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Hey Travellers
So two weeks ago I visited Shibuya in real life, all in all I feel like Persona 5 does a good job of portraying Shibuya, In my experience I noticed a lot of multi-floored businesses like Mandrake-Animate where I'd get lost and have to take an elevator to exit from. I also noticed that real-life Shibuya is way more packed... the crossing was intense!!

I actually travelled the Ginza line so seeing the actual train was amazing. Sorry for the Rambling but the point of this post is that visiting Shibuya in real-life has deepened my appreciation of Persona 5 and has my latest playthrough more enjoyable comparing it to my experiences. Especially travelling the JR lines.
Edit Post is finally on Reddit
>Reddit won't let me make a post about my travel in Japan vs Persona 5 so I thought I'd try 4chan

And you did well! 4chan is where Reddit comes to take a shit.
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now date high schoolers for the trve persona experience
Hey Thanks Guys, it's so bizarre how welcoming 4chan is compared to Reddit, I have to admit that I was really nervous about post etiquette. You guys have been awesome. I'll have to go back and find a high schooler ahahaha.
This is a terrible thread.
can you be nice, it's his first time posting
What sort of faggotry is this anon.
Cool bait
>it's so bizarre how welcoming 4chan
Were you to post your home address I would murder then rape you in that order, then rape your pets and make a webm of that to put on /b/ while posting on reddit about how good rick and morty is.
So where do you live anon?
Real talk I remember going past Aoyama-itchome station and doing the soi wojak face while sat next to salarymen. I regret not getting off there and exploring a bit.
Was disappointed that all my favourite places weren't actually there in IRL Shibuya, plus it was full of non-Japanese people... Yuck!

why do you gatekeep /trv/
Reddit won't let you make a post about most things unless you're a lefty man-child.
I have never posted on reddit. What does it feel like?
Probably not good. You're posting on probably the most highly-moderated forum around. People bitch about jannies here, but it's nothing like what happens on that god forsaken site.
Welcome to 4chan fellow Redditor (the Narwhal bacons at midnight)
This is the travel board (they call subreddits "boards") and while it has some trolls and racists it is generally good. Stay away from /b/ and /pol/ though, they are bigots and very scary. There are hackers on /b/.
Stay safe and have fun!
/b/ is just full of porn now, newfags everywhere seriously.
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go back
Next time you go do a walk round the Tokyo R246 circuit from Gran Turismo.
I did and it was nice

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