail criminal who tried to make me teach him how to use a cellphone
Than he went to go beat on some girl who bailed him out of jail and instantly got replaced with a pajeets who talked for 3 hours straight
Couldn't get a single wink of sleep the entire time
Its really not worth it, America is too filled with troglodytes. Imagine the worst person at the dollar tree, and now imagine sitting next to him for 10 hours

Just take the plane bros
Miami to New Orleans via Atlanta is not an experience I ever care to repeat. The seat was less comfortable than a plane seat, and the negro next to me kept fidgeting around and knocking my charger out of the outlet. Some white paranoid schizo started yelling at everyone in Mobile, Alabama, then singled me out after I told him to please keep it down. I boarded the bus early while the security guards threw the bum out...then the bus driver scolded me for reboarding without her say-so even though I had a reboarding pass in my hand. Jesus Christ, the power-tripping attitudes of the negresses who run Greyhound in the South.
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make some friends
took one from nyc to uh somewhere for like 3 hours
wasn't bad at all, thought it was gonna be horrible
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I've rode the long distance busses in America many times. you're pretty much going to get all of these on any ride:
>ethnic diversity
>someone who smells they smoked a pound of weed before arriving
>someone who smells like they shit their pants
>someone who is eating extremely fragrant sloppa
>someone who is listening to booty shaking music without headphones
>someone who is mentally retarded
>someone who is physically disabled
>someone who clearly has multiple warrants out for their arrest and is running from the law
>someone who is morbidly obese
>someone who is visibly drunk

One time this geology student let me drink her vodka from a water bottle and I let her listen to the math rock I was listening to on my headphones

I met a Japanese guy once. He told me that he used to afraid of earthquakes until one day there was a bigger than usual earthquake while he was jerking off. He was so scared he put his dick in between the cushions of his couch. Then he realized that the vibrations of the earth were stimulating his penis like he was having sex with the planet, and he was no longer afraid of earthquakes from then on.

There were very clearly some drug traffickers on many of the rides, they would be athlete-americans with big duffel bags smelling like weed. One time the police put on their lights to make the bus pull over. The guy hid in the bathroom and jumped out the window when the cops boarded the bus. But we were in Illinois so he just ran off in to an empty corn field and they found him 10 minutes later.

I love America kek. If you're interested in long distance bus riding I recommend pic related. It's a slowly dying mode of travel as planes become cheaper and more rail lines are being rebuilt to connect the cities. And you can always travel by car. But for the truly broke who can't even afford their own car it's the only way to travel this big country.
I ride them fairly often they are fine, avoid nighttime buses for the sketch people to not show up though most are 1000% drunk and pass out
>sit in the first half of the bus
>bring headphones so no one will talk to you
>make sure to keep your valuable shit on your carry on
>if anyone asks you something just act like you don't speak english
>ALWAYS get the window seat
>always ask the bus driver what time the length of stop is show up 5 minutes earlier than what he said
>>2709995 #
Why the window seat? Thought aisle would give more leg room
People bumping around going to the bathroom, each stop people rubbing up against you, having 2 people who could potentially now ramble to you, the mexican families riding and their shitty kids running up and down the alleyway
Got it. Thank you
Yes, you usually get at least a good story out of it. I went from FL to NY well over a decade ago. Was sitting next to this White guy that was nodding off. He was young, a little older than me at the time, and didn't look like a junkie. We chatted for a while and he randomly gave me some beer, an oxy, a pack of cigarettes, and he also offered me a titty magazine but I passed on that. He left shortly after Florida, but for the rest of the ride I was pretty good lol.
LA to Oakland and back a fair number of times. It was fine, though occasionally there were some low grade niggershines going on.

>I met a Japanese guy once. He told me that he used to afraid of earthquakes until one day there was a bigger than usual earthquake while he was jerking off. He was so scared he put his dick in between the cushions of his couch. Then he realized that the vibrations of the earth were stimulating his penis like he was having sex with the planet, and he was no longer afraid of earthquakes from then on.
post hand?
Rather walk.
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With all the migrants flooding into America, I don't expect long-distance buses to go away anytime soon. They were full the few times I rode.
>rail lines
Amtrak is significantly slower and often more expensive than a bus, with far more limited intercity coverage. But it feels so much more dignified to travel across America by train. People are on their best behavior, the seats are much bigger, and you get to enjoy the amenities of train travel like the cafe and the observation car. If you book well in advance you can even find Amtrak tickets cheaper than bus tickets.
I went from Seattle to Vancouver, Canada.

Before we arrived at the border crossing, the bus driver announced- "Just act normal at the border. They will question each of us individually. Just act normal and we can all get thru this together."

At the border crossing, a fine gentleman at the very back of the car went to the onboard toilet and was the last to get off. I immediately suspected he was flushing whatever contraband into the toilet.

Inside the border office, a few Canadian officers surrounded him and eventually put him in a handcuff and scurroed him away.

As we got back on the bus and left, the bus driver said on the PA- "Well it's good that most of us made it thru. We have to leave some of us behind but what can you do. We can't help them and they are on their own now."
I rode a shitty one one time Atlanta to Cinci. Shit took 11 hours and seats sucked it was a shitty bus. Some seats didn't have chargers so I had to steal someones on a stop. Would not recommend unless you are poor.
I did once, it was like a 5 hour trip and still an awful experience.
Bus "station" was closed and locked until about 5 minutes before the bus showed up then some fat ass nigra unlocked it to check everyone in.
Tons of ghetto nigs despite being in a really white area blasting ghetto ass music, eating friend chicken and doing other stereotypical AF things. Where tf did they come from?
Rough looking older white dudes that seemed like they had recently been in jail. Chain smoked 2 feet from the bus filling it with cigarette smoke whenever it stopped.
Obvious illegal immigrants trying to get to sanctuary blue city.
Only other "normal" person was some well dressed white guy who looked really out of place and visibly uncomfortable, seemed like a lawyer, kinda wonder if he had been stranded somewhere.
Bus toilet overflowed and bus was filthy in general, seats were filthy, windows had so much shit on them you could barely see through them.
I can't imagine going on a longer trip on one of these.
Probably once a while ago, but I'll never remember the time I didn't ride it. 2 AM bus got delayed for like four hours while I sat at their outside bus stop in the cold, before they let us know it was cancelled. No refund. Don't think I'll ever take an American bus again
man what a nice guy. junkies go through that phase when they're just starting off and still have some money where the drugs just make them kind and generous. I hope that fella made it out of the hole in one piece. you hate seeing nice people get caught up in the junk.
in the USA
once in 1999 LA to sandiego.
never agian.
The LA terminal was. mix of homeless people drugos and niggers. See I had come from another western country here greyhound was cheap, modern, clean and fun.

LA terminal was like a bad post nuclear apocalypse. LA generally looked shabby and run down to me.

Sandiego was better but still shabby, also Sanfran was ok but parks full of homeless blacks in thier 100's iin not 1000's

NYC was by far the best place back then this is pre 911, and I have grainy Digtal video from the top of one of the twin towers.
to be fair LA greyhound station was one of the worst places in the country in the 90s guns n roses has a song about it
Yes and overnight. You start seeing things at 4 o'clock in the morning. Some of them are real, others maybe not but you can never be sure.

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